it me BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAYJULY lift ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 60247 Dssicious smornroord sundry mm ll pm Adults on children under in plan Also childrens special menu oayview Terrace Shanty my hosts at Blue PA oasis BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you announctJtil birth of our child In The uarrlo his her cllrpinn the isolch In avail tar usbya Bnol faintly ltrcnrdn and to mail your fiends and relatives in than is may places him so announce ment liter birth Call Tito Esrrll Examiner Clluiflcd PA It DEATHS uolvAr rcrrus JokerHudden 13 It his residence Elmvale Dn tarlo on Friday iiuly is not in his 12nd year Fergus Joker Rowt retired line construction Ioremsii Ontario ilydm beloved husband or the late Rosie ailn ervs Archer dcsr lather at Jun Lloyd Knight or mini dear rrsndlrlher nr Iirelidl Sin Kenneth Nickel and Charlotte nastins at his late residence in stone street azimvale Ior luncrsi service on Mondly July it at rm interment Elmvlle Cente ery IN MEMORIAM liENIlAlllIn invlnr memo at our deal sari Lyle John Bell sin who passed away July it lost Please God toigiye tear lervcnt wish that Ler hera There are others yer know But he was Ours and we loved him so 5arlly missed and ever yamrm beer by his Mum and Did asiviiAiuin iorinr memory or dcsr brother Lyle John lien hrm who who lttly July it ion Each lower and my my wither Errn errntny sun rnry The hunt or Iiier ihrt loved you Ale the Ones litlt never inllfli Ssdly missed and over runem bered by Gertie and Don COMING EVENTS BARRIE ilORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TOUR WEDNESDAY AUGUST AM To East York Memorial Gar dens Centre lslnnd Ior picnic lunch tour City Service Conser vation Project at limntc then to see annuals at Royal Botani cal Gardens Total Cost 3t To reserve call Illrs Archer PA IHZJS before July 22 or alter July 27 BBG Legislation May Need Clearing OTTAWA CPI Legislation establishing the Board oi liroad cast Governors may require cIarlllcation Transpnrt Minis ler Mcilrtiilh said Friday lie was deicndlng the Liberal governments decision to reject IlIlG recommendation that it new prlvnloly ouurtl Frcnehe lnnrunlie radio station Iio esltib llshed In Ottawa Doualils lislier INDP Port Arlhuri null Marcel Lambert PC Iiilmniilon csli nailed whether rrirrtlon til the IIIIG recommendation wasnt ii proc cdrnl Mr Mcllrallli told he llnrsnl propolu to attempt in siiiistl Illlc mysell iilr lllc IIIIU uhuse eslnliliullluu legislation will eit plleli on the point that the body must make rttlilnilltlllllilltm nil upiilltilllulls Ilir liliiutitilsl uuliels Ilul ilii iilillillill Illiiiili lllili his tiwn llulles were equally clear iilmiil iitilliuiirlnlt licences Inr their ivctimiiiciulalloni lie rlltinl nunu llllil the re Ictliiiu iii lilil rttflilltillllllrliinn rIIl rrllettinri un Ilie capacity til the Hill lr llltlliallll will lie hnll lr siicti Arvrrlil yearn ago when lilo Illiii tlll rilillillslirll Illni ilil lrltlslalluil unyut tlrar ll iIItKIIl urll trtpiliu rlnilllenllml lull lllr point IIIIW nl luilc wnt llllil litI lIIll tilllllli fllll Ills Iliil lIllil uhlliiuliuiit ns Iitll he could Ieo Ballra Commit Ill Handing Power OTTAWA itllIlllvvl iliilll since Illlll lnrliniiielil Iins Ilirll Iptlltnntl rlr lIit rum It In rtirpnralr rnuipnulrr IliIl till Friday If inlliiiuim minrrllanrour prime Iiillr uni iiilllrc Ifllhtti ill doing II inurlh lime Al note an IIlInrii it illl ililllillllflli anliiiial irricia Ilnn til iAlintln to lie ciiiluiw nut to stir Its 11 iilmltllr hrvpss Canada corporate tla Ins so they can hold pinprily