Budget For Sunï¬iddle AReported NedflYReddY Can Act Pronto US May Protect Canadian Ducks Kmvm MT commUuun ANY mm mom NOON FRIDAY FMTWKJ and MnmnAv FEATIIHM II leN ANII The nuclear wupnm which vauld be Involved however would he duemlve warhead or mnnnod Ind unmanned 1n terccmnrl Ind could under no conceivable clrcumstnncu hit tho territory or another country Informant fly that com munlcallonl throughout NORAD hnvc improved In men yam lhe circumstances under which the command might use nuclur wen no without lpeclflc nu tho mm of the Cnnndlnn and us governments have hecnml mgre and more rm WASHINGTON CmSeven 115 lcxlllnlou are lupporllng bill before Column to allow lhn us uovemmanl to end lundl on th prolecllon ul uckbreed lnl IWanl nnd Welland In Carmdn Whllo Cunmu already uulhorllm ha guvunmcnl In upend 0106000000 buy up 1150 wcllundl Son Roman Ilnukn Nebraska Republican Mall on that mall lhu Ium mnr nuunn mu fur duck tbs Cnnnfllun Prnlrlu unmun Fullvrr Klnnton wnl Idllrd Thur when rod MI bicycle In the dds dum lruck nl Cnm lrlnwm ml hrcn vlsllnl Mr and II Kim nltho camp now balm ho Hm cammarcc cummltm wlll purml the Knvcmmenl to ï¬lm ml um ha uuHmrlnd lumll In Cnnndn nr rmmllon ol tllundl un ll Inpmprllla enu wIlh Canadian nu Instill DAKVJEW BEACH El Balm the end libmonth Sunnldlll Towmhlp Councll wlll hold Ipeclol meeting lo tho lax ram nle bud ll now null1y ready oald lown uhlp cloxk John Po lo um the meellnx Ihoul como la about weeks time the July meeting councll declded to wrlle to Wang Bench mm Mchalnld about three hulldlnn he moved onto loan Ava allo lllll spring He was Instructed to re mm them wllhln so dIyI mun rszvnl hm hm Cunn dlnn wcHnndl bl brought wllhln he promm In to mnlnlnln tho wpply duck or bem Amuknn aporlxmrn he Kohl lh ï¬enllo This point ha been moved In fracllce when US Interceptor aprlns kept watch on lwo Soviet nlrmfl aver Alnlh but did not lro lhem even with mnvenllonll waupom Fnr Instancu nuclear war haadn would no bu emolo ed Ike cm Ilngle um bomber flylnl ovu lhll cunu ncnt or even mm maul bumbm wgcn nvq REDS www37me mmnumconconm North American Air Delence Command has Inch advance nu lhnrlly under Inch conditions hay any the unly mill ury command in the Wellern world Web has The nuclear welpnns which OHAWA CWIn the even of an allout surprise bomber usuul on North America com mandera ï¬ghting the dduulva nlr battle could use nuclur weapon without menace to the Canndlnn or United Slam govemmentl Informed Iaurcu uy cvcmn mum mnqu 7VIlnm WASAGA BEACH 5mm Pressure of summer business here his temporal11y lulted ro rtorauun work at the Schooner town all on the Nomwas River 1115 project lnlllntcd flu Wang Beach area Cham ber 01 Commerce will be taken up again In the all whcn volun NORAD Wasaga Project Waits Till Fall Thix lubjecl undpr discus mam wont warn mu Maulmwhm nmmmwr 1211 IN UNDKHIMNDING Mcan lhoulhl know lhm mother duldud to hold tlnuu during the lummrr In Md he munlo lo Ilmlr IDVHI thlldrcn nrh hnd Irr pmmnl 1mm Mn Taylor be cnmu concerned that Mr lwo chlldrm mlxhl m1 Imrnlnl Fund my mw up how Mn Grlevn though of teaching ounulm aller OblNVlnl how or our yrlr old dnulhlrr plckrd up wrdl Imm ulrench elovhlan pmrlm Shu mel twn olhcr molhnrr In th nclxhborhood4 Mn Mcfllw LIUnFrench unchrr nl hlzh Ichool In Lomo lnrk about le mIIr ml of Oak villo and Mn Orllve dclreoAhoIdcr In Mum and Wench It wnl dually nullhborl little girl who no me ha Idea Inch Frunch to flu young onu and Mn John Taylor hlllnxull Frrnch Cmndinn One day hoard her ramble on whole mm of words sho hld hurd mu ny nuy were odd word Ind the unlcncn dldnl mnlm mm but lhe hnd Um pm nclnnunptdcrt CL Their aummer hunch clnssu In lhe oral annular hlvo mush roomed lnla no hborhood ob on Involving chlldren wining 1m 15 and um from on woman to bring Hand of chlldron from live my way mm mm aid umwhmy uni gum Wu cumin back tn