Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 10

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GRV HARDY MOTORS LTD 195$ ngp aim PQNTLAC I959 ACHEVROLEE ummum IIv man um hm nmo um run an mmnmm ham 13 mm 1195 CHEYROLE 176 Bradford Sf ml DELUXE Valkmxen bluk with red lull luluInt mom Ildlo Ind window want Ill down 55 per month PA Will am but us VAUXIMLL Velax our door udln cyllndu Lam ena owner at now common on dawn 3371 per mnnfll PA um 1937 sow STAION WAQQN 1956 Oldsmobile Equlpped with automan transmisslnm radla whllewall and windshield wash ers Mnny troubleIm mllc left in this out Priced at 50 ONI owhnh mo Ponlllc ru cunnirnnverllhle Aumm 1m PDNHAC lour door tuxemu In and fondlleY with low In In Two lum whllu And my sundud le tyllnder nsmhllon Tllepnml PA um um pm 1m ranm sum suunn brown our dour mum aulomnllc Inlmlninn mln uh wujlr suf 1M1 Vofluwnnm Mun lmt nwmr tnr wlm mm mllu Fully mulmml In MW rnr um dulom llkrd 403 r952 PLYMOUTH FEaéofiaafigux cylinder automatic Finished in gleamin twotone coral and white Deep tread wh tewali tree oneowner unit Sale price $545 The above cars can he purchased with 10 down and the balance in eas monthly payments to suit your budget Shop now an take advantage of these excel lent bargains VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS or um PA Hm 1962 Chevroch Impnlu Nnrdwp loaded with emu In new car condiuon with 13000 arlginal mum Darn mls hls one Priced $1650 1m vnnNnNAc lnur am Ln VIHnl hxu wllh cunom ndln aup Imd whllnull um random lulu ptr month PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN 81 ESSA RD PA 35551 PMNI Loon nrlnnl mlx Innl onwwner CH Ian ndln lnllflor Mock In 61 Ill dawn hltvhonl lA I7 In PONnA mn nala tour 1001 0m nunr ur Tm body ma rumor In my MM omlml nvlnul mml mm on nuum IA mu mono lnur dour blm mu illndcr In mod mm nut whllun In wn um RANCH III on ma mm in an my flrlvu 1mm rllrunu nr run to gun Cu 11 Cullln 1955 VPLYMQUTH VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS lmn um um Ilm Nahum mum nun nor lulo mull ur Innlmlu mun wm ma Iml PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Bl ESSA RD PA 85558 II mmummm MIMI Plan ply mm nun ed nmln lullr um um III Ill IMO Trltphnnl Dr rn mm lunnu pulkw lllllnnlu llmlop Ind um uml nummne Iv mm Um mil Imu ml In lull Ann nlnl ramllflum mm at mm 35$ hm Tunhm IA mun Illnln II Imp mu Iumm II mun1 PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN ESQA Ill 15530 TitnsouALs VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR SAL 11 mm ynuem 51200 nun Telzphon PA mu automatic Deep tread whitewall flies and radio Original finish Sale price $795 Anlitiealcarfor dainplné Veninilsiast cylinder standard transmission Finished in original gleaming color With radlp Sale price $795 iwnanor Sifiylinder standard transmission Good reliable transportation Finished in gleaming black Deep tread tires and radio Sale price $95 141$ hardtop cylinder automatic withradio This car is finished in ori inai browh and white and has deep tread whitewa tires Sale price $1495 VEdnoisix cylintier standard transmission with radio Finished in beautiful coral Has excellent whitewaii tires Sale price $1795 ix Eiiinder Signflard transmission 4door Finish ed in original green colour and has deep tread whilewall tires aie price $600 ANNIVERSARY SALE unun may 1251dele 51 by ude mlmrnuer In your mm mm or nmuu up via nemxu PA was ur PA um LEARN HAIRDRESSING