AlumlIum limit 11 Cum mny In flul lnur mamlu IN had not urnlnu nl mm or an mu put em mm mm wllh 119900 at am ml per rnmmnn IMN In mnnpumnn mloxl In rur slum Mm hum Ml Nflflï¬l and MUM Null numndm ll lhe and Arr In no Ind 1m Indium lm Qutlm llydm Elrclvlc fem mlulon on urlm Hydra El rrlvlc CVVIHllunn rm mmdrd In July Ma Her In purrh IH lhc cmmnnn Ihml at provlnnn prIvlrly owned pow rnnwnnlu ucrpl or Nth 0min Power in Hi lm Ilyrhn aim ulrndcd Io Aug 11 ullmr nr lilo vulrmd Hum lhl rumpurn In nlmI In nutlunnlmuun man lhnwlnllln lndmlrlrl Ild Thu Quebec llydm ElkMC Cum mlnlnn has culled fur lrmlm In purrlmw MOM Ilium Slunwlnlun Induxlrln lld Tm mm rmmnl Hum nullllmb In lollnwlnu he nplry Hm mm an Jun 10 M1 Na hid ol lamr lhnn than ulll In cnmldrml Tho drndllne lnr mhmlnlnn nl mmn lm Imn ll July 22 Th mom alum llnm mhl undrt um um all II not In nullcd Wrnlmnll Trunnulmlnn Ltd The Lnmwmy rrpnrln nrt rnrnlnm lnr the liunl yrnr rm nl Mnnh Wm mnuumrd to $2513000 nr sou per Ahnrc nI romnnrrd ullh $7015er or Will nrr mm lnr lhl pmloux III ul yrnr llnmlnlon Fnundylrl And 51rd leflrd Mn Shmnnn Pruidml Inld producllon anIrI Ind npcmlinl mm at Dumin Inn Fnumlrics nnd Sm leilad In linl hull mm were Mnhrr lhnn In My nlhcr mm4 pamhlo mind nud Mmul ID per rcnl II III Her hull of 1m Prrsml lndiculiam Inr cnp ncny npcrnllanx In lho lhlrd qunmr mu In Company lully expects la nnlsh wflh nnolhcr record ynnr TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE FILLt Hynca public relallons ofï¬cer at RCAF Slu llnn Camp Bordtn for the past three years has been Iransfer red to RCAF Slallon Cnnlralla when he will assume he pas llonof station sorvlces olllcer nnlivc ol St Johns New aundlnnd llll llync served with he Royal Air Force dur lng World War ll In India and Burma In 1950 he enllsled in the llCiFY beinn appointed commanding officer III RCAF Ground Obsnrvcr Cams in Newfoundland Prior In his lranslcr lo Camp Borden in 1960 he was commanding olll Cu Ihc Ilan Ground on mm Com Unit or Nova Sauna with llcudnuamn In Truro NS FL Hyncs with hlu wile Mar gery nnd lhelr our children wIH reslde nl Ccntralla ng Negn Mm mm nmum Emma 9mm JULY ma Fears thatvdlslurbancc mlth anse during todayi Orange mcns parade ll Ill Kcmpcnlcll Trumpet Band curled lllo DIPII flax were allaycd 1m nlght by atalcmenl issued by ulllclall ol the Loyal Oman budge me mccllng between lodge olllclaln and bnnd cxccuflve Indy ulliclals ksued llle llulcmanl The lodge bulo prlnclple don not emltle to dlscrlmlnnle We believe in equal rights In all and speclal prlvlllza to none There Is enouzh ratlal dkcrlmlnnllon in the world Ipday wilth adding inu Hunk In Pnflrrtd am Sloth commnn luaum mm Borden Ofï¬cer Is Transferred Orange 5Lbdge Fears About Band ILLLT HYNES Compllrd by Flynn Dunlap Bum We hair all Orangemci auumm Summln lei flu WIII 1an July AVKIMII mun BULLETIN ME mmllm El CMhulnu Tamale n4 ll ClIr huh Huron Uwvllln luy lu Inm lndmy lamlam Bunny and qum nu Iodly claudlnl aver duvlnl lhc nlm sundu cloud Illh than lomu lhe cvnnlnl tanllnulnl nun wlndl lehnly II to II one Imwrnlu In mmllm mm Mudn Wham on Io Hynopnlu Bunny 1an qulh warm wnlher tovm wulhun Ind cInlrl povllonl ol lhc prov lnrc mm In lehrm rulanl Hum II tonlamb cloudlnm Ind mmmum an wrun whnl low hull Fvldy dln Iurhnnu hn den 99d nvrr In And In mnvlnl lowly lo lhe lnwrr la yrmdrrl by In ulemlvo my land ml Ihuwm ml will Allrt umflmn Ind crnml mlonl sup Tun lrllrll llplllnn IM The Company mum qulr lnly dlvlrlmd ol