Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1963, p. 6

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nun Clean dunmlva wicker bu hkl med or Jervan food with ma aim with delcrunl Ind very unh wnlcr Rub an with mull bnuh Minn of any mldua um dnmy tlmh mm by wlpln with damp cloth Chllelnlnl Imlllulm Along wllh use note are reL crencu to livelf Spnnish fldl green Ind yclawn Ihnrpcrmf hlnck pnsucmcntcrle Model flouncod onto the run ny In mm quite flamenco but lull and deeply plenled blousy bodlm that bnndcd the hlpllm mnlndoplypo jack on banded In anI lrlnno and dlIhAbrlmmcd bowler nnln Mk lhm worn by Spnnlnh lrllu DUNLOP 8T IAIT PA 41 OIIN FRIDAY UNTIL MO EM BC Ihrcddcd when run do not wund very compli menury Bu translated ll meanl um threddcd whenb colored coat doublebreasted with mllnn Hooves other mm on Indlculn that It lllro over twoplece brown woo dress lhl airing lo under me bolom nut Ihey had In do 7mm all and winter mm which are the meme the New York Couture Groupl curran Pres Week 36 uvlflu NEW YORK AP The Hole fashion writer uribbied It Ihe Donaid Brooks thaw Tuesday looked like menus and name lncanzruaul doodla drum about romantic Spain Fashion Notes Resemble Menu For Tho Bridcamnld For Tho Molhcr the 1mm Dream For Tho nrmo Hymn GOWN Théifidg was extol19d dawn the Aisle an the arm at her The bride ll Ihe dlughter of Mr Ind Mrs Demchla Sophi sum Ban1e The ride rooml parents In Mr Ind 11 James ODonnell VII dOr Quebec Mn Pawcll of Bum ms the orglnht nght Rev humM ClEr olfldmd It the 10 oclock oer Pink Ind while camluanl with while zlldloll dccorlted 6L Bllryx Ramln CILhoLIc Church Barrie for he wed dlnl Miss Gertrude Ann Demehle Ind June Raymond ODonnell of Val dOr Quebec Couple Will Reside In Ottawa After Honeymoon In Cape Cod AT SYRANSMANS Fashions Forr Your Beautiful Toluzlgy 5mm WEDDING Chooao From lea by Mac MR AND MRS JAMES RAYMOND DDONNELL our Wid jolccuon BRIDESWEAR TRADITIONAL GOWNS FOR IULY RITES Barrio mmnu Mnny lhc folkmnzl um lulll In 0m Souhml nln thlnnl mund Amflllmpnu came Unllcd Stale In Um hm Ilw WEDDING my Mira buwum mm in pink nylon aver 1mm Their huddresm were in Ind 01 carnxllons 1113 fin honor chose dress Amcrlun Deauly pelu dn ml thud an uunuh Her bridal Illendanl were Miss Suzlnne Wm 01 Barrie mud honor Miss Josephine Demonic 11mm 0111 niece of the bride And In Louiso ODonnell 01 Norandn Que niece the bridegroom wen thgflowcr girls Her vell French tulle lun don wu held by tiny 111114 box Illk amnn with hand pllqued Inca Ind Iced palm curled Ibouquel 01 pink And while mam carnation will uprayul Babys Breath than Her floor length sheath own was designed or wk on gum over 1mm Applique lace enhanced the mundcd neckline 1nd tom of the dress Audupel rain fell mm the mp 19m norms man In men °l Pale men pun ler Itceuurlc wen ah war mmgu CInyanlhmugh the ham the brldtl gown Ihu mend nu wan Iimlllr shellh mm nu muoulder ol Derwyn In hem Wcudy New at owe ulfl Tho mendnnu wen Min Carolyn White Toronto mm honor brdcl mm were Mlu Noreen Clld well may Ind Min EM VA henddrgu ol flower pchll held the boullnn veil of Illk Illusion tulle The bride car rled bouquet whllu inn dcnII AIJENDANTS The bride entered the church on the 1m oi her lather For this spccili day lho bride ware iuil length gown of ob sum over iniicili Thedreu wu iuhioned with Killed bodice MU soiin rounded