Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 3

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£3 iriny iii to 00 Your use concerns me Ill Mnxlslmlo On In passing Judgment you mt In his court room and heard llm lrnmfles lhnl occur on Muh wnyn due in he use alcohol ynu would be dclcnnlned nm In Ire Ihul mph who drink In nul use lho wads or mlnllu LIAL Ar Belfast Pipers Entertain Barrie Pclcr ll Windclcr Turnnln wns lined uoo and costs and had his driving Ilccncn Hus MA or ynnr upon conv cilan on an Impaired driving chum ycslcrdny In Bnrrlo Mnxlslrnlou Court Dressed in Scollllh tartan and piping Scottish tunes the band paraded dawn Dunlap meet lo Bayshnre Pmk when it played and danced on the grass or nearly two hour bu lore lunch Cruwds nod he sidewalk and want lnlo he park to lull tn Impaired Driving Conviction Causes Man To Lose Licence Ald Hersey grnclcd Ihe Belfast GlrI Pipers or the city when they arrived at the Iran by bus ycstcrday Mayor Les Cooke was un able in be at the arena but was on hand at he luncheon in tha ulcmoan mun pml hlghwny my mu llrnle mld thnl he PIPERS PRECISION MANOEUVRES WERE AS WEI Drfcnro counsel Juhn Evans Ilrndlnn dcdlnvd In Her nny rvldmlo an bohnll of mo arcuml WNW um Thu ncmscd wtu unsteady on Ice and MI hrcnlh xmcllni slmnxly nlcalml Um prosc cujlop nnld The arresting omccr saw Mm rm can 01 bur bcsldo fence More ntlcmwng Io drive on the highway lho cnurt was low When npprchtnded he nccuazd had lwa boulu beer in pair bnlhlnz lmnks boxdo hlm on lho Iron his all Eufopcnn cnr us on AM II Mancllus council vnmd rc cenuy lo pay the bnndl fun by bus ram Rldumnnd Barrle and provide lunchcon bevela members nil their or U1 The Cannd mcnl July 11 Olly some 0mm with milks wera on hand parlormuncc and arranged he lo play in lhc Orangb pnmde In Toronto on lrlp If arrifingcd to play In other Dnlarin clllus bolero and alter the Teranlo appgnrance Several members of nil same 0mm their amllILs wera on or Uni pcflormuncc he piper 51mm during Intermiy umqu sun Levy Mne Dufl 57 chic luxllcc PHI hum nllnck New YolkJenn llnndllk cunlrullo who mm In both clmlc optrn nml nmudwy munl mum Cllnry Walter Phillips 79 wellknown mum urllnk who tn ed lxlglhgmounlulm Th1 course L1 In nddmnn In tho lwn properly management course that Mr lnnlcr look enrllcr In the your in Du Unhcd Stulcs Tho lecand year of flu Cun ndlnn Insmule Realtor Course included Indexulna atud In In appraisal nccountlng hm kernue economic and real lnto law By THE CANADIAN PRESS uuuywmn Ann In the third year This Ihrceycur course that when commend give um student the dosiggauony Fel In IL Darla Nullycombe and ar old Forster of Harold Forster 113 Reallora have Just re ceflcd word that they have wccessmly puscd their Iacond year Department Exlclulnn University 01 Toronto exams in Real Estnlc COME AS THE MUSIC Local Realtors Pass Exams DEATHS Ngllyqnmbe and WW the Realtor Institute lclrr lr Dngncnuk is nurvlvcd by his wife and our thlldrcll Glenn 17 who In lho nnvy nI Cornwallis KmL Brian and Gull ll Mr Daunonult WM the MV In orce bchlnd mo Sen Cudcu In Darrin and did mud lo Ipmk new We Into ha organ nuon and ktrp ll nllve much Srmo Mr Furco Amclnllon The Damonqu moved to Dan rlo lrom ounwa In 1059 and Mr nnuncunlt WM with In con smlcllan engineer at Camp nonlcn Ho Jahod ID armed sarvlccs In Dunwu during World War and went livo yuan In lho Mr Dagnwultwm born In Midge Que At one period Funcul larvlcn or Gifford Edward Dngneauk 51 who dlzd his 0mm sum rcsldencn July wan held at Studde Funeral Home prize or telling the wlnnln jich went to Colin Gillan in Sanford St Michael Kapflnskl Won the prize 01 $5 tor aclung the most book at Udall Ho aold 40 drawwln made whlcll nailed $30 In llckcl saleg Elvln Kell Slmud wan pnlln gelan umbrella and our Chllll Clifford Edward Dagneaul Did Much For Sea Cadets More than dozen members of Lhe Navy League Commit tee melt In the home of Mrs CHI Duncan last nlght ta dis cuss regular business and the poxslbimy of balding naval ball probably in October Mu wuuuull Jagu were investigating the Accident Extent flu injuries In the two men was not deinrmincd The car ended up on he boule vald No unldenlilled men were admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital xhnrtly alter 10 oclock this morning ailer lhe car in which they were travelling went out oi control on Highway 400 II the Thornton cloverleaf Ontario Provincial Police dc inchmenl at Barrie said Cpl Fred Mn id Two Admitted To Hospital Here per cenl cl lho cos mnllruc Ion uixuu Um vaclopmcnl and program rlo nsgumva 100 nm mu The project Involves ndan drnlnngo and urnnulnr use on Mnrly lhrwnndnhnl mile mud total callmntnl coat 000 lmpmvcmonl Um road Ayn cm Simmo County made posslhlo lhmuxh mu npnmval nnnmmccd by on Muc Nuughlan Mlnlslu lghwnyl Onlnrlo Inr tho conslmcllon Development Road No man Champlain Road was Ildo ol Penman Harbour by Ina Tnun Ihlp 01 Tiny A150 surviving are par ents Mr and Mrs Daz neaulth 0mm brother Glr uni In Edmonton and two st as Helen and nm In Ounwa hmml lcrvIca wan umdud L41A Improve Roads In The County Anannunl Vina and nrganiumm would help In lcmmr purpose It was unanimously agreed lhal membcnhip in he Sea Cadets far too low and that someway must be done spark Intern5L musflu wuuu Th narrlaIBrnnch Lh Navy League Committee has ex pressnd willingness to support girl organlmtlan Also discussed last nights moellng was nrmauan girls organization oomspond in to the vylenguu Cadets books Ticket sales starled about ei 21 mg The second session the pre mlnary on rlng Into the Crowns charge capital mur der against Iceman Raymund Demlfle 32 In the death at Her berl Wilson at Camp Borden mess on May 23 conven ed yesterday with Defence C1th seI John Hoolith bringlng the altenUnn at tho Conn the coverage that the first rurlan received In the press He objected to certain remark nltribuled to the accused Ihey were reported In Wednesdays William Pentai duty cook at the Sergeants mess the Royal Cunadlan Schnnl nE infantry an the evenlng of May testified that he had been talking with Sgt Wilson and two female employees the mess Mrs Hope McGllvxay and Mrs Eleven wltnesses wcrs called and 28 exhibit filed by Crown Attorney Thompson dur lng the first two days 01 lbs henrlng Court Hears Summary Of Hearing Caverage The final lwo wltnum In the prosecutionl case against Leo nard Raymond Demllla on urge capital murder at Her bert Wilson at Camp Burden mess on May 23 Rave evidencu at the second session at the preliminan hearlng In Barrie Magistrates Court yes taxday mnunl ball and glrls mdm it was thought help In Iccompllah lhIl PRELIMINARY HERRINGON CHARGE OF MURDER Defence WitneSses To Appear Tuesday In denung with dcrcnce coun sels cumplalnl agalnsl he one of the mclmpolltan apex1 re port and on line wh ch Appear ed In The Examiner Illa presid Inx magistrate said lhnl he re mark could be said in be ub jeclionnhle Ha Aald Ihat the local pin or quite naturally ave Iuler report Fan of the process lbs hinxklrale 0rd agreed with Mn Haalihan ml the matter of the headllna would be hmth helm higher court later dam Defence ounscl tell hat the caverago by the Torontn paper had been highly unlalr and pre judicaL Mr Hoollhnn also brought to the attentlan Mag lslrnte 0rd headline published by thu Telegram on My 24 Mr on man said HIM the comment tile hearing received in the Telegram was particularly contrary in IE spirit no the latter of the Criminal Code The recilnn referred lo slipuillcs hat any report of an admissinn or caniessian by in accused in preliminary hearing rhali be held to be in contempt of court iiiqiiLY ilNFAlR cess In the court prucecdlngs Mr lloalihan said that the remark he objected to In The Examiner also nppear the Toronto Slur The length ol the Srars account the hearing did nnl merll be lng brought to Ihe attention of thoCalrt he said editinn ol the Tumnln Telegram and Tlxeerrle Examiner mm um wun He went back Into he dining room closely allowed by cor poral the Prnvnsk Corps and found SgtWilson lying on he floor There was no one else In the rum Ple Penis said broken xhutgun whlch had nol been damaged when he saw In Lance Sgt Dnmllles hand Seagrams Star uan Mler mlnutes the ac cused produced shotgun and laid the three 5th members to leave said Fla Pants The wit ness said he went Injo lhc lounge and talked with SgtRuber1 McMillan at which point he heard two xhnls ring