Published by Canadian Walla mound 16 Bayfieldiitreet Neivspapers talented remote Mr Macmillan to carry in on as if nothing has happen mgmowdml car erl Delaying Work At Chute is Only Sensible Course The federal government has taken the sensible course In dela Ing action on the lock at El Chute rap ds As result representations hfvi the Ontario Federation of Anglers and unt ers the government willcarry outa thomugh investigationas to the possibil Ity that the lock at Big Chute would er mit entry of destructive lampreys nto Lake Simcoc notv fishermans paradise The federation fears that the lamprey and coarse varieties of fish would enter the lake through the Trent Severn Water ways of which Rig Chute would form at art The governments decision Is not seriotis setback to plans to enlarge the waterway to permit entry of fairl largo boats Normal plans call for ten ers on the Bi Chute lock in late 1064 and it is osslbï¬ by that time there may be some ndlcatlon as to what course should be followed The government can build the lock or construct marine railway The federation is understandably concerned the prospect of damage to fishing and he tourist business The ec onomic value of the 2fishing industry In Lake Slmcoe Couchiehing and arrow Lakes is estimated at more than 5500 000 annuail This does not include the sale of alco olic beverages The federation estimates that an av erage of 2700 ople fish these lakes months of the year Each said to spend an av erage of $735 per day lamprey get established In Lake Slmcoe control methods would cost up wards of $1000000 every three or four Ears without much hope of eliminating em The governments ori that plan to Erovlde better booting faell ties was good ut It is quite evident that such plans should not be carried out If there is any danger of destroying fishing in Lake DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 1048 Mrs Marjorie ilainllton appointed to fill va cancy on town couan caused by resign often of Alderman VIIIIam Valley Site will be the second woman In council in local history First women alderman wiis Mrs Nell Laurie who Is still member Dr Ross lurnbull installed president Barrie Rotary Club Frank Poster of North flay formerly of Martin retired after more than 50 years of railway service Soroptlmlsl Club takes over sponsorship of playground at former lentils grounds Clnipcrton Street Ileaticti District Lornniirr sloncr Inn chlsiiinn on Scouts left for Wiltliiiitn Comp leorglnn llay iiov it Slicrrliig former retire at lump llortien anti rottor of Al Sainla Angl ran Zlittrch Yollinxwootl trnnsferrcti fioiii liuiiiillon to Mount Forest CIIC This would be rte Fair Sept 1314 bltion at new fair grounds first big exit off Essa Road Mount St Louis was scene of Solemn Iligh Mass to celebrate terccntenary of St Anthony Daniel put to death by invading iroquois intiians 300 years ago Rev Edward Lawlor of St Church llarrie Myor Mayor rc Serinon preached by Marys ortcd on Canadian Mayors convention Nova Scotla The Halifax iicrald noted The sportllytiressed mayor from Barrie Ontario job lie is Mayor Grant Mayor Illa name and office with him recognition In Ripleys Rcileve it or Not last year He Is still getting correspondence from all parts of the world honored by post office staff on retire ment offer 20 years delivering mall on ititlll llarrie Willi Al Shewcltnk is nniural for his rrcd lsnncs aving rcrftct day at bat Iryhoiil radio Itiitl program called Summertime Grill ent ctl losing streak In senior soft Ittntimc ilvlii Inlks represenlltig iiilflIC were Al in Scott Kiwanis ball by vnllopln llnycrnit pllchet GE to 54 win over liarrls Motors 07 lIIlI Villlaiti terrier of Lions Miss Ethel Crimp iIorticn iiCAI in baseball the rosslanti of Soroptlmlil Residence Ililcitlng of nrl limtns and batting of of Mr and Mrs itnlierl Ingram nt Min ela Ioiol destroyed by fire Presi dent Malcotitson announced that three new buildings were going tip and the race track would be ready for liar The Barrie Examiner Antoninit rutrind rlIIl mall fnI iilllr rrwrtmrnt rum rm to puntht If mlln to run DIly Iirnorri and llIiqury IIIIMIyg ammo Itrutivrmr warn IIhf nararr IIIitmr or trruyumv stunting utthv rnAqu wallow nutm ruma tritium Aorrriiue Ir Mrflfhvl nonnater llvrlllllnw Man hutmkilnn daily by unin rte nu IQII navy Iliiliq If In In out Ill pII months OI lily months II monih NIMAI UntIrlu Ami RIIIIIII pomlulolu on lontgll nm nu Ifflcr III Urer II TOIMIUI VI iv or Montreal In