BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 13 Ml Hndy Bathgate Tied For Lead The in hall Inc Inlly doom loch 11h lump wHII mcn ham mmpounu 1m 5m llrxulml mm In the run In my my Square and Wllllm Mud ï¬llmm 111 mm Illme looklnu ham In ha Iran tho la mm mm In mum1 II In Worthy dulymil uhegl flu amid lmnar with 117mm Muplo bull who has lured vllh amnynna In Ilw mmun In vm lmdlnl thumplm Ike In TORONTO OHAmi DIUI New York mum Iummomlmc loll rolmloml fled honor vi Km Glr ml Frldn In kid nl plum In lho mull mm IMIII hockey pIym In lam numme Vlad hon Wonhy hi my 1m 003 am Luau Ihll your and Ill mail Val pnï¬zmunre lonlgM Duo lo 0w lnruc crowd null clpnled KN lmu will be 515 with an mlmllrs bclwrrn enrh nl lhc alglul hem for wnzrrinl purmw An nddld pnrirmul url boalh wlll ho aporflllnn ho Him and math ltkelui llmrie llolnry Club will havu wnrmlan hr the min nl liol dog nnd Inn drlnlu Iidmlulon lo he lrndl ll 13 which lnrludu pnrklnx Held 31 hnmou harm ill bu compdlnu or lap honor In xpcclnl mm mm at lho Bnrrle Fair Grounds onixm To try another second guess Ill have to pick Don Dykstra of Truelove to go ainst Butch Boyd of Stewarts and if both show the best stuff look for close lowscoring contest FROM HERE THERE Consumers Gas lost rotest attempt resulting in their 33 defeat at the Rands of Clarkson Hotel Friday July Consumers based their protest on the eligibility of George Cucu lick who works in Toronto all week and comes home to Barrie on the weekend The league decided the player was eligible The midget wrestlers come to the Barrie Arena Monday night and tonight they perform at the Bradford Arena Little Beaver Son ny Boy Cassidy Sky Low Low and Billy the Kid are on the Bradford card Yukon Eric and liam Smith will headline the show Got my first look at the Lions swimming ool yesterday and from all pearances its we lkept wellrun spot it certain was packed place yesterday lve seen only two other diamonds in the senior leagueMinesing and RCAF Edgar Both infield are In better condition than Queens This doesnt sound reasonable We black mark against the city to have this fired Into its face Tonlgm on of if not the worst diamonds in the senior league big game is on tap when lruelova Heating and Stewarts Garage clash member of the city council told me last night that no revision is made in the city budget for such situation Well this isnt fair city this size certainly deserves good softball field believe the players of all the leagues operating out of Queens plus the number of fans attending the games de serve better break Granted the tlnld is subected to tremendous amount of lay which results in its present condition However ram what can gather the players are contributing more towards the upkeep and operation of the dlamond than anyone else It would proh ahly be safer to say the fans who support the leagues are doing this Whatever the case it appears to be one way street and whoever is responsible is coming under severe criticism by players and fans As Ive sald before not only is it unfair to the players the tans are also being cheated because they cant see plays executed as well as they should be Stewarts are tied with Barrie Plaza for first place but Iruelave could gain tie for the toad with win tonight lve mentioned in passing the past couple of situation But nothing has been done and if some weeks that something should be done to rectin the work isnt done immediately the city of Barrie ls depriving not only the players of adequate