Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1963, p. 9

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Arum nmrnly or rl Iln Wuun fluxh 5m In Mk 1in way lulu under lho mm Tm unréU mm mm cum mmw lhelr nurrnma gr whgpplnl Imampom II THE A51llATl0 THEM Rochem nd WInu mnml lulu cluh In lh Inlunnllrmll lnIulI Nolnmn DIVhlml made lull lnur Mu Fvldny num nu My rluslunl them In an Innlnx nmI wllh lh Ild an mnr lhcy INN Cohm bUlrJMl Surrey nk drrk ls al hacllnn meal Ihe anenlion lmnnu lhe may hxinndo He plan crossing in hm har rcX equipped with In aulbnnni molnr One her kccnnsl fans on Ihe Kent was In Unicomb Wood who mum recently new hry of ha Channel Swimming Asmlnllon This elder stale man the Channel has been ulchlnx asplrnnl prepare or lhe allempl nlnce mo lrom his Davrr scanon home MNY BRIGADE Leafs Downed By Buffalo Wlnn peg l7ycamld Chu dll McPherson the pick the lemmlnx puck In the opin lon the Channel experts Sha ls back aner lwo failum last year becpusc nf bad weather It cm everybody wants to Icmss the Channel the hard my Thm are Iwimmers stak lnx their life savings In hole hm and pilot heals and other wilh gimmick who In Him lrgrr sheer hravnda no of the you the mlle of unpredictable water between Englnnd Ind France In sure route or Iickncss In me summer Kcvem of murngeand dawning LONDON CHWarm sun on he while elm of Dover and day exmrslon In France her IN the coming Ih Channel wlmmigg season Delralt Tiger pitcher Frank Llry nulls on lammnr Jar uy llsl night the one hear Inz his well known number 17 liter chainlng learn Io TMI huh dcvelnpmtnl Winnipeg Youth Is Pick Of Pack LARY PUTS 0N TIGER UNIFORM AGAIN ACTION RT SPEEDWAY Jot IIIHMIHI xhlllwl hll um hnma run dmllvlo ml IInlPI In Ind nunan rmr Tnmln Nuvmmor llunno lrhunln won Mn ululml um Inr lhp HIMM He Inmml ulna Iml nlhud unly ant Jncksanvlne dull mman lllh llrltnl In llxe Mm IN Wynn Hauling Elma mm or the llumln dumva Tmunlo ll handinl Hm fluvlr llrnl ml In Ill umu Inrhnnvllll drlnlpd lehmmul l1 and MA Iunu Owl Allnninl Mullmn Dllhlnn Imlnl There co ng Hut as lnr lemmerl are concerned Ihu nod old Enullnh Chnnnnl nel llnx plnyed out Lately mm men have been castlnl cuvlmu eyu at the Irish Sen Ind llllyl Slgnls or Muslim 1mm ancn lemmm Illa hlvo hem lehlul ln Scallandn Quandary Loch Lomandwhlch least make change 1mm lhl lochl lczondrhy manslu Webb Inter was in try Inz In in uvcr Niagara Falls In barrel Ever since then pm ple have been using everylhlng imm rubber ball lo amphibian cm In cross the Channel MOST mo mivan Most the zlmmlck crou lngl In lrom England to France leavlng lha oppnsfle dlA man In lha xwlmmers Than considerable common on whether it helm to slugger ncmlmlly ashore on on English beach or In Irrive Inconm ously in balhlub Cap Grla Ne Ind xlvo the French an other charm to say lhc 13mm or nlighuy rnId aw Webb min to swim the Dover Strain In 1375 wns possibly responsibls or the ximmkks In Chungchyolssinzs he craze for floating hml bedsteads which never seem to have made Among this branch of quter Channel mass largely sludnnls molnrlud Inhln zmuna lowinz two month inrthe ml mm The Delta Tilers called their lormer In from lhv Knoxville club whan he poued 12 card while re TORONTO CmEntries In the Invnnllonnl track and Hold meal hm July 11 cllmbnd Io more than 275 wilh he IIYI nounmmnnl Frldny maul relay mm from lhe Unlled Slates will numd Meet dlrlclor Paul Pace laid rnlny lenms will be camlnl lrum he Univmily Chlcnun New Yurk Mhlcllc Club Cleve land Slrldm Phlludclphlu Pl oncm nulllmore Olymplc Club and Gnrdcnlown Track Club nulhlo Those cut