Schoonerwwn next month mnllnua his excavation or Hu Last year he was 01m Ior about 10 days He hopes to guy longer ml yen Mn OAKVILLE Ont CPI111m Oakvlllo mother are touching grow number of are chll pplc can also bu New at the prawn supply Ionh hem used up Um committee will haw Ia slat logging qvcr agpln uthui ms Camp chdzlo boys were with drawn from the project when we luluin season xianod llm Schoonertawn committee had to Ihap around for log and mom used cum from two dimrent ilrmg Mn Lynn laid They were hauled in the lie in va hlclel provided by Sunnldala hwnshlp and by lho village Wisu ï¬nch Mothers Teach Tots French Belieng 11 Starting Early When completed the cnbln nnw bclng built wlll serve as muuuml to hold all the Male lcal Irllclcs unearthed by Dr Jury tn lsufceedlnx yearn The cabin going up on ha Schoonerlnwn committee same location as bulldan med by ha Brlufll arran duv lng the American attack In 1115 war of 1812 min were db oovmd by Dr wllnld Jury hut lummtr when ha and his group of Itudenls Wm seeking am up In the ages They in poured lha found Ion and started erecting the log cabin The membm on the busy now that the tourist season here to carry on with the project during the summer months There II also short age of log In complete the Mn This lpflnl splitrail cedar men was built on the war or Ian Illa by ho from ma Camp Hendrle mnlmum accur Lt Mon may 5mm Mills Mn CONDIHONEI FOR YOU IIMFUIIT MT CONTINUOUS IOM ll NOON been and materials are Again avnllnble mid secretary Mn Myrtle Lynn Council Igrccd Io assume Sun nldnla Townshipl aharoof the combines conliutinz oi councillor Fmi Martin and Evmon Llwnnca in reviewing the lighting mum in the Oak view area beinga maid an nnnmentl in we now ilhll installed Lights on Sunnidala Ind Mauls comer and 11mm on Kim are to lake preierencei alon at the June muting wn nlud null the July meet lnlwhan we men up mad be are council in com um about me Ihlc NOW SHOWING YMMV IIIOWINH AT IM ECIINICDWN UWTINl NM RAT TNvfllow EVENINU IIIOWI AT PRICI FOR THIS INTIITAINMINT Mth I5 mlnu 75c Chlldnn 35¢ In Hut Pnkhlux mm 45 000000 mn llvn In Md where Inn nvnrnzc llxm nurl um In IINI 1y tho and of In lummcr lho mulheu hope Um older chll drm will be mnvmnnt In weather lahla talk will pleu Inlrlu yum the body and mlmllnncmu word and um MS pm ncggvlurg muuu By way planHon Mn Grlnvu MM We ml III 11th Idmol lecl ll loo 1m or duhlrm lollrnm Ercnchfl 1110 mblhm clllm Uni chlldl upcuh mtchlnllm II It In Mflhm peak luan bar ween lhu us of mm In le Tth In baby many of up to our yum Ind he to nvenyenwldn who have had no French Another mup uvrr uvcn hnvn taken French In vulnllcuuhnol Three nub cl chlldrcn Ab and classes uch Nnduy Ind Thfluday But once word not Around About the clams Ihey werent ï¬ctional muons any longer nrmls soon worn phanlnl ask it lhclr children could join and may even had requelll from Inmfllu who wnnkad to mm spunk French thum ulm They Ind lo Mum many requests mm or French would help Ia tur more undmtandinl between French and English speak Canndlnm cansldcrnhlo when she 1m hunk nccounu drawn on alnce and her credit bun used manylculw Hey Vscnrched the collage Tuesday but luund no trace the anchor or bloodalnlns po llqe nnld Police said ha anchor was 1y Ing near Mn Fordl Luke Con chlching cottage two days alter aha logllhoma to go In lhe col ta DAV IIIOWINO A1 IM lM lNlNll IIIOWI AT mm ECIINICDWK IANAVIBION ago NHONTO CPD HomIclde squad delecllves laid Wednes day they believe boat anchor my have been used to kill wealthy widow Mrs Minnie Ford 56 who disappeared from her Ibmnla homo month numb This was Manama to the Wasnga Beach provincin pnrk operated by the Department 01 my and Forms Tie cola weather earlier this week drove out some lourbka who couldnt endure he blah 34 winds and drifting The day weakend was the bum one can remember one resident declnmt Over 17000 cars pnld