llmnuy woman mule him dellula problem cant dlmm ILVHh our clergyman or dodm Mum we hmm In In mumunlly ind It 1M Mary mr out my humml would he WW IMhnm he wrller hnd had In uninmmm umknw with mmukur who wn not dlr Dur Mn Imam Tuter wllh all rlemymon perm Ally nwmlnlo Hm mud and nflen humomu ulvlm yvu In In Iboe vim mk lep llvprnlnlo loo hll In qurnlly nlor your mdm In nmluIonul mum mu ll what gm wrillnl bony Dar fllwllanndx II lnlml lho In Irnd cloud do In the mnIL Trll ymlr thcr that wlvm Mlu Flnrnbrll on In her dunnl ml Ilm would run um humm uxlfly hwy wlll mm Iml her and In ll lhnl Ill ha ha Hm hullal an Inlmal Ihould hnvt CIUNIKIJJN Innd lhul dnu Ann but he wholn lhlnu ulvu ma lhn rrupm Plum lcll mo hm la dmnulldutd Molnar Iny aha cunl hun uw lhouuhl ol Mlu llnrnbcno bean hnulrd nwny by ll nrlmn mnn 51w wnnu run to bury her In my backyard SM 10ch mm you um Ian will be vnxlly mlluv Ill Irnd lulu Flornlmlhsn mnnlnl la youIr mullIn lull cm ml lcrrlcr Flornbcllc cw day no rmlvcd on later mm mother Inylnz thnl Mln Flam Mllc ll nlmol blind mm the II no Inhle Iho can unruly wnk The vet my she could no my llmc year ago the ldea ol thall Canadlan lrlp was nolhlnz mom than dream wording to the dlrcclor Alllslor Gray who Iopenly admllled hes the only Scouman ln uh grunt at lime we made our ï¬rst depole one hllling lowarrk our lrlp and from that time an it has been one cantlnum round of appearnnom all over the mind lsalcs We played Inwheqarlo make money 11 Ann Linden Slnco you seem In hnve mnlura and umiblu nppmnch lo lunernll lor ml wnuld llkc your ndvlm um pmblcm lhn came up jun lhh week My wldnwcd mnther llvu alone In lama clly or win Nmpnplm Ilrmy childhqod From the up their black Ivalvel cap trimmed with red mad while plumes lo the in their black solksaled shoes ma City of Belles GM Pipers are undoubtedly one of the ms 10fo group 01 perlormers on either side of the boom Slgce luck mrlvnl may have plkyedu many as ï¬ve engage menu day On Sundry the lrlï¬ Colleen began the day by plplnu lodge members Ibwdl nervln Richmond The shilling deposit grow and grew until the glrla had enmed 2000 pounds appmxlmmely $0000 We may not be the mast pwuln group at home but we catalan are the most colorful sald Jim Gondon Pipe Indructor who added hes better knuwn as the man Who shout at hem Mr Gordon lays the bald could work alx nlghl wmk ll the ï¬lth had the me The band member are In Ca nudn la parade In the Orange mcnl Day Parade ToroMo an Satuxday But they in per lonnlng several nelghborinfl dllu before and after tho dillonal quly 11 Mviym APPEARANCES ANN LANDERS nmm MAJOR Mlsa ouva Paid lhe cny ul Bel lnslï¬Glrl Piper The $5 Pipes Skirl Kilts Swirl As Belfast Pipers Parade 0n Dead Mail The Law Frowns nou Mm II II ymr hun blmdn mpumlhlllly Io lvll hll luner Um am home in mm He would mmvuo hn allwv to lake Hm pllnllnu back Alum nhvlnunly Io om lmllvmnn ll pvmul Ma ml and wlshu lo cvnunm awn IL um am In up with nll mm mp Marilyn Ihrouuh our lumw My humml In ll wnuhl Ire HIM nml hurl ul lo trll he Id xrnllamnn In nIum Hu hay and slur lulnllnl pryple mgr Wm umum do about HumMu Wllhod All In Hm lulon Many lhankl Iar wrllllm would Ilko to add lhnl many mulln In whom hnvu mauled Nulculoml flflflllllnl hnve wrlllcn lmck NI exprcn lhdr dccp npnrrclnflan MIT NIIOW hm um mam Wu Imlll lovely new homo lwo your um mk lull limu an own Jnh nnd have no hrlp ll lwmo Whm Hm house wnx brnnd nvw we hm In pnrly nml Inerd All our rrlnllvrl nnd lrlrm My InlhrrlnInw Mkrd he muhl nhnw hl pnlnllnnl ll Ulnl Inn And uflrml 10 prmm