Ynu dnnl any haw nII you an hi you holh rmmvl in 7er 0M 11 mlnllrn lo Arm Ilmllt mmrlhln Uml mu IID Mth IfIIINI Ivy humanly In mlmlu lhnl mflul 3m lhlnk Huh dun Me mm lw In ml nlunz nflrr an Mr mzuriellf rnnl mnrr nu NIIh nunll mnlvr lmw vull mmmnv In wlnnl mnhlnmv NixIll flrlcllnn Dur ullvr llnrnM are no hum uilh lull mun lrzl Ammo Mm hull IN rnll lw nlnlr hlx mum nhnuld be AMa lo leurn hl nm nuL Ivr Ann Limit Flu numlhl am nur unluhhnu um having mum pmhlrrm ulll III mltnko Inkln lid The day may Irpnrul lh ram nvrr nml rullrd Innmmma old wllrh nnrl warml that had my ya on hudme She Null rm llrarl luy mmnw Ilynu MN IIKV T013 Mr mnIlrrm ml lnflalrrl lay up mnhlhilwl In nlmln prnnmlnl pm lwum nl 1M Huh In mlrlnn umhk ll mm Dru Ann hndm hnve llwd an Inrm nr 21 yearn All my Mu Ive hun Inkan rm nnimalt um knnw xrrnl deal mnre Ahoul Imlmnls lhnn the average prrmn My inner Mu hum In lhn mu 1m nnl knnw nearly much nlwul nnhnnhu In flw problem is this 0mm my Mum hmm barn ha hm lull man lent ll myu the Ir mt hmvlcr IIIIII nmnzrr Ml um Imlurr knnw hn II Mnnu lull hr wnnl urn uc Drm nlmm lhll all Mme Inn dun ymmuvvmnlinn ally lnr mm In run In lhlnl In IMul mmlnxa nm 5L chllhy varv unis dont me their thildrrn lislfuls nf moncy You any your lritmls are rupeelnbie and mnkinz dmnt living may are scllrcmcinu WP lhcy wauld refuse lo he aubsldlud by lhcir parcnls Uncarnul mnncy can be rurbea crippling lnflnnnce lhm rnha Individuals Initiallve and nlls Ihnm with uuill Each us knnws bright IIan cnnnhla man who was Ihnhd lhl wlix nrliun mnklnz II Ms nwn brmusn his lnlhrr hamlet him bundle This rnbhlnl bv giv lnu lrchnlquo nflln mnltx In hillrr rrscnlmml nn bath IMF 1nnd lm lourxquarn against Why dont rich partnls in lhcir kid manay NOWwhen My can use it Instead of wal ling in they die and than pay Ihl mernmtnl bl chunk In Inhcrllamn Iaxu Fltau puhlish ymlr answer Mayhe It will loosen up sumo lighllisltd old toxinK The children are no bums or nahrs They are rcspeclabla hard working cilizens They make dctcnl living but lhey work like slaves do il In the canlimo Ihcir pyonls llva Dear Ann Lnndm Why are wealthy parents an stingy wilh lhcir Marley have Mend whuse parents are loaded ya boy dont glva their kids ï¬lm jusl because they are over They xeem ln lhlhk Just be cause they raised their kids and put Ihem through college thats Enough Ia ruynlly 1110le never be Me In spend all hair money ll lhcy live be 150 with the fashion accent on crochet steadily increasing for those who enjoy his interest ing craft we are showing Ihree design the lime cardigan which can be won as car digan or bcdiackot and 11 matching afghan and cushiml All these items are both quick CROCHETED NOVELTIES ANN LANDERS Robs Wealth Without Work Dur Cnuldlnn yau rLally want to be all nlone lwn sen scmcnrcs delivered lo the lonely man wil do IL Sample dont want to see you or hear from you again mslde rthis good bye permancnl Now the husband is pestering me lo death and cant get rid hlm He drnps over here when he knnws my husband Is not at hams which must look bad In lhe neighbors When he telephones me Just to chat have pretend it 15 my brother calling and this makes me very uncamlarlnhle had kept ynur big use nu of our business we could have wgyked lhirxgso How chn lager him lo leave me alone CANADIAN CATASTRDIHE and wry easy d9 If you would like lhé leaflet with ma Insmxclions or all three der signs simply send stamped selfaddressed cnvelnpc to the Needlecmn Department of The we Mwséw Crocth Novelucsf Leaflet Number N5 Your Initiative HEINI BABY FOODS lvt good My da your baby nowlam IIcllmr Now the goodness purity and nourishment 0f Heinz Baby Foods comes to you in convenient glass jars vial la the Ontario Parlia ment Buildings gave an insight into 0h history of line Legis lative Assembly as guide Alias Maureen Wilson related ll his lury Numerous displays in the halls provided showcase oi Can ada and Canadian heritage Ill ler aiming lhe guest book he group nroceeded lo Centre 15 land or picnic lundr tour of Case Lomn high llghlcd the afternoon The name Spanish meanlng Honse on the Hill and the background history of me castle was given by guida Miss Susan Janos as she conducted me gmup through the great hall of therbmlding Followin the evening meal at Yorkdale 131a me was al lowed for shopping in the various store before the return jour ney home Sunniwood anens Institute members and friends enjoyed