ouL nuns sums The shots were about seven selclond altpldAlha gourt Martha Watson when the aim ed entered the men dining room ab and Jqlnqd them uuquinnllllfl bfifl more nannyan an genuinon no whlnky palm prloo Mt In ton nfcor um nltor toal ngnlnst tho thrno loading bmndu in price olnsu Cnnndinnu llkod tho male or Songrnmn Blur bunt ano ynu lrlml this grant whlnky you If not do no noon Boo If you dont ngroo with tho vurdlol of thousand of Omar Cnnndinnu and mm It boar thnnnc mu OANADIAN mum 0rd ma dnnl want tnutlon hem unless lhlnk they have lumgrmed uum Magistrate 0rd dectlned de fence counsels request that tha press he cautioned about the ra ubllcation of tha rhtemenu outwhlch he had complained The Bench1w turned down ML ltoalihnna It that the quotes attributed tn the amt ed In Wednesdayl paper he re ported by the pm certain remarks when referring to db lcnce counsels Iuhmlsaiom It yesle caning smoother mm honormuting do not find hem abjectlnn able not do belleve hey pre judlco Ialr hearing or the he coyclydzd hoih papers which related lo statemenu mndeby the anus ed were statement which were made lime when Ihe ac cused was not in cuslody and when he had not been chnrged They are in eiiect simply var ui the normal evidence going in to preliminary hearing him lslrnle 0rd plied Mommy EVIDENCE it is beiiei that where the admission is tendered in ev idenceexisting iegixlation Ls in tended to deal with the type oi statement which is incuipntory and which is or nature which might be categorized as con fession where the rules relating to canfession might be an issue law is he proper publishing of on in the cuurt room he said am un wliiing to restrict that reportinl to he cxlenl that Mriioaiihan quested Lance Corporal Joseph Mal luy the nth witness called by the Cruwn told the caurt that he was triend of the accused He aald that the accused was In the hablt ol bringing his seven year old son to the Malley house Every momlnl and collecllng hlm cvery allernoon In response question Irnm defence counsel Fte Pants said that he had experienced nn alarm until INLAND18d had pulled Ihe shotgun mm under hIl minus and told he threa people to leave the mom Two expended cartridge shell were lying on the flour near lhe pasltinn where Sgt Demllle had been seated when he lnst saw hlm the witness said Ive minutes previously was near he body he testified nv wmom Rated Best no hearing wax adjourned second time Iller dim and hall hour lestlmony Whnmel for flu delencn Ill be called on madly at 11 mm The mh ho two day hearing waa Capt Allan MacLean yadn with lha Chap laln Curps He told the court that Ihe accused seemed la have lound complfle ralense when he Interviewed hlm the jail on May The accused appeared Com plemy different ram any way he had looked belor mid he padre He was diflmnt per ml allymher Defence counsel called bar steward Pie Angus McIntyre who us an duly an the aven lng in question and ill Iwn servlnx help Mn McGllvray and Mrs WILSDH They said hat ll accused had appeared calm alter this death Sgt Wilson Stall SKI ArChln Reld told he mun Illa the accused had been cool and calm whlle walling at lie bar 101 Ill 31 rlvnl the gallpd 11 mg Inc at am Borden on May 11 At the me the accused wu very very calm he said and made no attempt to leave the prom lxc the mesa The fitness said he hl lha accused on the hand alter the hoolan Incident Iniha mes at can some ol fife Janagamma manned by the men who had gut Kc appeared helm iho en Sgt Ruben McMillan of the Queens Own Rme laid lhal he had known the deceased far right years He testified lhat he had seen 5m Wilson In com pany with Mn Demlllu an ac caslom In the past VERY lvsnv as Ir as he knew Mrs Dcmllla had made no at templ lo see her son lines the event of May 23 Crown Thompson rested Illa prosecutions case Mr Hoollhan said he wlshedto call some ol the witnesses mh ovar lo the Invasi lgallna officers of the Ontario Provincial Police he laid Papers allegedly wrlllen In the accuseds handwriting were admitted exhibits 14 and 13 on the courts reenrds Mr Malley told delence com that lhe accused had looked alter hla own and ever Ilncehe El mu lardéz

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