allendnnca 1n nnggny the bpach rant They dont expect to reach lhu ranuc yroï¬anlom the July halidny we end but there should be enaulh holidaym around to keep lhlnzl humming meuwt WASAGA BEACH Stall Resort operalon here an am other busy weekend min in up with banking on the mean nsw that the weather has warm up Woman Missing 0n Couchiching Anchor Suspected mu nwuul Councils next mum maetlnl ls scheduled for August funkvlew Bench slice1 killed by do and their evaluation made up lhuconun egg tel qr themnmh Account passed for layman were $223356 or 0mm Bench $1208178 for roads and bridges 51579 ï¬re protection 241339 ï¬nance and mew meat m1 cvntlnzunclu or toga ol 111 Wasaga Predicts Busy Weekend adjustment to ulmsmmt an uni mm the appeal granted by the Ontario Municipal Board on behal Em Township The my mum 29 5270 HOLDING MALL widow of wanllhy buslneaunnn had money with her In lubslnpml have not been aha disappeer cards but not Thu lnhmlllnnll brick Ind mfllnz pln luml will bu ulv med lhll Frldny nluhl Ind than with the but dlunnm will bc uwu when nnmu wlll lamIdea In In uh mm In lhc ourpm companion on me Ind coal so clnll vman II bond lulflc nl mud wlll b0 ulna to com Ill upmlu Ind mm tho plc nlo Ind Held du mm In only llmnclllly but dny MI 01 lnllmlln Thu allllr ll lulu named by dnw llckola which not only lncludl onlry lo 014 plrk but 1150 draw whlrh mu win two lotl at other nrlxu which my hm bun donM Thou licku In new onl Ind¢ol We Iper Pcoplb on hair way to the park lhnuld make an early start so to luck hm on the mud mum all and accuplu the roadway Every flan nppmmd or entry in tho pmdt hn uunnlee at no thalr nppumnce wull chum win cuh lor tho but mm mm Ihlp flald dxy panda on Elm day July lllmy flout Ind group are laklnl In In Illa parade whlcll wll wound 1mm Llhllndl school II he park at rm Lo opcn Um tawruhlp llc day Jul Nlm been malllmed holdw ln Innllll and ll hoped that many resldenll wlll be on hnnd II the park urly to the bla pnrndl led by Kern cll Trumpet Hand ll wnl as the klllcd ulrl dlml Iram old Ireland Thu lrllh Glrll Klliia Bind which marchod in Darrin yu urdny in the mm which will pm in Innis Town mm In femur ream2n sum England Ha tuck Alan copy of The Barrie Ex aminer or an mmMl dcpam men to read used portion at our column on Slrnud 0n mla many plus plclun mm BAND Strand In Bush 15 English News 131 1108 strand in the Hub ll the nuns of In mid in The slruud New and Jaurnal dated June which has reached 1mm England TM was lhe result vial paid to the newlpapu by 55131115 up equï¬oyu nucnon DAY PORN MAGNATE INNISIIL NOTES William chkendarl poles in New York yummy After an auction nla bmghl him an million or en New York Ci ly panda Dissatisï¬ed with he sale he started plans or Anotherthis up in the $20 million level Zeckendorl has my wm min In chum or an twin cash donlllanl whlth may he Wand It wlll In nmumbcn ed 1h strand house mu wmplulely lulled and moat conunll ruined Im Ily II unduvorlnl lo rumb lhh Iholr hm and would be Wacmlvo any lum Anoe Mn Irnchnd at tho Strand Tulwhono Campnny will Ind lo onu any Inlunnlllon to 1er Ide The English llmlly whlch wal burnud an unh Slroud hum wlu of week Igo and who nnw hm moved Into hauso on he lllh connexion In lull In need of mm houso umlsh Inn lncludlnl kitchan equip mnl llvlna room And bedroom umllum bencfll lund hu been Im II lhn Innlllll Cad Union wllh the tow wun Iowmhl lreuuur Richard Gth Lloyd Cum We lvlllhhm howling mm or an nu ma ollmlnalloru or our next rolumn and ter wlll 01 course Include lhu rolling pin throwers In cllpplnl rem me Enallrh paper we that the women there luvs been reluctant coma lnrwnrd but one IS Dnvll Iurï¬rlred barrel by mnklnx row of let lnchu which wu equal la the dlslnncer mud In year by tum membeu NEED MD um An kcéin iii nnl no mm Dull FRIDAY SATURDAY Ith parflclpalEn nuu mu ouch threw set inches Thou were no the flu enm