Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 7

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Championships Go On Line Today hln Ihm Nuan Onlulu mud unior lum Manulm Mrmlru rlmn plnmhl In hnlh lmn diu nlmu anal mlly In the ramp In MIMIIll In ll unlnr rompelnlun ml llllh In ht nnlnn Mnllyu lllnur nl Knmlonu ML wllh lirulmuwl no the ynnn Illll Areklnl In CIndun unlnr hlmplnnlhlp PLAY 1mm IND Tum lay In rnlrgnriu min ll III The hvllvlllml rhlmnlanlhml an um MI null Amy myurnhl Uni vmlly Tumult Kludrnl mm and on rulllnu qul 1rd lho IM In All Colllprllllunl IIHI IMIIovcrrmr TI In lhn Ind lur lhn wommn rlm Milo Hrilllh nIIImMI wllh Mr Ila lunfllrl lum had umh Ilmh lud our Mlvuln In In unlor lcnm dmnplnnlhlp Onlnrlnl um hrM Hm Ilrnlm Irml In llw hnlflr lnr lhc lrnlnr wmnrnl Inlcrpmunrlnl tum lille 1h Ontrm an mum lmrl nu ma Qun hu nnd nnmh Cnlumhln wen ltd ll trl wnl Hm Illunllon hr min dechlvo nllrr Mudy openln lBllnll round It lhn OUIWI fllvcrmcnd Club WMWA CPDNa Cunn dinn wnmnnl um champlnn Ihlpl an lhe Ilne or dtclnlon lndly whlle lhe lull Held HIK llu through nnnlhrr mund Ihal will Ind Silurdny lo Hm womrnl clnn rhlmplumhlp and Du Junior He With no lll eellnf toward Plcard or Gorham honestly bellcve the tuatlnn was handled badly This is robiem or the not oncvmcm er and local was Larr Wood id make ccrta presenlu in their irue iighl With no ill feeling toward honesliv believe um man Gorham known as well as anyone else ihai Boyd is the difference between success and failure Picard ndmilicd that wiihoul Boyd there would probably be no junior entry He stated he wanted to see the roblem settled in larrie but also stated Boyd deci ed to lay junior there would be no problem asked In what if Bo decided to play intermediate and he replied I1 cross this bridge when come to it ONLY BOYDS name was mentioned in the whole eonversation What about McCioskey What about my other player eligible for junior softball The OASA is wrong If they told Larry they would accept late entry then they should have done so It bolls down to personalities Picard is definitely wring Gotham and his junior team Plcard stated that junior entry was received from Barrie before the intermediate What difference Its Boyds decision and he flatly stated he would rather play with the Stewartl team He didnt sign junior card PICARD TOLD ME he would accept Stewarts en try without Eoyd Now he also said he would accept Stewarts entry after the deadline Hes using his two uestlons to Wood as an out for his change in his rlerl nu Did you contact the local representative Have you any player of junior age limit To both questions Larry replied no Larry explained TOLD HIM didnt contact the local represen tative because Gotham told me it was too late to en ter team told him didnt have any players junior age because honestly believed we didnt Then discovered Boyd and Pele McCloskey were still eligible for junior sottball The next thing heard was that Pioard called and told me could enter team but not with Butch Boyd on the roster Now who is Leroy Plcard or any other member of the OASA to tell any club not to use player of jun ior age If Boyd wishes to play intermediate instead of junior who should have the authority to decide which club he should compete with Certainly not the OASA ter if ethics questions called Mr Picani yesterday In St Catharines and asked him for statemem Vlie toyi me was mat Inn Apparently Gorham had figured on Boyd as It cher for his junior team Apparently Picard agree GORHAM HAD already entered The following day Larry received gingd telling him he couldnt use oy It appears after long distance telephone call to Leroy card an executive member the Ontario Amateur Softball Association that this organization makes or breaks rules to suit itself Let me explain The first of the week Larr Wood called the local representativa of the OASA arlle Gorham and ask ed could he enter his Stewarts Garage team in Inter mediate playdowns He was told he couldnt it was past the deadline Larry then called Mr Picard and asked him the same uestlon Picard said al though it was past the dead ne he could enter club because