facilities but hundreds of fans who attend the games through out the season huge crowd was on hand when these clubs met Wednesday nlght and Stewarts took 31 thriller Before go any further thrown call from Charlie Gorham re yesterdays column and ot the message too late tolook into the matter Ev dentiy Mr Gorham wishes to clarify some statements made here on the Ontario Amateur Softbaii Association He claims some are incorrect and hope to contact Mr Gotham over the weekend to let him have his say Here is the centre of softball or the senior and intermediate softball leagues and unless miss my guess it is the poorest diamond in either league By the tone of yesterdays column and what hopeto say tOday you may be led to belleve that Ive been taking cranky pills the ast couple of days It isnt so but is seems compla nts are the order of the day Today iha xublm is still softball However its not concemlng the CASA Its about the condition of Queens Park 31 Horses Seek Honors Tonight CHUCK TULLY SPORT ET GLANCE Quééhs Park In Poor Condition nw fllmu of lln dny wlll mm lourih Ind rlflxlh lwfln whmllw um harm aver ml on du mm luck ad tomb 11m nu hm ugular wlnnm landan Ind rrrnwoml mman In wire lrlvr mild will nho mu lhll um um 10me ur haw lul Hum ml imp II II on no mmm my mmwy will he an IMer whn out at flu lml lmmn Mound Wlun Mu harm come In the posl or he recond um lwo cl lha bul lrollen ln ma purl wlll lock hams lrwln Hall who hm hm lllllt bad luck In ho ml nnd Prlnca Son will Inan lnlcrullnx for Ian who haw monry on tlllm mm mm yielghlxofn or In p11 Inn mm owned by Ill Carrol nl Rayner look lilo Iluln will In Illa wrek In wln mu Ihlrd me He hunl nhown loo well yrl hln year but he may pumrin lot of man lonlghl Ownfldllvrr Il an roll In mmnlly working Ano hn cult ll Ihe Mr round and would In mid In the near Mum mAWA Cll kind umd um wlll be planted Imma 401 on In In world Jumbo It IM Greece An 110111 lel lb work of Mn mum Im bro Imle CIM Iflln MImun In mum In lnlmod mm lb Tho palr dwuld ull qunlplod If my have bun By RICK FRASER VB CARVHD moon In CMIHMII cllnchrd ll uvdml Dram wllh lmIrnm lhlrd ulna cu by Gary Knllvl Int mnnr lulu homer lob mum mm MI nlnlh wlfll Iov lld mm llnrnry Schulll and Tnny Cloning um lho Inur Ihlll rn IJnck SnnIord or our rum no Hm Innlng and hm In lha HILII WIUI double by Iluy Eluvm Don Dcmclcr and Clay IIuIrympII ha ltIIInz Muwl IILCOVIY marked lww run Immm or IInnU In In thlnl nml chhlhIIII Em and Nthand Ilnrvry Kunm nlm Immmd Ior flan Frnnrlufl In elnhlh WInncr An Mnhnl Icy wn rImud by ho humhlnx In In rluhlh Iml Jlfk mm nchun tIuClurl GInnu Ihc ml lm wny II Ihrcerbn lint Innlnz by Dndgm Ilnrlcd the Inlplaca Mcll Inward Ithr 13m nlrnlm ulbnck mm Fnlrly III Iww run dnuhlo In In IirlI Dong CnmIllI brought 1n Iwo rum wllh Immcr In Imnd and halcsIondtd Walk In In Ihlrd nnd Tommy Dnvll uln ulcd In In In run lha lam ln Ihn lIth Lolly Jlrlum wnl lhc loser Koulnx who lun Ion Ihm ol declnonl inlnhcd Ilranxly hy rclrlnl the In mm In urdtr HIT mun HOME lha Iccondpince San Francisco Ginnu nnothcr length behind 74 desplie the continued lang rnnxa hitting 01 Willie McCovey in other actionSi Louis Car dlnnia bcal Milwaukee nmvu Gilcnga Cubs lrimmtd CinA cinnnti iiedl and Piiuburnh Pirnles nhndzd iinuslon Colin numb index ï¬nger on hi pitching hand forced Koniax lo Lise sidelines aim he had blanked Mel through seven in ninKs He was credited with the vicloryMn Nthbut we his last of the year The unusual circulaiory nllmenl inter idied