Without this the prmium Itinl regard the Iirauihu us part III the Ietlrrrillun First time IAillnivliril lllil illti lit iiiiurparallng paper was in IIIII slim ll ut up the min ni linmtnlrsu Follies In tsnnvis The same was litltll In loll lth illl Ilnlirnl tlturrli ml min In liinl ullli lin lmi sirsstirm at the ltlslcr oi the iiitil 100 AanS lair buildings on REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Ellwood BLACK REAL ESTATE BROKER RR2 Shanty Bay PA 82190 so ACRES level sandy loam soil close to paved road Ex cellent or tree planting or building site 100 FEET on beautilul Harp Lake near Huntsville Good gravel road right to the lot Hydro Price 31700 50 ACRE FARM in Oro town ship all level workable land Splendid brICIt house with our piece bath and oil burning tur nace good barns and stabllng Sell or ten thousand dollars or exchange on larger term ACRES on gravel road close to highway and seven miles from Barrie Four room bungse low in beaulllul condition abun dance at hot and cold water new cupboards and oil burning furnace This is real nice home 100 FEET BY 200 FEET oa paved road New two bedroom bungalow Will sell very reason ably and on monthly payments 100 ACRESwilh stream excell ent buildings Oro Township loo ACRES with stream good buildings innislil Townshlpu 100 ACRES with spring in pas ture Tecumselh Township loo ACRES vllh stream excelle cnt buildings Madonte Town ship Highway 26 Only 59000 100 ACRES good buildings 2000 It 6000 Call IA 82190 any time or call Everett Mugbocd Slayner RR II phone IWWS FRASER LTD REAL ESTATE BROKER sssaA DullTin st Toronto Farina Suburban Properties Homes Businesses Appraisals Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Barrio Phone PA om 160 ACRES level clay loam well drained good buildings plenty oi writer view at lake Asking $156 per acre One of our best form values Terms filo ACRES choice clay loam good buildings plenty oi water In one block 3130 per acre Terms iiiAllOLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors Moriitnlto lunds Available son at Voluo m7 interest No Bonus No Hidden Fees nvmmos CALL Curly itlnrutennan rA Istla rrlc ibrwryi Daunap PA is nlnris iroisair IA satin II vhita PA PA Ill Itarssral Moors III IlAVllElJ ST iA Frï¬iil ANYTIME CORBY REAL ESTATE Rroker Pliono PA iii In Duulop Si linsl ls liohry Amihis All AIISIIAIJ PA Ill ii rlirLi iriiiist iA sonar Will IIAllIllli iA mu nui autumnmu sirnud mm IT Kenn Marshall limit tlhIATI iilltiilsii lA lLilfl iI LLAlliZIITth nit ttAliiiIl YIIANK NEII rA used in viii rA IIIGI ii ll tillIII rA soon Ilylvilier ni iiruia rnn IiiIilrt In Hand piilmi hum with living nnrn rillilnl nnnt anA iiirhen ruinmnuiii rup tumn in Miami run tint ti In inin arhnoir lA Ims iA siisi RVnillltmil iirlra nu rnur um lislliyliotst nun vanlls illliitiml th ihrnurhnui lull in yqiilrpnl rum ll tame immealsls nrrturnry UPI lisiisiit irrihwum Innm mum Iliuii tlnsa in public sipnu union mi Apply in tnltan rut rA soils lllMtAltIW mi ml At Large um um nininr alirhrn Minnmm Mdiimms uranium rum in Aluminum atmms or ant rin ii iehrni am All pitrrr rim airierptl leiry nna rA Host Irlll tst rurinrn luilll rierp Int rslmi lirins ninlu am with sim Amvlm pit paiii Anlshea linnhia Is Ilnvml mi many is lesimr ill Mr It rAleill nls lay ivillil Mail rum in llllhlsy II II inï¬ll nu Its1M ll riniey nniyntutu mu Int mu um rm mutumi Baigsln Ips some um REALESTATE ROGERS 98 Paolo DUNLOPSTREETEASTI PHONE PA 85568 Suva Miles Wliil EVENINGS CALL MRS MOOREPA solar ROGERSPA sisal semen BABRI ANI DISTRICT RML ESTATE BOARD SMITH SCAMPBELLL PHOTO ML5 PA 60241 32 HIGH ST Joan LongPA tom Del ColePA 54927 lumber