Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1965, p. 1

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P37511335 Mother Oi New Zealand Quints Overawed By The Experience ONTARIONEGRoEs JHHRACIALBIAS HI qlflnlplnnr zhll null 14 Imy wmnlnlhl hr uhllv In Ilmvllnln IVNIIII mum lmIL ll Illl In unmlrvhll In have Ann bump lull hnr hullmnvl Ihn mm In llxh Amhhlp Ilnp ml Imp MN rub In ldm rum yrl Mm llll In Iffl Ill luv lull In ks hnlp lhr lwllrr wnnl Ih hnlvlu In he mlvw run any Imly chad flu mm lm mu mm hth yululll dmmhlrr In AmL mnnl her lull mi Rum um lnM hlm lo mm In Hm anlonnl Wunwnn lat htr III mm Hnnpllnl or Mr III mm poulblr Am Ind dyan In put lwmn lller lmu mnnllu away Illa luld nporlm Mn nut unr vlrd nhnnt how will rnlw Mwn lhe qulnll fume hnmrglmw pm In myunn Im mm It by an rlm AUCKLAND NZ APlThn number New Zrnlnndn mun luplrll hrhl lwn bar hath far he 1m llmn lodny and Him wtnl harm mm hnxpllnl ll mu Um um um HIIrhy Ann Lawson mu nllnwnl In lnurh nny lho mm bahlcl born July 27 T5 irnlulcl mu wolme Ir mmuu Iht Inlrl but 11 mrvelogl lu ham lhcln 53 52 may mid no sped proposal um ndopwd at the meeting and mum hy Hm rie Ammo Sonia that no Additional ambulance service 11 com b0 tuned In Danie for firm you Wm dLsuch mis Mal win he deal yilh momhljm In Inn 1va made at W1 aya ice mam commiuw mat mmlivcs 0m and Vana armhin day 121 lo dismss mm mice hr the Innis Ind F55 mprcsemum aim The mood quesuéd byué tomups slim Inn the recent qmlrovmy om unbulnma mm 3YearmMonopioly Sought By Ambulance Service Mao Tselmz mailman of domain Mth file 1ch Dummium at um um headed dolegatim to Chinese Gammunill Party Pelang last Thumduy Mn and In mm in ln of the 1012an No1 The Hometown Daily Naiwspaper For Barrieand District RED CHINII INDONESIAN LEADERS MEET inmuwv my llm lnh vl lmlnhrr hmwm hm In Mm llllllvmim xHII nan vamlm mumm nwvuw Mum Jr uvum TM Mm mwia wing InanNIz may lamAmy Wm in mimu Ilm mm llvr In mg mm and Irmnllmnl Ma mmmnma mm Nubia lmrr will lry 1n umvllm lud nmm umm Iirn pm mu mme um Mania Dw um um rmnm minEJwr mum IJIIII why wnuld really rather And wnulrl lho 101an hnvu hrr Mme nul nr raw hnura onrh ulny Iml nhu II lylng In rnme hume nml luuml pericdly MIL Mn Lawson wrnl lu Um hoa pllnl In Avril nllrr mu mn lirmnl Hm alu wnn unlnu lo hnvo 431 our lmhlm CMld Ir nlmr Iho hlvlh hrr llrll chlhl n1 ngm man with Ml yunnmlnllnz1Innnnnn umrh hnx mullnl In numle nIJllullfllln Mrllu The Lan lunlvlu ma llm 0th Irl qulnu kmmn la ho llvan Singapore Seeks Malaysian Peace Ln mi Win was mm was WWW Mnrgxm ll er and Indian Lake Danie MM Tho subsld was uranlad to ensure nmbulunm service or Darrin Courxillor Hersey mud nod IhM munlcipWIIyJun scr vioa David be upcmtod as Indetin nr cmlly privately owned mlm II sum dnoml mp1ch mgnkw he mm tar three months by council Tho law at MM is not what we cxpodcd Ald llcr soy mmnwmi He wan micr rlng lo thercqum for fine ymr mommly early in mecr Aldmnan new said Barrie Ambulance Senice whidI currently is the only such mice in name has been IM llmr mu 1va Hm mo 11 trrk mllsidy r1y uL mwnan hag lad mwfl ha mmmflnl KN Walk If mum any luv mm In rnll In In 11 MAN ml mu mm nulr 1M II M21 Hum Ml mm mul Twmm ha mu do nkn le mcwmh 1m ruins Mm ryln MirM 11w wmn haw Inn mung $6500 mm 11m and llw wt mm In nrlsflmnnl lnmudlqu Ik ml um an mu 1va hum In warm In mm am lhnlu man away mm mm to mnko mu lmmhim Mnt lbw hm In lmmdnu mid um My