Gavemmenl Chartered School nmrough Lranlng in all brun dics beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSWG SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST PA 962 TENDERSare inviied for the Construction oi room addition to Coulson Public Schooi $54100 leu will also be on dlsplay ln Ihe llulldlnz Exchan so In Burrlo Toronto llnmlllnn mg Guam Clusan date for lenders shall be pm Wednesday July the zllh lhe Ollicu the Arch lecls PERSONALS Plans and Speclficallons may be obtained the Office ha Archllecu Calswell and Grlu bath 806 Hume Street Calling wnod Onlprio my deposl of The lowest or any lender win not necessarily be ncceMcd CARSWELL AND GRIESBACH Architects 305 Hume Street Colllngwnod Ontnrla Sealed Tmch In Invelopcs mnvldcd wlll be rmlvtd by the underllncd Irv to pm July 12 ma or he complain painting at the exterior In my my Spoillknllnm and Tender cn vclupcs may be obmlncd at Um Cigy Clnkl ufllm TENDERS FOR NOT ASPHALT PAVING SEALED TENDER will be nlml hy lllo undesz Imul 500 run IIST THURSDAY JULY II In 12 TENDERS mm or my Met ml Mcmnrlly ncccplui STIIAUGIIAN City Clnk or flu conflmrlion nl Iml nx phun pnvrmenu lo errh SUM Albert Mm and Park SinM In ann AlHMnIIv Thu enlimntrtl nmmmt pnv In In ILL Dun 3mm N00 Tum ILL flurlnm 31mm 100 Tom WI mnlrnfl document may be ollnlned ma MIN Hm inmulllnx Ennlnem Tendm mud be lcrnnwnlnl Iry mtlllnl rlwm of Nd bond rqunl in he luv prim and lhomcrmlul MM mm pmvldn mm hand or I007 of lhn tolnl Ingmar ID Iuk 11m 01mm TOWN OF ALL WM MNLEV mulling lCnllnun llunmluvln 5L HNUWOOIL Oerln nrrcouAarllry Aucus ONTARIO TOWN OF ALLISFON WOMENS COLUMN TENDER FOR PAINTING Du Mon plmllraum cu Calswell and Grlu 06 Hume Street Calling 9mm on deposl of leu will also be on in Ihe nulldlnz Exchan lurrlo Toronto Humillnn elph date for lenders shall Wednesday July the lhe Dflicu the Arch owesl or any lender wm essarlly be ncceMcd ELL AND GRIESBACH Architects 305 Hume Street filingwnod Ontnrla HT Two great beers 1n one new pack Wunl Sedlun aerated Mil Inm Cum PA 84272 AUCTION SALE Saturday July 13 pm pm pm pm or th TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL BOARD NO SALE of travellies school and equipment For lurther lnlormatlon mm School Secretary EDGAR STURGEON Chmdllll or JERRY COUEHLIN Auptloneen RUCTION SALEi Saturday July 20 1230 pim Sharp or HARRY and PARKER KELCEY A2 Lot Concession in Innlsiil Township miles an of HiflIi mi 27 OR miie straight weal ni Strand Village am to mu Highway SALE of arm stock Imple ments Poultry household afi ecla including many nntiquu Terms cash No menu as mm is said 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Monday July 22 at 1280 pm Sharp DSl lag MARTIN QUESNELLE Lot 15 Concussion 13 Tiny Township miles nonh ol Perkinsllcld Village and one mile west SALE of 45 head good came pip milking equipmanl much inery and some household eli eels Terms 8le No RSEIVE as inrm is sold 14 13 Concesslon 10 Essa Township miles wesk ul flmmlon Village and mile somh SALE hams Holstein cal Ue pigs poultry milking cqulp menl arm machlnery and hwsehald elfeds Term cale No reserve as me arm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTION SALE Wednesday July 24 at 1230 pm Sharp DST or CHARLXE WILLIAMSON Same day cancellations and error must be phoned In between 330 and mm JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer JERRY COJGHLIN Auctioneer 12 Rod Cup Alo und12 Black