Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1965, p. 7

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In MHHIH guuwm 1mm nl unk Iml Mlv Immu nlrrnmlml lhlrk mm lmhul luluh lnr VP IHH Irl Hm Iknlmr MAW alm Awll Mulmn Iml Immv wulm 14m Hw nmumu Implluh un Juymu1lwImuw1uiu lhv lmlr lhv Imlelrr Mr mhl Kin MumH xnmml Man Hu InHtlirmmlI xwvuts ou mnl Mls Im wlrv Hr Irm mhvm ul lhv mhllw AM mhunv H1 Ihv 1thth um Mm In lmhhmn Mm mm rumu lmr qu Ilw luul Iy vhlplwul mm lw Mmm 5mm 1va mum Gladioli And Mums Form Setting For Cookstown UnitedRites uluunuul OHN ll ml Mfl AND MRS Walter land The bride Joan Willa Nirkulas ubinski ch shown 1ch is he daughter cf Mrs leaving rin Anglia Tribblc r11 Ccok SL Ba anruh ollmvjng lhnir mur rie and the late Mr 1ch llflgc pcrlmmcd by vcn file bridcgmom is lhc sun Hu hmlu mlv yBRIDES L001 RADIANT INfigTRADITIONAL WEDDINGCOWNS mu nl Union null Immu Ilmnmlml mm lHHl11IHIHh lnrlwuvh nl Hm Imxmr Mm mm uuLulImn ulul mu mm qum MIwmwl mm hum nmlummn vmlal llm uHul hmluu nu th XIHInINl va uh pnml IrIul HHVVlvn um v=lv mm MI luv rum ml vl vIHP lhv Vuidn quurl AND MRS GEORGE Hun mm mml mm Ihlm Il lwr mum Milan hm 1y Klal mm KIZIT IVlllll Till IMT lu mi Mm 1mm HHH mm uyiiuu Al mm nllonm mltmmy Iwzunu pnmirhvz Imulv pzulvy In llxn umlul MI lmHul vlul lhn mop IM Ir Mn nwmlHu will mum mu nmhmnl mum huhimltd mm lmuldrrws lw llvnvhml ulnl Hwy 1M wuu Mule mu mu nmlm nllh Ivy mmmm nu nnwmnum Mn Inn lnhn mm nl urn lZwll Iln hum lunthu Tum nhlmll 14 mm hm mm 5man Ir my Hm Imdruronm Mrrl MIJIJHON uh um rrrlml In Hm humml In Ilmrrh Nu whim Ilw leul Illulhrr lune ulllmwl ruulllllll mner mml um My Mun mw min nml Hrmluv Ir ulllln Hw Ilvldmzllmllyn mnllvrr nh mlml mum hlun murmhlfl urnlnl MINI Iv IIIX and mm Immu for hunmmmn In Imlnl mm llw lnlwln how ll pink tun mnl umhhiuz lml Mmk pnrnnl Iralhrr we Mum lln lllrll Itlllfl lllu lllvlllhldl mll llllll lllrll Illlllln In Mrnlwl Hum ermlml llnm sml hm Itllllmlllllflh Mlizlnll 1mm lelulmlul lllll lme hull Ihlulrlm Tlmullnn nuvl SANDERS Ilmm my Mum 111a program was in LllHh of Mn Virlm Wilson and Ir Imno Mwnulry New Mm Inn Mtn Illruduwil nml thILyml dull nluh nr lwmrs at her Inrmlr rhurch 11mm Cen lmI lrnhylrrinn in nll Mu Mary Wm nl Icnrlmm um gum Mr NIHin Im ml dumzhlrr MI 1qu Mr mxdnnnn Iluhmlu nu IrIY MII nluu In mum Mlor the opening dnminm husincss was conduclcd man were made to hold rum mage sale 01 151114st Don Schlxlhl wzh umlmmvd convener nlJlJllN T0 lvxnmmm Mls Sumlm Kim llnHy 1m mnnud sludiln nl llu Iuim shy at mento Inw MW nludyinn Iwr Mmml mr In mm mm rnnrsl Hrr brunr Mulrhu film or My mmII nmmlm mum lw Im ly uhrrr luklm tirnrrul mu mum 1w um rMMrln Mr Iml Mrs hlnnlry Klm Irony The irst all mcclinz or he Evening Circle of SL Amlmvs Presbyterian Church was hizhA hzhlcd by Icnglhy Ihsruwun at the coming Christmas bazaar Nnmvd Ihe Swwf Tm my Ilamar will be Itd Nov Wilh Mrs Jim Marley and Mrs Paul Alvgcr as comcnurs The annual Christmas 1mry will he held 11 lhe Cmmmmily Hume on Dec Pmsidcm Mrs ltff uuninz hnm was in thnrgc Ike mml In held Monday night in Ihc chumll parlor wilh 13 numbers In nunndnncc luIHvr mm lnilul Hmuh Ihmifi all Mm lh lrllmc lnl llvr mmllaLv unu HIM IHHN nwl lumk nn Huhuh rummw lhp Alnuilvm Il MI mu Mm Snowflake Bazaar November Event 01 Evening Circle Ir and Mrsv Joseph Dubinski Sudbury On their return 5mm honmnoon tn Capo Cod the couple took up rcai drncc in ouawa