mm Rumor IM00 lurfima mr ml hml In in all J00 MI wal km 11hr mmhxlrr mu um In my lkivcm ml Inkr erw on ma at minim Infill In mid Ht 5mm he In Mm my will fix numan lhu mlm IHMuAnlgxlm Fmrlm ha In dowa and mm Md nunloiml Md armin dal mlicn lo mum my or drllmy al noddml fidlnu ll lounl wad Mn Hay mimnl nl lhe finance committees wagmlon mm 515mm plus mm pct lenx mile ho said mid 0d llul MM Mar 1d murpr to main Laln lawn rm and to allow lho firm In lrumpon people who cant nilonl nu mlnnm mnln than la lo 1d ho mluln lhu limp MAuIld Mn aytcr Mu that lhlngl have him mddnl D11 inoe he rnlml Mn rnlm 11 1100 lel he mod him an mlhlm to draw Ibo mm up In Du loan ml dam 11w inn 15rd 1mm Inl 914 kafiyory full hm am an additional nmlml nnco needed bus will on an cxlru unit he said now hm two ms ambuhmcs with drgm Mn ml amtmlmc scrum cannot wr vive An Barrie LI firm has Amazed mo and hall calla per day for the year he Mud Woods Lums he can an ambulance service mum sub sidy and with mutian in £0an with his Blake servioe 511100 One mnlmkmce boil mflfllcd now m1 will be randy 11 mice next week andhu MW Imam un oflwr minim Mr Hrrymr mm that two cum petition Kdth Woods at Bame is ahwl lo mnblish an ambul 509 Wee EESW mumm ammhme 77 thqincm1 AP mnan ml mm An mm mm am on lulu um Mn rm mly mm mm mm Inrludmi Iumllnn Am hm 1M MIMI xmumm ml mun an mmy Gluinnnlv was unrmnclllu lmlny and In nunAl mllllm In lwpllal hm lullmw lni 1mm Mmlny niul Iyy ltll mm Wmtml mile In lhc mm mNImN mum 1wa thr hurrmll mmmlrl widow llrillinn MW Wmhl Wu lorulrv nmwllnl In mlovu Invlny in Mum rim wnrinl he nmvm Window Avalanche Kills In Chile LIIHIlTYl NY IAI Fm dulmyul nlAhlll nwmlnln rm hnhsl rnrly May Mllhll nt 11w me man mil sllzhlly ln luring IO ponmm Thuo Mum MNo mlaini IMAM Ddb mu the maul 01m Polite Muftin mnvmdm mud 155 Mulw to bar the was mm the uxmnhmn bmimx lossion Man Critical Alto Boating Dennis Mum adminlslrnlor In moi11m KM Iho vow up unwind by the Am TORONK Cl flw Imnrlluml nl lands and mom mid plum larval Hm nm bumlnu In ommm unlny Thoy nm lomkxl by llurlda 011mm Kmnru Inur ma rad nl 5km mkme All ml lnuIvmkr All nrrrn nmflul mod emu llmdnnnr film amp Amara PM Arumr whirh m3 Mn 1min um ranch and Pan Appeals For Return 01 Ring Police Bar Press From Convention um Fire Destroys Mountain Resort Mr Modurdys brother How ard pmfzssar at the Unlwr my of Windsor warned the au dience not to react In ash im out of In what has hmxxmi Sneakm at the main um phnm cal Wining 11mm Nigger bowam mo Klan hm tn Ray he Mnmn said her hm sons had sin Lind aver their they waited than MR uuwmmm Wu as Iho and him Some 50 Names at hesday nights meeting agreed to send telegram Io Ontario Attorngy Genera Arthur Wlslurt wflh copies La Pmmier Raharu and area legislature membm ask ing or an Investigation fent racial dinurbanm in me Forest Fires In Ontario stormed mm the ram3 proprietorx antiNegro bins Fm Ihat reason Mr Mc Curdy said Negms should match on we raceway might to lest he propdemrs reactlun Amhemflmfilun miles Eoth of Windsor about 300 Ne in Intal population of Barber Tuesday Amhmn Mice mm Gear Mcondy Negm res ident gf the predorrdnanklgNe 10 South Eksex County oili zen Advancement Society said Hie racial IncHenls which flax142d last Friday when two youhs Wm charged by ce with restsflng arrest at electrilied model car raw way He said the action ASK INVESTIGATION no decision was taken at an emerxency meeting