3r fnalu ltIlbrlu lmmm Mai 11 Company mum nfl umlnn or IM llml end MI in II ma amounled to WIN ar 0091 mm ll command wllh MIMM ur 029 Ahnro In Ihr wevloun In in Wlumnll lmldml nllrllmlrd llw lnurm In uln Inn In helm math namlon proynmh and dulhil anllon promm and dlvllul Ln Lb Cmdlln 10111 nndlnl lnlo lhu nmduclion own humh Whllo numlnlnn ulla man 004 undnr own Illlll Il 0011 do In mm mm ulldmln nr vrmculnl 1m olumo mamnrnl of mlnmrxl fly nMllded by hr lulgh mt cl mum brand ml rmllm llnd ll Imam pmvldl 0er In bumh rule hu 1m er mmhnn the male an lmd Durhu lhr mmlnl Mr Mrtlomlnck IIMNI llml IMh lulu m1 mmlnu would rmnl lavall lot Hul quar Iha mum nml ym Our age has produced men of clenrc and mllonnl analyt ll whu Ire unwillln accept Inllh bnsls for lhu canduc of heir lives he snid Con quuenlly flu danger arises hw becoming based on expcd Iancy rnlhcr than murals Thus lha law themselves am not no TORONTO STOC EXCHANGE Cami 11 nounlup so mm Now men lend to conï¬ne their lrlendship and conversation lo Ihoxe engaged In similar pur Iulll nu Inmily atmosphere lha pmlusxun and Industry hlvo been overwhelmed by Ina mclnlls demands large can porations and professional man uemcnl agencies the mlnlsler MRI Co 01 Clnldl 11 Complny wlll In nu uddlllon ll momma om lho nut Iwo or mm yearn lo expand and Im ll plnnl The nmounl Addlllnn lo million In haunted prevlumly and wlll hrlnl ma total nppmved rnpllul mrnm to 55000000 Mnln lnm In Hm new mmm wlll be ltdInch plnln mlll Ihlch ll II mm will he ha wédeu mm mm modem In Cm Dnmlnlrm Rlnru Md McCorman Prcnldcnl InId lh nnunl mulluu Um ompany II udrlnl lho mlMm Al Cohoe He old the prob lem and opportunities 010 An Industry and the way they apply to the ncllvillu and objective Rotary Thu ale of Industry has cur llilcd the conlads belwccn mem belrds of dllrercnt calling ho Illch Dnrlonmrnl LM 1110 Cnmpnny rc ru ncl umlnn or the lac yenr mdcd Aprll WM lmolmltd ILIZIJW or Ihnm cnmpurld wflh MIMI 0r l0l nhnrc or the prcvlmu lchnl your The annual Inspirational MIX tn the Rotary Club at Ennis vugullvergg 11311 weekby Rey Shlwlnlxn lnrluxlrlel Lid Jenn Caudo Lenard Pro dcnk he Quebec Hydra eclrlc Commission said only relatively llmllcd number or the 2377 righls nvnlluhlo have been exclclued to punchm Ihnm Shuwlnlgnn Industrial Md gave me figure In 1300000 Thu rllhl cnmle ha holder In purchnso Shawlnlxnn Industrial mum at Mr Mum mld lhls makes lhn Commlulon Inmbornry owner 01 many ho lhnm he Com pany armed tn Ilka aver new tltrlrlul assets of Shuwlnlnnll Waltr Ind Power Co 11m Illu nllun under Iludy Mr Lu urd Inld El dogs Imail dogs at dogs and thin dogs converged on Shelr Park ycslenhy lo plrtlclpala In mutt show sponsored by the lenders the Barrie Recreation hm Reassert Faith Rotarians Urged DOGS HAVE THEIR DAY AT MUTT SHOW BULLETIN mums or In Wuk lndlu um 23 nan lnlbl Invnivrd In Mann Mlml Mllllltu Mm Cmnollflnud new hm MIMI ltd m1 Firday Uranium Mlnu lld Prlmo Mm hler Puma laid In hlu fllw maul Ihnl ho Govrmmi will wmhno ho uunlum DI Mm whlch wlll com Ihn or rrnllnx