writ mm Iimt llllmv or the can an AIorII on Aimil faruv fire In Imam rim ii In onllllrd Ihl rm for NIIIHIM of III MM IIIMI In III lrvi to It or mmn rim or rat and also to tow Iowa published mil Daliy Nunpoo Nb Mellon fml and IM President Ted Twist nttl Mrgcr lcd Ilarrld llycrr to win over inigravu Jud James Ii Iiic turily goalkeeper for Ififricl great Iti croase team of HIM died in North flay nge III Michael Sliewcliuk bought ntI interest In American Mr Ind Mrr Soyko much damage at Port ilawley owned by Mr and Mrs OIIo Rawson of Ilnrrlc IIIII Jack IInrrls iiiatle complete canoe trip through ircnl innnl system to Kawar fiia lattes Straw lint llrtycrs pre rented two night of play The Iirunlt hrtt It lliiiinin Ioliit tlnnce invilion itiyllht Moody reported on frrt voelts operations by Iinrrle Ilecrcntltrn oin liliillCt In rtbt playgrounds All Allen tlc rnlinon catigi In bay off Fishermans Point was ftrr entry in Chamber of Commerce flail der by Fred and excise office reported that Ilnnfo In new iulIifletlgcd try Directors of Chamber of Com filofttl held monthly meeting aboard the Iioicl front ornntlo caused bcvorna Citinp Linton anti try Mitt ngg Morten head of cultomit customs port of one If Joy cttbln cruiser owned by iiipoiirraontiit 1M Hamiltons Stock fitting Stanly Mamavita noon ra etillbilltl than the LONDON As every day goes past the possibility of III early gemflflpftihï¬mmm resignation Prime Minister Horoldhdacm Ian becomes more 23 gnflufl and II showing fire and on during the question period in the House of Commons But Ithehlftlip factor In themreacfiion avorarnoiig ory membctr of parliaman Is the KW Itiitudeof the rank and file of the only membership Members of parliament who their constituencies and ditcusa on political situation with their mm supporters have been very much surprised and in most cases heartened by the strong su port for Mr Macmillan that changing the they round among their follow Li°iigmngttg Ihe opport enyI pIrllI era Even some of the Members who IbstIInod from voting in the crucial division It the close of tho Profumo can donate are beginning to have second thoughts largely because of the amount of proMacmillnn feels ing they have found throughout ythe country MACMILLAN VICTIM The general feeling of these Wm topic II that Mr Macmillan as been an innocent victim of hard circumstances and that no blame could be attached to him for the scIndIieui behavior Commonwealth tntsted That sentiment II more and more or In into press comments and coin for the prime minister to resign from within his own party ranitt have in died down indeed the member house on the Tory side Nigel their full reti Birch has not endeared imscii attack and as even been re Mr Macmillan ted Is that Mr Macmillan has no intention of resigning from his post because of the Pro RI Inclined to resign and leave his Iuccessoi with tho thankless and difficult tub of restoring har rInks Mr Macmillan is con fident that he himself Is the man to do that and that he obs under the than likely that Mr Macmillan will remain at his post indefinite ely Ind that when the next general election comes Iround some time next year he will be vative party Into battle That 11 rather differmt pic ture titan was apparent couple of wash Igo and the chInge ment but because the pressures of public opinion have mldo themselves felt very strongly KENYA INDEPENDENCE For the part to days discus Iiorts have been going on In London between Duncan SIndys secretary of state for Common wealth relations and Tom Miro Ind constitutionII Ilfnlrs They pendcnca of KenyI which Is result of the recent generni election now has iirmlycs thlIshed government under the leadership of Iornn Kenyatta in these iIlIta In London ar the faithful AT THE LIBRARY Studies Russian Family Liie Sits In On Weddings Divorces The florist anliy by liAVflI trust with more pcimIaIIVI woe AND VERA MACE In The Soviet Family the trim of the authors hnri been In it look It the Sovch family on though It belonged to culture that offered no threat In our way of life This book II frInrl rm marriage morals and family life In the Soviet Union ii In band on the Mnmrerentvbli to the USSR Ind tire on lhtI extensive research Ind mding they did prlnr In Ihrlr trip Mr and Mrs Mnce did not lcrn standards This book In lrtr who would he tnkrn around by Iniourlsl guides ilicy hoped In ntnlta contact with the or dinary ï¬nvlct people and to find not shoot their family life The unthan rcIIlttii