elm mm per Illlll Inynhln ï¬rplrmhu mm to hlrcholdm ol curd Augml 14L I901 Thu Cnmnlny pmvlnuxly luld In mu qunr lnly Bmwn Co nm Company not turning or the II monlhl and cd my mm lmounltd In 3005 or $031 pct mm In tumpnrrd wlh 59031 nr to per nhm lnr ha carmpondlnu mind In yur Alum Stul Corp Ltd The Company declared ll qulrlcrly divldcnd or $0 vrr Ihare pay able Soplrmlmr 30 1961 la Allure lmldm at man Auzuu 30 I903 The Company previously pnld $035 qulrlcrly lop tom pnny 0mm decllntd lo my whclhcr the mo dividend uh new mnllnuln rule 0w our mom perlod 1981 Alumlnlum earnings rtlchlnd 1700000 nonrmrrlu lnmme Before the mailer was not led yesterdny Rev Sher ring an army padre In two world war Ind padre or the Barrie branch or the Rnynl Can ndlan chinn Id ully narrow mi course It L1 Orange mcns day but dont think they would be mnllclng anything and Im sure they would not be crilicimd the band harried la On the other hand don think he hand canld be amid it Ild decided no la carry he my think anything could he done twin any un nleasanlness would ha win to do IL Asked he Kumncnfcll Trum pet and was ofï¬cially repre scnllnx the city in the parade Mr Cauke aald They are In play Ive engagements for lhe ally and may consider Ihis one um suppose ynu could say they were repreesnlinl the city Asked or his opinion Maynr Les Cank nid Decision oi this kind wnuld be in Ihe induc men oi the Dayai Orange Ladle REPRESENTS ClTY would say though any ad verse reactlbn would not be In dicthe the high standard may have dndicaled lllernselvcs lo The controversy man when was learned that the Kempen ell Trumpet Bind which his non dennmlnuï¬anll Chrlsuln flag and Papal flu Intended to 33ng Bune city police said Mil1 plnlnu had been Mixed with he paljcg geparlfrgcnl Luau hindmaster said the blnd will carry the bin nm and will be proud to do Ia HAS TWO FLAGS lhreau to slrlke dawn the lags dld not come rum the Barrie area He did no knnwn how man gall pad bgen rpndg Huh he said the band execullve decided in pull bnlh my purely far he mm of the children But at meeting yesterday it was decided to carry hath lay and Ilsn He brew reflulnus lag ordered ram Torpnlu Illtlgrrlved polled by phone At noon yes Icrday they decided not to take an either 131 He nld he policy the hand beside teaching music to aster Inl erance and respect fur other rellzlgns and The executivi ï¬elded that withdrawing the lag would be lain Flaws ï¬lm tggchlny will rcmember er othn tlons Graham ink resident bang mg kg llgvedjhe July 451 WEATHER Imuan II Wu unly rntmnnkeund hln will txpllln NI IM IN he Xownl lhu lnw nman Innku the In ml In leï¬i rrpllllln mu mum Thu rAlInnlu wlll IJIII nnly when nurnvIrd hut ll urflu no poll Slephtn vllllcd he Dchlwtln Zoo ulmdcd the hen In Hm mu whm mum at llu nlghl Inn Mnrk and yrllnw mm In In llnu mnb edncnn Thu my wn rcurcllul flu ha rnuld nnl ride In um um um nul wllh his nowlmmd lrlnnd la Coylan shin zrnundl nflcn ur an 15 mlu nwuy wllh nolhlnl or guidance nwu lhr slnn mm ml at lha wind on leathery chrckl nfuu LA 200 Hcr old ham MW lhn Grand om Ml Lavlnla whlch usumnd Iho rule haapllnl In Ihe motlan picture The Brl due on he River Kwnl most whlch wagshot in Foypn Slcphcn could nut swim In the pnpular hay wllh nnnual Sauh Wcst monsoon mung but gnlnst he hackdmp pound lnx wavu and marina Iurl ha exnmlncd In xrral detail Inc In nrlmltlve ï¬shing trail Ceylon He wna shown lhclr cnnslruc llan by Ceylun llshurmnn clnd In Inlnclalh rough my cum and