UnitedffiiAppedlgsetsfr $79650 AS Objective all Mr Rtmlmhnn Inhl ulvrn Hm nrw Mary lullll II will In Ind or Iledlm 11m wlll be In new In IInUrm of WA elmnu ll dllminm Jnluuon Hm lulr cfduml Aml lhe Odd Frllwwl Fnlluwlnz rrpml HM Fl mmrv lummum In 0rth of Ir1 Ily ounrll ncrnlly rnwlvlul lnr mnmmrmlnllnm lluo mmvl In In unlwl am ley Mini linnllxul lvvr thll yrun rim lrgrL tn3n iim 5lrnuulun mm llw lldn wlll probably be may Immn IIM In Mnlwr 11m IMI tlvlc rlrrlim hrhl Dre H4 IML hul IID Ilnlu Inn Mm Icl or III yrurn rl nllrm In my rlrvkl ullku II Ime pruwlnu Hm mm 11 fwr Hm rlnllnn wlulrh vlll lake plan HNIM JEFFREY who will Nlrr zrllln In Nnrlh Cnllr nlnln In 1111 In nrllnx unlvr ovumInt Al llm Preparing List For Next Election FIVE OF THE 20 pupils cn Camp hn saw lho cxhihfls ol muchincry rolled at tho Woodland Day pioneer drugs and welshan County Mr LeigMun sald the con com Hue wmmiflee was not to held back funds or cut back an agency but In study ha needs or the agmcics in mlalian to what madlcal will the Mud ragslug abilityj Hr snld the or he indiv ldual agency to raise this money ls about 15 per cent and Ihc Barrie United Appeal way costs only 44 per cent Mr Leighton lh ked the members or his committed and said that during June members mcl separalrly with various agencins Many awnings they worked from seven until 1180 MEET AGENCIES medlqg cl tile Unllm Appeal Board Thomas Elee mm Bulldlng lust nlght he board voted lo accept his lip um and also to conï¬rm the appolecn 01 Russ Davey this years campaign chillmaul McKay board chair man said The buslul persons in lhc United Appeal In the past month have been Gard alm ton and his commlllee Oblecuva cl tbs Barrie Unj ted Appoa for 156364 has been so $79650 It Is an Increase or 3137213 24 per cent over last years uyjocuve ITS POUR PER CENT INCREASE YOUNGSTEBS ENJOY TOUR 01 SIMCOE COUNTY MUSEUM lalnl lmlhs Mrr uml In llw Innl mm lml mum mu mm In be Inqulml Ill yrnr Wan will lw Illvhlnl ivy llw rrnlm Hm of Nrhun mm and lelnnd Nurslry Schml nml Summrr my Inmp lnr lllr numnur lIu nurmnpnnlrd lhu camp nn lhclr rrrcul luur UHUWII NIL Scnvlmmul FAMILIAR EW The chairman of garb divi sin of last years Appeal has We have been working on Willard Kmue last years campaign chairman has Indi calcd willingnm to set In and stir around bit Mr Davey said am lat torcd to be chalrman and lo lake on the job The last three years the United Appeal has been succusslul Mr McKay snld We shaded In January Io try to gel chair man We approached Buss Davey recently and he has amcd to accept in board coniirmmi the ap pointment oi Rory ODonai as campaign publicity chairman ML ODonai was also pubilciiy chairman or last years Unlicd Appeaii In relmnce In tho 10 per cent increase for the YMYWW Mn Lclghmn said We did not like 10 per cent Increase but ml is adynnrnIc organlullon He explained the committees reasoning In arriving at the ob jchve It was based on an increase for each agency over last year EXTERIOR PROTECTIVE STAIN JNTEHIOR 71mm nll mqu mm pmm mm pm ule nm mmm WWII LTD Bcnvlmlouflh Onlqvio 7004371 mm mumum hm hm NOWI NEWI llw ml do thm mun wllh mlllnl lo lnle plan In llln nuditntluml nl lnhmm SinM nml Kllllllllln Suer Iuhllc khmm Wnul will he Vlle lnlu qu mum lllehmn Ivy Iho rm Iru Inn Ilunl IUfll Ill and voila wlll la law In