Ihnl llin women of Route would lit Interested In mnrrlngn Inf lltn imnlly In not In touch with the pictrim of the Cnmmlllre of Soviet Io men Ind also the liter of the graduation from Iiudv both the hittch aipInlncd that they hurt lolliliil no political motives but were about how Inmliirn get along Iiy vntn promised to hrlp Mr and him Mace were Itirrn In no porlunitv In trawl In their own cIr wllhntii guides rtan to stay In family vacation KnIlIPl along with anlrl flmlilu Iiireuse of this Irrcdont the authors not only cemped along with Soviet families Iiiil were able to visit their homes Iii In on weddings Ind divorce lioIrIngI heir mmuntm with Soviet notIII workers leaders of womens groups and IIntft lea at various economic levels In th the author have concluded that rnnlrmpovIrL Rtiulrn family Iurw life is truth productive and wuli discipi Iiihouah linIl gamm In and Ihrcia of ailnrit Ml Firth enme Ind rd itow bue dependence goat accent and dinner tervonor Iten ate her In and of this before this can however another thIbI rooulred to amend the Itutloo to political effect to the which has been reach Mr flandya and Mr have hadrtimeiogo back to $42331 in II to give rumont between Mboyr Mboya recent con rig diy drawni onyI governmen IIIIIII have more latitude In ministration of the regions On thlrha and Mr he of objections on party In the meat then should be no per inua barriers to Kenya becom ng the next African country to more Independence within the RAILWAY DISPUTE The Nation Union of full waymen is thin Inothtr dIrputv Dr Reeching chair man of the Railways Board This time the point It issue II the compensation to be provid or railwaymen over 60 and of cabinet minister whom he Imï¬grï¬g organization plan The Railway Board has new offer to the unions offer these men up to half of their basic rate of pay IeII unem who was his chief critic In thI niovmenl benefit until they draw rement notions at the of 65 Th to his colies ues by his biting which topic only in men with so years aervlclflwltbmme rIII nslbe for drIwIn iii rt to WIys was pit core tin on leaders by Alexander Dunbar The 3mm vi Imp manpower member oftbn Board This offer however fails mm of what the lone Union of lwaymen demanded In as fume Incident Nor Is be It all change for ï¬lling oil the throat cncd railway atrllto In May The union demands the tutti basic rate of pay not only for many and unity within the party iflill lende men be lose their Reaching plan or also for men over 60 who are willing to retire prematur do go it now mm cly and thus prevent dismissals among younger colleagues Under the existin arrangement longiscrvice rIII wamen receive twothirds of their basic pay for it months found leading United Conser Ifler dismissal The ments which have been offered would be in addition to this from the standpoint of the period of payment and would be given has come not from anything MIMIC him liim Mind new that he hapmnpd in pm It weekly intervals Rut this does not suit the railway union and another period of Ind disputa Ich IbeId BIBLE THOUGHT We Ire not of the night nor of darkness Therefore in Ill ya hcnyII minister for justice me mm bun dmuum um my in watch Ind he rotteni new redundancy uncertIi The evil Ith delights In the covering darkness drunitcn dating of the unfaithful waichmIn are Ililto foreign to The Mac tho studied mI lice and the family In other countries Diov found the So vicl pronla friendly with high tlcnII Inti Irplrnilona Ind fth that we have more In common than we thought we had The Soviet Family In very rud Iblc and interesting book in The Irmncr If My horny by JDIIN CLIFFORD lite Inspiring Itnry of one AntrricInI victory wnnt in In Mouth Iour over hit ilei Chi Fnihrr Clifford rtlucntrd In California University went to Shanghai China lnnluaga titmingy In June last ordained rut irsuli Print Fnlhar Cllfinrd was nrteaird by the Coinmunfrlr in ton and fur the next three ycm In wartd private war mngnilnn tnvlrl Womrn Tho both physical Ind one region on born In paychoiogitli in title imnh the Author If Inirresitd In collecting material how he fought to pmrrvo hII Innv In Ilny In the USER iinih nf INI we FIIhcr Clifford forced ult In IIIIIIIII Icllei he vr that his life mrnia favourite books rrpl elite and alert Iiut lith ntilvlilrrt did little to overcome rtlnvrnllnn roiittent huiniilwlion irwdtiniiy the auth nr Icainctf tlIIIhIIbvvt method was to male his II tIrlerr appear ridiculous Clifford In th out of fall by the