THURSDAY JULY 16 reliswcll are attending the live acts Department ot Education rmmer course In Barrie When the doors were closed the end at the school term at week at Edgar No School rey were locked ior the last me The school is to remain osed Pupils will enter the new tiooi now underconslruction County road No 11 near islsten Congratulations to the upils ni Edgar school on passing reir ilnal exams Miss Janice andy their teacher was pre eated with git oi remem rance by the pup is on the last an oi school Miss ilandy will iach grade live in the new about next term sham BilY MRS warmer Weekend visitors with lilr nd Mrs Boss Simpson were ir Cross Barrie birds Davi on Fred and David at Toronto number or tolks irons the lllage attended the strawberry estiyai in Edgar Wednesday ll Dont iiirget PA W1 is ienew tire number Mr and Mrs William Glrard nd iamlly have as guests iiirs ilrards grandmother Mrs Thornton London Congratrdations to all public nd high school pupils who have ompieted successiul year We are very pleased to report irs hi Packard and Frank iale Jr have returned home ram hospital 1vice book cd bank will carry earl be sorted and peed and accuracy red or paying bills liillOl be cleared in slowing up the from your own clearingr moitori economical way chequecontains rig in the cicarings own cheque book lit COMMUNITY lg changing tired on Our Telephones For Examiner Want Ads Teleg phene PA will the telephone number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept la PA M3537 on 99th Year No l62 CITY POLICE oiiicer es corts National Guardsrnnn to the armoury here alter he was shot during race rial The guardsman idcntilied as PFC Chief Says Army Is IllEquipped OTTAWA tCPi Lt Gen Geoiirey ralsh chiet oi the general stall said Thursday the army is lilrequipped In weapons and manpower to carry out its mmitments at home and abroad tie told the Commons detence committee that the 65Mmon brigade in West Germany needs crcascd mobility through at ruisillon oi the Bobcat armored personnel carrier under devel opmcnl since January lost and still notin productiou Under new NATO military policy the brigade would have to operate iarthcr cast near the iron Curtain and this would ro quire more signals bridging and transport equipment in an emergency Canada was to supply two backup brigades from Canada to Europe These brigades had less equipment than the brigade now in West Germany and manpower tor them would mean stripping at tho iorcc designed tor the de icnce at Canada Gen Walsh read 51paga briel and there was no time tell at the twohour sitting to ques tion him The committee is scheduled to hear Air Marshal Larry Dunlap chiei oi air stnii tuudny beiore flying to North American air dclcnce headquar ters at Colorado Springs Colo ior an nllday briellng chnes HY Gca Walsh said that when the austerity rcduccd Leon Buckie oi the Benton Ma area was one at three guardsmcn shot as they drove home ioliowlng their release tram alert status AP Wire photo lorcemenis tor the brigade in Europe had to be drawn irom the dclence at Canada iorce lull manning oi the survival opera tions system had to be curtailed and rccnrlts were put in ï¬eld units betore their training was ï¬nished Boys Sbisght In Mine PITTSBURGH AP Weary rescue workers emerged lrom an abandoned coal mine today alter an allnight search and said they iound no trace at three missing tccnrsgcd boys believed lost Inside McDonald assistant dis trict supervisor tor the US bn reau ol mincs ordered the hunt suspended temporarily iia said it the boys do not show by this nitcrnoon we are going to press our search even iurtlrcr However he added it they were there we would have lound them by now McDonald said rescuers had searched every port at the mine that was accessible covering an authorised army strength last year to 50000 irom 59370 rcin Bill For Economical Council estimated 00 square loot area Barrie Ontario Canada Friday July l2 1963 NEGROWHITE n4 0N WAR ARESt attic Examiner LONDON tCPAPiA sealer Soviet intelligence chlct one oi the biggest catches oi the cold war has detected to the West oilicials reported today Alter weeks oi interrogation by the Central intelligence Ag ency in Washington he now is being held at secret headquar ters to Britain Security ottici at said they tear the Russians may try either to kidnap him or kill him in revenge ills tile is in positive danger one otticiai said The British rank him in importance with George Blake the double agent jailed in 196 tor 42 years This was the stiiiest sentence in modern English history The detector apparently got in touch with US embassy in on Allied capital soon alter the Moscow trial ol Oleg Penkovsky Soviet otticiai shot last May tor passing information to the British Penkovsky compromised number at Soviet agcnts abroad and they were recalled This re call apparently