Mn mmr and Mn Emmi cl Inn Allan lhe buwlrl Al Gullvrln llall lull mark Mm Dklrr Hmnhd lhl VJfltmblfl lflMlnfllll Mr The tall mu hlnl Incl lrulln orrvonrluhlra mam by mrmhm md vrn vlnlluu An lnvllnllon ntcvpled la mva III uddlnl July 77 The birthday box wu opcnrd Cvnlmll lotHui mo Mu lrler Wardmn home mmmlu mnvrmr wl Ilrr lonlc wnl hlllh In Hrd Cmn Soclely The Clown anml lnllllulo mu July nl lhu ham Mn Jlmrl Partridge The pmldenl Mm McLean mud Iho mcelhlz Mm Kellh Au md lha minulu the Inn mmlna Mn my Dylmll ll thl lender In Glrll llama Mnlm club Huh Acnmn wllh num Anu Mn Dicker Ind Mln Glorln Iulln Ii 10 Mrs Betty Dyball To Lead Clowes 4H Homemaking Club And hes made most of the money sinu leaving weekly mlevlsian LCMnesome Georza one he biggest owner of flamndl lncorporaled whirl aper 48 hole Elï¬n and Canadn and ui 43 more xcobelu unusual night club mum which take mm mm Mlnml be summer usually fled with Ill hold Ilddlm wmu mm nun mum Mr lth Im lenl By JAMES BACON molmwoon mm Mam bers of Lakexlde Gal Club who alber Bl Ihe mens grill and Happy Time Bar ask blunt questions fComedlnn George Gobel came lnthe olhcr day after long night club luur He was telling at some lhe places he played member interrumud George lww come you say youre doing so good when you may Florida In the summer Gobel pausedas nnly he can Hausathen repllod have other Income was classic under statement Gobel la mllllonnlre thg Conrafl Kilian the comic ImuL Tm um olpypou nm our and livryonmldl nm Mn Lu Coohl Dezln their THE MOVIE SCENE uPICNIC ON THE LAWN ENDED SUMMER SCHOOL CHILDREN ATTENDING VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Tr In Gobel Is Doing Very Well Investing In Hotel Chain rml Lunch In curved by Mn 1r rm nldwoll mlxled by Mm Norman Mchnn 111 um mm In In Sept It Mn lmy Th mouo wn xlvm by Mrm Emu man In EMM pmplu urn like the whrrlhnnnw nol ulclul unlm mmd Ind also mlly up STAINS WED turd wu rmIchnh Mu Ann In mu Mu Frluer who on her my In In Cnl ury Shmpcdu and our he wulem provlnm denRule In bnnqud held or Mlu mun Colloy Dnrrlt SHUWN IN THE MAJflR CAPITALS UFTHE WHRUJI mmumoumv accummmr msusnwns Now could remn tumor row 1mm show business but what would my agent do And besides enjoy travellan around visiting the hotel al ways Inspect the Icemaking mnghlncs Inskca money look point In he company As more hotels were bulll ln vested on mqncy nix Tin was mgadu crush mamqu chain Back In the day when was ha In TV and the mavius was altered $10000 In maka personal appearance at the ayenILg of the Sghara In Phw Even when was on Broad way In Let Ride it was con adred unemployment by some pegpln ant here Gebges hutél venture wns mph dumbest him ever Hollywoods funny plum muses George yaure not working steady on TV or In the movies people start feellng sum or you Davmnenn mun rhythm band hum mmummmamu AIR CONDITION FOR YOUR FORT IAY DIG WAGE Cunndnl lom lnduxlrm my nrnrly mmooo In Illlrhl menu tuned up or flu clu ng pmgrnm the Mllch 1mm Vlcnllon B1510 School whldxwu ck ll Smlo Shcel School Pfldny July In nl pm Shelli Phll Inn Suxnn Tulkcr nnndn Alder Ilohln Manley Dibhll Ran Cathy Dusome CryIll Yunnan Snndrn Howell Wynne Davin Wendy Shaun ktr Inul Slumher Nlncy lnmrmn Col KntIur Vlrky Mnrrlnll Wnynn Den nh errcn Drown Gregory lllnrk Illn Plum flodm Plum nrndky MIL Dale Slclngurd Johnny llnnry Inn nnlgml ank Andrnwn llnl ner Klnm flunnld Inunpr er Lulu hc served In Ihuehlg shop wherenothinu but harm by lha dawn wan their Dullon who lay um will In ca to Canada early Inlsoo The shop in which he leamad the Irade was Even then ant 100 years old Amazhgly the Nackmlm who trained him died only Inst yea at nearly 00 ygara olvnxc typlcnl blacksmith untll bout 15 yum ago ls Jahn Button now retired to Cookstown For 40 years he operated black smiths shop In Egbert Now 30 he had been In the blacksmlth lrade since the use 01 15 at which age he entered the pro tcsslon as an Ipprentlce at shop near leerpool England At that time ynu dld nut be com blacksmith untll you had been an npprcntlca tar seven years he remark By BRIAN BAKER Aller playing an hnpnrlpnt part In rurlhering the prognss clvflludon for hundred years lhrnughou