or PHOTO MLS REALTORS THIS WEEKS FEATURE $13500 146 VANCOUVER Lovely live room bungalow large kitchen with beautliul picture window facing the east Plenty slnltcquipped with vegetable sprayer Three nice sized bedrooms all with good sired closets Four piece bath spacious living room partly ilnlshcd rec room in basement The price on this property has just been reduced ior quldl sale Carries or $41998 per month Cash to mortgage $10000 33 BERCZY Cozy live room storey and hall on llrst floor No uedrooim and piece balh upstairs llas gar age and 60 it lot all surrounded by cedar hedge Will accept seasonablo down payment with good terms on balance OUT OI TOWN SPECIAL ANGUS $8500 $500 down on highway close to all schools ANGUS $6500 $500 ODIN close to all schools GUTHRIE $9500 iiva room modern breezeway garage High wa 11 North AMONA $9500 $500 down Seven room modern ï¬replace lliiDHURST $7500 51000 down TOLLENDAL $5900 $500 down Four rooms and bath pitL guest collage EVENiaos CALL liCA BROWNtit NZRS NORMAN SIIELSWELbP 1422 JACK WiLLSONPA 84611 HOWARD NORRISPA 85463 EVERETT SilEiSllELIOro MR5 EXECUTIVES HOME WATER FRONTAGE Storey and halt Insulated bedrooms bathrooms Iireplaees panelled rec room accessible all year girrages Large trced lot Many extra ieaturos Must be seen to be appreciated $35000 PA 68164 KEITH lfll Eglinton Ave Toronto HU 73333 CLIFTON TLVD room collage large porch Lot 60 I20 sandy bench immedie ate possession 100 BALLYDOWN BEACH ti bedrooms large living room ltllctten cupboards sink lum LHIILd largo screened vernnrinir Mill Ireed beauillui view oi lake 800 GLENWOOD REACH rooms lot 100 lLi piece bnlh glossed verandnli it winterized iu iuinlshed stove irldge etc 71500 GILFOIID iilIACli Maple Ave Grnlned plywood Inierlor bedrooms living room tilneile ltllrbcn culilnela piece balh Close to call rotate and mnrlnnl real boy 50m CEDAR POINT col lneri One has liodrootm nnti kitchenliving In 11 winter ized Second rolligc rooms bedrooms large living and dining ii i1 Acmn porch illebrn piece bath rnr nllle tulllum gnrnite boat slip licitii lliul snme bench Millie An oil er We have Motel all Commer clnl silel nrilrement hornet on llhtl irnnt Farms sud IIuAInm Pmputl anywhna in Ontario IlAlIllIH REPRESENTATIVE LES GRIFFITHS PA 858I Summer Homo or All Year Round Residence bedrooms wires linlh rolone inl iitriirn ltvtnl room and tllnrilr nvrilotiiilns ths plrilir qua Ntililwnsliln illrer hugsuy panelled walls Ilol alr till iuiniirr Ideally located on lllier ltd miles smith nl harass Tlili Iii Ii lovely liml lfli optima it 130 it trout in all lhe tllM Mull delivery ssibagr lllitllflfltIWml In rlc illI lm Immctllsl sale At 500 Will Ittcpt TIM mml Ill Wilts living plwno ntmilier In Marvell lllvrt Rd Wlwgs in rim to ishlle II no rim ll 11L luusio ltlsh huh mt toured II IMMirI unturned PA stun All an suit or PA Mm Tl XAMINII him Alli ia aar District Real bi SHELSWELL and WILLSVON 113 DUNLOP ST EAST REALTOR erPROi=EiiTitsoR SALE CONNELL REALTORS Our Photo Fiios CONNELLPA ll9165 REALTOR Res PA aTaaii Charles ReadPA 817 Mrs Loreen RiceOre WRS Bosrd PA 61422 oI cupboard space exhaust inn Living room dining and kitchen Four rooms garage Make olierl MARG TARBUSllPA 682 PRIVATE CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 iiembrr ol lllrris liiti Disirlri lat ticrd REALTORAPPIIAISER Ilumes Forms Businesses ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE IIIIUKER Bil DUNLOP ST llAllitlE Phone PA 57236 Opposite and Store rlvs lt0t Imul bllrls iumlrho on lot so lot taboo run Are street Tiersiï¬TrWANTED CLIRNT WITII very in down payment wants in or loiis bed room hsvc ha run utph