neckline Ind threequmer length eicoves The own ice inrcd conimiied Ikfl Ailing ley lo chlpei Inini Mailil of beaded French Iiienmn ilce enhanced ihe bodice Ind Ikin oi the dmsi bride In ma daughter 01 Mr and Mn Humid Hmbmd Guthrie The bridegroom la the son at Mr and Mn Cyril lloulder Bcrwyn Alberta MEDAL GOWN Mm lebelle Gilchrist Oro Stltlon an the Wbddlag Pnyer and the Wzddlng Hymn Immmnled by the 01 zanm Mn Hownd Campbell Shanty Bny Bouquet of whim Ind hur quolse muml Ind lilies armad the blokxmund letting far the mummy performed by Rev Mr leaning Vows were exchanzod be tween ML Elkbell Anne Husblnd And Hnmld J1me Bud Haulder at In maxnoon weddan In Guthrlo United Church My Alberta Residence For Guthrie Bride SAVE 20 025 Mu Pan lmloX ponly glrdlo Iumo luhvlc and halmu ubovc In IlrquM alldlc Whllo leu SML Pom Pun Hiddln Tronum handout bra In dripdry nphaln bullm while or black leu 3236 rugulavly $400 ngvlaly LOO navavly $600 Pom Pan HIM Tnalvro 4wuy Ihaplou bra In canon broadcloth whlln or black 3236 will only 3436 nauluvly 00 alto uvnllabln In Paulina flyln navlmly 000 BUY $778 Pol Pun llllIoX IlmlnM glrdlo In wondorlvl Ilyhtwulght lyua Spandex leu bunufllul oonlrol Whllv flu SvML llnaorlo Country Haul7y Spomwoar Amumlu PLANS INFORMAL VICNRIA CF Archdea con Wollhplnns lo hold mm sleeve ICWICM this summer will Conduct 45 mInuts plcknlcken special crvlcl II Im nnch Sunda This way pla will be nba lo nllznd urch and null be away on me la enjoy outdoor mlvltlel he uld Guests Intended 1mm nurv Wyn Albem Tmnlo London Slmll Dnmplan Thumton 01111 mi Baffle For inveulng the bride don mad three mm linen sun In white Ind turquom with white accessories Following the honeymoon In Oluwn the newlyweds will like up mldmo Grim IhlwAlbem Auditing the bfldemoml mother won lwplem green Ilnen drcn enhlnccd with muchan Accemflel andcor nu pink mm 5va wm colmd nylon chlllan Inhlon ed with Ihlmd bodice and softly draped stlrt Mmhlnz unemrle Ind comma of yellow ruse completed her enxemblc ucepuéi followed cm ge Community Hall Receiv new the bridal ngcamon ma hI115 boil Guthrle wm ushm Tha momma wan Ken Boulder of Be Albem Radxer Egghnqdrm Ken flus gnwns white orgnnu with mum ovusklm Gnrllnd of Iqun Iowan and lelves adorned the 1mm pane of he ovorlldns They won mulching belddresxu and car ried clsclde bouquet of quake muml Personal Illa are am med by no Influenm no oak lar harmony In domuuc Ind clnl relallnnshlpx Illa Intercu inz developmanu In your ro mnnllc um Den periodl llonl than lines the period between new Ind lulu lumber Illa January May In June at next year Tnvel will be Invortd wcnn now Ind Ml Auxuu Also In Novunbcr uu uuumu be ween early August Ind Into November Ind use your lnmla good Judgment In exploitan them your mckaook could be wnsldcrnbly laltened More yuur next blrlhduy mill Iround mu wumneu your aspect wlll be more gen emu lhnn they may have been or mm film and ll you grasp all Ill lunlllu Ivgllgble lomonow Is your birthday your horoscope Indium um the In of August you wlu enter no cycla ln which you can advance your Job htemu inluch wonhwhllr manner not only to merit tho num Uon ol ruperlon but to brlnl you Inclcured want In tact are concemed vu ulv run of some but you an alert to this act you will do nothing to worsen the Illuallon Ba tolerant and avoid mlxum demandlnp THE BIRTHDAY You may hnvo to exercise