Heather Ffom scofland Backlache Antsl liotvousiTension ResutFrom edent Liie Carnes Good Luck Tradinon my bouquet of white heather flown from Scotland stephan otla and pink Sweetheart roses was carried by Miss Barber Ann Burrows when she became the bride of Robert Charles Graham of Barrie June 29 St Johns United Church Strotiord was adorned with standards of pink and white tea thered carnation and femery for the afternoon ceremony per formed by Rev WuH ll Stew art Handels Wedding Hymn and The Lords Prayer were sung by Mrs Donald overholt at St Catharines accompanied by the organist Gordon Scott ol Strat ford The bride is the daughter ot Mr and Mrs Leslie John Bur rows of Stratford The bride groom is the son at Dr and Mia Gerald Graham of Lane er TRADITIONAL GOWN Given to marriage by her father the bride chose classic lulllength gown of silk and Valence lace The high fitted bodice featured Peter Pan collar and threequarter length sleeves pattern of lace adorned the bodice and sweep ing skirt oi the gown crown of mohair and orange blossoms held the fulllcngth veil of Illus lon silk ATTENDANTS Miss Beth Burrows the brides sister was maid ot honor The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Graham of Hamilton sister ot the bridegroom and Miss Mar the Jackson of Godericll Carrying through the bridal theme the attendants wore gowns oi white embossed crepe The dresses were fashioned with fitted sleeveless bodices with short boleros of lace and nylon tulle and shaped skirts They wore matching headbands ANN LANDERS ME AND lilRS ROBERT GRAHAM White tulle sprinkled with corn flowcrs and white feathered Carnations fashioned their boo quets John DeKonIug of Chatham attended as groomsmnn The ushers were Roger Dusky ot Tilbury James James of Straifnrd and Gerald Patton aude of Barrie The reception was held at the Victorian Inn Stratiord Tha Caught In it Web Dear Ann Landerl My heart aches for the young boy who wrote and said he was chronic liar and didnt know how to stop The poor lad said he never told tics that would hurt any body Re last dreamed up stories to make himsclt seem more important or to make his humdmm tile seem more glam owns was like that when was youngster and took my prohlcm to wonderful clergy mun lie cured me Perhaps the same technique will work for him Here it II When you hear yourscit weav ing one of those fabulous yarns bring the story to an abrupt end with ridiculous phrase such as this And then shot myself and died Smilc and add Ilcnt that one It you can This Is an easy way of saying it was all to fun and didnt mean itExrcurlcetor Dear Ex Thank you for the suggestion it sounds workable and hope the boy tncs It ALWAYS LATE Delr Ann Landers Erma Is dear friend of whom am nxtrcmciy land The standing Joke about her In our crowd Is thnl she was an llrrwnlh baby and has been late ever since Ermn lives near me She doesnt drive but do so that means pick her up several times wcck Shes one of those disorganized pmplc who no matter how far ahead she Inns cant mm to get crsclf together on time have sat out In front at hcr house tor as long or 25 minulra rbcwing my fingernails Each time tell myxcli run ncvcr going ln pick hcr up ngnln llut aha is such lovely person cant bring inyrcll to do It Loot week wo nrrlvril at funeral no luinutcs Into This stock we missed the door rise drawings hi the ladies Ad dont remembcr the last time heard routing called to Rural Women Begin Classes GIIIIHII Itlinrly Outli rin rural womrn brgnn tllgltl hole In conducting mNIIngI preparlnl talks and writing re ports 11va are nilrnrllng the tint ol what is to he an annual Ilrn tiny summer school tor lurnl wonrrn at the Ontario AgrtruI lurnl toiicgl Many nI litr wulnrn atluirnlt rurmhm ni nmnrn Intlt tutu and often must prrtliia at nmtlugs nnd write polls flirt Dr II tnldwcli Iltlri niJ nAtfa rxtrnrion rducallon tie partmrnt rtluly ol Canadian lilrrn turn rrursic npprrrlatlnn and tin aign also an Indurld In this yrars rurrlrnlunr ttttlltiiltln CARE Wash and rinse arrlmtuila fre quently to nub them last long or Pool rhrmtrnla salt and sand will weaken times It left In Follow ihr mannfnrlurcrs In Iltuttiona Inr washing it none or siren tlcc warm water and mild tlnletgrnl curb and Now It tiisrtlcisti lemrdltt ehould arm be machine dried Woven From Lies order discussed the problem with my husband last night lie said This is one for Ann Landers agree with him Can you helplNo Nails Nancy Dear No Nails Erma is not going to change unless she has to And she doesnt have to so long as you continue to sit out bl front and wait for her The day you tell her that you wont stop If she isnt out In trontthcn do ttthat will be the day when Ennn pulls up her socks and gets herself ready on time Until thcnwcar mittens LEFTOVERS Denr Ann Lnnderat onco read In your column that you thought It was perfectly all right for people to take home from restaurants the food they were unable to cat at the table What do you think of the fol towing We oltendcd hcauiilul wcd ding last week Tho woman next to us had large bonded handbag almost the size of shopping bag She then got her self our piccea of wedding cake wrapped them lnpnpcr nnpitlru and put them In the bag for the children latcr In the evening when the dancing started aha dumpcd all the nuts Into plastic envelope which she had brought from home fhcn she grabbed all the candy The woman didnt trove onc edible thing on that table Warn she noticed me looking nt cr she Iftiti