llm pnlyllnu Influx Mg Your render nhould ho lnld lhnt elhlcnl counselor my not bu compelled um by luv lo mlnlo confldcnus unless the pcrsun who mvmlcd Ihaso ton Ildcnpnq xlvc Ml conwnl do hope you wlll prlnl KM Idler l0 your mndm will tel comrannbln whcn lhry mk pmlmlnnnl tunneling lmlle Cruk Pulm 1112 youngm member of the band Gwen Smith has been with ihu group or year and has high hopes oi becoming pipe major The oidm mem herv Oiivc uddy who is the bum Major was full oi en ihusiusm when asked it she is cniuying her trip abroad its been wondnrlui experience and 1ch I0 countryside and he sunshine olive is very proud at her mate polo which was presumed to her at the Jr port prior to her dopnrturo inr Canada by he Essay Musical Sims oi Bellini Dllvecarrxcedcd here only one thing mlsslnz hm wim re cred but pcmn of Ward nll Incrcd lrusl lhe ginE rnngn in age from to years nnd mnny work In government ofï¬ces nnd fair lorles in Delfnsl In lac our of he members are engngrd be married and reveal that apart 1mm mlssinz thom their fiance are very proud their achievements even if mean 1mg reparations nova cormrnvsmr On Ieavinx Barrie the band was en runs In Scarboroufl where they were In perInrm at wmth lnylng ceremony at 630 pm They are managing In keep up the pace In spIIe DI the dIIIerence In climate One member commented she has seen more sunlight since her ar rival In Canada lhan she has In herIIIeIIma In Imlandn at the Centrnnlal ser Aurora at garden party In the afternoon and concert in the evening band director says each appenrnnce run any where Iram 30 lo 45 minutes HillLFrogn Lherg fhey appealed ado through Barri duel yesterday Following the par Ido ull band members wen every pmlcsslonnl my nequnimuncc conï¬dence as nlld born on lhh day wlll lm outlawed wllh II mmllllu nmkd In Innk an nullcnl phynlclnn rumlnllr ll hla Ill rlnfly II In mo mu mrntnl Illnru tomorrow In your blrthdny your Immacupo vmmllu III In creating yrnr Beginning with Hm Hm Aunull upcciully you nhould mnny of your land whhen coma lruopnh chlmly bow dcnllnz WWI job and lunch advancement llrnl pcrlndl along new llnu Thu nrnremenllnncd Auxult In parlml bolvmn Stplember and December nko nul Frbnlnry and March Dunl elm lnlm however by pending unwlnly In January Scplrmfnr Ind November will be cxullrnl tar mall work and ulmmlc hungu nml Scplomlwr nm Janunry And my wlll be slurMum wllrm mmnnm ll munmod mm and mclnl Inlrmu wlll In hwoml durlnu Iho lmlnnm 1m moulh In luaut Nn vrmber Dcumhur Iml May and June mu Curl nna mullm Odom Ind nul llulrlcllanl where pcrwnn reluMonshlpI are concerned cunllnuc rcmnln on Knrdu In denlanA wllh bolh bulineu and prlvm umclnlu In bull nu mallet dont ovmu youmll You can nccomplhh Inr more by lnklnz hing any FOR TOMORROW FOR THE BIRTHDAY 19 members had only on mmplnlm and that was the bums they had plcked up at beach party on Wednesday 1113 wool plaid the McGregor thflan skirts was rubbing Against the burned legs Ibo dnnm swung up and down In the parade Evgn the 1mm weight nyhm mun swgk such Glasgow Edlnburgh and reerx In England as they are In Ihclr native Ballast In they nhnnced their high reminder by alnlnz 10 awards for Playing and March lnz Dopamncm To add 3111M glory II he only band permlllcd lo war he coal ol arm of the City Bollmt The band which was ï¬rmed In 1947 has been an panda all over the Brkkh leu They an almost as well known in title mg puxvhnsed especially for the trip to Canada dld Hqu to relieve me bumlnzlmn ham ha girls wear befga fib bed woollen knee socks as part or