wide llrnw hnl who knew enough Enzllah to cxplnln Sltphcn that no om nail wn usngn building heihonL Ceylon lrndhiunnl They hnvc mined the mm or centuries Ind In oldrr Hum he rnclnz Ian clippers whlch wm respon Iihlu or Skphcnl vlslt la Cay lun The lad uund the rip hectic bul woudcrlul He watched ca being made In fuclurlus lhcn drove uul tn lhe east coast and Trlncumnlec nnw Ihe principal export port Ceylon when he 8W Ihe tea being loadpd Into frleuhlm Slephbn Arrived In Ceylon on June 27 spent ms or his lirs day In island at the mpsl popu llr lDurisl rcsorl Ml Lavinih hcach named alter the wife former Governor who had her homu on promontory over looking Iho Hal Mun lea Stephen had scan most Cey lon in his stay about uno week travelllng mm the warm lowlands lo the cool hraclng air of the MI country to see In lea calalcs on which the Island depends or lhlrd flu Income WONDERFUL COLOMBO Ceylon July Sephen Crunn Harrie ell here May for Indln an the su cand leg of his visit in this part of Ihe world par of he prize awarded by the Tea Council of Canada in its Clipper Ship Mo dci Building Comes in which Siephcnx model was adjudged best out 550 entries He was he guest here at ihe Ccyinn Tea Propaganda Board Lt Bob Graham command lug ï¬lter at Barrie Sea Ca dets shakes hands with Able nmyon hlllrn by Barrie Clipï¬er Build Enjoys Ceylon Visit am out mo sinfit FA Hm TOUI you AVAILAILI FOR mam OntHour Tour Plzlumquu Kampcnhli lhy DELANEY BOAT LINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS no mo 110 pm BON VOYAGE T0 BARBIE SEA CADETS 11m ronrrrl II ml of wuk Iy mlrx prurnlnd In Gmrnhum Civic Mme lu mrlnllou GIMVICNIIUHST Th Mr Trlnporl rommnml mm flnynl Canndlln Mr an Ill he mnkln ll Innml tum nm nmwnrnnrn In eral In luin hLu ï¬undly lvmlnl with oncrrlonlhcHnru ll Gull Luk Plrk Thu Kypsies cal lullgrown cnbru wilh their bare hands Many have been hlllon but may rarely succumb to the paison nus injury They apply Iha snakestone tn Hue wnund rely lng an chalklike slmclum Io draw out polsun ollcn as much as an ounce pumnud ilnlu Iho area around he punc fer Sleuhcn also spent day In one Ceyans most popular nnllonal game reserves Wilpnl when every spades an mul and blrd 1110 found In Ceylon snake will never be attacked hyuny other snake ln Ceylon Whatever the reason or may be It ls popullr bellcl thnt higherborn snake will not touch the victlrn ot the lowest number nl their cummunllyl Stephen was soon In lrnvel to the anclenl and now rulned cl le old Ceylon snnkelnleslcd and or he grealer park choked by the jungle One ol the pmy acmmpnnying Stephen carried what are known as snnkeslnnes prepared from secret recipe by the gypsles Ceylon who um noted for Ihelr dancing eohrns GAME RESERVE Band To Play At Gravenhurst Cadm Id to right Jnmu Travers Brian McKcnny Ken Dnzneaull Brynn Smkh Dav Wllpallu situated across most of tha NorthWes quarter of Ceylon offers sanctuary to the tamanisth Ceylon 15 plum and leopard which are alllng In the guns peasants in the rural areas The elephnnls are hated by the vcasanl because lhny are dcslruclivc craps nrnwn with much labour In his part at Cey lon the hem of the Dry Zane They are hunted wilh primitive muzzlmlonded guns which use bile ï¬lm wlrc nulla and stones nr lhnl Elephants In lured by lhnse weapons rarely die lmmcdialcly Instead they wander or days lorlurcd by their wuunds anon lumlnz rogue and aavaglng man and beast nllkc Evcmually lhey die In drendlul aguny he palsan Irorn Inlcclcd