hole to wnrto anything What It your opinion ot lhs1tioggletiiycd Dur Goggle The woman had no right to clean up the lnhic It would have Iacn permis rlhlc Ior her to niir the hour If she might Into extra pino of wedding cnirc or two for her tiliitirrn trill it WM downright hooerb to swarm nII ovrr the mill nuts nnd candy RM Illtltllltl PARK Aanltlll mat National Paris to twice the sire ot Dela wnre nod for oulalrlnr all other US national pnrh In also Photo by Roy Kurnano Studio brides mother received wear lng gown of printed pure silk crepe in tones of dclphinlum blue and smoke gray and mat ching thmcquartcrlength coat White accessories and pale blue orddd oorsage completed her ensemble The brldcgrooms mother as sistcd attired in dusty rose dress and matching jacket Vhite accessories and white orchid corsage enhanced hcr costume WEDDING TRII For travelling the bride don ned cemllower blun suit of French crepe white accessories and white corsage Following the wedding trip the couple will spend the sum mcr months in Toronto where they will attend the Ontario Col lege of Education Alter Sept the newlyweds will reside at 392 Codrington Street Barrie The bridegroom is member ot the teaching staff of Barrie North Collegiate Guests attended from Ottawa Lanark Stirling Tomato Lon don Iilbury Chatham St Ca tharines Niagara Falls Fort Erie Preston Kitchener llamil ton Godorich Scaforth Stratford and Barrie THE STARS SAY Ily ESTREILITA FOR TOMORROW This days aspects should prove helpful to all wellmane aged cndcavors particularly those requiring Initiative and enterprise It will also be fine period for thinking of the future and making longrange plans FOR TIIE IIIRI1IDAY If tomoer is your birthday your horoscope shows line pros pects There is practically no phase at your lite which will not be governed by generous nspects during the coming twelve months From the begin ning of Augustwith the cxccp lion oI brlcl eriod In Octm herthere will special cm phnxla on the rucesrfui out come nt business property and financial cnturca during the your nttcari and your personal lite Ia favored too As an example It romance Is on your mind look torward to happy dcvciopmcnts tn Septem ber nurl livccmbcr of this yrnr in Jununry tiny and June of next Irnvcl will be tovorcd bee tvmn now and Sept nlso tn Nuvcmhrr With the exception of brth PCIIDtit In late July and ruriy October riomnetlc Intcrv rrdn simultl pmvn exceptionally pitaxing Lute Sopicrnber and early November will prove highly Inxgirtng in all who lll engaged In ucatlvo work child born on this lily will ho dependable and homoloving tttliti rurch or no Interior tireornlnr PENGUIN Paper Bock Books The Bell In Summer Reading New Available At IDA rain am Can anything be done to re lieve Iowerbsck palnt Yes special exercises There is clear evidence that regular mild exercise can do away with major share of backtloublea Many factors contribute to nagging backache including our sedenta way of lite and nerv ous tens on Deskworkera are particularly subiect to back pain its good plan to get up from the chair and walk around little If you can occasionally change the chair In which you alt so as not to continually put the strain on tha aame muscles Car seats are often to blame To get Information on this score asked number of taxi drivers If they were subject to backache Most of them com plained but number oi them had found relief by having the seat adlusted One had special cushion designed Homemakers it you find your back aches after doing certain tasks make sure the equipment is right for you the Ironing board the work tables the sink One and half Inches out off the feet of my big executive desk put an and to my back ache Snmetimea too soft mattress or sagging springs can cause the trouble mattress should be reasonably tlrrn so your back will not sag out of align ment Exerechs to strengthen the back should also restore tone to the abdominals In fact the abdominals which help support the back are the ones to go flabby firat The following safety exercises can be taken by almost everyone But talk with your own doctor first During an acute period all ex ercises should be avoided Safety position Lie on back on floor with both knees flexed and soles ot fcet flat on the floor in this position there is no strain on the lower back Preliminary conditionor Aim to keep your spine tiat along the floor as you pull firmly up andin with the lower abdominal muscles Hold this muscle con traction to 5an count of ten Breathe freely but hold the contraction Action From the above safety position till one vertebra at time off the floor slowly Try to curl the tip oi the spine upwards making the end of the spine lift itself up Continue an utilitarianism slowly lifting one vertebra after another but do not arch back Then ever so slowly lower spine to the floor one vertebra after another Repeat the routine three times The second exercise Is taken from modified safety position Lie on back left knee bent right leg straight down Action Full upandlnsnngly pressing small of back flat against floor bold Ratsa right leg about in inches off floor Hold then very slowly lower leg to floor while count Ing out loud to ten always slowly Lift and lower leg about five times Change position oi legsand repeat with left leg Change position Lie face downward bead piliowcd on arms Raise right leg four to five inches off floor do not arch back hold for count of to and slowly lower Repeat live times only