sintr ruin ilrsl mile sisal nu PA senor FARMS FOR SALE its Ains unit In Asia iull rirs new morn brirs on IaIl miles lllulil writ nt izimvsir on tinnrruihu Appi to hrbioual ilIt him MORTGAGES IllllIiIIDIAlll ist it 2nil Morten Loans Anywhere illilK iNhlIL III ill lillhfl ANI TAIliltl TOW MIINIHIN PAYMENTR You NEED MONEY Any Invitihhtlo utiu ilrlls or limits PA 000 Mortgage Funding our in iii lintMr II unitsrs Mnllflltil all You ll Invited Ill til nnur untilIsis run with Ital rill In Inst pinvldlnt pl lWllltl Ill MI so loud vis III or nut at my mum st and Vii Isl Coll rmn simi mm your N5URANCE MOVING Dont lorgri lo iiAhsior llIlT INSURANCE hilt II you need extra oillags at any iintl SEE STEVENSONS iis Dunlap RI it lA Hwi Movsns MOVING For unripch liming service suits and Quiet call COOKIE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD vuun AiiiEn VAN LINES AGENT ailo ANNI hr REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE SIX LARGE Building Lnil ior niO Ansirs Gardens cash or terms Teisphona PA Men or turther Inlomstion aus OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $5000 YEARLY Mnehes meals lab and chips groceries complete with build ing stores rooms all turn aoe REAL MONEY MAKER iryers grill booths and stools juke box 6500 plus stock Take house Some terms GEORGE PRICE CREEMORE GROCERY nous Snack Bar Ssh vise Station Stock Paved TrentIll ApsrtrneaL Houu included it wanted will Ilka ï¬rst most Or ind for small farm PA Milli GENUINE Blrnin Grill lub issx Int Sarllicl Station mm living Iltlricrs litti 500 down balance mu morlllll Taxes tin Inltlntlce interest Ind principli Carries Tor per month Principals only Write Box 71 Blrrio hammer RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT DESK SPACE AVAILABLE In modern prestige oliice Rent al includes iélciiione answering and receptionist during Diliea hours Secretarial Service avail able Call PA li9dl9 OFFICE Largo oiiice or rent Very rea sonable Apply BRASSGLENN LTD Phone PA 85025 Olnoe Accommodation WILSON BUILDING Barrie Ontario Decorated and partitioned to meet your requirements Air conditioned it you picler At prices you can allord Tele phone PA 82291 SMALL cnairouTAan orrieo ior rent Hot water heatlns cenlnL corner location on Duniop st Eur Very rusonabia larmedlio pose session PA Hut RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT NEWLY DICOKARD hpsetotll bedroom apartment with Iran Avs Ibis immediately Cellini lot on Tliephonl PA 030 your noon downstairs spart meni ssshenied uo monthlyï¬ igzsts Inhutcs Telephone PA ma IIDROOM ammonia only men Including sniw urvlaa an au stop at door Cloris to school siephuao PA oasis aioDEnN Apsrimnt at reduced rent in rolurn ior looklns liter apsnmeni building Middle and coupll prererrerL Apply an is Bants Examiner Titus notm Apartment with bath leirllerstor and stove not and water supplied Privata cob rsncs tlouto shopping district Telephnnl PA $5M noun ROOM rurnlslied merit piccoblih stove reirigerator se niatned rung lscllllles Avslla Iv Jilly Telephone PA NAIL apart Vy duty RENTALS ROOM WANTED nemrcae new telephon equipment in arr vie requiresrooisu ln priv homes or nisls employees Wr ex on Esrrla Examiner cumroaTAuLs rurnisned hourr keeolns room In quiet home rs quired by eminent lady Preter abiy olakest Vincent ares Tells phone PA Mair HRH insillllnl SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE TO RENT Iivi nouns tarnished coitus ior sale near sandy hesch Priced Tar quick lIie Telephana PA Lists PORT CARLING Lakeside Cotiase svsllablo nor to August inside convenientI Telephone PA 4594 CAlllPlNfl TRAILER or rent tilt per week sleeps two