the purpose of the OASA was to promote softball and this wouldnt be the first time that the deadline rule was waived mum munh mum 19111g MN um unan amber and 77 ocal representative and It lWeedI Id make certain that the tam were Iroblem or II execuuvg git the OASA wm nu IL was mat He said he asked Larry the allowing ET AT rArGLANCE Parker who had Iumml maltpd ankle Am Iwhlwl In whrn mth did Wm lllhl mnnlnl and pmmlna he Iunml lo udlon mo lhnn TUIIONTO CIJMH IM hr IM ulllaml mlmr Inlur In In Tnnmln Ammul Inn wind lama hvw annrully nllhl hum nllltlnb ll um 11mm ny Mm In mi will In In Mirmoan wmlmll Mu Judy llllfll AM MnnlrrIL Mumr or IM nncn In 1W0 and IBM wll law Mr QIIlwc lum wIHI 7n Ind only an nlrnlm brhlm Mlu Manny In IIM nr Ihe rhm ll duA poor Ippumh than line Mnllunn lnrmrrly mm fnlnry Ind mm nova lruhar In Townla Ilml MI Mrl Mnrlrna Sltwlrl Sllrll nl Funlhlll Out nun tlmu WIN the rims and Ill llmn pm rlumnlnn had rwhnl Jackie Parker Ilt Workout SM lliflnn Lnndnm 0n drlrndlnu chlmplnn in womrnl tlnno and Alan nnh dlnn unlor champion In mu hul now uvcr nuc nhol Ilnl round so In mu Onlnrlo lrnm nun and an npcnlnl MA to rrfnln hrr lull Illa Controversy Boyd InMiddle were all wllhln our nlmku of MI Irvcy who ha held lhl ClnIdlln Junlnr IIHI lhru llmu Ind In yrnr won Ihl Qurhec hnmcn open receive tailfrom couldnt use pitcher Butch By RICK FRASER 11m hullplnla luluml on Mnmlayn vrolmlonl mulling card at nmlo Ar ma Four mhlml Inrludlnl szy uphL Alumu will lll mu nml nm In In Mm mulch 047w 1an Ilnlrd an hm Jchlu Tiny Tim anw Im Armmtr nllvnrllnn In Ilw lm Mum nlum Eu AM llulldnl llmw MAI mr nul ml mnlvilu rmduu Jud drop in and Al Supp on the night Au at Saginaw Kcnny Lana ll pummelllnx Pnul Armxmd In camer Ind ha hlm on lha venw knockout It 152 Ike lllh round Huh IECv HERE MONDAY mu lo Peter Hildrop Mount Hope Out on the 17th hole Alter overshonling DETROIT AP 1th unn first championship light In yuu will be tough per thI under ha Ilrnngcsl con dlllons at my Illa bout In box ing Ilalory Among than ailing Thursday were George Knudmn and Mm Normnn Tornnla and Kieth enerl Frank Whlbley defend an champlon Knudsen Ind Norman both fell ln the mend round Whlrr Iey wu elimlnaled In In open lnz round losing and to WI mn Palmon of Whllby Ont annoyqu Io Peter Balding prrloumamcn av orile and Thampson slung with Win Homeniuk of Whmlycg and Barri55 Bob Panasluk hudrd flu aw mama play In nvoId ellminatlnn as the field was cut Irom In two round 111mm New Rules Apply To Title Fight DANGERFIELD MOTORS WOODBRIDGE Onl CPD AI Balding and Alvis Thompson will lead contingent IO Tor onto Rollers out of tau 1a In todays third round of tha Miller Trophy match play tour namnnl Panqsiuk Ousts ormqn And Slnzger Mickey Mantle II mmanisd by Aasoclnled Press spam writer Bob My ers lelt strides through the corridor be tannins bulld It Internationnl Airport In myle L03 Angela he arrives CUT MANTLE moms YANKEEg Thu fight will pmgrm on Imowrnlynuuo Iylllm with Ann Armllclll nnd lhl nm In Baulnnw Vttmmi Humo rlnl lnrk learning wlnnor of ram mund rlnhl All It rudn Tho rlng wlll In enclrtlm hy lour lapel protect Mllnu haxrrl hand no HI hrrn mam In rlnu mm mm plug Lane and Armllend wlll wur pumer um mum llnvu IIM lhe hnrd llxmmu mmmx um In many chum plannhlp 1mm Therall he no waiver of Mlchlnnl Ilrlcl nrw rules Ilmed boxan nah1y or lh Luna Armslend lluhh wcixhl Wroundcr Ime box lng commlnlnntr Dave Gm elsky Iold Thu Axsoclalcd Pm Thursday by Me phone lmm Mulkunn Under thy new mlu Hound will last we mln um lnmad or he usual lhm The lnlarvnl humm ruundl will be mlnmu not flu norm1 on mlnuh ml perlnd armnn and Thumpsnn were among four players whn Ihfll blazing ourunderpar 67 lo head In quamyinx round Wed esday and um lhe ball will md lhe luamlnule round and Armsland will have leconda revl or ha lelh Hnmmluk wax the only mm rnm outside Onlarla to remain In mnlenllon Iodny allur detent lng annex Millar winner DIck Barlhwlck Hamilton and In the mend rgund odi mnmpsom the current Cana dlnn Professional Golfen Asso dallan champinn wred nude cmndvraund wln over 22 Hanhon of For Credit mm arm Balding ourUrn winnzr the Mlllnr