Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1963, p. 3

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THEIR FUN IS Looking tor way to stay trim7 Why not try roller skating at the Barrie Arena Erery Friday night at no the doors are open to throng oi dedicated miter eolhusb asls who don the little iour wheeled skates and must around the floor to the tunes at rock and roll records it you have never tried to skate theres always someone to take you by the arm and lead pull or drag you around the rslippcry cement lloor TOP Nelson Ettinger helps out by 0N WHEELS putting pair oi skates on for the young ladles The girls are Karen Clements centre and beans Pitcher BELOW Steven iilorrow lends help ing hand to David Rolls alter spill Examiner Photo Ii Stories Have Treasure jBuried In The County COLLINS Do you ever dream about digging for treasure on the Spanish hlaini li scarcity oi the long green and the tentac lcd mundanlty at Job makes the blueskicd Cnrribcan seem like laraway places dont give up There may be golden hoard almost underloot ll there Is even shred oi tmth la the old stories told about Simeon County which is only about so miles irom Tor onto there may be not one but three buried and lost trea sures These stories have one thing in common with all tales at buried treasure the amount buried never grows less with tho retelling During the tall ol lets the American Naval Squadron on Lake Erie deieated its llritirh counterpart and tho Ilriiish Fort hlichlllmsrkinsc on the junctiun al Lakes Iluron and Michigan was isolated and lctt short oi supplies and rclniurcr meals is soon as the common der ol this iort learned at his predicament he sent runner scurrying down Lake Huron through the Late Simcoo slinrl cut and an to Kingston with an urgent requrst Ior help He had this to stop tho Itmtrlcnlil whrn lhcy attacked and to add his trauhlr his Indian nlllln were lIirrhlenimf to drlrcl hc cansn ths Amcrrnn hnd prom Ised them more ior lha rlcw pot IIIHT ATTACK liy the time the military at hinrnon had adiustrti to this hack wintrr had set In and ratrt in lipper Canada was at its cold but column avrr strung hoadcd north irom Ingaion via ank and tho lca wrpt surinra oi Lalo Slmrnr find dsaplie almnat Incredible srdahip rnrreoded in reaching rurl hlirhlllmackinac in time repel the American attack inirr in tho yrst Although he was thwarted at lirhlllmnrhlnttc the Itrnrrlrnn nvai Commandsr was not in he Inllrd Immediately he Iurn id thr prnw at his lhrra war ships rnKlwnrtI and sailed rapld in the mouth oi the antawna altn ltlvrr winrs tho Ilritlsh han to supply depot and small rhmnrr named the Nancy to alrlp the supplies to Frill hiltlrr lltnnrkluar in sharp rhnrt rmerldrd tight tincla the American tmmihhrltl blew up lin amall itrxltluulu whirls guarded lhs prpol and art the small schmnsr hillt The Hush Inrre itltllilrll Iwrrd Tl in act hrs in tho Dilla oi lift that ae Amtriran cannon tur hnd Inward and thrn Punt Ii up the hdlawaugs River he tynrrtrm hot NI Its tall llnwsvu Wurslry who coar manded the British trapped the Americans on bend of the river and sent them back in confused defeat There Is no mention of Worslcy and his men until low months later when using small boats at the head oi Lake Huron he captured two at the American warships that had sent him ilying that pre vious August lie sailed his prires and tho captives back in the Nuiluwus nga and sent them up the river over the Nine hills Portage to Lake Simcoe in trans on the long Journey to military head quarters ior liritish North Amen tea at Quebec Out oi the detent oi the lirltlsh and the later de icnt ol lhs American comes the lirst story ni buried treasure IlUTtIED TREASURE According to the story the Americans taught great battle in Georgian Bay and when they realized that the liritlsh were going to deicai them they thorcd their gold and vaiuab es and succeeded in getting them ashore and hurled in the sand dunes along the beach at War are Thla we know cannot be true because the Americana were highly snecrssiui in their attack on Worsley However there Is another version at the story that is more plausible Vnrsiey had the pay or tho garrison at Fort hilchll macklnac when the American came late sight When he knew he would have to retreat he Instmrtrd one at his men to bury tho money chest because EXPERIENCED AND PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE FACILITIES Established Our 50 Years Consult SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY Limited Dunlap It TL hauls it would be too hcav to take with them up the rvcr The man carried out his orders but beiore he could report the loca llon oi the buried gold ho was killed by America gun lire Consequently Worsicy had no idea where the money was and could nevcr llnd it At the conclusion oi the War hi im the military used the Lake Simcoe Nina hills Par tags Route to tho Nottawasaga River to supply lh Upper Lakes To handle the large amount at irelght in transit warehouses were built at the head oi Lako Simcoe whcra lierrie now stands and at the western end at the Nine hliis Portage There was small military ds tarhment at this western tenn lnus under the charge oi cor rsl tie rated canteen enter to soldiers traders and lrapperr that used the For tags and built up considerable trade He also had his iamlly with htrn and current rumour was he had