cm of lhn mlnu In July M4 Thu mnpoul whlth hu ll be mxnlplul IMI the annual uncermd wlll he plar bum Pullmaul let ImmL Unnmm Mlm All The Inv ernmml Annauucrd ll wlll lmy Ind Iloclxpllo unnlum mm In mluu EIIIM Lake and ml In nnncrnn or am yur lnr run he larmn mlvnl dmmml lur uunlnm would you In Tunnth hrmlul Compnny Md The alter by Canndlnn Chcmlcnl Gunlpnny la acqulro mmmon Ihnru Cunndlnn Column le has been ulcnd NI unul Remember mu hm port LnnndIn Chemlcnl hid Acquired man Hum OJ per crnl ol lho 114m common hnm ol CIIIILHMJ Calmu oulmndlnl III Hydrocarbon Ild 11m Comnnny Melm nnnunl dlvldrnd ol 15 run common Ihnro paylblo Septem ber 10 lo Ihuthnldm at man Soplrmher 1m 1110 Compnny pnvlaully paid lo ccnll uml Annually thy Dllllnflkl I416 11 Company mum ml undmu Inr lho nine mnnlhl rndrd Mny 1m nmnunlm lo 0129 or tom Ill mmpnml wIUI MUM £059 Ilum lor lho provinul llurnl ytnr Burlington VLPuul Nor man 56 head the operation Ind accldenl Investigation sec tion he lmemallonal Clv Avlnllan Omnnhallon He exhorlcd member 01 Ilry lo make every cflort during Illa cumin year In exemplify the ideal of Icrvlce to others The aim and imlvluu lervlce clubs xuch Rotary re user our faith In the mural code by meantlug lencmslty Ind concern or than lesslar lunate man nurlelvns comm Med Mr Cahae say the Company dld not my Income axes In tho latest year hccuuse of previous tax credits However ha my Cnnudlnn C014 llm will be In lnxnhle pas Illon the current isgnl ycuri Bruzlllnn Trmlon lllhl And Pawn Co Ltd Honry Borden President told lhe annual mud lng Um Company hm been un able to reach any nzrcomenl wnn various mmllun Govcm mull nullmrlllca an lho win to lhn Govcmmenl ll num Sale the ole hono ullllly ha been held up pollucnl con llcl In Brazil and mxolinllonl hnvo nnl yr Iluflcd on ml of tho clcclrlc ullllllcl he mld Pcndlnl wme Gavernmcnl pol lcy award lnkcovu ï¬rm lllnn Trndlonl ulllllle nem Iary me lncreuxu or Com pnn huvo not ban pcrmlllcd corded the respectol the mass at the citizens who Ire called upon lo obey them he said THE CANADIAN FRESH mlsslon Prlzes went to the dog with the longest tall thu Shortest tall longest em Illa alias do the thlnnesl do and the smallest dog Children taklnu pm In the xhow wrest lulu DEATHS v5 Cochune Whlla lllm rm 101m Mnlnly cloudy Illh new Alana mm Ihundmhmv during mly Innuhl sun du mainly many 11th man In limpetmu wlmh Hum Mulu rumuh Ill BIIonrx Winds 71th to mum main Timnnnml nurllmrn vaulnn flay Alumna mum Norm Hay Sullhury Mull 519 Maria In mum at lhundenhaw thll evmlnl Ind Innlth bnndny mainly Iunny Iluln than In temptmun llmll IIIM Lake El Clulr Llh lirlt Lulu Huron mun woulcm Lake Unlnnn glam Windor Inmlon Imlllan annnlo Bumuy umny wllh cloudy po rlodl Iml chum shower or lhundermowrr wlndl lllhl RumpIn ml dhlurhunro hnl npmd cloud and mmde lmvwrl Into the Whlu Him and Miomn mlanl Thl lulbum will mavu nulhenll ward mm nlul and Intern Onlurln today lml Sundny Io bu lullrywrd In turn by Mull pm mm tall and tllMlnl Iklu Enllm Lulu Onqu all bmhm wulhcm Gemlm IIy mlam