Drvelm ml dull lymll or phm Indle Mum wllh unyhmu upon mum mop mnllonu lhm an new mm In many whlrh In In nu prom nl vrvvumpln m1 emulnx In mnmudurlnl mum 1M nmuany alm munn mm nun hmm pmmn mi rmmull Month tull In um ordcr In whim lhey are mrlmL You may obtain lull ddnils wlmoul oblinnllan mm hr local Anny mulling Slu llnn llslnl In your lrlqlmnu bank or by nmllnn Hm mupon below Dunn ol lmlau um um dlm lur Ids vulon pmdudl and burr mm mndwlnnl opovallum Sblccled young men rm naw blan nllcrtd he npportunlly lo oblaln Queens Commission In the Regular Army You will receive lrnlnlng or leadcrnhlp nnd rummihllily embark on an ncllve challcnl Ln nnd rewarding rmcnr wlll llnn lulure Here Is How You Can Qualify You must be lb 21 slnglo and hnve n1 lcnsl Junlor Mnl rlmlmlvn or wlvnlcnl tducn llon ll ymr are chclcd and mm lhn Army enrolment slnn dnrda you wlll qunllly or Short Senkc Cotnmlmlmr an an nltccsslnl tnrrmlellun Mwmk lrnlnlnx muse llcnso Ml NmVbunuxe nll npnllcnllnns ylll lm consldarrd CANADIAN AllEn FORCES IHICIIIIITING CENTRE 23 $4 Inlr Avrnue mm ID Flmr TDIKONTKL Onlnrln Trlmlmm WA $7105 lIcmc mul mr wllhou nhll xnllan Mulls rm OHIrnr rnrm ouwmmllin In lhn Cnnndlnn Army llmxlnr Nnmo Addrer THyTuwn Ann Tvlqlumo LMI Schml rmlo rnIIwIMM Jun humwv planmng mmmlnmnlng Ivonurl or prw lnm ml mnchlm Almu Mfflllmp wlxte vmlMy para nnd IIMe awn unmsz 5mm Order cook wlnled um wmmm App noun Inn Rutunnh or mu phone um muv umn nqulrea In in mm chlldren Ind do mm In Iovi whu malnu 1n hnapm Tellyhonl PA MM Iller zxnmlmczn 51 mmwm alore run menl Avvly no as In Ind 11 expected LADY wouLn uh hnby dun vrelenhly EL vclnlly In mlna lwnAyurold thud wnu mu warn Telephone PA was nuer pm for lunhu ImamUm nniormuum tar maxim ol Hce Shonhlnd cuentll xpu Irre Ind uy upwind slm gge jugflu Grnup 47 Conn IF YOU ARE 18 TO 23 CHOOSE RBWARDING CAREER AS AN OFFICER IN THE CANADIAN ARMY IIDUSEKEEPIR Wlnled to llh chill lwn rmldrcn and new hams lec In mo monthly Apply PA um Strut Burk wAnizu Wlnled Mun hlvu lame experience Appxy Unlled mm sum 20 nunlop smel am He €11ng 1m ADVANTAGES PROCESS PLANNERS Woman wanted or inter esting ofiice position with dail news aper Typing abi ty requ red Ap 1y by letter stating part culars and telephone number to GENERAL MANAGER The Barrie Examiner mm AND Snub Dlvlnl Cnune Term Ind club flux an equipment Inn ur Burn um Coll Elf Tilep nnl LEARN HAIRDRESSXNG Governmenl Chartered School Thorougfl training ï¬n all bran naiuvm ï¬mnnsssma scaoon 17 wonsusv 51 PA was BID WANTED rum slroud ID mm an 1xo Piuu hiephnn strBua FORTUNE TELLING Do HIM you ammo told by El I7 II lnllphflnl PA Mm 111m if unnnlmmnn mm REQUIRED in Blrlllolfl lule many tvanllll July 11 mumlnx Sunny man lfllphon PA NHL TRANSPORTATION nqnlmd or Indy tnmmulerlllnl to Nurflw bet Mmy July 31 In Ann Urunll Call PA M11 Ont PERSONALS l0 HELP WANTED TopCommlssIon Convenient Hours Valuable Training Your Own Career New Friends Pleasant Friendly Work Fresh Air and Sunshine Write Mrs Walker ma Thomson SL Barrie or call PA 66551 EARN WITH AVON TOOL DESIGNERS WOMENSEOLUMN FEMALE HELP MALE HELP PLANT LAYOUT IM am nur EXAMINER WANT AIM IlltINF IA III AUCTION SALE Monday chnlng July 15 at 030 Sharp For III27W WYIHM lot comalan Vupra annshlv mllcn wulh nl Mln min Vlllnzu and um mllu ml ho Gmrnu Johnson Inhwuy he Snow anlvy Ski Club Mlnw the Akl Ilflfll RAM of wills pm poultry Impkmrmn and hny Tern th No mum on 1n In HI mun JIIIHIV OUGNLIN Plan and spcdllcntlon may be obtained from the ofï¬ce of ma Archlleds Camrell and Grleshach 306 um Stuck Colllngwood OnlmIo on de posll of $5000 Finns will be on display at he Buildm Ex change In flnrrle Toranlo Ham llton ngd Guelph 11 lowest or any lender will nol necmsnrlly be accepted CARSWELL AND GRIESBAC Architects Thursday Evening July 11 pm sharp or GEORGE ENTERS 10 Conmsslan ll Wes Gwllllmbury