Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 13

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By MRS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs George Flee pent the weekend with Mr and gm Wllllam GI 01 Sloullvflle Mr and Mrs Rex Beard mo grad la Mornings Mm an Sun Mrs Everette Johnslane and mlly were first of Ihn week isilar with hrr parents Mr and Mn Cllnt Barley of JanIL mutant Ilennm mm cm 117 In Now um Ivon xua anl Emmi Cantu uruxnu Wu 11x5 Tun hum no Papey Mull the Bloc loo wmulng so munu mm Wm nan Sloan Cm A1 Wu nun nunn Tnm 11m Luv Tn lluvu uly llulblluu Cmdld Clam mum JUL Lw mm noun Club ll ynur mm In ml nnlna pm pl phou mm to all Manna Wunn of flu min of Iuw inlay In your uh Many lrom Crown Hill nllend ed the miscellaneous shower for Mr and Mrs Jnhn Dunsmnra Shanty Bay Midhurst Hall on Saturday evanlng lllDAY JULY ll Burl III VIuIlun 11m Weh Tnmbxlon Tlnllory mm Wulher Spam Dr lllncntl And on wm Dull Von lum TNERI IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE By MRS AC DUNSMORE if lnrge number ol chlldun this dlsmct attended the sum mer Bible school Hillsdnlo last week Mrs Jury Barrie glee presldznl of Centre Slmcoe esbylerlnl will he guest speak er the Unltcd Church Wt men meetlnz July 17 pm to be held in the Sunday School room of tha Unllud Church Miss Ruth Hickllnx left on Sunday an malnr trip In Cal gary to see the Calgary Stum pede and visit brother at Bawness Mbcm Service on July wnll again be taken hy members or this Association There will be no Church or Sunday School the allowing hya Wnlcnml Wuou till bum 1h urlvl olech uwhhywflhMumfly callwith huhl of ma Inxlmnnllullllam olthunlln community Servicn at lilo United Church on Sunday was taken by Mr Creed and Mr BNIicy oi Banin chrlsllan Business Mens Assncialiuni Mr Creed gave an outline of Ihe Gidcnn Society mm and Mr Brniley delivered message mm the House icing Built an Ihe Solid Rock Mn and Mrs Harry Luck Norwnod vlshed on Sunday with Ihelr hauler Irwin Luck who has been in poor health way Mr and Mrs Gouzb Mrs Ayerst Mrs Ralney Mrs Chappell Barrie and Mrs Guam Longtield of Rose luwn Saskatchewan visited Mr and Mrs Evele Guugh on Sun4 ny Mrs larhe Summers at tending Planter Girls camp at Camp Cherllh Walkurtnm vu nun Mrs Edgnnnn and Emily and Mn Bar Junker and son Richard allendcd ha Tyrnnl School Reunion Saturday allur nnnn DRIVIVOURIELF CARI AND TRUCK AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY PA 66301 TELEVISION PROGRAMS CROWN HILL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL CARLEY CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 sloum MM ma Ilofl lII IUD In low on Illl ml nmmun Cnnzralulanons to Mr Ind Mrs Culbert nee Sandra chkson on tha birth daughter July In Tornnla Gen eral HnspilaL Brian Kenny student Mount Allison College In Nova Sculls spent dny wIth Mn Kenny reccmly WI PRIZES Prize book Wm donated onto Mrg nsp avlng snld hex home here now living wllh hef son and his family In Tar nuuuu Mr and Mrs Earl lllccualg Allandale were Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs Normnn 11 mm Mrs Caburn Tuxunto upon week wllh her ulster Mr Jack Feni912 other vlsllou havJ been