were hnllbacks Al Davis Ted NHpiOrknWikL Earl BlnckaddLr Jury Bunaw and John Cliflnrd end Ken Dn clay and Harold Dukes lacklu Tarn Kflslcnhrun and Blaka Coach Nobby Vlrknwskl said the cuts first of me mining Mason wen among inexperi enced players or those who had no ham displacln rcxulm on the Eastern Foohall Center enco squad TORONTO CPlTmnlo Ab xonnuls cut 10 players from Iheir msler Friday then mldl plan to muster Imlnlng camp In St Andrews College In Au rora 25 mile norlh of here Bull And iuard Billy Graham nu Ilnrlod II Innllhl nu qvmlvr mlla lurk In Imdl mm mm mllll and roll DIEH Entry List Now Over 275 Argos Cut 10 From Roster building Ihs strength of hi arm Manager Charlie Dm sly le sun Lary Sunday against the Klnsas City AthleUu AP erwhu to lylulrllmlnu lnr lruxl Ind mlur noulu Ind full line lilmylrnl rmlum lnr um lmlou Elmn luvnlukliflrvl ml ulm In flock NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS NOZZLV 1mm noéar in run an mums Amn unnmc Plrh Sonic Now Au On DIESEL FUEL INJECTION ll HARRI AUTO ILECTRIC Burl ©3©IHI TORONTO CHkiln nlch srdl anmm nnldlml lwomllu rrrord or NVMIIM ninu minmu OM nmmlu ll llvc nm day HM Unlmn an rIIm chlmplomhlpl hm FYI mombnr nu Onllrlo um um wlll prnvlnrc In lhl Elomhlp In ml nul AuKu Ind Ind the fltld or In In qullllylnl round wllh on Tho nlher junlor mamhlr 01 In um nnry Slnddnrl to or Town nun thu mmptullnn wllh Chrla Mch 15 Hnmlllnn Ill he lnw rm 01 In IMI comptllllon mu IIII llmc nun ummh hum lhnn Cumdun muk pl by Harry Dunl lenn mm In VIHNUV In 60 mv EXAMINER AN AN IIIONI IA um COPETOWN Onl CWSm drl Poll 15olTaronn delulrd Clml McGw ulm ls Ind cl annnlo Ind Frldny lo up qu lho onllrlo junlor llrh loll chnmnlumhlw Ihc luv irly Gull Ind Country Club Tfiplel Hinlun Wuhlnl lon lo adulen BankAmrldo mm morl 22 thlnlRldm Boston lfl9 Strikeout Hunntnx Do lmlt 109 Davis LA Whlle St Covlnllon Phn Groal St Sanlo Chl munH Mr llaml RunH Almn Mll wnukee 2L slolcn Bum Pinaan And Roblnwn Clnclmull 21 ImlnlPmlnonkl An slrflmuuKoulu Lot An lulu H6 Sets Canadian ZMile Mark Ilomu RunILAHixon Minn ml in Run Build Milwaukee 61 IIIVhill SC DoubluaGml 0M chum Jck Nlckluu Arnold Pulmar and Guy Phys hld plnun appointment In England or he British Open To these three um honor 01 win nlnx hi Drum Open In mun Imgoflnnt than mfuly Wigner 1A Mahane Eon Yulmskl Bel Knyne De Rollins Hill 1037 11310 RumAllison Mlnnmll 51 mm BIIM InWuner Lo Amulet 57 IIILIMIIIOIE Boston In Doublel Vtmllu Minno wu 22 Kmll II hick Eu Int check of the lap so mom wln am up to Ihu 05 Open mu ph at week no show um did not mm nqnpa muab By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amman Linus 0h ayeMid oxmmnc 1mm Fort underdde Flt In It yam Patti good flay or our dnylf work Km wnmlnx nu clear and 10 through In the muse lnuy nucued to 0000 ulu fillsBah Nth bl poi nu ow mrybody lhoblg um flock t9 Tomlin or ha cummen athlth ngbugbnq Segrbon club Wins Ontario Girls Title Mex mums red Kn won $8500 nmflln open 01 chumplonxhlp the Laval clubln Montrul Ins year and with he Hm pllce 300 III hll inns mlrked um lhnulpansorl ud batter come lhroulh with morn money or they would no lhl big you In plly In 0th word III we win 101 manm richest loll loumlmem out IX tho chicken eggi lnsa Trlpln Plnson Cindmufl Jackpot Raised But Topifldlfers Absent innyfllam wunl nullbk BALL LEADERS Nlknnl Luna AB Id LA 245 27 31435 St 5116010971 7n PM 15027 59 329 St 46 106 32 CM 520 41 10d 11 Amn Milwaukee Lélm AB Pd if Alton 3657 101 ai hull 109 Ind mien film Leonml ol Vlntouvcr nlm limo wlnnr of lhn NV umud Llp In low Clnldlnn In In Cnnmllan Opul