adults and two children Buy In Illui Tclr phone PA H1 FOUR ROOM lieltd round Ioni lpaflmeni II Isabel Street lint water Ind dryer lelvics lupplied no monthiy Telephone PA Mn Ovenln ONE IBBDROOM Apartment Ind on 1bedroom apartment for rent tramrims Separate sum and entrances AVlillhIe immediately retention PAa7aes sniALL LAKEIRONI Cottage suitable rar live Thunder bay Belch Furnished Available July 20 and August 1031 Tuck It Dundonsid street routs petitions coitus on Georgian Bay or lust from All last 40 per week or I120 per month Telephone PA can or lurther details cozir THRIBIIOOM Apartment stove and reliigeratar Avsllahls immediately Private bath Push Llll space Plenty of storage Tele phone PA Mess MODERN two bedroom unturn Iahed heated apartment in Strand Iplrtmesit house ND ohieetteu to baby tin or swimming pool we monthly Ayalllhll nflw Tele phon strand is nlnnziTN bested two bedroom unfurnished apartment Parsing and laundry ilcilltics Centrally located Available now Telephonl PA MS or htrtber iniorlnslion Two runmsiisn Aplrtmonls one wIIii titres rooms and built one with tour rooms snd Central Ciern and modern Ava able My 21 Telephone PA was GROUND noon unlurnlrhed apartment ayslisbla now nireo rooms Ind private bath Scikone islned Heat and not water sup plied On Cnliicr street Telephon PAsms or PA ems nnADronD STREETLaue un lurnithed spartrnenl Three rooms bathroom Prints en auto 37 Utilities Enclosed rs en child welcome PA Lasso bel noun or arm HOUSES FOR RENT six ROOM housa with susa tor rent Telephone PA 7235 rpm pm to pm lilnEi neonouss linlla tsmlly dwellins Available second week lu Ausurt Ark or Kinsll PA sdsot tor lurther iniormstiou manst slcrred Thre bed room hou attached srrsse ts piece bathroom larse int sad monthly Any time srl ureauli Highway to one mils troin Angus runs noun Dunralow on nrri Nesr ornouis Not more than InO rniiaren No pets sioo month Iy Newton street Available August erred IA asToa MODE Inn with attached on Camp uorden urhwy on an Concession oi as Apply at iimur sneet alter pm runs in re on blork sliun iiizlinuuii slrirk ilusigllnw lvio bathrooms oil henird that end nrar schools and ahopplns lilo nioriltlly Years lute Tele pnphr lA aTsio cvrninsr rilnEL nsiillumi remlaetsched brlris hunt with exrrilent view at llll hay Located renirsliy and equipped with hot wairr OII lur nnre Allrartiv Arrplace tn llv in main issue Irirlutled tilts monthly Te APAR MEIR FOR The Garden Terrace Corner Queen rind Duckworlhi Modem home two bedrooms large living room lilcd kitchen Willi dining area all heat with Air conditioning Iiill basement nervlcett landscaped grountl newly decorated um monlli PIIONE PA 112740 sslitanained on sea unturnlalied mrnl Apply Peel Mil room laundry Iariiiiiu hlsret tiarrlr uTiiitr tun ruom lvsstmrni ior rllilusisl pslviltlsl Tclrpho no In ntioii Apartment our iera baits Lars Ilvihl roarn troom sitrheu and suupoirh iinnra throng iiI lely dc IA alts hedrnnm hurnm liltt lvslh nip mmunly rh lilutiu nun roll oiiire Tuiptlonl lA um AiiANliAIIti lnixs will lie mat in pyiyata utilan Lin Trirpnnnv pm Tllt AND sum iwtllnllm apart or il Ileililfllitlf run dry nuihiin Iin llIlIh Till vlisiNisiisn Iloomr lur mu Fulltile inr rtiltpll or en wllit smIIl lyllii our stay wrii urrtlntlrd made one Ilnsn iyhnna III Im ihau apa nwa norm ins isllllllr ynnu IA lllli INTIAIJJ inmnt ull cells in mom and huh nu mm utuia psvllnl ll llsihvliw iult Tilerhim PA CW 1min Ila ovum runs an tin Imi Imilll listltiiiillh Illtlmlnl Linn nnm ill mu sum tyniilsInd Ml yhlpl Ilrllltlu ittilirnN unnunii tum twn aritmrnt sins tinpilot ynui lile inrthrnnun iiieri liuur nun umi