busy and memorable day in mnlo and vicinity during the an nual bus tour Leaving Brmtnood arly Thursday mamlng the rim stop was at the International Airport Manon wherg guided wt was Inducted to all level of the complex Arrival and departure of flight was viewed mm Ihe ninth loor SightSeeing Tour For Sunniwdéd TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7231414 Qcémpulsbriv JSWizm Lessons COuld Reduce Drownings Gellmg energy make you want lo gut up IM do lhings This bum up the execs calor 125 It also makes you feel wm dgrf wmluwwmme Arlnnry people however too much This accounlx or ad ed nchcs an aisljinund hlps So e5 energy foods alur all they am the loads purple like bcsL We have Immundous var iety of good food that is so easy and oonvenicm to prepare these days that his shame for pie to not enjoy it all home mnomisl reccnfly told The anadlan Sugar Iqslflula 11 also accounts or W11 lazinm which reflects in slower body movcmnnls whkh in turn means that carbohme are not burned all She sald best way go rid nl III laziness even Mr mgy ix load that gives energy sugar and sum La nods forexaxqple You can have your sugar and your cake and your ï¬g ure ma Haw Because lad diet are out and good healthy cnlxnlryefallug back i1 style The trick 1n slaymg shm on country diets Eat scnxiblylEx ercise more Is as simple as that for as many chicken as POSSI bleuwe need be make sure he swnmning phces are safely su pervised and are Halted with dompdtm Manners Onmidmina mzr children we Mai to be aware he dam Onnsider the wholesome tun afforded ho youan at the va rinus public and private swin ming places Many child with so 1ng gime on hk hands dur mg the long yurnmer months can find hours and hours at wholemme tun at nearby bead or pwlmmmg pool SUPDZVISIDN DIFERATIVE Allotusneedlnbecom munilyminded and provide ade gnaw swimmifrg bppUMMle snwlloramas With water ree reaï¬ongroMng mm and more mpular parents should an spendme for having their ehkldrm learn to swim being same they have adequate in sminn and salalxpmteotion Moreumi rmre swimming posh whim are tree or inax ï¬ve are bewmmgvaflabla mall and larger commuti fa poi smug yaw mu their awn way Wbdleed to make sure they have ma sombleearly age adequate In nnlwï¬on kn swimming ad Diets DepleteYour Energy Country Eating Back In Style More and more people are understanding more and more about the metabolic process or their body They are realizing that Ihc vinegar honey Fat mans diet Drinking mans dial Hay dieL Alrinrce Dlel banana nndskim milk dlel lhrecday pruna diet and an unending prnA ccsslan olhcr getalimank diet have not paid 01 in added energy and slim hip This knowledge spells the demise of the fad diet and rear 1m sensible good ald lashimcd muniry eating that give you full enjoyment and the energy In get up and do Dunn But he vast malorfly of men and wnmen who hav slightly bulging waistline an Inch or two too much on the hips danl need to be under doctors care toxlim down and slay that way hey dont need fad diet she said IInWever she caulioned there are peaple who haveya raal weigh problem prob lem that we call obesity This means they are more than 20 per cent overweight Inr their rnme height and age These people should not go on sell made dicts They should be un der doctorl orders ODEDIENCE ESSENTIAL How terrible whm pawn sitting on Ihe bank balls in vain Waymngslerwzamlm Even the camp counsellor lak lng group of youngsters swim mJIg may ï¬nd that some mm have litfle regard for his Me or commands Basic me dence is first 955W flor Naming ho swhn often wlll go along mlh fln ganth the ole Swlmmlng Hole 8mm at them meet with lwm dies N01 unly ntay they face danger of dmnmg but ï¬nely may epic polluted waters musrr ALWAYS BE Amm At lamlLv planes pm on by alumina and im organiza ï¬ngtxubguligg summer that may equal Wsiml the neaflry mm places Then my not be also enough alemess by the leaders at 111559 pimlcs mnby Lineme of In children mm thm my part ofsumpmms Lack of daemon in some diildmn who am n31 Mm °ml Berg mflmsg who cath swim mix If marrow Is your birthday Your hornscapc Indicates HIM you should nllacfk major objec livcs vlgmï¬ously nowcspcrlnlly thnse connected with your occu pation no not look Ir 1m modiaie resule Bu saxu do premise gramying recagnlllon Inr past cflarla and new up The advent of die lull mooil brings ls usual warning or lhg nexl €quch of day Keep light mm on emo Hons avoid aver