llm Amlllnrluml nl Illlrml and Film nl WAIrI lnllllc Schmln ha Slmme Calmly Muxcum Shr lllrd xlrlhe un mn rrnulinn with lhlw member We muuum mu ulm wnl llrnml In rally Nlnrlrenlh IIHIIY plnnrrr gull lixnm burr llmluu As in last years Burris Uni agency nr agencies wiii receive led Appeal campaign donor their donations will be able Io dcsignaie what uwnuw Canadian National institute for Blind $7300 March oi Dimes 3500 Canadian Red Cross 13500 Asocialion or Retarded liiidren 16500 Vidmlnn Order of Nurses 5500 Si Juhn Ambulance 3050 YMYWCA 23100 Boy ScoutsKenmnreit Bay District mm Canadian Meniai Health Association 1000 Advano solicitation this year begins Sept its Board kicked around he Idea of givingdanors an an knowledgement besides the am clal receipt APPEAL BOARD The Barrie United Apch Board consists of the allowing in nearly every Instance attend ta comeoul erement and assist Admlhistraz on Expenses Lsoo Cunlingenc or Shrinkage Pledges 1000 Less transfer nom suxplun H000 Total Campaign Obledlv Total Agency Oblcctlve Campaign Expense Uning 4112an Yearjlound the Slmcae Museum yestnrdny The will Innling he nnrrln Sen Indclx brulmlnx pm Iodny dun homo ol Mn CHM Duncnull widow of Inn Inle CIIH Daunenull wlm wnl lhu drlvlnl Mm hchlml flu San Cndrln In Unnlc On lnplc cxmlrd In buy up fur llhruulnn lbs an the 5m lerl mwulmt 1th hm hem mnlrnrmlnl mixde In mm clulrl mmlly flm promised campaign at mm for fund adopted 13 nights maellnz allows Framed Clmpaitfl Per cm at Total Agendas Drown cur muck llamnl on the MI knee No dunruu wm lnld EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA II Amrdlnu In Harrie Police Clnrcnce Elmer Brown 40 Alfred SL wan bucking hl nr Owen slml rm to Sophia urth whm younl llnmel wnlk Id bchlnd Mm 17 ynar nld Dane boy David Hum 08 Wellington SL was released mm loyal Vlclarln Ilnapltnl alter ohscnm Hm ytslcrdny all he wnl Ilnlck by can Sea Cadets Meet Today Backing Car Hits Youth were Ml rant Donald Pea cock and Bobby Smllh rear Brenda Bmlcy Cralz Willey Ind Rabble Todd urer and member Mn COM Mrs Cox Green Sanford Hm Pratt MBud Thoma Fraser Ross Stephens mrnbull and Dr Anders membeh McKny duh man Lelxhian vice chalxman Jamis Greenhllzh secret Harry Nuuegt rear Dull IM AIM Ill PA NI COMET SERVICI STATION IYUNLOP If VA 35216 Jun rm AT 7400 TEXACO 3m CUBES $74550 131 221 Mr Nelson lulll that when Dlrtcl Dimmco Dlnllnl II Inlra ducal In he thm uthunw noxl year nubscrlhm wlll bu be ncllve extending mm mm rnnglng lho network of wire cnblc and polu nnd ndnpllng or changing ckphone In the three uchnngcs In prcpnrnllan for In change p11 dlnlA lelcm Construclion thy bulldlmu expected In get underway xummer with completion act for lnle this tall Narlhcrn Elcclrlc rmtlsmrn will hm begin Ihe complex Job nl lnslnlllnfl Hm dlnl lelchlng qnlpmcnl and mac lnlcdllalaqanllus Cunvmlott ol the lime ma exchanges to the dial system will mcnn lhnl new dlnl switch ing equipment buildinun will he constmded in each at the com munitiu BellsDistript Subscribers To Get New Systems In 1964 Mr Nclsnn also sald thnl dlnl service previously un nmmced and Dim Dlslunce Dlnllnfl would be lnlroducod In Slroud the same time Dial telephone and Direct Dls ï¬nce Diallng scrvlcea wll be lnlroduccd In On and Lelroy ln he spring I061 Nelson llnll Telephone manager lure