all lanrnmml hm cu wnnlu In My FrMny nurr he thlnl mum lth yurl Optn at Toronto HuiMal Ml round reeled of few such as Tommy Aaron George Bayer Dow FInslerwald Al Gelherger Bob Gunlby the Herbert brnlh en by and Lionel Art Wall Jr Geno thller Dick Mayer Jerry Barber Johnny Poll Hob NHL Any of 111ch allow II can Ibla beallnz Palmer Nlc lau nr Plnyu Even could beat them on the Scarbom coursemaybe one In live an ID llmns IYarley probably could too has competed In lha Open In an nmalcur 2D llmu Harlin buck In 1904 and on seven oc culonl ha been low Imlleur 0rmislons White Rose Filmer or lnmncn per Ionllly know by would lovo to com hero but mm lava been nod up lor him In England Ind he just couldnt nuke 1t lo Ton onlo no nm with Plum Sure than were one or wo lellnwn whu lava the word theyd here but zenenlly the one who committed them selves In hexa And have Fulcy one the Ilnesl Inu lzur goiter Canada has pnr duced wen um US or the Open Master the Thunder bird And Cleveland Open tourn ament talk lo plyqs Instead oi mentioning the fellow whn wont be here why not any who here he said Weve got lo In bl ones mu rm FIELD Bornl couldnt make II Tommi Bolt dIdnI Ihnw Il thuuah had liven tourne menl chelrman Phll Farley verbal commllment weeks ago Iherel no Bah Cherie 1mm New ZeeIand Ihe pride and Joy wnlhpaw lenxm the world over who won bi tournament In the US law week ago Other bII IelIowl KroIl Embath had In mind end who yplued Ihe Cumdllll Open new In pmreu Include Don January Doug Sande BllI Casper PhIl Rodxen sun Snead Bo WInInler Guy Brewer Jr Gnrdnor DIckImnn JIekIe Burke EIIIy Mex ALL 000D GUY Whlll Lh nuwer Fulay unl mm Look he laid In In Indr Elm ul ol the guys on tho 19° known NLL IUUK WHIIIJ I95 Mun ratum mn 169 BAYFIILD REIT RELINE SPECIAL MARSHALLING WAS LOUSY Brake ALL FOUR WHEELS On the other hand Wall who has been tends 1n the CI nadlnn oven saidthe absenu mahy the prulonrplly plumedhln wm In our ovrr nr Menard uncured Hull nur ahnlllnz wn lh worn In hnl mr mu Inyuhm Town Illlnl cIInlrmnn lhll Farley mnmrnlnd unl mall 0pm ulwn Mr Lama Illdnt mumplm nboul Inmolhlnl Cl wmmwm radnx llama Wednesday they have Iunk HIM bold British hope on lhlk way up to the semiItha the Thames Cup BEAT CAMBRIDGE Rolllns arrived ll Henley Juno 25 widely regarded as under dogs among trio U5 lehl weth eights The wulhemorl flayed on to See Talm Aud emy of Mnssuehuseln knocked out In the llrsl round and Car nell vanquished Frldly by Quequ C9119 ol Cngh irknkly we never thought we had much chance said Ed Ru captain cl lhu Rollins Co legs crew when we heard we were coming to Henley kept rather quiet About We thought tha campelillon would behloo mm Friday they had clear vIc toxy ovnr Emmanuel and Chur chill Colleges Cambridge Unl vcrsily lo Ac 11 within alrlklng distance nl the trophy Today Rollin was lha Kale representative in tha Huh welghl classic hauling Bril alnn Armach Rewinz Club In lhu umlflnals Al Johnston Montreal pro now on the our had unax planallon lor lho deanh of mo leodln1plny lot of Ihom seldom pm more than our or live tourna ment In row and builde new heres the Brllhh Open There have been live his mum Imcnu helma thl oneIndian Ipolla De Thunderblrd QpIngndglevgl 511305 com 1n up hm to pny he ma really like It and why mm the fellow uklr thutrip 1m Cnnndn LI lumen cnnt ex pllln me mum In mud v11 oammllmtnu HENLEY Emmi1 AP mm buMul boys mm Florid havo aslanlshcd lhemulvuby winnlnz through In the Ian of the Henley Royal Begum In bormygd bout Florida Crew In Running rowan cm PA um II look nlcxinlef mlnulu la main my ml mprmlon on mulle