Sunday pumy lowly wnh much mm or lhun denhowfll Wlndn Jl MDllLI Reynold secmm said Report In um are coming from the no of Toronto and 4x retard attendance Lute 49 head5f dcpartmcn 1° Laurent Councll wlll Ilsa rccclva com munlcullons 1mm Oakley Park llomu and School Msoclnllnn mulling lChDfll lrnlllc uler pro Iccllun Dnvldsun and van lmu Operullon Cnnndlnn Swmxlukc murdan lwnm mm Wmdan ll DeConkuy flunk ynu rexnrdlng museum 1mm Shchu Sllrlnu Club rc quul or Circus lltence mlnnd Cocklmm rmnrdlng curb and pnvlnz Walllnxlm Ilrnct em Tnmblyn ugnrdlnu proposrd ovemnu Ill Wu um mm and Illlhwny 00 Tnmhlyn nanrdlnl mo llon mnccrnlnl laklnx cnndl llnn Alduwnlkl Ill no Welllnglnn Ind olhcr mm llnrrln llnnnlnu llounl murd lnu xanlnx ol McConkcy proper ly on Fuel mm Tommi Grand Master 01 On laxlo West Samuel Mlllnr For Arlhurwlll be gum speaker at gathering In Queenl Park Mayor Le Cooke will wel come member ul vlslunz lodges Thnre will be dance at Barrie Shopping Plaza In the vcplng Thur will be drlw at the danfe ynd 111m grins Altar receiving dcpulaiian councl will receive the follow ing communlcnllom Albert iludlcy regarding an applic llon or mnvlnx permll Barrie Pinnnlnu Board munding wn in or Baylleid treat in Cmdles run Hnnle Planning Board mznrding Caulls drnfl plan of subdivision between Johnsnn 5er and Blake Illeel and Old Pcnclnnznlshcne road innla Planning Board regarding drnll plan oi subdivision ens of Bay eld Alml bclwecn Fenis inc and lundlu road casL Barrle Cily Councilwifl hold regular meeting Mondny be ginning at pm In lha Council Chambers In City Hall COMMUNICATIONS Local Orangemen expect their parade and celebntlon on July be lhe biggest ever held ILlhb area mnrt mick ndon Gen Slr Lashmcr Vhlsllcr 64 who won the Dis llngulshnd Service Order or gullnnlry lhrce time In the Sec ond World War Communications lire Many For Councils Monday Sitting Orange Parade Biggest Ever to make them do nicks but the dug wen more Interested In the two cats on hand lo competu in another class amner Photo WEATHER FORECAST ï¬t the phllosoph fat Huntington Cal mrcnlan Unlverlev Luke rm Lain Onlnvln Wqu urlulnln In In ll Ilrmll Fnlr wlm chnnm Knurled Ihnwfll ur thunderhaw Sun Iny She was born Hawkeslnne daughter of the late Wesley and Isabella Morrow ln 19m aha manled John Emms who pre deceased her ln 1945 She Is lurvivcd by daugh ler Mac Mrs Carl Drury Cm Hill son Mervyn or Gut ro und our grf Charles Mar $3333 D11 and 31k Emma The lollawlnz bylaw will be up lnr mlnl reading to borrow Lhn sum of 31030000 for ma purpose ul constructing nnd Innk lng revlslons la the ulsllng lew nsa treatment planl In lmposa newer me to aulllorlu the Isle pm of Park Lot on hc wcsl lldv Bayllcld Ilrtcl accordlng la neglslcrcd Plan No 135 In the llnrrlu YMYWCA nuthurlzu the inle Lot lo Ilnn ma MEINSO nvcnuo In and Canslrucllm and In amend bylaw reamdan election unnol undcrslnnd mother Imd luthm who dn not can about melr childrcn Mano mm On InM norlh In nnrfluwrnl In 15 knoll II nflnrmon lnrlly cloudy wllh unlined nhnwm or lhun dmhawm