some restrain now If you would keep level head when peh sonal relationship are com tamed There may be lend envy nxsquaggs on file r9 romonnow wkuflm mu wn Ron bull of London cousin the bridemom John Mum Bruce mm nu hendplecea Ind curled Luanda bouquet or neat roles And while endured camaflnnl Mr wmulem olVElmvnlo my Perfect Love and Wm Benediguon The allendnula were xowned alike In lulllength fiesta Ill Ihanuml nude with brim necklines 31 flagging wore nu lllm bell pod 1115 The AITKNDANTB Miss Ann Ashley of Little Cur rant was maid of honor Mm Judy Campbell Elmvle Mlu Arlene Jackson Banlo and MI Sally Campbell Elmvalo ware brldumaldll THE STARS SAY given In mani130 by her father ware gown oi whila satin peau do mu minim ed by Heimar at London The own was luhioned with lined lgodiclefiy animal auntie fit on natives sped 13 flowad into chapel lrainA Monet oi while im embroidend with penis held the bouflam uhouiderlmmh veil nie bride carried cascade boutiluel whit me Ind step mom Dr Moore dual Victor Couele Toronto omdmd mo ceremony Iv mud by Rev Higham Corbett played the wedding music wwww cow Tall nlgndnrd while shun mums curls main and light ed enndaxabn decorled St Johnl Unlud hutch Elmvue far the marrlaga of Carol Anna Christie dnugh er Mr 1nd Mn Willim Or an mm Ma to Donald Arcmhnld McNeil Ion of Mr and Mn Dmuld Charles McNelll Toronto Elmvale Church Scene Of Rites on these famous peter pan was and éirdles now to July 3191 1903 at Guldrenl thou Ihould be bought with the In mind um their led 0an chum whole 1110 In lwo months uyl lho deptmen hunk 11 report recommended the delcllon of clause which make II wilal lull obllzm Man In obey her hmbnnd The husband head oi he inmily now II required in liln Inlhorixnilan in such mailen main operation upon one oi his children The win unnoi give Inch Iulhorizaiion An amendment In 1954 permu Ilng married women In Ilzn lull documents dld Hills to Im prove lha Illununn Ilnce women still wen restricted by other chum In the code dul Inz with the right and duties oonJuzII parlnnn um nu ma mnrrled woman The re lubmmed by CM Co mvhlon comm llee headed by lawyer Andra Nld nu said the arlkhul Cile Dodo ol ma chum married wannun with minors as Incflmhle mumzlu their own lain QUEBEC CPA report ll ed In the Immune mum Attorney Genarnl Geode Lapalma recommends that Que Amendment W111 Award 1111111 To MaIried Women In Quebec my mend hehuncm bridMIecl In an dnumer Mn nnd Mn Ronlld Blrnle Barrie The bride uniamen hu been Innounced ol Mln Carol Jo Inne Blmla at 11 an 133 mmvl mm are lnadualea of Wm Inc University uulv nth Illa bride Ind brld room r1 Col Tamale mm The bride wore Pierre Cm in tuii white boueie wool large picture in oi white and yaiinw silk and whit kid mar series Ii coxraga oi white mm completed her rnsgmbio ceramny the mother oi the bride Meived wurlnx Wu heiga chiilon with mnic plum hat and carnage men Aybidium orchids Mn McNeil mother oi lilo bridegroom assisted xowned In also chiiion with mulchinl In draped iurban Her car use was of meemem mm min Stephanotis newlyweds lei for boil dglyalkihgfigimnduy Brown and Earl Taylor III cl lnlrynyg were 3113 when vmqr mn PLAN AUGUST CEREMONY CURIOSHY PAID LENNOXVILLE Que CF MrL Thelma en imn housewife whu Jun mated to know about ho plants unwinl around received her demo in biology Ii lehnpl Univer nity She has three children