Trophy the only matchplly tournament or pro esslnnals in North America knocked an 1an Davis Bur llngton DnL Ind In the no uni round lnllllld TIM lxll pan the green and he unpredldahla Norman who won the Onlado dumplanshlp here In month 50 out nsluk IS and SATURDAY JULY 13 PAR MUYUEL WAGERING Admllllon SI CHILDREN In Fm Parking lrom Dallas to reloln In New York Yankee Mantle who broke bone ln the lump of bl lefl loci on June In am It Balllrnare sald ha wont be nhle to get back Into the lineup or week In to AP Wirepholo TWILIGHT nArziIirAm onounns MoltInnjuv molsoutxmm When youve worked up In good honest thirst nothing sallallu llko tho cold crisp Inan ml nloMolwnEx More than million bottles on upenml every dny In Inlennedlau League action tonight at Qfltenl Park ClarkA son Hotel meets Simon Caop Ind Hum Jaycee Ith with Lnkevlew Datry There cauld be another three wny lie fur Hm pllce In the Senlar Sollbnll League alter InA nlghll lama bemeen Trudove Hentlnx and Edgar Edknr Truelove Iran Stewarts Gar age and Harris Plaza by only we point and win lanlghk would put Ihc Hires club lied lar lop lpal Stewarts held 10 lead going Into the bollom of tile alxth but two bad errors mulled In two Plul run Ind the winners and menu ralLv In tha elllllh Doubleheader Rt Queens Barrie Plus moyed back Into flu or flrst place in the Sen lor Saflbaln League Ins night Mlnuinz when my cooled ofl Slewarle Garage The win gives Plan 1g points on nine wins and seven lenses IOYjre tied with Stewmx who hava nlne wins and lb loam Tmelove Heaunz ml by two mime with In 57 re cent Na palnle behind True love and our the pace Edgar with record and Elmvala le In the cellar with 11 wins and 10 lossel the goodnatured ale Jacli valr hurlad the victory BarriefolqZaig ADDITIONAL SPORT 0N PAGE FIVE Jaycm halved flue margin with run In the lwrlh but Consumara scmd lwloe in the fifth and three more Umes In he seventh Jaycees Hm nm name in the Huh Consumera oak lend In he top the first and never looked back James one run back In their hall of ha Inning but the GA boys pulled tahhead 41 with run In the ird Thu vlclory gave Consumers second place In the 1m Hand Inga They trail paceseulnz Smilhl Dalry by three pal Comumm GA flirted and finished with Hurry 01 run to down Barrie Jayceea Inst night at Queens Park Jim Bertram scared Slaw artn lone run In the filth when he singled with one put and scored when Ar Martin xinxled la ccnlre and Bunie McCann the grognder Inaul Afim ran had given up only ter bus pan 511qu to Elvin up seven Illls He show ed in annual In no IIlowlnl walk 1nd thaonly run all Im was unearned Arnislrpng went the III lancajor Stewarts and he pIIchA ed exceIIenIbaII unIII th mules ranwed In Ina xleh Only In the tIKhlll InnIng did Plan rack lhelslurdy rIghlhandcr Pauling snarled an the mound Consumers Top JCSE TOLGain Second Spot v7 Shoruiop Bob Cwlson had bl night at the pill for CM lo the losers Third basemul John Chrlslie bemd clmzlz clout the um Inning or Con aumzn Jagcm omhfl Consumers 87 and John Mchn and Bob Ll each homers lo Ebb Llnuvtlarted or J1 tee and listed Ohm Innings Dick Forbes pitched ha In qurlrames Ior Consumers but mu 1M0 trouble In ha mm when JIy Gees hld one run 1mm Ind runners on Iecund and thlm Gold Madge was um ln to put out the Ire and he dld just um by gefllns the lira hitter he faced and clmlnx the door Hymn In the final two in II DKSV the Unu led Jayme with his homer and xhllle numerl smacking out three ingles In our film Chris had 3111519 go with Ms homer Siewaris had he lining mi on third in iho eighth with on out when Joe Marley apenefl the ram with dauble and Wu sacrificed in third by P959 McClnskey Falconer hi grounder Io ahorlsinp Corby am who fired third in calc Marley the bag and Boyd iorzed Falconer at second Pidu lied the win awayyin ihe elxhlh with five hits and Walk MW umppcu Ihe ha and Martin xcorzd Bill Adam was caught at third n3 the play to end he innlnz Fla now had 21 lead In DELANEY BOAT LINES am back It Bnylltld Phone PA Hill Ioul Bu Aufluhle For Chm SCENIC BOAT TOURS or xmmanrm BAY TOURS DAILY AT 210 no

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