Towmhlp right on Highway 27 two mile 0th ol Cookslown SALE 29 bond good cnl lle plan poultry canny house name machinery Ind aomn housde efltdx Tenders lnvilcd rur he conslruwon of 1m Addillon to the Menlard Generah Hospital In Mallard Onlarjo Call date icmim shall he pm Friday July the 25 My the ofï¬ce the Amhltcds Torml duh Na merw the arm JERRY OUGIIIJN pllnllnl urplnlzr outdoor Job llh nun Inn mollnx Renow XII rm unlit PA M777 Piease take notice that iha lan casier Moving and Storage Um itcd is proposing Io sell the household goods and personal eiiecls of Mr WILFRED DOYLE at Eimvaie Sale Stir hie Lid Elmvaie 0nL on THURSDAY JULY 1501 1963 and if necemary to continue thereto until nil goods are said under the Warehouscmmx Lien Act 150 1927 Chapur 169 Seoiian or ail storage notice and ndveflising charges PAINTING All In OI whinllnl very modal nu Elflclem dependlbh urvm under or Illor Clll Slln PA H755 rum In do near MEAFORD ONTARIO Addition to the Meaford General COUNTER Sllclmnl mulfld or electron whnlnnflnl Prefemd ecunnle bickgmund fY upwind Itc 11 win hind flllnl Bax 37 Birth hlmlm TWO MALE Illlh School lkudlnfl flu work any had or Lh unumar Telephnnu PA Mm AUCTION SALES Yawn MAN lo 4m dullvery lnlck Penman 1m Comm Dan Glblon Dlnlerfleld untur human PA Mm EXPERIENCED MunM Munlot dllr hm FLOE Mm ML ma flltul 11111 mm womnhccnl out Phnnl Slrwd Ml MICEANIC Wlntld at mull 0n lm npllt Mull bu cm Npllflnl Ill In of II tooled nllnel Ind ulume remonuhulu ol comnlela Inmlnt ADM Mr Hound In Aulo Fléc uh PA WW l2 TENDERS wlth seveial years exper lance in lndustrytor shift work Apply nu CANADIAN Pness MANSFIELD RUBBER 5dmh°q EMPLOYMENT WANTED LEGAL Moricsé IO HELPWANIED CAPSULE NEWS PLANT ELECTRICIAN CANADA LTD BARRIE AUCTION SALE NOTICE MALE IE1 Aud Inncrr Hospitgl Auctlonm Towmhlp mllu ml nl flmmlon Villa1e ml mlll mum ML harm Hntloln Ml llp plan mull mllkkm equip menl tum mnhlmy AM hmurhold pfladn Terms cull No mme live um MM uh Tum nah Nn mm In mu you no AUCTION SALE Momlny July 22 1230 In Sharp lST lur MAHS ML QUPflNEIJJ Ml ll TamMlle ll Tlu nywmhh mllM nodh lrmnnlkld Village and one who wnl SALE 45 MM and Mlle jvlll HIM llNllnlNIl mnrhr Inny Ind mm hmmlmlvl AUCTION SALE Wednesday July 24 at 1230 pm Sharp IHT lor tilHum WILLIAMSON No Sdule run sldrmad cornnr of 0m In nknl mllex ml at nlghwny ll TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SATURDAY JULY Sale will lndndu Latin Elokrr lwo hp 51mm Mo lnrn my duty clcdzlc Circu Inllnu Fun Dem Emu Ind numnm Mhu Imlcln Tmm mm Arranged ll um In Me lulmble II nol OHM who cmh In luld Prime Mlnister Macmillan told lhe House of Commons Tuesday same charge about homosexual nelwnrk corrup tion in the gavelmum made by nuoNnd louder Colln Jordan were passed on In lard Den nlng the Judge lnvcsllgnllnn Ihu murlly aspccls ol lhe Prolumn cm pilot cnmcd mesdny npern or flu police patrol bout with which hx nlrcrnu wlldcd Sunday worn not observan nor mal opyrallng yrmdurcs For Inanl mnflwvm Hoard FM Inlonnnllon lrlmhum lIur rlo mu MOSCOW AHThe Soviet Union has amused Iran nlrkey and Syria of mllIlnry Interven tion In lha lraql battle against Kurdish Independence fighters ll wnmed oI serious conse qumcu LONDON RouleraMore hr vesllgallons appear imminent Into the prosmmlon spy and homusexunl scandals battering Britains Consorvnllve govtm ment SCHOOL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT No1 School lpmllm1 FSDA Cowl lnnlsfll next lo we Highway No Sdl pm CHERRY CREEK Na ll lllxhc ay mllu wulh Glurch The minute he gets another Job the plnlcs am his ex plalned case worker John Allen No School pm 5th LIM Sduool mlIe north at Churchill Nlm ll Highway NEON CPIAn unpm played Tonam truck driver Bill Thampsan 21 lather deformed child receivedm we1 are cheque or 314630 Tuesday when he gave up lhe llcenca plate his $300 car to he de