enraged In mItrIIctf Communion Presence of finrm ll the moving slur ether Clifford run you of Marvin brain how he driovlc what rigidly Iiructurvd to Communists It their roomy iR titsroiiv or ran cannons Mass July 101968 conference between Canada and the United titular prsrrpetuaied the Rush Bagot Ily ti yurrngo todayAn ma concerns incontinent on the Great The orIgInIiIgree mant signed In left was drawn up by Richard Rush of the limited the numbernnd Iiu of wmhi on the hurt Lakes is agree mitt hasbun modified to permit construction of larger ships and naval training on later tfethmned In coup In Rue Uses $500 Grant To Study Politics VANCOUVER CPI Dr Jean baponco and some of his colleagues It the University of British Columbia We aim barked on protect to find out wbIt malice criton vote for particular pollical party Dr LI once Frenchborn po Itticai scente plmleasor Itarted the prefect wit seen Canada Council grant One of the questions that may be answered in part at least in why British Columbia voters cast their ballots for one politl In eat my federally then for rtoIaly different party provin cially The research profch began with the fedcra election in April Some 500 voters in Van couvervBurrerd riding were Ip proIched before and after the election and asked series of apiestlons NImeI were not use questions Involved their so cla economic religious and ethnic background as well as how they Intended to vote or had voted flinch more research remains to be done From the first Iiudy Dr pence get to team the nature of political lands leaped existing within voting We tend to think that every one km the same view of the litIcal scene where actually Is Is far from the cIsc rs aty Iy reread ed Inni II IIIIII mcnlIl to YOUR coon HEALTH Factors Could fCattiieDizzineaa ioder fireman Min lfiaxr you LIIW humidiï¬ What that cold rotor are Forxths virus but Why Dear Dr MBIIIIII eIum dlulnoui In treva nerv aevcrI ditty mum of tho time th other matter Certain vir had to day In bed The doctor says it is bottom blood mi mama tau iImupflve feet and weigh iioyhnta Causes of dIuInen are quite varied High bloodprouuro to it to It been ruled already others Ineludl head Iniurlu invite remote disturbed elrcu Sometimes It hot latlon to the brain II come it doesnt But It ounce of hardening of the Ir edï¬ Ind If it war so out In your can both tartar anemia low Ictlvity of fortunate the thyroid and low blood pressure And one other problemterns car condition Balance II fune tlon which combines vision and Ierhape tent of muscular se the action of dellceto pm the ear called the labyrinth like ten er lIittI Ire three umicircuinr canals on each side which not high somewhat like gyroscope These fluidfilled canals In constructed that the fluid mover rompliy correct It as we change position In any direction can cInnIs or oven tiny hem orrhages Into them prevents the free flow of the iluid The result can be violent dizziness dIIeIset it In your ease this trouble perilts further Investigation of your eye ear and nervout IyI tern II In order Congestion of there on can Ill often follows cold or nu or similar Infection it can be aggravated excessive nit In the system so lowealii diet may be helpful The use of antihistamines could possibly be effective or one of the other prcpIrItlons Ihat control dizziness NIcotInlc is prescribed It tithes Again ample IedItlon fre quently II Iii thIt II required But Dr Molaeri Im and have been plagued with cold sores ever since was Imee high everything but nothing helps is ééitgavdï¬bï¬n at IIDIII it to fairly well caug$ motilitl ill get them and eliter dontl In rare after It an an smallpox vac urtmlly suspected first but that lion old lore and am or tiltCarr Peter til min AibVIIIII dlienres vachnItIonior one hot vant the other do no pr sometimes my run Minimu ell Dr Maison ï¬rst cause degydratlon of the Wilt the Lou of water but the erases are many man out faiths run with no water to drprk vity or stress and certainly would soon be dehydrated of of courts in the shade It Ino Inary life continued ever II the commonest cause We dehydrate by ex ercho In hot weather but we letting hlrtty and drinkln other causes can be the all Congestion or inflammation of acidosis malnutrition diarrhea and vomiting Drying out the ody for few hours Isnt 5E4 rlous because thirst makes as correct it but If some medical One form is called fifcnlcres problem exists It can be Ia Dont tdi me youre boi have tried Just about mun