Istihilys islIIItls prim sinuni AvailIlls Iiilr III at Iltlnll lime to mu inn tmirnnm tonsilIII Tamihut rnnvnlmru no he moved sci ul up ensbrie Aim llui inm mm Iiiihlsim hpsltmshts Fir Irillll at It Iolrhnnl ult lAvi mm luve min ImamA tnuv may lmis rlml hath mlui niis III wealth hiriin Ind aster Tolsvbinil PA wThtrmIn us lists ElliliKnNTilllll alum unit MODERN 0N3 bedroom sparl ment tour Piece luth stove sud rrmgcrltor laundry and parklns iaciillles alorsss locker moo monthly Telephone PA More uerxNisiisD healed tour roam lplrtsnesii Private bath and rub rance Very central Suitable ior adult coupla or adults wiih one child Apoiy at Donnelly It alc Donald 5L nsrrle rivz ROOM Apartment roomy sellcontained lots or cupboard rpare sialrnny Separair enirance Psrhlng tselllilex Close to ludur lilsi sres Teleptmllt PA 515 slier pm FOUR LAncz ted loam Tile lloors Laundry rt psrhins sclll lies Fenced yard ior children Clots lo senrate and puhiir schools Available now Telephona PA Msao LARGE atodern the bedroom un Iuiniined apartment Pllv bat hot wairr healed Laundry room with dryer ucrrlreralur Avslllbie July Telephone PA sum or and Immaculate sprrimenl Livinr room two bedrooms lrm alien rn and bath Lcntrst location Parking tsrlliilu Available Sep tember Telepho PA vunNiaiinn room spsslmrnt Heavy duty stove rtlrlgelsler parninr oppurun sr chs no Alsn mm morn untur rilstied putntrni nvrrinnaini lrkr relapnrn PA osau or PA snout AVAILANJ immediatriy Nov Illa mutiltll two bedroom Vsrb menu In east lrld not till ici aup iird sinva to optimal Janll psvrd prisiny Taiaphnn PA seals Dr um Arnltrm on Won Slice inr rnt 0m Ilvlill room on but mum on aurhrn Ind hrthrnom lirslsd Newly tirroisled munlllly Antillle Jilly iII Apply slim stunmun Queens llbtcl any Irn Ar living room kitchen and tourpi balh trunt and our rntrrnm ndry loom in mitll rrrains rpm nun an or run slillitrrn wclrnm Apply in lisyllsld simt droom spslt meat 10 hhiriry strut In Mr mnnln sryeu room house lsi nmtlnni Iiirnl tlio ur monlii Rll room an imrnl tlulcuirr niml no Nt mouth llrhyy ll rlra am lirhlr Rulliirl ll sun hirel one rA nous ruling on PA lam ROOM ls BOARD InmlTATNii RIVAlit Turpinm rA sills NAnv EliaVidal ripTE Gullllnlfl Will Pi ilfltlt llllsmsn uiu Tririmun sum tor luilhsr liiinsinsllnn ROOMS To LET Two rinunrtrifnnm inr nut in print hnme rim in slownltiln lI um men pistssivil style and mum mu IIIlilo Vs ttnlsl phnns PA soil smi India or tpsillsl Trie phn rA skin on Tim ulltlr llnu pins um in rent iuiiy lawman IIsiltII mat lssll rutr lmliiiiyfl leninlly in TrInhhn rA nasal ilNllillli ilnuranpins unnnr Inrliiillng rim Hilllvtatnr nu plus II lill In an in Ills IIi uurvls Mn aim IIIII At hm Ilnp PA 04 tiyiivtinnnis neuiiiiiiur innvn snr llnnmn manner iiy amninm lenllemsil hate nriie may Istllllln Triephnna ru and pin or AIM pm his day rAhreilslinm anti llrntl must he pimp in intend lth llllv rumr ares Laketrnnt Iccommodlllon for six Weekly or monthly Fireplace television piece bath Very eomtortablo and madeni Ills boat ramp Show it sutltlnil Cotton tor rent loose led llslln Iiescli nil Georrlan my bedrooms lnslds conveniences Avstlsblo train June to to July It last two weehs oi Aulust No For iurther lnlormltion telephon PA was rumalisn Summer Coitssa Latte Simeon is miles Irons rte Situated anion lovely illnis wood trees Two bedrooms no weekly Telephone PA aim or PA Hm SUMMER PROPERTY FOR SALE RuslloG LAKE chslai Colts plumhlns excellent iso sand burn reduced trons $5500 to Moon lor quick sale Free estates Llstinll wanted Newcil arid ale ARTICLES for SAlE NEWSPAPEqu MATS Sizes 22 it is ideal ior lining hen houses since garages