their uniform 0n arrlval In Montreal the hand was jolned by an exmem ber Mlss Alice Tobln who Ireland two years ago to mnva to Monlreal with her parenfl Im so happy to have lhr chance to play with the band null and vlsit all my friends sald Hm new Canndlan Miss Tobin in having no prnb lem remembering the music she ienmed in Ireland Thorn are only one or two numbers that am not inmiiiu with ma said BUNBUENED KNEES gard to the orangemens par ade and that atmosphere home everyone busy dem raLlng their homes and streels and euan the bonfires ready miss the excitement conned ed with the parade heme THE STARS SAY enlerlalned luncheon par AanlNG GEE ly by lhe Clly of Barrie surrounding the IIIII tumult By mnmn In on 015 floor on your Imck tinch your um xlrnlxhl up on the floor avrrhend with upper nrmnn dqu nznlnul um Smlrh Ion Ilrnlghl duwnl In Ila In llnl lhnl Ina Irmn cn II Imrk Ind 101 In cun lnd VIIIII Inc In lhln poul llon hnvn mnmmn nllp Iurr hand IInI umlemmnx Ihn nmnll aI your hurl II Ihll be long IIIII plrnly nl mm In um hrrnl ymlr ImnhIon 1er lo Iwuylmrk To roun Ienfl Iry lo cl lnlo lhn hnhll oI pnlllni ï¬rmly up and In wllh Thu mm or vnmnl mmlndm II no Minn Whlle lhu nrllvo vuh dulru in awnunl In good vulture lho ml culprit mny Me In lho wrnknm ur luln mulclo ï¬rnupu You cnmml ll yl wlll nod polluxo In can lcll yhlrh munch arm ldjlnl 3mg darn In taunee htp an the dim up nnd down muscle hack Novrr In the width nulls mm the waist or lha walu ulllu Inln lhn hl Undcnlnhly lo Ilump In ump ll Inch11ml Park admonish plum Iland up Ilraighl nnd Iquaro your shouldm And wnlch your wnlmlnc belied or not Them In no space or nlump In ha lllm trim lilhouctle system or housekeeping bonkkeeplng that works or friend ours And Its trick um work so well wero temp tedzalmogbfla try From our side 01 this column on ha things we like best sharing the Ideas and sunleg so many you generously share with us So today we have wingdlnger for Jo ing holflekeeping rengrsl Th enxnxemenl has been Innounced of Min Danna Mar la Gllpln daughter Mr and Mn Gilpln Enrrle la Lulla Charlufloswcll non Good Posture First Essential For Slim Trim Silhouette THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 196 AanlNG GEE scenery Iurroundlng the shores Kampenfel Bay Ire Ihe youn Ind oldest member Working Wife HasSystem For Keeping Orderly HOme mum WIMpr mu eh KHa wlialn systcrrx was no mm By ROBERTA ROESCH nanMu In CUSDENS JULY WEDDING CEREMONY mun mm mu an pymnpnn M2 on Dunlap you Ind ll dmlwll lo 171nm ynur nrmn nanlnll lhq floor he ruuhlo ll with Hm hm nml Ihouldrrn mm In lendon In IM AIM nl the the and dcncy In muml he nlluuldrrl Correction mum one In tho abdominal musclu Llo an your buck kncu hull and win at ch on floor mm Ilrvlclml nl Ihouldrr halal wllh ollmwn bent In lhul Imm Arm and upward pnlml lnrm an Im lower bark nxnlnnt Iho our llrmly aid your hark In the Hour whllu pulling up and in Ilmnnly wllh llm Iowrr uh lamlnnl mulrlu Ilon lo Alnw mm on elem pen hm 1mm Iho nbdnmlnnl mulclu and down and under wilh he blu Mp muscch when you Ilund ur wnlk When he nbdomcn pm lruden Hm Iowur buck curve lllw the vow outside new moon Youre all um pa lurn beam lhcn innlly found my sys Iem thats llko mhuokkceplng When ï¬rst wurkcd was constantly frustrach by the lhlngs that werent nonhuman at home because wanted to be through even though worked she went on For long tlmc couldnt ï¬nd lhn rIxhl tricks MADE LIST cessilated and motivated by working our Mend admitted when we to talking about 10 nd holys of Mn Ind Mn Boswell of Battle