the mrld vlflaxo blacksmfllls rather abmpfly van lshed during Ihe 1940s and 19501 FOR 60 CHILDREN AT ST PATRICK Retired Blacksmith Reggmbers Old Days 0m It may mum be VII called upon In puhvrm Ihnl of lnmwrldlnn Innk Ill thnnylnx or Illnu Ind Innh Ihnl may nllll ho mn In llw min at mml harm to dly lï¬ï¬l Blackmum wwlzl ollen Ily nlp mm nu lnnmllrnl arm flood Mm yml muld null nhoe In hourn mrnn horn might Iain our No hourn Mllnv hurt dldnl hollnr maul blnckxmllm novnr heard ol nmbody new klllzd shotAug hams my Mr Man Wm mmr dud while In the Ah beach nomalmu youd hone Umt would throw you around plonly nn Ml you liming harm would make Wk wcm nlmml heblcu on Icy road It the talk Inn on their shoe wow not slurp Mr Dullon would onm bc kept In his Ihop 1mm llvn In Hn mornlnu till midnight Immenan calla mNflyypm IUNIMV um early data considzr able loulnx was still being un dertaken In the vldnlly of ha Nounwuun liver wast Eg bert ThomIon Ind Ivy and merelore ha wn eonslnnlly In demand or rcpnIrlna pike poles cam Mob loam chains nnd new during the winter Slnlgh runner would have to be re Ihod meral Umu duran lho U1 Ilglxh mm mm xvmmo snow AT AND Mlu ass sling the late Thoma Webb of bohlawn or few yam ML Dutton mnvnd lo Egbert Ind bought the black unlth shop In 191 whom he enjoyed to years serving the community blacksmith no time dld he mm needing the mundon oflnmd hlm by Canndiln amour mnl In leave Enlhnd Ind come to Cnnnia Nell he entered nolhcr shoe xng xhop where horse by Ike hundred used In Toronto or milk bread moot Ice and Incl delivery along with riding car riage And cub horses wcm brought be ï¬red Due lo the abrasive action or the pmcmcm on Hm than most these shoes necessarily had Lo be heavy weighing up In two and half poundI each In sharp mum In tho raven moo hoes used on an berm my OWN SHOP Altar working in shipyard lor short Mule he came to Canada where he spent cw yam at the Toronto Massey Hnrrlx Company where wheels or all aorta of farm Implements received forge weldcd lmn lires Pounding mam hammers look Du blckbrenklng labor out within this plant You couldnt stand around at that joh he says No men wen expected to turn out shoes any making them out at bar iron he had not seen or heard of ac lorymade horn shoes was 34 long will omen empioycd mak lng shoes any nu IIICEI FOR THIS ENTIRTAINMINT CHURCH enurr la lluhl Ihc llm In In mum mm In pm In Um III IN MI of paper ur olly rnuu mvrr lhrm with mun lolluwrd by Inyrr the Vim lurzu uml err lhn klndlllm Ilflmd In hum blmu at lll hum llw hrllown noon had Mr Dull who um In My mnl Iny ulnn loll tn harp hll prhungry orun Ira burning Ilrscrllml how Illflml wn nw lllndm mp0 momn xculflm hum pumps and limb nll had In ho minim II he hhlckslnllh mm Sometime he had In no lo Hullonl blu wnhr pawnl nw mlll ncnr Ivy In mule onlhowot main In lhu Inna machinery FIVIU NHlllliT on cd nnrr makan comIn It would make than over the wheel makes belurchand yqu had In lnku lhc burnan hul llru mm ha llm and Immmu ll down nvcr lho rnds KM spokcs ha snya 111m you had Io nr lho win over Iho wheels nut or III Hm wnuld hum the end Inc spokcs so much It wouldnt hold on Uulsldo hln sh ho would build re of hem bark over lho 3ch llrcs Hemlock was pre lcrrod bccnum this would pm dum quim unllonn heat not mnklnn liro excl531vqu hog Pu wooden wheel was nnolhur lnlcrcsung mulling 10b John Dumm ol Ivy made all sum of wagons and horse drawn vehicles and had Mr Duuon plum the Ilru on lhu wheel and make lha hardware 31113ng olfgln ghap ho would Finally Mr Dutlnn agreed Io hnlp the owner locating new wheel hubs and spoku mm steam cnglno company and then rMiring the huge wheels him self saving he engine mm the scrap hemp and lhc owner mm friggpling loss Apparently saw mlll were parkleularly prone to bumlng down usually catching lire as result of sparks thmwn out by the steam engines uscd la drlve the mllu One mlll on the Sixth Line nl lnnlslll humed dawn The owner at he mam engine was most concerned because the lire hnd burned the wheel all the otherwise undamaged englne and nobody In the whole country It seemed would lakn an re placlng the lronUmd wooden wheels whlch stood tall as