Mr and Mrs Tom MBhnn ey nndlirlan Mls Jacuellne Chapman Mr and M11 Pal Mnhnney all from Toronlo and Sgll and Mn Frank thlle Dellid nnq Lellerfrnm VBanie ms men Dunnelly New market and Mb Ruth Reid Toronto were wenkend vlsltm with Mr and Mrs Stewart Dani nelly Mié Norm Willson Orlllln was home with or mother Mn Lydia Willsgg lorlhg yaekend You MIMI Mill Tn Ilun TIV Mu hm illum The Sacrament Baptism observed on July It Le hay United Church Jnmes Rod trick son of Mr And Mn Jame McNeil or Scarborough was baptized Roddyx grand mther Mn Jame McNeii who Ls visiting ram Eizin Scol llnd was pruenl It lhn caro mony Mn and Mrs Elzinp and daughter Hawthorne New Jersey are visiting Mr and Rgldflnnlg Emily Chciyl and Sheila Leta spending week with relltlvu Inuerphyr leMlNlll WANT ADI PHONE IA mu Mrsi Orville Armstrong and Jahnslone vislied Mondly with Mu Tam Exeli Ind iamily oi Uiopiy Cfiaryl km and Jnmle Am strong are holldaylng with Mr and Mn cm of Slauflvflla Daphne and Rodfiey Gill Stouflvllla went last week with their grandparents Mr and Arman Will the millinued dry wellh er faxmm are mmu npld pr nu thy lan dull My chumu mm hits attended Bible school bald It filglsdala In week In um mom IN Ivoru Axum Cosh lay TORONTO mm ulanons to Mr Ind Culhen nee Sandra on tha birth In Tonmla Gen LEPROY mum amp DIMluau leln ll Undpr may kn clump Bantam Hum mlpu nhbr nrulllu to man KJ uqxom W5 unoo am Wln the hurt with be king and play low club In ward lhe queen Nnnh has the lung lhe best he can do lulu nnd rtlurn heart Win It with ma Ice cash In queen of cluhs play dlamond lo ha Inc and discard hcarl lrnm dummy on tha Inn clubs You lhon make four or VI dcpcndnz on whether or not the mud lintm lucccrdl ll turn Out In Soth hu the klnz cluhl you 11111 th dunes mnklnl lho mnlrnd Asaumu South llk the qucen clulu Ind rclurm hum th It in dummy and lend he luck Ipndn and IL mm ha llncm lnm you mam12 It leul youva Imlmu glrln Mm Lbbm ll Baumh 10 Amman hllor molh Counlry 11 Add PJmlnlull nbhn Quehn Ian Cm XI human Ammo Juror Illumination DAILY CROSSWORD no lady or um mu 233 11 ClLkln ll nducumz Hum 11in cnmm mlln 4mm on vxu on QAI an ¢An 49a You In dcclarer with the West hand at Six Dlamands North leads the ace heart And cunllnuc wllh Math How would you play he handI You In declarer with the West hand at Four Spades North load the queen ul hearu How wnuld you my me Inde momw mum port mm WK ulloq On In DC Mrs Cyrus Cook of Ornnga ville pcndlng week with her bmlher Ind sister in law Mr and Mrs Normnn Cook Miss Marjorie Trouer visited during Ihe weekend lnToronlu wifih Mrs Law onto Mr and Mrs Bruce MCIeat were Mm McLean and Dan Toronto Mr and Mrsr Tom Armstrong MrL William Key of Tor Saturday vlsllar with Mr and Mn Norman Cook were Mr and Mrs Ben Guardhnusa of Unlunville and Misses Lorna In 13ml anflty of gum Mr and Mn Ron Guy Tun unlo spent lh weekend wllh the lallers parmlx Mr and Mrs Fildey Mr and Mrs Vern Abram oi Tnmnlo and Mrs Keith Dan ich and iamin Barrie visited during the weakend with Mr and Mrs Mei Brnymlni By mfimm ANDERSON Weekend visitor wllh Mrs Amen were Mrs Dillen Mu Nelson La Chappella Mn Ev erette La chappeUa and Mrl Richardson all ol Tornnlo