vied to the deiw llnn TOPLEVEL INFO mlitt5l WNW 21L have toplevei it gs oi Soviet nets In ths West and their methods This could lorce on the Rus Red Spy Chief Has Defected UK Reveals their intelligence as Blakes discovery iorced on the British Blake gave the Russians sys tematic reports on British agents in both the Middle East and Western Europe Word oi the Russian leaked out The result was govern ment DnotieHecurtty bulletin to British newspapers asking them to withhold any mention oi him The Dnottce tdclence notice is survival irom wartime cen sorshlp it is used only when issues oi national security are involved Quebec Gets Iron Plant QUEBEC CPiThe province at Quebec has won out over Newioundland in tight to pro vide the site tor ssomooo iron ore pelletislng plant Premier usage told cheer ing Quebec legislature Thurs day construction has started on the pelletlaingplant at Points Naire Qricliibe planLJiocatad on the north shore ot the St Lawrence River 825 miles north east at Quebec City will pro cess are mined in Newiouad sions maior reorganization oi BRANDON Man iCiiNn armed men who escaped truth the provincial iall Thursday night released housewlie and her rightyearoid son apparen tly unharmed early today RCMP said second hostage whom the convicts seized later also was released The llClilP said that Mrs Alex Solomon 35 and her son Darryl were released in Flrdnle Man in the Portage la PruiticNccpawn district The car scircd by tho convicts at the hostagcs home in ilrandon was abandoned The ltCMi said the men then scircd no uuldentiilcd layear old youth and second car but released the youth unharmed in Winnipeg The convicts were lic Gels labs Lukewarm Support llbvuiiabesillllnthernnlpcg OTTAWA tCll1he govcm monll proposed la rrrtmbcr Economic Council at Canada will aim at indicative lua ning rnthrr than rotnpusury direction IL sponsoring rrllnla trr Mnuricn Lamontnirno told the Commons Thursday An ngrnry to promote planners paradise rrtartcd Opposition erlrr Dltirnbnkrr Flue In principle but weak In mils anirl Social Cudlt Leader Thompson Douglas Flshrr Port Arthur hli speaking lor lhn New ilrm ocrnllc inrty said the pro anal will get Nlii supporthut tilt warm only The Commons thus lnunchcd debate on second rcariingor approval In principleail the to create tanning aumry that will absorr illi National lraduclivlly tfaimrll iarrrrcvl under the armor Canvrrvntiva government Mr lmltnnlltgriil tlrnslrltnt oi the irlvy Counrll in tho lrrlcrnl cabinet said the grand rlrslan the limnutnlc Cannrll is to trip industry nvvrmrtw prab NEWS llctross Doris Day Cracks Rib itrLiW0ti iAtt Artrm Doria tiny blur rrsrirorl rllt hrr want all room in no loot drop lrms that it can not handle alone llnslrally planning can tairo two diiicrcni lorms he said it can he conscious and nrganimi attempt by gnvmn meats and other coilrctlva bad in to coordinate public and pri vntc policch more rationally in nrrirr to reach desirable econo niic obiecitvrs or goals more cl icctlvriy 0n French History trmws tCliJulllce Min Istrr Lionrl Chovrtrr boa chal scttlrrncni oi lltrtrlr iInnnria Anthony Ailnmeon ndnrlrlll nt liinrrlsburg Ont said Tursr Icttlrmrnl at Upper Canada BRIEFS Challenges Remark area liruce Ailnn Kaiser t7 and llobcrt iomcs hchenny bath at Winnipeg burst Into the Solomon kltchrn at about 730 pm and threatened Mrs Solo mo Darryl and Mrs Soto lands Labrador Two Escapees Seize Woman 503 Later Release Them Unharmed fleeing with their hostages in the iamlly car The pair had scaled the It ioot wlro icnce surrounding the baseball diamond oi the tall broken into the em apart ment oi holidaying all Super Inicndcnt John Macihcrson stolen two at his hunting riilos and ammunition and then headed tor the Solomon homo Jscion Franklin Street irom the at DominionProvince Relations Studied UilltWA iCil Establish ment at an agency ior contin uour study at Dnminlamprovlm rial rclnilons has become the ilrrt plank in the Conservative partys platiorm tor the next election Opposition ca or been krr nltclclttti lire plan in its broad outlines in Commons rpmh Thursday night and an latarmant said later it is the monl iflycaroltl nlccc Isle with Jewcalibre ritch heloro 20 Still DUIENDS Alltliï¬ iltll sroro at small boats combed the Plate itivrr ulnary through lrngrd statcmcnts tlrnl lrrnch today tor 20 person colonists hnrl lttlc in do with the IntII nilrr Hm ilrry uniting oi river steamer carrying rnnra than 400 persons Forty lrnlnr ot Upper Canada Village Wt Wrm Irrvvsml ltcscue rssrls plucked 551 my murmumm panic slrlrircn survivors irarrr Friurn spanking Canadian thrvflnwrlcrl Illriroals and the menunnul mum wintry waters at the wide rlvrr 111 pm my math no miles in tram tho At irw Frenchmen tignrrrl In the Will The man ion Clttrlnll rte Arum ttnn City at Aruartnni om mnmlrd by substitute captain