pallmgnL Mon By the wellnre depart menl relused aid to Mr Thomp son because he owned the car which he bought month be me he lost his Job six weeks ago Corn sugar beets soyheonl tomatoes and potatoes from Guelph to Essex County are most severely nltected One crop speclallst reported that 50 acre of carrots were plowed under In the Bradford marsh south of Lake Slmcoe because they were lllerally baked the roll nod shrlvelled up I3 AUCTION SALES ern Onlhrlu 13 lirentenlng To nun many of the prnvlml summer¢lops Many parts of southwestern Onlaflal lush arm have been without rain Ilnce the mid dle June and agricultural oly flciab say same will be harmed beyond snvlnz no raln comes wealher afflce at Toronto said rainIall In sanlhem Ontario has been substantially below normal since early in June and lltllu improvement lsexpected No min In areas or the um cw days Not Normal CPA Toronto More Inquiries Red Warning Stops Driving crops In Ontario lilac 63mm owlch by Dilly UOMLIN AUCTION SALE JENNY OJHIIIJM Audimmr Jlillfly TOUGHIJN Remember the EATON Guarantee Goody zappMopgy Roï¬jndigdï¬ FABRICS Include muons exlurml rnymm and mrlron Hburglna lAllElle intlmln Murals modems selllone weaves 2010in blend with every drcar HEADINGS pinch11mm or mirror Due to the nxpccled rcsponso lo Ihls nulstnndlng offcr please allow extra llmo for lollvcry If nuvc been lhlnklug Ihal lrcnh new drama wnuld do wnmlm or your lvlngfroom mrcnllon rnnm den any room nl nll lhnn Ihla roumrknh filthy uflur In for ytml Come mu plck your drapery ml rlc nml ENFONS wlll mnkr your llrnvcs In your own spcclflcntlunn FOR JUST lllP mu YOU CHOOSE the RCMP and ourlpassen gar float planecolllded on Lake Mudmka 55 mile north Orillla There were no lnjufles Robert Puma 4013 he hid lust landed on tha lake and was appmhchhlg dock when he my thevbaal He said he expectgd the two police consta ble to turn their boat to the right because ha claimed that WWW wvedm he Kala they tried to reverse Ihe boat and the engine flewout ma The EATON limited H4 Dunlap St East watch The elfec was to move the boat to the Ian EDMONTON cmA small aircraft that disappeared in the remote and rugged Nahannl Valley 859 miles northwest of here 13 September has been Inund Nonedl it our occu palxg nvlyed Film of theCessna 135 miss Ing since Sept19 was Keqnelh Plane Lacated Stackafl ol Yeflowknlle NWT Ha wasnnn plctumak lng light In the mountainous mamlth passenger Henry Busse 66 Yellowkrglle pholo grapher Gunmen Guam and Victor lludon both former Say katoon reaidpnls NORTH BAY CPSeveral planes mm the RCA sullen hem are expected tojaln 1n the search today or light plane and two occupants misslng since early Tuesday The ï¬lane had he enough Im nsnam two hours of lying at Ike Pilot Franck mm In of Sudbury and passenger Jacobs took at from Nalséoot River about 100 miles south or Sudbury Plane Sought An RCAF plane flew along LONDON APLUnfled Na tlom SecretaryGeneral Than has ordered nn Inquiry into claims that Egyptian bomber dropped poison gas on royallsl tribesmen In Yemena civil war arnnln mid um United States are reported launchlng Inde pendent Investigation mr yARRIE EXAMINERWEDNESDAY JULY 10 ms the eastern shore of Georgian Bay fmesday In search of the aimall OJTAWA CPIA bricldny en strike whlch has dismpted mnstructlan work in throt tnwa area since June 10 ap Sirikel Settled Piobe Gas lewp Onlm Phony 6029 Im Ind Admmman Phom M9 mm ann on Nun Amnmrlu ol hurry mm ll lvlm qu rnm peered In be near an end has1 day when négallnturs or both side reported complete agreb mm an the mallerrln dlg Details of the agréelhenl Iwere withheld pendlng ratiï¬ca Dn Beaulllul Samplé Iree Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA was BARHIE Upholstcrln II Our am new an Jan Elde Ilne BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK 65 BRADFORD El 40 YARD 995 RC