Inky man with ol lh Mum Imlcn In tho amt Kinky In rvlco hml In lhl HUI Iml Th mohlllc McKlnlr 22 nld nludcnl mu stalle ZGyurold hank Ink 97 McKlnloy uled No Mn lhrouzh la lllln without lo lnl wilhnul mofllnl unnlher odcd lnycr HI ric lory ruded Iha ml WImhlulnn damlnnllon by Amtrnllnn men who hnd wm In llllu nvrn law In lhu 1m le yrm Rod Lam nnw ptolrulonnl In yrnrl chnmnlnn znly bnnk In lha Aullullln vlclory nm wn the 1959 vlclory by Alex Olmeda hi Im Auxlrnllan Ir who Ilandl In ml 10 Inthu ow crl aver Mlu mum Ira loot IIxlnch chllltrhox who wurl hornedflmmed muu AUSSIES Mlu Moiiiii 19 ll unmdcd hers wu Siolle but won her my to the inn by eliminating three needed flan Lesley Turner of Aunrllil Mari Bueno oi BmJI Ind Mrl Ann Haydon Jone of Britain TM mu In liml In both Wlmbkdun Ilnulu M1 hm bnn USAustrHm clnahu Mln Smllh rmeIrmcd yumld ll flu ler Aunullln wamln Iver to reach Ihu fillll here She hal won every mam mull nu except the an Wlmbkdon htm her bld wn balked lul yur by cand round on to Hill Mlu Mom In upset whlch Ihocked mull world 50m yeus no In Montreal two wolwlnnl wrestle duma blues men not or the um time Not only wu It mush III bout but ll muted Iomewhn of Maud Thu nled sum in oneup in he USAu3iraiiln bliile or this years Vimhiedon tennis xinzies lilies following Chuck iiiciiinieyl victory over ireri Stalin in the menl ilnll here Friday Todny the ham or term prestige resume with top mde MixIre Smith Am Irnlll meeting peppery Mule Blllla Jean mum the US or he hdiu lllle Yukon Eric hem of mu hm averywhm wu lyan on Ch mm In the pain HI oppm out Kllr Kownlskl Wll making llku monkey cllmlr In to the top the tin pm ane perched by 19 MM hor Exlca Sud mum Kowmki BAR EXAMINER SATURDAY MY IMF rible iron IM leaped is lgngoq with ugh to lhl lldo Ladies 1Title At Stake Today Eric Fights Man Who Clipped Ear Ep NE qulnnd CF YUKON ERIC MunMull lllUthlm numml Ilm llnly oulmlnlod RIM LINN Hana ll nurrunl uulmd Europen lly wqm um leooKnlnuu Hull onlpolnlnl Knm Nnull II MM 10 III wun lelnm bnnumullhl lHll menl double flnnl wnl hrlwcm Rnlncl 0mm and An lmlo Pnlnlox or Muim and llerro lurmon and Jun Claude Barclay Xrnnu two cum limb She wu named wilh lellnwAumnllnn flabyn Ehhern unknl DllanI an and MI Burma In In women douhlu wnn Innlhu Auflrallnn Kan Fletcher lhI lncul Mk Hard and Alulrnllnn glob will in mlxrd dou II THY AMMDCMTED IMZM McKlnlcy told the me thin to Tony Trnbcrl boll proleulonnl Irnull drum hr bHcrrd hlm 0000 or In In year If would Join ha pro roubql pr uses connlluhlod mo md Inked ml Wu plan nlnl to do next McKinley lold reporlm told her ml Inu hick lo Ichool 1n Septem ber and 01 my Iludln mu tom In busy day wn promlnod Mlxg Smllij M39 yumrnuzed McKinIe hulalod um III will not con der turning proler lional until he hu completed his mnlhemnllcs Iludlu gum 8011910 In San Antonin TELL 0F PLANS 11 um penon hi to thin to Ifler Ml triumph wu Prin ctu Mnrlnl Inn of Queen Ellubelh who pmth him lho lrpphy And from then on tho Aullrlllu was timed Smile lefootlhru Mum ndmlued anerwudl um In thl lnu tel he dldnk know hm to nerve beams ha could nwer lzllwhlt McKlnlay would do In bounced up he lpmnlon hmhed They could hardly by Maya glen gyes Bum VErlcVBn the nut Wu p13 5n ear It wu Yuknnl The bl mm mm Fllrblnkx Alaska hu navar oxzonal tth Few mat has In lhn world dnnt know lha llory Bank and Area pednlora wlll at chance In an long Iwnlled rematch Mondly aven lng Q10 23mm battle which hu lo dawn unolhinl 1H Hun grudge tussle but one of 01m bouts on the card FIGHT RESULTS lay

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