Label Boorinonohandy case of 24 Each case conlnlns thmo now Cool CunyTtuya4 Rod Cup and Black Label In ouchhay IiIt out to mnko cooling and Auctioneer of farm Stock Implements Hay flla undenlzned auctioneer has received Instructions rum BETTY WYDRA Al 10 ll Concession Vespra Township mile south of Winning Village and mile éut AT Show Valley Ski Club Follow ON MONDAY EVENING JULY 15 at 630 PM SHARP To sell hmloilnwlng um Holsleln Cow years old trash and open Blue Cow yéara old lmhund open Chnmlnlso Heller year old Charolnlse Heifer months 01d Holsteln Call Ayrshire Calf 13 AUCTION SALES 13 PIGS Yérirahire Sow land 18 Pin weeks old Yorkshire Sow Ind 10 Figs weeiu old Yorkshire Sow bred Ioiarrow July as Yorksth Sow bred weeks Tamwoth Boar 14 marlin oid eligible for regiaA ration POULTRY 18 liens year nid Rnosrer Geese Gander IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEIr LANEOUS Case Tractor with hydraulic Hydraulic iurrow trader plow Set oi Harrqu with draw bar compleie Seed Drill Set oi Disc Barrows Rubber tired Wagon with rack complete anllque cuiinrs Antique buggy Walking piuw Viking Cream Separator Rook Puiper Set oi heavy Brecchlng Harness Horse Collars Sew ing MAchine and many other smaller uriiceis too numerous to llsL Term cash No reserve awflng to sickness Nothing to be moved unul settled far Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN TWin Pack Use one at lhese three conveni ent ways ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD PHONE PA 414 Ind any Wm In place MAIL to The Barns Exam lner Barrie Ont BRING to TheBanle Ex aminer mice Hayfield Street AUCTION SALE ugifim 12 Red Cap Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO 11930 Approximately 25 01 In acre ol land helng part Lot 17 Concesslon lownslllp of Mara County of Ontarlo altuuled on the north side of HIKhway Num ber 12 approximately three tulle ens of Uplergrave Sale to be held on the properly It PROPERTY Approximately 15 or acme land belng pm but 14 Con cession Township of Mam County Ontario shunted on the northeast side of nghway Number 11 approxlmntely live and nnehall mile north of Bre chin Sale to be held on tha broperty PM LOCALTIME JULerslh 19s 130 PM LOCAL TIME my 1h PROPERTY SALE T4831 Approxlmmly am nl land bclng Park Lot 13 Comes Mon annshlp Mom Coun ty Ontarlm situnlmi an lhu southwest side 01 Highway Number 12 approximately four miles north of Brechln Sale to be held on HID property at PROPERTY SALE 11931 Apprnxlmntely 15 mi land being Part Lot 12 Canoesslon Townsth of Mara Coumy oI Onlaflo situated on he south west side Hlxhwny Number 12 appruxflmmely lhme miles nnrlh of Brechln Sale Ia be held pnthe property 230 PM LOCAL TIME THURSDAY JULY 25th 15m TERMS $5000 Cash or Cem led Cheque Cheque made pay able to the Treasurer of On tarlo at time 01 Mile balanca payable wllhln lhlfly days For further Inlarmatlon plgase contact The Aucllonecr Charles and Km Lamb 159 Lindsay Street South Lindsay Onlarla Telephone 3142530 OR 200 RM LOCAL TIME THURSDAY JULY 25th 1961 AUCIION SALES ouumb Colina1 Regional Office 11 Dopamnen Highways Downsvlgw Dntarla Telephone mans CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING on Port Hope District onlce Department lehways HomStreet North Port Hope Ontario Teteph TU Mm DEPARTMENT or IGHWAYS 01mm Condensed and manned udveb Usemenu are Inserted II the rate oI lo per word Insertion for ons and two urn lo per word or three