etc Derleci insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Iaii Apply The flame Examine Barrie Ontario CLEARANCE TV Sets $35 up also Vacuum Cleaners $20 and up Limiteo quantity Repairs to all maker at TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA 68643 it Illulcaster Street COMPLETE an at drums Excellanl condition Apply Duniop street East Apsiime ior rurther iniormation EmsAlias Tv ieinnr one your old For any further liilormstlon Elena telephone on mm belors pm lionsls TRAILER ior sale loun wheel 1hour sire ms or best otter button telephone Canto nordon Tss GERRYS IIIRAI lllsritot Painse wick open every nlrht inr your convenience Red nrand beet lor your home ircczer Cut and wrap Ped Telephone PA soars users FIVEvIIECE nedrnom sulla Chll vanity dresser double bed spring and mtlress $50 Appi Smith and Rutter Furniture in uunlop Strect Dst PA sorts JEWELLERI sunverse Moot ions as Inches high plria sins lroni top and rides sliding can On back three Idiustablo rim shelves in good condition 75 Handy liaruwrre Aleons arrea Road Slmud Runnels or or llle too at irs arid Numbering Mschlncs hi im mm to order Dependlbl rvlca rut prompt delivery Contact The Examiner Commercirl Printing Service is uryAeiri street Barrie PA um sea oun Selection or Tenlsl Com prre our pricesl run my are on every camping purchase Lowerr prices In Isrrio or umpinr equipmcal etc orrri Gnvcrnrne Surplus 15 Dunlop West of lnerney alindeu and Italicyuan BUSINESS DIREC ROOFING MODERN HOME Roofing Siding Insul lD pay PIIONE PA 61 ASPHALT PAVING ASPHALT PAVING Driveways parking areas etc Guaranteed workmanship Call for tree estimate SIMCOIi PAVING PA 31835 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING and AIR CON DITIONING Gas and Oil New installations Conversions untl Reoalis Free Estimates No Obligation 1M HATFIELD PA ltllZi iNSURANCE INSUIIA ALI TYPLS For personalized service Contact MR VERSTRATEN OWEN ST Hill PA 619921 Ilm IA lSIIJT NURSTNO HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Ililllt ior llils wink Aceoniino dallons Inr boil Ami IT patients Mule Anti ltlllillt cool load Itl svlslon ltotrs lloii anti up call Strouil 00M Wbasanvmscnoof WOODLAND Nursery School And Summer Camp 57 iilCIICZY 5T PA 84515 PLASTERIMO ILASTIIIIING lAlii NEW CEILIN ANI PATIIIINII lm ltruiunlrii SIUltfil SAM CRYER iA SIGN STUCCO STONE QUIKRRIK AND PLASIERING CEILINII IIIKMS AllLliWAIH lATiliRfl Fm ltiilmaies lludgel ms SIMCOE QUIKDRIK Phone Al lelh betray NM tColIceii Raine dsy caumllulioris slid rrsorl lmlsl be phonhi In below com SERVICE TORY TELEPHONE PA 82414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Your IMPROVEMENTS ation Eavesiroughing ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AIVNINGS New vitait and DalisWt no down payment and uplo 60 months FREE ESTIMATESAIL WORK GUARANTEED 281 ANYTIME PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper llonglng Spray Painling Service Since I910 Till Rarrie FA 6693 IIURON PAINTING OCommerclal Iitcsltlontlal llilliUT SCllilAG ill WILLOWILILE AVE IA Blï¬lliit nilcr Thin Vorkiiianslilp Guaranteed POVTERTAOWER5 SALES C7 SERVICE IIIDtirrli Equipment inrtory trained technicians Va repaxr all males at small engines any make sharpen and balance ml or rotnry typo mowers any site RENTALS USED nIIlWi ACCEPTED AS TRADEIN 0N Tilli SALE OF NIZW ONE SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE Highway 27 PA 113577 Open owning in no Muiitliiy llirnuiJi lrlilay PRINTING ï¬rmly liEuunlirr io CHECK your simply nl PRINTING For limit value place your Itll Ntw ALL IIIITS iii llthTlNli 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