wounds the large for lh sparlsmen of Ceylon who wlll III In wall or day waterhole lo shoot down Ill splendid beast or superb skln They have randy murkcl 0r these skin wilh flu taxidermist may be seen from the Inlety Lila Daparlmem jeep Amnltur warpmwlm Al lhe AlIllon leu Club cum ivnl thrlr mm on In In an Frldny nluhl Glam ca my Nd up pond Ind Hugo um drew Id Hownrd Gordon Glmer Chrlslopher Nichols and Ken Dawarwhn are 01 In HMCS llunlnm Wu IA mu TOM HOWLETT SUN llFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 14A Clappulon SO HIIMQKI CANADA Sun LII lm many nwlnn plnnl ol Innml lhe new hum Vhrlhrr ynu rcqulm cnmue nn your mm We Inmily Illcmue In llvu cvrn your ulnlh nr wlnh In rn lure cullcun rduullnn lur now mm ynu MI llml Hul Elm IA hnu Hm Arm In your nrnhlrm Sievhen may never ace in lndin the kind at lush greenery lhal so much innlure oi Ceylon Certainly he will see nothing like ll nah wide yellow beaches or discover similar range oi climnle within an small an area irom lhe humid heat oi the low country to the cool breeze oi the mideounlry and he snapping cold oi the hiiixi with lhcir lemperale vege tation their early lirawbenies thinIkinncd pmniacs and in cattle heavy with milk ever we Cey Ian agaln once he returns to his home But Um pnguamry and color nf the Island he will never Re out or his blood Stephen was also mated by the Vnrlciy ai bird life by he colour and beauty of hundred and one species of native and migrant birds Here he saw ihe painted slorks he bobbing iapv wings he at snipe and tea mm the Russian slcppes which fly high above the mowcupped Himalaya in the warm baimy air oi Ceyinni He saw herd ol salteyed dter led by lhe proud mllmd bucks lla saw the small black hear at Ceylon dangerous In meek nlano and unarmed hecausa nl ll savage hrulnllly which many slghllns or armless villager will slily lo wllh lecllnz the allies who pay up In 400 about sum or skin which Iurn ls saught alter by the tourist 513m ma lnruc crowd hem on openlnl nlxhl mm were ul up on Church Serl botwren lhr llro hull Ind lho Vklnrln ï¬lm lnltrmllon Exnmlnrr Pho la gornflamg DlzhyI Nova Sco Ila for wecks lrnlnlng Examiner Photo NEW FATHER Vlnflule imxl Imur they Ile lylnynd pool 1m they were back at High Sl where my opened Ihe can beer mm In the allcrnoon lney uw and hard no nne unlll Cpl Wlngtrn Ir rhisl on the um lb ncculed In Kenn Inld mu on MI wny tn lha wuhmm when Vlnln cam quzerlnl oul of tho bnlhroom hind Ind lace covered wllh blood They re urn la Collier lo buy whlskcy Ind look lhclr purchases back In Kellu room on High St They rclurned lo the bevnrng mom And consum ed tour or llve drlughl In An hour hey muvcd on In An other hole whzre lhcy hnd lev en or elzhl slum helm ME her leslllled They met Irlend an meet who drove them In lhn hrcwm unlch on Anne SL whtre Ken and he purchased 19 been Wullnm Ken and Robert Cumrbell were convlpted in Barre Magistrates court ye tenlay on chum of assaul Ins William wlnlns in his mom on dye evenlnl at Jung Mailman 0rd mum the mast charitable mammalian could pm on the mummy swam tn by the accused was that they hid had so much In drlnk lhat they couldnt remember any thing that happened nn lha night It questlnn The Crown presented IL me agnlnsi Kean and Campbell last Friday Al Ihai time pm necuiion wllnesse William WI glm the complainant in mi Vern Wilson instilled lhul they had been having beer in Mr wigglnns room an High St when me two accused entered look beer from case an the floor