lnnllcn dktancex which tax pecl will reach In In low dm ukn strand Ontario they are offalbu everyone who gum mull Ick In the stmudEnK18nd paper mention wan made at what one their top throwers hndnc cnmpllshed The Ram nyl ank Medawn n1 Gloucester while taking pm In contest 12am recently made throw of ms ch35 and John DmVNN mama mulllmllllan dollar property holding from com to coast but ls runnan short 01 rudi cash Ha Involved In 3150 mllllon llquldallon program Behind him the new Pan Am oflica bundlng AP wire photo cmocï¬ HURONIA PW piaca Heston Red Sox Edged Minnmll Nina 10 hind Elli Monbou uelicl lhrw hit pilchinz Bniimnro Orioiu ended Wuhinlionl win ninz almk It wven gamu with triumph Ind Cievzinnd in diam made in most oi Joim Wynlia wildness iur an de cilion ovu Klnlll Ciiy th ieliu The Yankees winning their will In llmel Ind pinyin without Mickny Manila And Roger Maria lworun homer mm ileciar Lopez in ha lixih innin that lied he ICDID ihm won the min when Jon Pepilanu doubied nnd Ellion award loiiqwed wilh mm Em tuned til dam on Julio An or by hpox and rhumd buii by Howard nilawcd Anxelu Io won two un pd iourlh Inning rum Yahkeés Fords Nth kc five lamm aim 01 um sumnd rhea mango While Sax who med nixrun lhlrd lnnlnl gala 64 Victory ova Dulml Kc Ford who hasnt has since May in now ll 14 mi headed for only his umnd mvlclory lemon In 12 yam with the Yan km Ha last hit um level In m1 when he led the luau In vlctnrlel with 254 record and wlnnln cengago 2252 To many AL observer Ford bu lost some 01 his nlufl and using his head Instead his arm to outwit the batters Head or arm Ford had again lgalnst the Angels turning nude hm Alm throat Les Angela cracked hits and lured only pair of unearned runs Ford 34yearold Ieflhanded ace of New ank Yankees pitch lnz mu threw nothing at In Angela Angzls lhurlduy night and came away with vlc Cary In 10 Innings his mm In my and my season SHHNTY BHY Those American League who Insist Whitey Ford doesnt have Ihlng better keep an an on the umpire somebody mgrdqrhg em TONIGHT and SAT By MIKE RATHET Assadled Pm Sport Writer ew ere in the leagueDon Cudweii pitched iwohiller in Pittsburghs shutout of Houston Coils Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds split twm in the uixlh Inning uretchinl hi hitting nmk to 15 1mm than pod his wh ham In me right or the run um stood up an clincher ln viqtory mm Munwhlfe Lon Annie Dodger stayed our game ahead the pack capitallllnz on pair of emu and deal lng New York Mela their 121 Amish loss 43 It was the fourth victory It mw or he mmnyzng Migéna£5 ninth In their 1m 10 names P13011349 Nammm TECIINICOIDR III um men mu Th0 Mthnnded beller who up eum atflm base or the out ï¬eld or he defending league champion Bln demonstrated MI value unday night at Paldew mi mcmeAN Anechud Pm snarl erm dont know when wed be wllhvul him Ihatl Dark mum at San Franle Glam Ipenhln Where the Glanu axewith cCove In ucand place In the Na ml Leanna and the MI slugger with the quick mm Ind Iwesome power del lnkely begnquig hexman Whitey Ford Racks Upï¬ 10th Straight Victory Giants Nip Phils 43 On McCoveys Homer nguVIm Ind COLON Illl in II Guthm Ill mm 913 mamamour EOIVGEST An lllh lnmnx homer by Larry Elllnl provldcd Ihn vlc lnry marKln or Columbul over Taronlo Reliever Tnm Butte so the victory giving only ona hl In the In six nnlnzl Allnnn pmlccled It wo lnmu lead in the Saulhurn Dlvl Ilom daleullnl Jarksonvflla 32 Columhul edm Toronto in lllnnlnn numlo hen Nurlh cm Divlllun lender Syracuse 42 Ind Indhnupolll dclcmcd Roch uch Tho Arkansas Travelerl ox lendod thun wlnnluz monk lo IDllmc In Ina ï¬rst same an Inletnnllunal League double headnr wllh nlchmond Thur day night winning 41 but dropped lho nlmlcnp 67 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TVL WJWAE 11933 Monbauquella posted his ï¬rst shulout of the senann and brought his recon lo by nullasunu he