Raise left leg and repeat llva timca NURSERY COLORS FOR THE NURSES WINNIPEG CHColored gingham dresses worn by nurses on months trial basis at Childrens Hospital here have proved so success ful their use is to be expanded into other wards Patricia Scorer nursing di rector at the hospital said eight nurses In one ward have switched to the dresses com pletely and others will follow in the near future The dresses pink and blue were adapted because It was found young children were scared oi the regulation white uniform Miss Scorer said publicity given the experiment resulted In flood of letters from many parts of Canadaand the United States Some US nursingoltlcials congratulated the hospital and asked for detailed Information on the idea But she said doctors at the hospital reacted in surpris ing way To our astonishment the young Interns and young doc tors are inclined to oppose the idea while doctors who arent quite as young any more find it excellent Reaction fmm patients has been favorable she said AUGUST BRIDE The engagement has been announced of Miss Shirley Anne McArthur to Ambrose Stanley Pnhaiskl The bride elect is the daughter oi Mr and Mrs William McArthur of Thornton The bridegroom elect la the son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Puhalskl of En glehart St Marya Roman Catholic Church Barrie will be the setting for the core mony on August at 11 am Ballast Pipers To Iom Parade TORONTO tCPt Ncnty seven members of the City of Belfast Girl Pipers have ar rived here In time for the Orange parade Friday Sponsored by Toronto branch of the Loyal Orange Lodge they have already piped for centennial celebrations dur ing the weekend at nearby Au rora and will appear also at Barrie Parry Sound and Co bourg before flying back to Northern Ireland July 15 Band manager Allistatr Gray who contendsthere are more pipe bands in lrcland then Scot land has ever seen said Mon day In an interview the girls have toured all over Britain winning several trophies All aretrom Belfast and most work in government offices and factories The girls ranging In age from in to Zl began sav Ing for this trip nearly year ago TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lNll ll TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1mm Sicirts Gain FaVOr On Resort Beaches PARIS tReuteralSktrts are replacing slacks and shorts on the beaches of smart French resorts this summer Leaving trousers of all kinds to the men women havn gone feminine for holiday wardrobes whether destined for the beach hostess wear or formal evening dress This years bathing beauties no longer resemble caricatures of 1900 barbershop quartets Last summers Little Boy Look has gone the way of so many flybynlght fashions Women who wear smart couture clothes and the design era who create them are agreed today that the maiority of men prefer women to look womentn skirt The trend started In the winter whenhostess skirts re placed stretch slacks for casual wear at home Christian Diora spring collection carried the Idea into summer with ankle length linen shifts callcd terrace dresses Even gare denlng costumes to the Dior boutique feature smock and tunic effects TIIE SKIRT CRAZE The feeling for skirts quickly gained momentum Shifts and sheathea tuntcs and togas ap pearcd In every leading couture and readytowcar resort collec tion The seaside shiit emerges as leader in Jacques HcIma special plain solellI collection The basic silhouette ls semi iittcd to the waist and then flares tn the kneecaps Linens are shown in searing bright colors in such contrasting tones as pink and orange or red and like ll CLAPPERTON This season one of the prettiut new looks la the short pleated tennis dress adapted to play clothes as shorts Variations of these ab breviated skirts are appearing on beaches all along the French Riviera Some are permanently box pleated In practical syn thelic fabrics which wash and dry easily and need no ironing Complete Costume Practical Buy NEW YORK tAPl It will be oldfashioned and impracti cal to buy loss than complete outfit during shopping spree No design houses ltarvey Berta and Ben Retg argued that lilonday as tilt New York couture group began its second day of fashion pill week as tivitles Counted upon to spell out the reasons why it will no longer do to buy simply blouaeor dress or coat by itself are same no style reporters hero for the event Buttons lapcis and linings on salt Jackets are made to match the blouse vest or dress under neath so that adding an old ac cessory in the closet would not be chic Harvey Berins man nisb grey pinstriped suit with the rubyred lapeis and the some velvet vest are an ex ample instead of contrasting his blouses or vests to suits Ben ltcig matches his so pertectly Ina hue of another iabric that the slightest variation would spoil the composition NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT THOSE SAVINGS And the rum to plant tum is in your man Union commit cultivation plus the bilhlr tereat rate on mIItI them grow you will be relplnl bumper 017 Remember you can BUILD anrrzn annals runoucu YOUR cnrmrr UNION KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION PA BSl9l PEACH OF AN ICE CREAM peach of an ice cream Sealtst 01 Fashioned Peach is heavenly treat to ï¬t your fondest memories with that substitute for 3t es Seattest peachesandcreamy touch in every spoonfulY0ull love it BARBIE owner or IlAlIEIT 1000 DOUINIDN DAIIIII lIMIVlD TORONTO OIIAVA IONVIIAL mean Man