nld toqny cl In Diniing is made posxihie by giving every nne oi the millions ui leiephonu customer in Canada and 1M Unitnd Stale diiierenl num ber in order to make up such large variely the lwn mun lrics have been divided into 128 numhcr plan areas each identi ï¬ed by aAIhicedigiycnde Direct Dislance Dlaung DDD will enable subscribers to dlal their own uulIonlOSIaUOn long distance calls directly to same 3000000 telephones In Canada Ind lhe United Slates DDD wIl 350 star Siraud4 Lelmy Ora Alllsmn Cookstown and Angus at the lame time There are about 15000 telephon In Barrie and these area ex chaygpm Direct Dlslnnce Dialing will he introduced In the Barrie area In the spran 1964 and all igure telephone numbers In December of 1961 IL Ne son Bell Teiephnne manager hag mnqunced pd Slnllindwslalion loll rates will my 129 can DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING The code or Harris at area DISCUSSING THE Unlled Appeal cam alxn an my bogr menu In For That COLOURFULL TOUCH Fnr flu In pnlnl lnr lndmn ur ouhloml ram mun nwl rurwrla cull Hm llnll Drcnr ulnr AInun urn unflahln lnr may lmllnnllnl llvpllclllml or runny um New PhoneSysytems Come To Barrie Area PAINTS Benjamin 11er In In my nFJ Inuly Irrnl mrut Inr Imy Hm of land Cull lhe In or III yvur Ilnlnlnu Imh REZ STAIN lmdan Mn xln end mun In Mr 303 ha Amcrlcnn WIN mum mmcdlnn DIckln lIzndcrinn bcllovcd caused by an nccldcnlnl overdose ul druul Della Harry Warner 7B larmnr vlce pmldnnl at General Molar nuck Dlvlslnn Ind omnnlm of Continental Mnlarl Muskggon erh Edmnnlon Mn Amy Evo Iyn Sinmbnngh wife Sen alg lJayn Weilcy Slumbgnngh Coincident wlth the chanun lo dlal nll lnlcphnne numbers In Oro Slmud nnd Lelmy wlll be changed New one will canals ol sevnn llxum In Ora all numbers wlll alarl wllh 431 and wlll be completed hy our nlhcr llnuru In Slrnud the prcllx wlll he 06 and ln Lclroy 456 Introducllon nI nIIIlgure num bers In Barr In December will mean tho Iellcrs In present numbers will be replaced by the lure with whlch they corm pond on he dIaII Detailed instructions about D1 rm Distance Dialing will be In eluded In Ihe lntrodumn page the supplementary directory to be delivered in IBM nble dia their own slallon loslauon call In some 80000000 lelephonu In Canada and the Unlled SLulu wilhaul the as lslnncg arlnlopgrnlar Regulux stillohrlvmtnlion rule will lupply an DDD calLs To call number within the name 705 area code the pus lomar need dial the access code only IoHowcd by the seven digits of the telephone number bummer calling telephone in another numbering plan area will dial to reach DDD equlpmunl allowed by he an pmprlate area code and the sevendlgits of the number he callmg explained Mr Nelson Mr Nelson rald that Initially the plan will be used Duly or statlontmtatlon calls Call 01 any other unlur such collect permuttrpersm coln box credlt card or those ortgluatlux from hotel or motel roomswill stlll requlre the asslstance of Ion distant operator By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rim DaveyL cam palgn chairman 63 Leighton vicechnlrmanL and DEATHS var cson added alnco call dlalcd to UN lwo leller livellguro number wlll IUll thrauxh aim the conver Ilnn ll will rm be necessary to discard any prlnled mailer di playing your prescnl number Mr is snn xuggcsled lhal all