Photo by Bev Best Toronto SOCIAL NOTES TO WED IN OCTOBER 305 mull was Illul anmly hrnhtr of tho umnm and he ushers wrc Ihnmnl LrnhLy mlll Huh Dunn OuLuHmm 1mm hr WHI diux Ere Ixnln Smilmry Nmtll Hny mm mm Cr 51 HM and rhmwr rcmphon In llu Halal IIiIrIqun Ir brim5 mnlhrr rrrviml mm lumlmm brwmit mil drus ilh lumumso vi lurk Sum mm hu lYXilll null Inulhvr nlmrd suit with mink Ar mu wnm um of Smlwul manrd her tmlxllltll lluunhl rmullml mvuy Mum quI Mr Almlvul rum mmnximz in May myr Immwum mu Umlnl 5mm lhv Iqu unn luim mm mm lmmn ilk luluuw 1va Ivy hrr Mr tmnzhlun Ivr lvml mf The bride former cmpIuync or the Daily Packet and Times is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Edgcrtan Valsnn 401 Fan5 Ave and he room formerly cxpluycd with the Packet and TimLs now circulalinn mannvr at The Barrie Examiner is the son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Don ncIIy of 188 Nullawasagn St The bride escorted la the mr by her when are lull Icugth mum while satin in cmplre style with SCHODCL neck linu lace bmhco and 10m lily pniul blooms Ilnr litAddress pr lnl shaped with seed pearls held an clhnwlungfll veil nr nylnn muiml lmuqucl nl rod msns and baby mums Matrnnvonwnor was Mr Ben nanl Imuhuy of HZ Llry 5L sister Ike hrido She ur0 Mrccllrnglh ahrulh dnss on aver zlffcln in szIL cllnw and cumin hmlquvl yellnw macs and shmkl mums Hrr headdress was yclhm can inns and My II the valley llm lullulm NH 1er In It Mu Soloist chrnc Travis sang and played Ave Mariafl mm hrr mumlmnnjhtvr vlm TAKES ALL IN ONE Alvar Lindmnrk Swedish Inventor has made health INK which combines mum bmh shower sun lamp and massggc apparatus TOGETHER THEY REPRESENT TOTAL OF YEARs As IGA MARKETs IN THIS AREA BOTH sG Azncvounss ARE CHARTER MEMa ERs WHO JOINED THE IGA PROGRAMME AT THE ANADA MARKET so IGA OPENED ITs DOORS ONLY YEARS Am TAIlLI TE CANADAS lINIChT RE Hle HAND DEE HONEI 89 IlUlJNI STEAK on 11011sz LIL ANNWERSARY SALES Niicssary PHONE 7264711 XML THATS RIGHT THEJIGA STORES SERVING THE BARRIE AREA ARE CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEKEND THATS RIGHT BIG cos me parties and banquets were nmongthe plans that the social convener Mm Mri glarke nyglinc The director lrs Rall kin reminded the group that the next meeting wauld include Irip lo the Barrie library It is hoped that this will aid the members In cultural develop mcnl Mrs Gilliland will be hasltss his meeting In raise funds charity the ways and man convc Mrs Dobson old planned rummage sale to bejcld in Odoher FRANCE PLANS COLOR TV PARIS ADFrance will be gin culur lelccasts in Septem ber 1967 says Normallon Min ister Main Payreliue France 15 developing lewn color process in etaoperation will the Snvic Unlm Follawm he supper Mrs Morgan conducted the business mneling The tentative mans or Ihe coming year mm the varlnus committees were out lined The extension officer Mrs Orr 01d the members hat all plans or Nu Phi Mu chapter of Mn Sigma Phi Wm under way in Harris The first meet ing washeld Sept 51 Each the 16 members pres ent provided delicious contri bution to potluck supper be home Mrs Morgan1 tholgesigcut Fellowship friendship and cu tnral development was off la start for he mcmbers of Alpha Phi Beta Sigma Phi Sorority unfitpl 13 THE Emcan EXAMINER1 WEDNESDAY SEPT 22 1965 Alpha Phi Sdrority Announce Chapter THIS AREA 8915 LII fivflfifiv wflg

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