him or over two monihs and he Dodgers wound up losing ha pennant in San Francisco Gl But um drained and dis abled Koufnx of year ago nnw the hottest pitcher In base ballu lac he mphasllcd Fr day night an the anniversary at high qark chnptcr jnhllcnrce AKuin at in Pain Grounds and again incinz Mela he ï¬red Iihrchl 64 triumph The Ihuioul was his third In row and ninth of lhe season The victory was his eighth nlrnixhl and lSlh oi ihu yearhigh in he mninrn iii 13 Iirikcnuu boosted hi toial Io lop in he big leagues and he lowered his earned run average io dazzling 161 in his mm mm plcle gnmc Aria inbdgcim Tnayve now won five In Iuccuslonand have The rilllan left hander was Invtha middle of spectacular season and Las Angeles Dodg ers were calling ahead In he National League race when misforlune struck an July 12 1962 the Polo Gmund In New York FIVE GAMES UI That ï¬nd Koufax remem bering how Mug were xacuy uni yepr Ame Fun Sports Writer mu scared to death we 1998819 Two touring pm and Wu club pros teacth the semi finals of the Miller Trophy match play gall omnament Ninth ShutOut 15th Vidtory For Koufax Iopaln Io All Malm 11 mm gm Hm OML MA HAROLD JORY MOTORS Alhlhd Della hr 3y ml IMCKLEMAN ï¬mmiih nu mum mu NM 0M ROM HERVICI SEMIFINBLISTS IN MEET CANIIC Que CmA 1min rnllwny len brldza on the Illchcllm ll ver wnn over mm lho name ngnln There In in mom ch0 lull lo npcrnln Thu McGee hnvo nm lho CNll brill nlncu ll wm put in law In countct Cnnllc nnd cyan at polnl when Quo bcc New York and Vnrmnm com loxclhcr t5 mllza mum wcd Montreal pa lhn Md go In Job opcrnllnu ll mm yum ll wrnl lo hi hnrhclor Ion DArcy now When ho mind bmlhnr Clmnm look over Now Clanum uu ruched minmm an nl Holh Ml thildrm In glrll 1111 My Yxnn nun non MCGM or lhc Int lime Kevln ll ol Nnynn II mu rould lulu mum Inmlly nlun but he Inyl the buy urn no you am In lhlnk Ill wurk yeL 11w hrldze Hull only hnlllnllu long and hm II null lng arrhlltclurnlly cl llml Hut ll hm plum In Charles 23 In tho only top Ilighl lcflhnndcd prolwinnal golfer In Ihe world He mod pry 196 in lhllrlddrnnmanl he had 13 hole gnunds 637 72 $6 and 71 LYTHAM AND ST ANNES England CHBob Charles of New Zenland and Phll Rodger ol the Unllerl Slates meet Ioday In mm plnyoll or the Dr lsh Open gall champlonshlpa title comparnllvely low in dollar valueSOObul worth mlnl In terms nl prestlge Charles and nudge ended regular play Frlday led at 277 Just behind them at 273 was UlS lllnstm champlan Jack Nicklaus who ran mm 5ch on the final two ol the helm whlch made up Frldnyl mmpe Man llo wcul on over pnran each hole W115 lhm hole In In Fri dayl second round bum lhe New Zealandcr and Rodzm in trip ping Red and dealing prize southpaw Jim OTooic his fourth straight lass Emie Banks had homer in the Cub attack the 35m hi his career or seventhplace lie with Ralph Kiner on he alHime Na tional League list Bah Euhl was gene 0liver Eng Mack Jones ï¬ninng Milwaukee McGees Have Run Swing Bridge Since It Was Started In 1898 nt Woodhridge 0111 yester day The touring pros Al Balding Ian and Alvie Thompson centrefbolh of To Rodgers Charles Meet In Playoff WM 5r In lho hm pcnk monlh ol lho wmmu lay Clnnncv we win ha bridgc In many Um day gum Ihut would make lo of mu In yran No born dnlnl ll The bridge work on electric power now but when mmcd used Itcnm Wo hld la do lho caul tom share out tho crn lw where the motor In will of work but we always knew wo could dc ml on When clcdrfcily at we have to wing lho bridge by hum and lhnl