busincsxmen show their 3114 um telephone on my adveb using or other printed matter tthlhey exgeg lqprdcr Another advanugu the All igure plan Um It helps re duce errors made through dial lng the wrong exchange name when two sound alike Will also cut down mm between 1h Keller and lhn ï¬gure one Madly he lween he luller and the 1qu 1910 on the dial CUT COIFUSION Seven ï¬gure number be lng adopted gradually by most telephone companies In North Amerch One the maln rea4 son ls that dual use make more numbers nvallahle than hf lguer llgure only Ilnn Mr Nelson xald that the PA PArkway wlll become 71 This means PM will become and PM will hemma 773 Numbers will be completed by the other our dlglls present numbers McKay board chair man Examiner Photo to bring your personal list of phone numbers up to date Your new Ielophonu dlwctory ha many now and changod uumbm the ant auction at your Dim lnry contain Information nboul Iocnt calling numbm you can dial without Long Distance chmgu and complete Intmmattan on Long Distance Cnllln You wlll ttnd the Ann Codes tor hundmd at ptacu if Canada and the United Slates lnmpln mm and what to do when you want Intmmatlon about tole phana number In dlllant ctlyl It you Im llku most peoplu you keep personal list at numhm you all most twqueuttyto ml youvsou tlmo and mom leo It chunkup now MN to It tult at nan Intomntlonlnna Dtlldnu Nu Code In Canada Ind the UStn Ipectnl mlinn 10 birthday and Inulvemvlul for yum FREE arm ml all your Illontmnc Bullnm 0mm JlJLIUFEï¬H The transport of mall Irom Tomnlo Io Huanllle by Mr Nbsbm slmed on June dull year Ind payment II ha nu 01 319971 per lnnum The arc rungcment was made with thl loyal bidder Mr Den lndiut OTTAWA Special Ear rIe man has made temporary arrangement lo provide mall ser vlce between Toronto and Hunt vllle Haber Smith MP for Simm North was Informed In the Commons Wedncggay to wr en ques tlnn tram Mr Smith Postmas ter General Azellus Dull raid that contract or he service has not been awarded but that temporary arrangement hu been entered Into with James Emu Ncsbltl of the Barrle llvery Service IAN EXAMINERO THURSDAY JULY 11 1955 Next chapter meeting wil bu In Burris In August There we brief dkcuuinn on the book Buy New Ply Later and direclur Peter Lam xeryt Bradford Ind Holland Marsh Credit Union said this type of book should be read by everyone belnra obmlnlnx any Iygg grcdlt This group would luvs Burr for Toronto becausa thl city the mos central part of LI chapters area The president said lha Blur water Georgian Bay Credit Un ion Chapler plmlc held last Sun day at Innlsï¬l Park Wu Inc cmful and that next yearl flunk would be held some plant she Eluewater Chane Planx to lake bulload of credit union members lo visit the Ontario man Union hud forward by Frank hmï¬fySi Innlsï¬l Farmer Cedlt Union Barrie Man Carries Mail mere will be banquet and dance The Chapter Beauty Queen wlll be selected from en rants mm Ihe 43 member cry dll unlon In the Illa er Last year over 200 attend lhls ere lel unlon event ll ex ecled me more would be arler crawd this year Tha Georgian Bay Chapter will hold Credit Unlon Day 219 bratlanx ortho am October 13 in 11am Barrle nr Ofllfll president Jame Wllsm In naunced last night It the dim Inrs meeting In Barrie Credit Union Plans Contest To Pick Queen $3