lwlna chk Sllg man 79 Stillman allawcd only our hlu In the clam Innlnu he worked but two were homer by Bob Tillman and Ed Erer soud 1110 Ian was th mlm elnhlh In ulna Kama cowoï¬ Tr White Sox ballad Around Agu rra Thu key blow were lwwun doublu by Mlka Hurshberger and Jim LIudJs lwnm triple Gary Palm lnuched for Ilngle runs in the ï¬rst and second settled down umfl two were nut In lhe ninth when Jim ï¬reman had to digHEM out Peter 13 85 £91 against Ford who needed H11 Rznms last inning relief help was Um Angeh ulnlh straight deleat IHE Immnmnuauvnccumm HITJUEI AS wns snow THE MAJflR mums onuswumm Drysdule went over the 500 mark at 1110 with reliever Ron Penanoskll help Craig 214 won on April magalnx The two Met emu combined with three Dodger hit pushed the league lenders into lead at New Yorkand nailed Roger Craig with his 12th de leat In row Jessa Gander the catcher acquired by the Meta last week from Cincinnati drove in nil the New York runs with pair oi homers oii Don Drysdala the maï¬a Richmond Stops Arkansas Streak Glanta had our men put out on the baaea In dIIpIny cmleal running and had to withstand threat In tha nInlh InnIng but managed to squeeze by the PhIIaLhanka to McCoveyl homer In the eluhlh Juan Mnrlchal posted Ma 14 vlniory In In declalona with from Bob EnlIn alter Tony Gonzalez mm and Roy Slav era homer In the Math made It 43 Rookie Ray 011p 1M wna the Inner nimer um Cuba em in or leven rum in the min oi the mun or 74 romp In the Red man 1h ucond name with ourrun eighth Si hull Caldinala also divided with Milwaukee Bram ho Card winning 53 helm draw ping $3 decision to the Bram nlmer um 592 hr STARTS WED nutukuhmmnm Minnow Richie Allen provided flu wln nlnx run or Alhnm In llflh Inning ol the opener whm ha hll his nu hum run ol Lhc mwn Mike Joyce rccordtd hll nInlh vlclury In 12 decisions ur Indl nnnpolll ry McNmncyI twoout lrlplc wllh lhI bum loaded prnvldcd lhn victory margin Syracula Northern DMIIan lend wan whittlud to our nmu Ed Krlntpoal mad In uusplchul debut with BullIo Now Ynxk Mel opllonu hy mm who homer 1n the threerun Imacllnchlnz luurlh Inning also had two alnglu bnod double In In Ilmcs It ll Ilter taking over or Frlnl Bork In lho llxlll Wynn whos been lmuhled by wlldnes recently walked Larry Brown In force in he lo bmaklng run In the elshlb In ning than pitched another wllrl one across rho lndlan had drawn even enrllar In the ln nlnl on Llnglos by chk flower and Al Luplow and Jose Azcuel Elnchhll double Wlllla Klrklnnd omend lnr Cleveland whllo Georg Aluslk Ken limel lon And Doc Edward con nnclcd or the Athlcllu emh Inde to put my Jack Brandla alngla brouth In thallIelgrgaklng run The Senator were Ieadini with Tom Cheney working on lwtrhlttur when the Washlnzlnn Italer had to leave with pain In his right elbow The Orioles lmmedlnlely went wnrk rushlnlz All runsilnlha sev Er Dick runs and 8111 Whlte followed with homcr as the Cardinals scored ï¬ve times in Hue seventh Inning or their victory over Milwaukee The Brave retali ated In Ills second game beat lug exIeanunnte Lew Burdeue wun bee Maye homer In lhn Kvenlh the deciding blow The Reds ourrun clzhih in ning in the second game av Jim Mnioney his um victory Eddie Knsko singied homn the liabreakar in the eighth and Pete Rose nailed ll down with jwwun double lllfl Bill Virdon piul Roberto Ciemenlar und out then not two linearn run in the eighth on Don Noiteblrt Souihpiiw Dick Ellsworth 11 went lira distance or $210 Cubs in tho overtime opener Cincinnati which Chicago blasied open in tho liihi An Roger named the expiolion with single laser Al Worthington and batted in the revrnih and ï¬nal run with double oi Dam Zanni Kan Hubba cracked ha mreim lie with twonm douhia and Don Landmm tripled in two BAY Cnrdwell hmdcullzd the Colll on two llnzlu both rook Jlm In winning unrd llflllh or mark The PI um nicked Dick Farrell or run In the by IVJJ