Trlnily Anullcnn Church will be lhc Iclllnz ur the atlemwnwgdd on ngy oclnckfï¬holo i1 Lea Cowper the buid 0n the left Miss Gwen Smith and shown with her Is Min Leddy Examiner Photo kW77 um FREE with your purchuso ol my SMQTOMATIC mm Hm nxnln lhu Mid do one lhlnu at time mark dawn Man complm It and dont no lmck In II axnln Ill do cvcrythlnz lll kirk lhnl letp Mus um even though wnrlu yéuhnvh Typknl onu the pointed out would be WnshInK or cleaning lurlnlm clennlng clan lug out of scuflnn nu clcnrlnz an druwm wnxhlnz Iprcuds hlnnkm mmloflcn nnd Illprnvm wnshlnl wond wnnhlqulqdown Iy look at he Mum we 1A ml Hz have such Ihlngn dunking pictures woodwork lumps and knlck hacks wiplnx windows and win dow ï¬lls Ihnklng dun on of curtains nllshlng Iilvcr pieces Ipaulennng woodwork wash lng shawcr tuxulna and clean lng ha stove and numerator she said By doing them one It lime lhE ndded lvn lound Im 1qu In ace the donning even lhouxh work When In lsh mark down when dld lho Job then dont no buck Io hnt nzuln Ill Ive done awry thnz else 0n yearly jobs or mul ycarly ones our Jobkccplnz house keeping InIormnnl ex plained that hr upnr nle page In hu hoo or every room In her hum then Hal un der each room ha job lhnl ncgd to buy done GuesLs the party included We sci of four generations Mr and Mrs Jim Emizh son and daughtefliniaw Mr and Mn Jim Shane and their two sons Mn Rhea Caner daughter the ham Mr and Mrs Don Fleck and sons John shdggter all Tollenhnm resi an Then do these things place meal alien in half hour be fore go In work hall hour helm dinner Saturday morning Th mlnlmlxe clam ing days prevent ma from go ing around In circles and make éne feel Im gelling somethan one an example of how lha whale lhlnz works our friend showed us her procedure us lng lonseleal notebook and listan on the llrsl lcllhand page all thu mm In her house Then on In pnze right oppusike that she lndlcalcd haw she writes down all ma mnnlhly John the fuels ought to be dam in the house YEARLY JOBS syslem in which list by he mnnlh pnd yzar all the things that need to be done In my house to keep it In good order WARNS 0F EGGS WASHINGTON AP The public health servica issued waminz Thnrnday against buy ing and using cracked or um clean egg hat have not been thoroughly cooked it said there is current nuihreak ni naimo neila derby an intestinal Infec iinn which has hit 715 versan irnm March in July In 25 status and he District oi Co lumbia Tollenham realdenl born In II year Conlederallon Mn Wllllm Emlghcelebraled her 96 birthday yesterday ietded In Tattenham The nanagennrlan Isnclive and takes lively interest In Mr lamlly and hex church Christ Anzllpan dinner party was held In her honor Wednesday evening at the home n1 Mr and Mn Dun Fleck with whom Mn Emigh ruldes Mn Fleck Is granddaughter of 013121 branl Born at Cafltizn Pliace July 11 um Hannah Tnman became the bride or Willlnm Emigh and um Also menu was Mu Emlgha son MikE who résldu While Rock British Columbia and grandsonymll Emixh ol TM tenham my what mm do lhn ml 01 Tqttehham Citizen Marks 961h Year At Birthday Party You get two slNGER FullPower CANISTERQLEANER SEWING ilgzag Porlnblo BONUS SINGER CENTRE mm VISIT MONTREAL CWA par monlnry deleznlian mm NEW 50th Walks Auslmlln vlailcd Monlrunl Thursday la nllemp la cncounxo Canadian Invest mun Ind qurlsm In their Ham Dr eniixhicning bank Your Weight Ind Ynur Lila writes By far the most Important actor in enabling overweight peapic io Idhere in die is insight Into why ihcy overeat Unless the psychoingicai mars Ihnl Aiim