and normally ruled out In inland ssrvirc sank in rlsr am and inanmrsdny it was no the no rnlln arrmight run irum liinnlc vlrlro to liucnoa Alrrs Borne survivors said the li yesr old steamer apparently studio said Friday twrsuu rortsr Jalrws tlarncr played at arms rymmpl amt muck mnhm to kcrp two irodlng wanton apart llrlp too rrnlistlraliy isrnrr trying pulled Mira tiny by the waist WellKnown Golior Dies lit 82 too hard An rirrtrlcal short circuit ap psrvnlly tourhrd all an aspiri sion and lights went out lsnlc started wbrn but saw TOIIONTO tili lI llnrold ilonlrs known nlleviinnataly lhirir black srrrairr rnmlrrg tI Hanhrle to hundreds at gallon and oiiirlsls scrnu rsnndn died lrnrn lttllrlt sml Ilron rr in trespltal early today alter brlei Itlaru lie was or My ilsmrs said Enrique Piracer vo L44 assay rtvw From River Boat opening gun in the Conserva tlvcs new program Missing Itopl toyrnroid Uruguay bu alnrssman lraplo actrnmcd in tour They startcd climbing up the rails and Jumping into the water lumped too Capt Avlto Fernnnlrr whose own ship is in rlrytioch ordered lltcbonts lowrml when tho llclu wmt not line ilirtiont wont down bow Hut and sank Roma survivors said several men pudml wnmrn ilnrn llin boats to save their personal he langlngs lunta Doposos Drunk President Qtllitl Ecuador llili It mllltnry hints ruled limnrlor ailcr rllsywsrlnl oi ircsidunt Carlos Altlnfnitttfl 1hr lunta said he was irequcnily drunk spoilsd the national honor and QUEEN FREDERIKA oi Greece waves tarech as she is escorted to plane at Don tlon airport by Ed LONDON tllcutcraiTha vls lting Greek roan tamily icit London airport tor Aihcns today amid almost warlike security precautions lka ended their turbulent and controversial vlslt alter driving to the airport lrom Buckingham Palace surrounded by massive police guard The royal limousine swept through the palace gates at compnniril by lti motorcycle polirrrncn three police cars and six other action carrying tillcC ilvcs Anuihrr lnislnnd oi policrh men brought up the rear lInrllcr tour busrs unloaded police in iront oi ths pnlucc Greek Royalty vi Ends London Stay King Paul and Queen lrcder wards airport manager prior to leaving ior heme with King Paul ending their thrceday state visit in England AF Wtrophotoi Ten minutes bctorc the royal arturo police and mounted po lee moved onlookers back 25 yards irom the palace All entrances andcxits at London Airport as well as the nlrerati parking area were guarded throughout the night by police patrols equipped with walkIctaiklo sets At some points around the de parture area can blocked on try into and nooynrdlong wnor cn barrier was erected REE TIIKM OF The inctr pair were seen all police returned to thr and Daavilie Va Not Me Six Whit Night Ru CAhlBRiDGE Md Shooting described by police otticiai as almost ing on the scale at it broke out in the Chesape dty oi Cambridge alter months at racia Slx white persons three soldiers were won guniire The gunplay contim into the night as both and whites shot at each the worst racial violenc last 24 hours There demonstrations in United State citiesbi and south in Cambridge city 000 Maryland state poll today that they be at turn over restoration in the National Guard ttrere is shooting all cityalmost on the wariare said Mal Davidson state police mander As Davidson spoke si out and mail groups whites and Negros through the city in Int shooting at persons not own race Quiet returned hot and shortly beiore dc to gate had fallen usedtear gs pcrse crowds in Comb atgsavannsh nlbtJJflurar was ma plclretlng at three lllb LottHands Captures LYTilAM AND Sl England tCPlteutcrsi Charles the leitshar Zenlandcr tired ct ord lourundcrpar so tured the lead at the third round at the it got championship will total oi 106 Four time chamr Thomson ol Australia tor total at am American Jack Nit 7D and kept up will on with total at toumnmcnt headed in in holes later today Detendlng champlr Palmer tailed to prod his tumour come hind rallies ind unit total at and the running Tird with Nickinus ihli Rodgers the who led the that tr ltodgcrs lhrlllcd the an ltltootcr on tho it birdie three and previous rounds were CATCHES NifKIAUl at iluclrlnglmnr lnlnre by Queen lillxnbrtir irlnco Phillip lrln ma Ann and thrcoycnrold lrlnco Andrew Charles had birdies ioilr at the liith and and par three at nympathlrul with rommunlsrn Quito rsrllo rcpt heard in Colombta said live persons were tlllrd and three wounded when an army tank tired an crowd starring members at the lunts as they entered the gov ernment palace in take oillceJ hire Multan Ctrlhauirau receich plenty oi attention item that lrlah Cotimin dur ing hand mart in tiny View Park ynterds The girls are members ot Clty oi Ballast ilrlI llpa lia who are wryally touring the tsrlo The flame virade down list street shortly stir lords beiors ptsyt