Mr and Mn Jim Elliott re lurntd hume by plaque mm Fart William when they spent 10 day with 110 htlers slsterand husband Mr Ind Mm Funk Williams nu unauu mm nummm Fred Collins Prlnclpal ha Ichnal lhlnked the ladle the or jhehjfllrnteresl N15 Audrey anesuhfifile Boys prim want In Grade Douglas Gilmore Grade Man rice Kell Gr David Allard Grade Hulda Rum Grade Maurice Elrl Grade Ted dy Morris Grade Delbert 0x to Gt 3th 1nd to thallth mndlnz boy um um 1n Lerrny Public School the Womenn 1mm nrese book went 3er Crude Frances Kali Jude Elaine Jlules Gfldl Ella Morris Grids Shirley Corner Grada Marlon 0mm Grade Bav erlfiy Beam Grlde Lind wnufd you plly H1 hand COOKSTOWN CONTRACT BRIDGE Plumu Ho hum PIYI and By JAY BECKER mm mm Cymuln mintu Dlnltd man Thu club dhcnrd ll tritk lwn mm the hand tamplcldy foolproof except In me can Vhln South has nll Mvc clubs md lhI ponlblllly In much loo remote Io be Icriously c0nsld wed lnrmxrmwl Thu upprer yo were to make the ml disurding spada on the king 01 hearts you would lubka ouncll kn guessing how to pay me club lalor Io pick up In run You might guess rlxhl mum hul you would be mnnlnz an unneces up risk Then Club Inc ace ol cluhl both opponent ollnw null the hand become certMy regardless at how Ihe remaining lubs Ire deldcd Assume hrcnk lnr example Play the on or club In Illa king and cluhl Thm enter dummy wlh lpadl and mu another dub nm establlshcs the Jack an which you lnlcr discard your Inndo loser mka 0mm Qutbw You Ire practically lure the conlracl by mnklnl tha prapc discard thin point Discard th on the king of ham and draw the Idvem 1735 mu one tract Elven Yourne twn mike thy gonuacl WRITES FRENCH BI MONTREAL CF Mn Suzannr Martel recognized as In Hrs FrenchCanadinn scl ence fiction writer has bean awarded Um Canadian Associa mm FrenchLanznaae Edu unionists prize or chfldrenl book Four Montrealcrs In th Year 5000 lam place alter he Mrd World War MM Sunday vlsllars with Mr and Mrs Nnrman Baker wera Mr nnd Mm Al Sum of Canning tnn Ind Mr and Mn Eng Land and nd My Al ma nu Ian recn and Shelly of Fergus Mr Mrs Steven mn of Stoney Creek visited Tuw day with Mr and Ma Sy Hart and son Tormla were recent vis ltar with Mr and Mrs Mel Brayman Mr and Mn Hum 01 Tornnlo are spending law day with Mr and Mn John Hough Ion Jr Ed McCombmsfiEt tefvhny during the past week wllh his son and daughter In law Mr and Mrs Ron McCamb In Slrnflord John Houghiun Sr is patient in the York County Hos pital Nawmarkel Miss Minnie Cooper oi Gnv enhursi mind Sunday with he Ilsier Miss mmm mum recenfly will Mn and Mrs Nor Cook Ind Frihces men the It On Laka wllh Mr and Mn Ivor Stem and Inmlly Miss Jana Sileuer al Toronto spending the summer vaca gan with her cousin Mlu Mnry agos Mr and Mrs Kidd Bab Ellzabeth Donnl and nna McLean and Mn Lend landed the Kidd reunion Bond Head Park on Saturday Mr and Mn Ed kinkins and Pa inharlpei visited M13 ah Charles Javom uld family of 1mm spent the wéakend with legacy Euro men the weekend with her mo Lhor Mn Mn and Mrs iuccum mm Ind Chit Jav two chancu nun Bond and visited Nor ISI JULIE JONES MINI In NEW mmtsmwn HARM zxamzn mum

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