considerable money saved irom his business venture The Corporal disappeared under questionable circumstances and never trace was ever tuund at him his body oi his purported money although tinrs was widespread search ior him in tho lilincrlng Swamp and along hlltfl WA IIIIOWN hlrs lirrrwn was lnrm rrly aawciailsl with itinnlt Agcnclrs lJmitNi rrai tars tor period at two YIRTI PHONE PA 64422 hing 3911 Edwin Shave it Barriewas told he was tredto carry the rcsponsiblil es oi being man when be appealed in Bar Eiethisgistratss Court yester sy ils was charged with having rung tire alarm without cause at itillersst PubiioSchool on the Iltornoon oi duos it Youre headed in the wrong way said Magistrate JD 0rd criminal record is Very asstyithlag for anyone to have Without in any way minimiz the seriwsness at the ol tense he declined in register conviction on the charge the Magistrate sold Shave was giv ea utii Nov to prove iobhe court he is able to behave him sali it at that time it was found that be had acted in an exem manner the charge would Slammed the magistrate add ed Band concert Is Tomorrow Barrio City Concert Band will give snourer in its series of tree summer concerts at St Vincent Farlr tomoer alternoon begin ning at three oclock The concert will mark the ol ticial goodbye from director Ken neth Hollier Mr llolllcr will be leaving Dorrie shortly to take up teaching band directing duties in Burlington During the rest at the summer out oi town bands will al ternate with the Barrie band in presenting enjoyable concerts at the park Looking The employment situation is considerably better in Barrie and last year Kraemcr mana ger oi the Barrie National Em ployment Service said today There are now 444 males re gistered as unemployed and 334 lemalcs This is an improve meat over May when there were 552 males and 506 lemalcs rte gislered tor employment it is also an improvement over this date last year when there were minutes and 362 lemalcs registered During June the Barrie oliice oi the NES placed 31s males and lit lemalcs placed the greatest number 65 went to agricultural work Six teen went to the metal indus tries is to the transportation equipment manuiaciuring indus try all to construction 2t In retail trade to in wholesale trade and 97 in government ser vice mainly at Camp Borden and 21 went into personal ser vice The retail and wholesale trod es absorbed 19 women 47 went into government service and is into personal service The attics received total oi in Job vacancies irom em ployers during June ths ridge oi hills that biseet Vespra Township MANY RUMOURS During the later part oi the nineteenth century one at tho most popular pastimes in the pro Township near Darris was digging ior this lost treasure All sort oI rumours ttoatcd around continually and ii any the early settlers ablndancd his leg house and built large brick house which was almost mandatory tor the large inmil ies at those days people were sure to say he must have iound something While searchers came irom as iar away as the United States it is not likely work and large nJiptIItC irom digging in the san soil standard inks oitcn reprnt cd by one at those now dcpar ted scnrehers was that Vesrra Township was not always so Ily and guiilicrl it was that some at the treasure searchers wera perlatent Says The men who helped build Barrie City Concert Band from ninemember group to strong and respected organisation at 19 members oiliclaliy directs his last concert here Send Kenneth it it lioiller Ili wave the baton at st Vincent Park starting at pm tor the bands third successive ires con cert ot the summer Concerts will continue throughout the good weather TheBarria band will alternate with outerlawn musical groups Mr llolllcr has tanned many impressions oi Barrie hiring his ouryear residence in the city EIIOW THEIR OWN For one he doesnt believe that people show though appreciat ion ior their own As an ex ample he noted that the park or concert hall would be titled ior someone tram another coun try Not enough people show sulllclent enthusiasm ior their During the winter months the band played two superb sym phonic standard concerts At tendance at bath was alarmingly small just cant explain it said Mr llolllcr We get wonderful crowds at our tree concerts in the park The people who attend really seem to appreciate the music be said Mr llolllcr said the band has district than it was at this time is Mr Kraemer said oi the men they iound more than lot at been excellently received In Work Situation Better There Is some demand Ior qualified stenographera and typ There is also demand ior qualified accountants engineers draltsmcn and other prolessloh at people Mr Kraemer said there is sumo demand in the agricultural industry or arm hands There is also some demand ior male and male cooks cheis kitch en workers and domestics He said The construction in4 dustry absorbed many skilled tradesmen with the result we now have raetiealiy no carpen tars brl ayers or qualiilcd plumbers and steamlitters Work Progressing 0n Sewer Lagoon ELMVALE Stall II cur rent rales oi progress continue the contractors hope to have Elmvales new sewage lagoon completed by the end oi the month Childs representing Proctor and itediern Ltd con suiting engineers ior tho village this week outlined in council what has been accomplished so tar la the last week at June grad ing