fixesday night by the Inwns Negro community after Ku Klux Klan slogans were painted on wall and gasolineioaked wooden cm was burned Monday MWUEG Ont OP Nam hm planned to march today on model tar estabish ment where they claim week at racial antagonism beam EarthVOnlirloCInldnthnudny Angus 1965 NeQrdes In Amhgrstbuig Protest Raceway Actions LATE NEWS nm Um 100 301 mimicth Mum Wm and mm 51 1n the ILL anning In the xxxma flm uxouutod mm mm diam wflh being upwime in 24 Wm 90 kiwi mm 1511 MIAMI Fla MP Three men charged with bow nitrmb HM US mm In tellime Axmcy Mme um and by rypdsfi Gun Roxcr mfsrfinl all Nana rad m9 In Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr said he would file an answer utter lhe neces sary study and preparatlnn Similar reaction were ex prcsscd in Virginia and Ala bama where Ihe justlce depart mm ELI md tn nhoflsh the poll lax suiL were med Tuesday the same day fedora examin began registering Negroes vole in nine Ioulhcm calm Ilc and pnrlshean Alabama Muislnp and tusslssipyL civil service spokesman said In Washingmn that 11 Negroes registered tn vale an the fin day lcdcrnlly super vised registration under the 1065 voling rights law ATLANTA Ga AP Offi cials of Texas Virglnla and Alabama loday were examining government 5qu to abolish Inc poll tax to delermine what at tion In lake Men Charged As US Agents Executed In Cuba Il existing statutes have been violalcdhe said the dcparf menl will provide the assist anee of the provincialpolice if requested try lhe local police Southern States Examine Tax Suits In Toronto Deputy Attorney General Dick said es day night he doubled Ills de partmcnt would take action because anti racial prop gandanis not at iLself an al an by My n41 an mu IMK ray Mm hat dmm only la hln mu cl um mnu ww mm was In Ihé ml alum ml mauler vywmginm um The flu nymvhmy mchulrn mm In rlly Iml pYnyod In mall Not Eunlnml lwn um umnmxv um kind lnr many the MlMm Nm nln nun00 flw ohl glmqrt KM yamsmlun nlnl Iulmul mlvhm dl Um ymwld kin wm will to In nunml by he Ln Hid llw hflm Unln xuny wqu MmlLl WIka ind Mn willlnwnm lur quwlqvldvu In Lry Inmva gnwmnnn Author win mm wqqunmxm mm nlou win nnhmy ml lum hm um king mum Ilm nuns kinxn mum If Im at mung nVmmmk fume wm lemm vdxm Hr imam Hqiuurmmu mind tn whim ml upro ymrr Gmrgo Inmmlmul kw Unun Ir njrdul M1 ATIIHNS lM Kong Gnu mm mm nuuml My In Aunt unum mv rnumn tn ll me UK 2M lilflfllll nun Ran Label lhc onfcd cmllnn National Trndo Unlnns rcnrcscnllm hr unlnn anld he did not an early wllIcmcnt lo the fldny alrike Greek King May Accept Coalition Govt In Quebec Ciy ncgnllaflons representatives 1200 striking plumber nnd clulriclnna and emplnycrl brake at Inll Tuesday wilh both xmcs nylng they would cunsldcr new proposals made by tqncj Nopl incrurheu Vlndsnr Ont avoided labur roubles 1112de when 650 01 flce Workers at Ihe Chrysler Ltd plan agreed to remain on the Job aflnr being alfcmd sal nry Increases TALKS BREAK OFF Concentrated mllk shippers lhrcnmmd province wide erike in Ontario vdxiln lomata picker nl lhn Heinz plan in Icamhmlon 0nL flnully to urAbllralIuni us workers and grain handlers were on Ihe 10b again is week in Montreal and nego Iiallans with Vanmrvcra grain heydlcrs took poilive lgrn nut new conslnmuan skim broke my In Saskatoon and Sault Ste Marie Ont and building continued crippled Ottawa Only Toronto was relieved of It construction problems when carpentersand