mnn and were six Inches or so wlde In do first Tn weld these tracks was real trick he explained You héd to hammer with sledge hammer as hard and last as you muld heron it cooled all In Incl It was such tricky job that uscd In have the fellows make twu ar lhrca practice runs Just like tire drlll ta make mrlnln yuknew what they had The longest of these Irncks he had to weld was wfoolcr from barn near Thornton To weld one or these lraclu called or real team work since three ur four men were requier to handle the mob mnmmmn IANAVIIION JOHN MORIN GLENCAIRN DONNA SLOAN mm ATTRACTION nmml nun Mum noun lam ll um mm mm SAVAG 5AM Wmemflonwnsa CORRECTION niblo vncnllon school ll Holly Sunday School mm July 15 not July 17 previously remand Classes nm mm am 12 noon unlll Jqu Mldchfldrcn an welcome to uk lcn so seven or mom hora tractor wcru unheard re member the time when most peoplemse ln Um maman at ï¬ve oclock or soon nfler Pm pIo said then um any man H1 In bed allot xlx wan lazy and mm to be ashamed ol him acll he concluded Min Dullon who has seen lnrming through mm the time when ry arm hug from our Bestsellers in Canada cnm piled by Quill and Qulre maga zlne of the Canadian book trade previous munhs position bracketed By THE CANADIAN PRESS FICTION The Glnnhlmn Daphne Maurier Historical navel BESTSELLERS IN CANADA 1y STARTS sUNDï¬ Elfin Sprlnz Rnrhcl Car lon hull on peltlcldu Ind lhnlr 1ch on our Md Ye Ind Julrpll Hudson Humoroux look ll Imanown America 60 yum no through the eye yearold Wm Hymn slr Wllllnm Slcvmson head Brillsh intclllgcnco In tho Amcrlms Th Collection he mules It Gum Clnldlln Mnnlgum Hyde Exploit In Court Loull Nizrr American lawyer relate his masthcclcbraicd men ll The Gm Hunter Cull WoodhnmSmllh Story of the ml Irish lnmlna of yam ago um uumer Gnu novel lllmll on char mer uudle by young Ger man Iulhor 19 NONFICIION On Her Mlleslyl Stud Service Inn Flemlng Jam Band In action again in spy thriller Incredible Journey Shell Bumlord Thu devntlon of lhree animal on mm lrek through the Canadian wilder nus Gnudmofller ï¬nd the Prlem Taylor Caldwtfl lrlcel Ihe ndvenlum lump of priests his 31mm mime Mark Rasmvlch v5 dullwar stalks Soviet nubmarlne in the Arcllc 11qu lbs Godl Sybille Redford Family Inga lolluwlnz three generation In Europe The Sced ml the 59 Lauran van der Post story of men at war against the rich backdrop ol the Alrican land scape In 11 shoe Ila Fisher man Morris West Novel about the papacy wIIh 1h Pope and the head 01 Russia pm lagonlsu uwl nunl Clrpe Seymuurn Salinger Two legmenb inlhe conllnuing story the Glass Iamlly by th author Catcher in theRye looks aL HIE drama at Ihe French revnlullnn through the ammo tamilynljlmhlnw era yjé 3313 ITOTALSOOPE STAYN ER gamma sun mm Tin pram Gunter MI mu SIX BLACK HORSES Audie Murphy Jun ondm CARTOON Flnl snow sum Al Dunk SUNDAY my TUlI SHHNTY BAY SUN MON TUES Sï¬ï¬fï¬izï¬lfmk mm They are David Anjo Jae quelin Blanchard and Norman Newlove Slayner Vlctnria Baxall and Peter MacDonald Wlkona Corners Fablcnno Chanda Gilles Chanda Jaml Dnbeagl James Dubeau and Di ann Knufl Wasnga Hench Delr urnh Clnrlun Frank Deï¬ner Creemore andJerry Glam Glen Huron 1th Gulhrln Folio Ihe end sunk mer school 11 children are slated to make their rim Cam munlon this Sunday Children attending summer uhool came 1mm New anell Glencaim Stnyner Creemare and Wilsons Corners Pérish priest Rev Cahlll luran bus driver tn bring Ihem la and from Slayner each day The aehaol bus was used through arrangements with Ihe board Our Lady of the Assumption School near New Lowell Classes conducted by Father Cahfll and two Sislers Lnr elln lasted from am In 310 pm Monday In Frldny slur nz uly 1r mm mm alummum Ind LAST TIMES TONIGHT The Cathallc fanmns League of Stnyner provided Ice mam chocolate bars candy and salt drinks or the youngsters who 10 mu polishing them on STAYNER SM Summnl school or 60 children St Patricks Church hen ended Friday nflcmonn with picnic on the lawn behinq the church DRIVEIN THEATRE THE BAMHE EXAMINERl SATURDAY JULY 13 1561 StaYner Kids End Classes With Picnic BROKEN LAND Lmle Ave Cam in HURONIA mummum PLUS Color Inmmmiv ADULT tannin Slur II Iugk You