in the east hall at the live acre lagoon started The lagoon is now down to grade over bout as at Its total area Mr Chlids report said The west berm Is neaer up to grade The ciiiucnt manhole has been completed and so has the out let sewer headwall lailucni and cLiluant lines are also complet The contractors Cromwell Construction Co intended to work solely on sewer lines this Amelia street Thereloro no turthcr excavation at the lagoon site will come ior awhile Earlier in June the Inilucnt sewer was completed and most at the cliluent sewer was In stalled Tho einumt manhals was poured at this time as well FOLLOWED UJ The Norwegian rpnstttulion oi itiit was inspired try the Doctor atlun oi independence and tho French Revolution SHElSWElI WIllSON We take great pleasura In announcing the addition at hirs Orcs itruwn and Mrs ht Taritush to our sales slaii SHELSWELL WILLSON REAL ESTATE MM TAltltUllIl hiss Tarilush tutor in her employment with us was civil servant at Camp llnrtien lnr nins yrlrl Till DUNtOP own talented people he said week These are the ones along rearingalarms therein nouns Deserves= Co ther communities such as Mid land and Oriiiia He noted that he would like to see public not ceptancr In Barrie show mark ed increase Thisband pls to about 90 cent proless onal standard said it is better than most bands oi communities at oom psrebie and larger size FUTURE LOOKS 600 As to the tutors oi the band Mr llolllcr said Things look good The members are not only totalled and coordinated but they glow with enthusiasm The committee is currently studying applications for the directorship it has two excep tional pl cations already said Mr Ho ier The picture oi the bandwas not so rosy when Mr ilsiiier first came to Barrie tie is sucker at Camp Borden High School Only nine persons made up the band at that time and the committee asked Mr llolllcr it he couidJalvm it RENEW INTEREST Mr Holliera ilrst move was to get to meet people He soon send out about somsiormer members at the celebrated Bar rie District Collegiate Band and encouraged them to return to music Ha said just tried to get Iirem to renew their interest In music Mr iialiier sets that rea son tha band has grown is be cause ot the rise in the stand ard at music dont bellevs In the Old Town Band stall he said The band began to play more versatile selection oi mo dern compositions and modern arrangements The public went for it he said EANDSIIELL While tho attitude at the public towards the band got better working conditions got worse he said That is why Mr llolllcr approached the city with re gard to building bandshell This would not only be used lor the band but for theatrical productions and other cultural events he indicated problem oi such shell is MR AND MRS KENNETH HOLLIER where to put IL Suitable land is hard to get Mr Hollier notes that it must be in an area ex clusive or too much noise it couldnt be near the tracks he said Or it would be com peting with the roar ol the mat orboats and trains Queens Park is not the one swer because oi the ball gamm As he prepares to leave for his new position at Burlington Mr llolllcr carries the hope that it more at the public will appre ciate the mus clans As ior his own popularity with the band members there has never been any doubt All at them have landed his direction This week they showed it in more tangible lorrn at sun prise party lie and lilrs llolllcr were pre sented with silver tea service the loveliest lve ever seen not target these people ever he said Wasaga Beach Caters To Record Attendance Wasaga Beach long recogniz ed as one at the ilncst bathing areas In the country proved its popularity over the Dominion Day heiiday with record nt iendnncerthnt topped the too 000 mark The Department oi Lands and Forests in August 1959 estab lished Wasnga as Provincial Park The park extends iivs miles Over the weekend Park Sup crlnlcndent Lorne ODell report ed 26217 vehicles entered the beads representing npprori mater 91000 people in addt lion many thousands at other visitors and summer residents entered on foot titling bathing areas Attendance was up iorlyv eight per cent over the three day civic holiday weekend in 1961 Sunday was the record day with tum vehicles crossing tratiie counters and park at tendants reported steady rtreain of cars began entering the park by 900 am Since 1959 number at chaag es have been made with tour modcrr washrooms now in ass and another under construction Change houses have been pinc ed suitable locations and water solely beach clean and BRIEFLY BENTLEYS IULY INSURANCE SPECIALS PS AND leIE REST OF THE YEAR TOOI APARTMENT mm DWEllERS COVERS $3000 CONTENTS FIRE AND THEFT Iraiiie control given special sh tention improvement work is continuing and pleasure under way ior maintaining the park to include an additional two miles at beach ironlage in Not tawasaga township immediately to the west For years the beach sand has been occupied in part by cars Today the obiectivs is to tree substantial part oi the beach inward irom the water line irom motor car use When the objective is reached the beach srca will be capabls oi handling considerably lorg er number oi people BENTLEY $3000 COVERAGE FOR YEARS $3450 Loss it Near Fin Hall BENTLEY and CO PROTECTION Is 0s Product II COLLIII IT SUITI TM Will Is Our Interns rs um

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