ranting mm in lo 14 mum on ol lhdr children which Iha clnnol do It present Wu mere 15 no mm for ex nmnla flu rt Id why mother whnxo unblnd linen should not lulhoflu In use mom In operauoglqn one The hunband would null be held of lhe llmfly but Iha wile would be legal Tanner in tho uhlnl of Iamly Ind could replace him held In me Liliane or Incaplclly In mum Hon um um 12 tee29m flattér tho hvamgo and Jufivloy Izo gum boa Allhough this oMoI oxplros nt the end of this month and will not bo roponlad ugnln thls year we suggest you como In at your first onpovtunlly whilo lho ldon II III lush In your mind Thank you He on mm lficlizck noon Photo by Five Thls oncoayoar opponunlty at Evangelina Is lino way to round out your summer toundntlon wardrobe and save many penny at the some time All have boon careful choson glquy designed to and imamclan the Mr Ind Mn 9an minute of Muley The Innmu will his cc St Rom om us la An Inamm Don mu HOP WATER Amitum only EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Wa nll know that on some days we mm have an abun dlnco mum energy EVANGELINE In elmIr bulldefl hal Inced diet nuludlng Idequntu protein and the other pmleeuvo nutrient pmvidlo fund Karl am my pus re In uplu men esunlllfl while luck energy can be tumbl ln poor Iood hleI there II no one apo cill hellth Md IhII Ellllln tul lupar Inem Nor do In exam of mod alve on ma ENu By IDEA JEAN RAIN Enarzy the most print Nuewon Food II our loll mum nl allergy and our bodlls energy trunnlormu en What about good nulrluon up grimy pulldefl hal fiAIkcurs i176 Mum EXAMlNliI 1mm mull 1m 5133 IN THE TRIM PERMANENTS Good Nutfifion Builds Energy Emotional Factors Steal It 550 TORI IIOUM Mn Cloud lid Mum OIHN FRIDAY 10 DUNLOP IT PHONE PA M521 You get free SINGER FullPower CANISTER CLEANER NW FREE wlthyqyrpyrcrhas of any stomnc Zlgzag Pcrtaple 11 willingneu to make th eflm to than dun leasel energy Get enthllmule about for enlhuslum 1h Inntr 10¢ This In MIMI lilotwin force spirit Todny life Km to hm can an Amount muting but too much routine Ilbell plume lead to boxadorn Boredom lend lo dullnessa Innzuar of svsnu necyym mum Channel Experiment Explore Gmwl Ho wu nlwnyl advocat change peca end Aux Keeling that we try wmelhlul new no firmly belleved um excitement Men and ort that restore energy end v1 tallly people hrilfllnt xycholozlst W11 llam Jumu Id phenomcnll enemy yet he was from but Thin mullve philosopher was Intenser Interesled In hu man nature Ind In all um make lilo udtlnl Ha d9 Flared I99 menuimages In Ihort the mm which anlble us our analale allecllvely or tab pre doun energy com the entire range 01 personality Tudny lha Adorn which Ilul my energy In more Ilka to be emotional lhln phyl Nnulnl wa lndeclulon lnw muon In mom mbbar Boredom L1 deceptively IxIna art It 111153 was er In ea loo hectic to rob one ol may but 11 can duc to Inward Itewlnl and mm tendon the thin tho Ic celernlad action luau fluent ment bluernul gown burned up In nmuve elm Hana um up enemy sawmo céfima Dunlap PA 700 nlorlu 33 nu ant nude circum mncel Wher dm mum on ter the plenum 1111 1mm thc cmhul that uh lb reaction to lean thy mm When we no anlhullnflellly msted In any Emmet th needed energy we up 1mm wllhln other dlya no to much so haw does on release energy An 39911311 rally go noxnelhhq SINGER la

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