four or five times and 2V per word lot or more Insemnns 10 addl Ilnnnl charge um um withln 10 day THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENI IS 36c FOR 14 WORDS IF PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE INSERTION nnun on commons Ad rtan Ir mmlnflad thl on granny Incng am Aflvunlllnl hepmum re qumu nu ndunum linle thee melt Invermemum In medllub Iller in lnurllun In ardu tlm my man or and lulu um pond bem mo my nllawlnl any human mm Ihh lo ruin Dill mu Th Buns Exlnb my nmcnxlhlu or nnlvont Incorrectly nrlnlea lnurflun on my ndvmmmm Ant um only to th aka portion Id um mulm Ln mhprlnl Inon which do not lunch ll VIII nuvmmmm no not all me or cumcuanx mk an Coming Events 5c per word mimmum charge 3150 Bmh and Death Notice $150 or up to 25 words lover 25 words so per extra word In Memoriam Notice SL541 ll verse used per word extra BLIND me REPLIES Inlomluon manila ndvullaen uslnl Illnd Laney Hal Numbm lur In flu held nnctly cun adenun new to unu uum Ill bu bald only ID dlyl III In any of Dublltlllon Classified advertisements and notice or these pages must bl received by pm day my ceding puhllcntlon with the tx cepllnn of Classified Dlsplny advertismenu whlch must be In by 1200 noon nreccdlnl any curryino the bottles and picking uplho ompllos ospoclnfly oasyl Monuyanvlng moyou pny loss or lhls 24cnsn than for two lwolvosl THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED TELEPHONE PA 82414 Twin Pack 10 THE MERE EXAMINER FIUDAY JULY WM HINTON BA LIVINGSTON MYERS AND COCKBDRN LIVINGSTON mms COCKIIUIIN Blnlllen Ind Eollcllon 13 Collier SL Bano Phone PA 08 mumsmas RDSS COWANI COLLIER ST PA Chlrln Wlllnn WA Sun Muck Elmslafl snudzon qt OWEN 51 WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER soucrron SMITH maxim AND Ewm Burnt summ Ila char Emmy QC Arthur McLeIn Bum Owen Nomm Pnhlla convrnnun nu zu own 51 Pnan PA um GLADSTONE CURRIE QC l7 OWEN ST wllmn nundln ma Grlnl sum Dlrrll Ontario phnn lem Mm EUPINIDR IUIVICI AT MODERATI 108 Conv nlln Wanlu IL RI PA 35 Barristex Semlor and Notary Public PA MN 35 Owen SL Corner Collier and Owen mnmsms scumans NOTAMLI PUBLIC comm an sum BX PK mu nnwuc mm STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME Emmai souumu Bunch nch mum on 0mm film CONIDER SUGG BOYS SEAGRKME nowm Bumsm suLchTun LIV Omen ll EOWAN EDWAN CHARLES WIISDN mm FUNERAL HOME PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PA 497 lEGAL Dunlap St PAM PA WI ml Chain Acnnunuuu PHONE PA 3397 Nunm CA Unwhlll CA numm Pmnm Chlnumfi Account Truma In Bunkmnlcy Elmuel Ron BA Culvar St Phunl PA um Tum ul Plum Slnxm nuny Pupil are red In ulmlmllonl n1 lhl on CommIon mum Tcmnla All Idu Ind Ancr Modem munz Slndlox 11 Bndlnrd EL PA Mfll MEDICAL MASSAGE THERAPY REMEDIAL uvMNAsncs DUNE ILM Gudum Sun Punelvco can of Mun um Phyucu Therapy 106 ldlehlll Dflvl FA in THE DAVIES OF CANADA mums Hum Tum lamw llon Plano mom cmmu In lnnch min nlharuhuol mu 51 mm Noel Stephenson R0 OHDMmlST Dunlap SL Ell lllrrll Phunn PA um EDWIN WilsON EAL l0 MAURICI HURDOCK Do DOCTORS 0F OSTEOPATHY Fred Grant Sued THY EXAMINER WANT AD VOICE PIANO DRAMA 111 NAPIER 51 BAN HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT JESSIE BRYSON ROSE HARRISON MEDICAL MASSAGE ANGvs I305 BA MUSIC lESSONS ACCOUNTANTS Telephom PA was warm oswzopmnc cumc PHONE PA mu OPTOMETRY OSTEOPATHS Barrle Onlnrio Fulfilment Wt

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