Indulgences and dont go to eercmea in anything ran muonnow GTHE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUéT II 1965 UMPIRE SEES IT DOCTOR CALLS IT slipped and fell and bmkc bone in his shpulder me break required surgery and hosp ï¬zallorg When it came time to turn to Canada Air Ham was unable drhehn mm automobfle and oven il he had felt up the lime is law in me Hunted Stale which forbids driver Iran operath in mm KW wearng his am it Thu was onu cwasinn when man didnt object to wmrtan raking uvar the wheel When Mrs Hams nkccc Mrs Androws af fcmd to drive Lhe mles ammmbilc lo Bame Mr are accepted the offer gra most enough to make bi balm wishhe hAd taught hi it how wedan When Eill Ham Ul Clappenun St was holiday in in ï¬lesinut Hlfl Gm nixiblcutl he sort hume nor cad wnh flue annular hues sage ngiqu uundadui time Ash you um ham mg wagon behind his was 11 flats that here was no mallbox mm in ml in Vflllmaptlc new Mum he my part 0th5 Mr Hm well known in me Ema sports iddlor hé role in an umpire and 2mm recenlly as UmpimlnChld Through the years he has managed lg this with YA wfnzle on ubation re WWWWN he mm mm Mr Han agreeq its al WHAT THE STARS SAY By EEIRELLHA Where ï¬nancial matters are concerned all beoilcs will have lo be canservnliva for musl of the year ahead especially lur Ing Illa ï¬rst we weeks Sep lumber and the last lwn of December This year or Those engaged 1n creative en terprises will ind the same month hlghly productive hut lhey can add next Juna tn he llsl nl manlhs In which unusqu athlewment lndicnlod ponunillcs for advancement In late Scpcmben early Dcccm her next January March and Mg By EILEEN DIXON When you want In knawall aboul the we at diamndswlhe only way In be surein have in right formula is ask some who knows all about For mstance peason wflh oily skin can expect toKhave more mmble keeping diamnd ringclean rand sparkl The humid wcamnr Bmicjtes have been cxpcrimcing during the past few gays Lsespecially bad or the meious stones MILD BATH To give your 5mm refresh ing hath mlxd mild solulonof baking soda and water and soak the jewellery for few DESERVES CARE vDIeboawful mm whether its value is Inkinsiq senil memal or happily boih should have the mass cm accord ing to the Barrie Seweflcr Diamonds have distinct al ï¬nily fur grease Thu daily use ofsnap and water makeup and powder have tendency to one lhg sums wiflx lilm WuJ shawJr nllha staff of Reeves Jewellexs Barrie says that diamond is only it Is kept épï¬rldmg glean diï¬ireé hiamond wnl gm gurimprglssiqln of lpokhuz arng because allows the manmnm light to emer the gem and than mm the flashing blaze Mr Shaw noted LOOKSLABGER DirtlF1ejeï¬swnef Lets Light ham period for rm mance May and June 1965 Most auspicious periods or naval January May And July of ncxl cm child born on his day would make an exccptlnnally line dramalic actor or ulllc could also excel In he fleld of mndicine and the law bcr pen Fahnmry Apr Ind June Personal lnterelll Ihould prove highly allmulatlnx dur ing lhe next 12 months wllh emphasis nn romance and In clnl activities belwun new and Sept Is and between mldan vemher and Jane Then will be periods In which you can make new ï¬end well Influential contact who cnuhl prove Invaluable lbs lulure In my nothlng member of he apposite sex who for lhu single cnuld prove more than passing Illltlcsl lhe Leo native to engage In speculation careful management and wise Invent mcnt of assets however he can make some lne gumsnotably between mld September and midNovember when bean cent Juplur will gqvem then nlcreslsz In early pgczm MINE LESS COAL Coal productlon in the six nallon European Coal and sgeel Cammunlly was 18500000 Ions in June 1965 11001500 on lesi than in June 19 Ilx loolate la wry abou1 your some alm youve lost it Donl jumble your Mallory together Vslom it in pumm ed bnxeach piece wrapped In tissue paper Givemur diamde the can they deserve See your jmller at least once year and thg him check your Nious germ lor loose pram and aims ol wear gmnls thin use aim 12951 to rush mounlnzs Mn and backs némembu La undemeaih be setting where most he dirt polled and uner flu claws Formn expert 3017 Mr suggests the use ol Wellsm cleaner which has an amnwnia hm The indnmtimu or clean ing are clearly sLlpulated nu din Packaze DONTS FOR DIAMONDS Never use fluorine bleach on your gem II can pit or dLv color the mounting dlé My 11 of itg mounung erBy an edge