ulale ha Appetite are exposed understood and eliminnled auc ceuiui And permanent minc iion in weight in not up to be Ichlavcd ululn mm mm Imlu Inn nu had oul mum hum um um n1 mu mu Jul It In 04qu nun uu Instead of saying stun all evening and dont know whymake an honest dim to ï¬nd out why To pinpolnt the cause ask quey tlons ol ynursell pruhlnl ques tions Does the waning eating paltcm stem from boredom Iecling being putupon or vague discontent What is the haul of your dlscnntenu By doing some straight lhlnking and glvlnz honest answers the pattern 11 becomes mare clear to yau It you really want to get the cause dont tall Into the trap 11 rallonal Izinzanswertng In such my to excuse yourscll ADHERE T0 DIET Dr 76mm In mlcning to the overweight with xupuliclnl Doclars lerm lhls lh night eallng syndrome At any rate Ihe evenlng seems tn cumin the core of the overantlng pm Man Recognizerlhal excessive eallng la aubullute galls llnn You are allcmpllnx to fulï¬ll some unantlsllcd Mall The nlarllng paint ls to try to undmland what ls mlssing In your Illa and to recognlze that enllng all evenlng ls lhe ellect notthe cause By IDA JEAN KAIN Studies reveal that real den overeating done during the evening hours par ticularly by overweight lndivld uala Many youyrne Ihal you can control your uppcme during the day but In the even Ing you seem powerless in keep away from oodnnd that you eat when ymi are noleven huggry DIsrWAsmNa CAN DEL0H7 My our ESE DRAMATIC m1 mass roR YOURSELF KEEP IN THE TRIM Mls Phyllis May ergh wlll becoma the brlde ol John Joseph Amun an nllemoon ceremony at Bradlard United Church on July 21 The hrldu Dunlap St an Free Home Trial with HEM Kitchenhid Portable Dishwasher UM In your hmmy lnr Io dayn nmkr olleallun In buy ll Inill dilly tllnn ml am It bllghl Activity In The Evening Hour Will Curb Constant Nibbling HARDWARE T0 WED AT BRADFORD TRAVELLERS STRANDED FORT NELSON BC 1GP Muin Street looked Ilka camp ground Thursday as about 1001 northbuund travellers slynucd In Fort Nelson by mics ol washauls along mmlle no fan of the Alaska Highway nath of here made themselves at lmme and sellled down In nwalt developments The same slluullun greeted mulhhound travellers Wnlsun Lake Yin about 300 miles northwest ul cm the actors are superncm and the evmlng eating stems from npalhy lhgs Indicnlea that you haveno absorbing inlcmls that exclle you and energlta you Inln ncklon Be assured that this happens to many péuple and that it lakes action to sm up Interest Activin mean doing some thing your ami1Yllregrpwn could you Mn study group bowling team or sign up or swlmrqing One readcr reported that she jolncd an amateur theatre group and having he time of her middleage Me first she anly helped with pm Pcople wha develop lnteresls which they can turn to at home find thls an excellent way to break the ovcrmtlng hablt One dietcr turned In scwlng and made horse 11ch wardrnbo In 5110 smaller tires Itll lmpmlflnl In get new concept In ynur mlnd what you want Set goal and alm toward lt onlhuslasllcauy Take charge 01 your lllel psychnlogica faclorl not he chose neurollcs who because at their demanding ululude wnrd me cannot Mexate dental olrghelr wants the daughter Mr and Mn Philip Wright of RRJ Giflord The bridegrooma pun enls are Mr and Mrs Edward Aman of Cookstnwn Phulo By anero STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly Ind connin ml patients Excellml lncflllm or pdvnlu or IcmlAprlvnlo flu and cold walcr In room Register ed Num ln aluminum MARSHALL Rog PHONE 24 MODEL KDZP PA 31431 Sum