lnlu nlm Iva men mm ll lhm strong wind ll hld lmn qulfl unrxclllnz kind liloexcept fur the limo woman pnucnxcr on Mont rrnldfl Album VL lulu lhounhl um had renrhtd her dullnullm Ind IllWM on beam lo mm lhn bridge ï¬lm In Into II flvcr Ind wu drownvd The playou repealcd hislury Five yeam ago Pele Thomson of Australia and Dave 11om1u of Britain on Ulll very mum and went on to win his fourth Brillsh Open 12 Thomson In lshed badly with llnnlruund Friday In rack up 735 and plum flflh Ahead 11 hlm was Kel Nnglo Auslrnlln um 1960 Open King with Gana from the min wn Arc bold Palmer wlnnnr last year and tho year below The land In 115 mancy winner nevu xol starlod and ï¬nished In Ila or 26th pm with 75717146 nwumnu ml In the Ma hm Pituburg overcame Houstnn with two nun in the sixth on Dick Schafleldu homer and suc cessive single by Roberto Cla menle Blll Mumoak and WH lle Slargcll Don Schwall gal the pitching victory and Bob Bruce was the laser Th thrilling Ilnlsh enthralled gallery 01 5000 under brilliant sunshine on the 0757 yard par 70 comm knew they had to ï¬nish In 11 makes to beat Nicklaus who ï¬nished play ahead of them Each 10 birdie lines on the 15m and shot par ours an the 171 and mm to edge he Mus Ken champ who had gone urok aver par on each the last lwa the winning pitcher beating Red for only the second time minis 11 seasons ronto me In one match and Peter Hlldrap right of Mount Hope Ont laces Har ry Mcuree Hamilton in the other unHinal today SATURDAY JULY 13 lam CImIM Im 111M II ADDITIONAL ON PAGE ll Admhlnn HIILDRIN Kl Fm Plrltln PARI MUIUEL WAGERING TWILIGHT BAIiillE rm aneuan Gary Ruddock hurled alx Munr or the winners giving up three In Pele Catnnln Jlm Witheupoon had pail bill lflewymrkct Newmnrkct scored 96 via lory over Bradlard In North York Pee Wee Baseball Lulu lama Thuryd 7775011171 Lynn 301 um Ian Ind gave up only our hiLs This was the second game doubleheader In the first con test Leighlon Smllh hurled threehmcr or Simcoe Coop whu dawned Clarkson Hotel Lakevlcws win gives them 11 points on live wins eight losses and one He may have one more point than Jaycces who now have Ho record Smiths Dairy hold down op spot with 13 points on nine win and our lnsses Coops victory lave mm se cond spot with 16 poinls 55 one more lhan Consumers Gas Clarksou Hoch in ourlh place with 12v pain gag Lnkcvlcw played flawlessly he hlnd flghlhandcr Jake Jacobsm They hammered Jayceca Dick Forbes for 10 hlls and scored In gvery lmlng exFepz Sly migdl Jaycccs menu only two runs They had three ML without walk in the ï¬rst Inning and go their lwo runs with lhree xlngies The steady sevenhi pitch In lcfly Ralph Knapp plus name My hitan by center fielder Buster Eullzer znva R0 AF Edgar the advantage they needed In upseulng Truelove Heating 51 last night at Edgar In Senior Sonball League can test run double in he second and con necled or the circuit with mate aboard in His iaurlh He wound up with pair oi hits Trueluve missed chanée to move into firstplace lluwllh Idle Stewarts Garage and Ear rIe Plaza But theyll get an other shat tonighk when they meet Stewarts in pm can test at Queans Park Lakevlew Dnlry climbed out of III lntermcdlale Sollball Lea gue cellar lust nlxhl at Queens Park when they knocked all the stumbling Banla Juycce 1H for their lmh vlclory In their last slx stuns Newmarket In Ball Win Lakeview Coop Score Softball Victories Edgngains Iie F01 Second With51 Win Kllllbllkll max II ulnav than outm mum tunmlubl MARINO BROWER FAMILY NIGHT