and went mil an in ver nndnll Boih witnesses said lha Kean and Campbell reiumed an two occasions to like beer without permisslnn The police were called and ma George Winger invcsiiflalcd The accused dew led taking the beer lrom Mr minim the police oillcer usu Mlés Wllson wen dawnslalr shortly hefure clght oclock to wait or lax At that time the prosecution alleged the lwu acmsed emercd Mr Wiggins room was held that they hl hlm wllh lheir llsh Ind kicked hlm to ï¬ne extent Ihal he re quired our days In the Royal Victoria Hospllal The defence was enlered yu lerdny Kenn said that an the Salnrday In qucsllnn he had risen late zone downtown or lunch and me Robert Camu hcll on Ihe meal It two oclock DRINK BEE They had one ncnrby beverage room In the next hour and 20 mlnulAs he estimated lhnl Ihry had each consumed seven glasses draught beer in passing aenlcncc Maui trale 0rd said There is no doubt in my mind hm the accused are guilty oi adminisa luring innible beating on Mr WIEKins Bothmen were remanded week In cuslady while In sentence report prepare cgowrfs cm The Bench mead with de ltncc counsel Gordon Mcmrk that the courts judgment rested on the credibility oi the stories by thempposing parties in the complaint Tzerriblev Beating Given Boomer Magistrate Finds In lull lrtmlnll my Ilm In mid II II Clly build In Tlinllumlnlon flank mlanml nu nmlmlnl llul nnly lull pnynwnl nl Immnll hr mtlml ll lhé urnrlu lullnl my mmll mud mulc ul llu Cnmmlulun clllu nulleld Slml null WEST llm Drun lflmlu lJmlInI loulrrl ln lhl Ilrlll 9w plnl rlnu gnllnnl Hurlum leilcd Incltd In lho Slmroa Shopplnl lnu Cuxlnmm my my lmlr mm nllhcr nl than new almllu Immediately TO All CUSTOMERS Al Iorvkn lo runlnmm Hu Cnmmlulnn hu IMUIM Ind Um lhl Mluwln nunclu bu IIIbulked for th collrcllnn Irruunu The Public Utilities Commission l5 Iaylluld Sum CIYY 0F BARRIE OF THI EAST asked the complalnant If any lhlng wns wrong to which ha received th reply None 01 your business AERESIED 305 they reQurned tn lhl buverale room when thermal3 mlllrehended by lhl Barr City cc He told the court that he and Keans had gone imu Winim roam ion beer when they reached High St early in the evening the time he had been introduced to Wiggins Vere Wilson was in Ihe mm but they had no hem inlrodpced he said He law no mm Wlflin that night he suld He told dc mce counsel that he had never seen Vera Wilson In his life Kean denlcd being in Win lns room on the evening In question He did mum any heer and he did no slrike the tomplalnanl he told Mr Mc ï¬nk Under crasuxamlnalinn by Aaslslant Crown Allomay John Murphy Kelns remembered that Wlxghu came on his door mllldlng wllh Campbell when the latter was on his way tn he washroom He sald that lhls occurence would account for lhe bloat Campbell clnthesl He said than was blood and matches on his knuckle be cause he had got angry and hit he wall uf his room the day before NUI REPRESENTED Campbell wn not represented by counsel He lesmled um Wlnln lald hlm that he had been hit an Ihe hand by boltlc wielded by man In black metnr In hl final xubmlsslon or lhe Crnwn Mr Murphy said that lhe stories at he accusnd dil ftrcd and that clear case assault agllnsl Kean and Camp bell had new made nuL CW television nllwnrkl nightly news prognmsfoht mcrly hmndcas 1030 pm will In lulure bu Ihnwn It 11 pm Commerclal 0r Induslrlal Photo Passport Portraits Film Developing CALL IMIIII IIUDIO For on IL PA Hm 11 Gavin Ht Inn 111 Bndlord El CHANGE NEWS TIME AU AT