plaslemm re umcd work many Labor dispqu that were making headlines last week seb tlcd into relullvc calm but rash of new strikes and lhrcnl ennd mikes have erupted scrum Canada fly RDSEMARY SPIERS Clnudlnn Press Staff Writer Many Labor Disputes Erupt Across Canada ugns wen5 05in FIFTY NEGROES held pm 15 498 mm HERES ONE Mr vmv mil Hu man mi mum mm mm mm Md mm lhfl all Imml chmm awful WA mm nut 11 MIMI lk Mk xmnhdu nmnmmmu mqu mm mm mmhl lry Mr Hum Amkllm Mill qu ll and Mka mm nmfiwkln ll he Munl lmnl wing Aman nmhlumninr Mm ml manva wum ln mm In mgr wanna 1m mum to 71mm hdwl dual muva my cmMM Ivy Mr ll nut Inly Mllmvu will In onva Ilumh 51 Imlmw Im Mlnuuc mm The mnlnuu mlh luv MM N7 In flax um um am In ry 7m ll nut WINNIIHG fllllm Iona dum MM hmd mm mmmj omh Mk nl mum numly Iflwnml mm ule lhr 5mm Unlnn Tl 11ml wm umqu mly an ml Kllv 11m homm namim 11 rlnqrmlnn logrsgu mm goldfi inl ha hml defended the Cn him omitr nnd lhnt Capt Ilo gelln Dim had lhmnltxml him him mm ImHCmm Mumx when Seven 51M ruched Tampa when ll wM Mmle or repairs Gull Sinam In wn ski old than Ins lhe cup lnln find our flllpmalcs After an mgumrnl with the sklmwr nlmut Fkkl Como Salmday niche MIAMI Fin AP The Seven Seas swnfimktd old hanunn boa whose last cargo was murder has been unme cncd by one mystery Bu lwo nlhcrs rcmnm Who has jurisdiction in the cm and In happened to the ships Rirkod pp jucsAday ugh Red Wheat Deal ié Is Near Record Thorihéct mclnl worker nré asking or an BSccntxanhnur because of the unacceptable poslliml of the employers Thu union wk 7mm hourly Increase In Its present $165 wage Jurisdiction Of Death Ship Mystery For 15 Authorities Federal nullmrilics Laid around the Swhwesizm On Sea win m1 10 win taria town and wooden cross photo wm set alight Monday night NoltMarc Than 10 PII Copy 20 Pan mer lbw anigh High Thursday 71 F0 connflem mu Mul no mm um vuml VIII Hm mt swan up Primu Hunk ht In mun mp ohm4 nznnum at in nu GLAMHJW MINL lwlr Ms In Im IMl In Ha ha Mn hiwltm Hn lnviufim In hlm mm In Imam mmmflm 1y Vllllnm lllmh lurhr maman mm In Ir mumm Null hm hillnl ll SWW am ll I11 In 9m nth mm Join Marines Prince Charles Is Advised 1mm In lho unlmidarfieg 01 use Indmr dlnin lmicr Still mlssing it tho ship took Gerald DavLsan Author ch lald llamlmz laid them In had nm Ihol hlm I7ycamd Hnnduran F1 vln llurywnlsv 110 MM he hnd mn mm mum wm mmd Mm he had mom 16 ciihcl VInrnnmn or UG muId pmscmlc the Seven Seas Americanownnl nfliciah qunicd Ramirez flamixcz said he 0er the body of the captain and another shipmatu overboard and lhcn lcfl ho Mn In In MIoofi aluminum skill docdud Ihu Seven Seas mxklcmd under the Pa nnmnnlnn ling wn wlmln Ina um mllo US annenul limit Florida probably will have hfisdicflm ll ho my mg occurrod oulsldo the Hang 011mm Mayar Donald Bald announced ha would ask pmvlno clal Labor Minister Lune Rawnlrce In lnlervcnu in strike that has been lying up hullding woth $32000000 ulna the first week In JUJIE At Saul Sic Marie con slmcllon projects were lulled or the second Hm In W0 weeks as 200 phlmbcn and pipe fillers want an skike Tues day In contract disputes over wagg avcrflmn and vacallnn P3 The strikers members of Im ca 505 United Assoclnllon al Plumber and Pipe Fillers CLC Ire napping mm lhnn 3100000113 worth construn ion in the city increase in their hourly wage turn to page llvo present $211

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