TINY TIM MIDGEIS TONY BULLDOG FARMER PETE IRISH IAKII TINY TIM Allcnflan nkcly to focus on lh BaldingThompson duel ox pLcted to produce mm of be best so In he lhreeday our namenl last remnlnlnz an nual mulchplay wmpclitlnn or proLculnnan 1n Nyï¬h Ameriu WOODBRIDGE Ont CF Al Enldlng nnd Alvin Thompson may provide an andclimax to the Mllinr Trophy Canadian prolcsslonnl gutters chumphmv shlp whcn they meet today In segllnnl of the maldwlny set Tho Tornnln golfer are bracketed In one IcmlJinnl while Harry Mcllrce nl Ham mon and Peter Hlldmp Mount Hope OnL no in the other Th whold ï¬nal 1am m1 nyenro Thompw FridAy ellmlunlcd Wlnnipegl wm Homcnluk und In lho quar rflnulx Balding or he um to go lbs faur runsballedln and scored one Hunter slnrled or Truelove hut ran inlu lroubXe early and GBryThhsk took over In lhe secund He lnslcd mm the fourth when Rlck Grnh look over and finished Ugo game Knapp was clipped or palr of single in the first Inning but kepl Truelovc other live him well spnccd He lost his shutout Inlne ourlh Inning whm Banelk slammed lwooul bas esemply hqme nmn Those two runs tied the score at the time Lakevtew scared single run In each at the ï¬rst two innlngn They broke the tie with two runs In the tenth chased hnme another pair In the mm and wound it up with tnur run In the sixth The Clarksanpr lllt was wellplayed contest lrom start to ï¬nish Clarksun got their Iona run In the ï¬rst inning and that was for Ur hole sqund Coop lt we blg wm lur Edgar They upped lnclr rccnrd to eight wins and nine losses tn gain Ila wllh Truclove or second spot and move luur points head lastplace Elmvale The winners collected total at 11 hits the three True dnuble mud walk In the third Inning SemiFinal Set Top Attraction TAG MATCH FUZZY CUPID 845 PM and Ind ourHm winner mmpcllllan hnd 1am hula Friday DEST ROYER THE MASKED Tlmmpson Vancouver na ive fired our birdies and on eagle In disposing Homenluk one point he almnst wan hImsel smooon the Inward pamhrec ninth hole is lee shot ouriron just rolled past the hole and stopped about fool away Theres 81000 prize or any pro who score hulelmne on he nlmh lovu plchers Five ul mm mm In exlra bns Balm humor and double acec fv luxvvr and Bob Curlis Chuck Slnnch ard and Doug Gayncs all hnd doubch Besides nllching well Knapp alsn had good nhghl Al the plnkc slashing nul pnir of singles In three umual lrips Charlie Hastings Trucluve had lhrcelorIivo nIghl to lend all hitters rafllumed in six hmer or Clurkson Two Or op runs scored on wild pitchel nnd another was an error Only runsbnkladn far he winner were collected by third baseman Hayes who knocked in kwo with slngla and double hrlore nidcljnlng Kan Jaénbs Tornnla two up In munsaw fourth round In other qnnnminal play Hildmp defeated Harry Allard Toronto and Mellm ellml noted Andy Falls Port Col borne by identical and Scores Mcllm had to make spark Ilng comeback hefure taking hI wo rounds Frldny He was three dawn aflcr ll hale In in third round when unrriel Bah Punasluk blew up on ma buck nlne Then McIlre dawned Fall in ha lounh round Burmlls home run wus the hi runs In Ihc second and added another in me third Barrell homer cul the marsh in ths nurlh hm in Edgnrs hnl of flu inning they scorcdlwo more and that closed out the games scoring moved ahead wilh two run In meir hall lhe ï¬rst scared another in lhe secondand added the linishlng touches wilh two In the fourth Smith was in control all lhn way allowing Clarksnn only 319 singles UTJY CUP FOR THE KIDDIES