during lhll aw nhyg no llumn Gtarulnn My Winds vnrlnhlu ID to 15 mall Sunny lxmmlnu p1an tlnudy Iv IMn owning wilh unllrml wru nr Inlmlmhawrn ID nlghl clrnrlnl Sunniy nmmlnl Luke rm Lain Onlnvln thlu urlulnln In In ll Ilrmll Ifnlr wuh hungv Knurled MARGARET EMMS Mn Margaret Rem Emma 81 resident oi Dru Township 11 her iiie died at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie During her married me she lived at 0m Station lam mov lng to Guthrie Lan ol pnrenlul disclpllm Whlch perm teenager to stay out until the small hour mo marnlm came under me rub my nnrrlo Mnxinmtel cm ywcrdny He was hearing the we mmm John llolmyd 16 who was dunrgcd will doullnz pro pony value It than 50 horlly nller Im Juno ls Holroyd lnId he bcnm ho Ilnd ramu Tvmwulunl lnw ovrrnlnhl high ï¬undly Nndwr She leaves listen Fern Mrs Rumrill of Victoria 13 and two brothers George Butlalo and Waller 0m Slallnn Next three Items on the agen da are motions deallnz with communications deferred bu mm and Iccounls wideeholce oLvegetabla produce cut Rowen baklnz lruit em bralded rm knit ted baby set and kltchen dolls was altered at the Barrla Farm Market llrla momlng aw tntoel were 65 centl baske lruhgrem pen were 25 cents quart or one dollar basket Cabbage was two or 15 cents cauliflower 30 cents mum cents pound green onions and red lzhel our hunches la 25 cente mlnt ten cents bunch and beets twn bunches or 19 cents few strawberries brought 40 cent quart McIntosh apples were 70 cent tour quart basket Cherrlee were $125 basket Honey was 25 cents to one dal lar lccnldlnx to 51m Em were 45 cents lot medium 50 mm or Inn and 55 cent or 311 Bnldnl lnciuded brand buns pies um brownies cookies and mum It rensonable prices The funeral service was con dutled by Rev Mitchell nl Oro Unlted Church Burial was In the church cemetery Pallbearers were Andrtwrmr Ihwlnmew John Currie Grunt Qnsdell JIrVnA Ppprsall Ben Guest nndr Johnr Mclmhur Magistrate Voices Surprise lit Lack Of Home Discipline Choice Wide Kl Market OBITUARY 71 7n Barrie City Police had new on mmplnlnl from mldcnl at no anlcr who repofled that ynulh In dmk mum and while Ihlrt had boon Icon tampering wflh milk box The youth wnl Immhmdcd he run nInng Codrlnnlon saw He had mnla Ind note In In No qumu or milk plane in hll pocket nw locum had an on hand Mum nrcmcd 1m emp ly mllk bolllrx ql lhn Slrnlumo Avenue minu hud blood an lhrm lnld he pmmlor rnlumcd to Harris mm Mld land at 330 on tho mnrnlnx In qucxllnn whim Crown Mlomey John Mummy Mld ruldonl of Slmbnm Ave lmd put the nnlo and In mm In hl mllk box Mnalmnlo On old llm ncugufd lhnl jun hu rhoun nupld way 01 proomlm No Added Um ruch rldlculwn pnsllmo wm never wnflh Indian rlnk Involvrd Hnlmyul wan Inrd and Nam on probation or onl mr Trevor John Rhodes 17 was placed on one yearl suspended sentence In Barrie Maglsualaa our yesterday on two charges under the Crimlnnl Code Evi deuce on than of car and breaking and alluring with ln um In steal aameuna elsoa pmpeny wan heard against him Ban1e Nor dent Gary has this allphase anhv hmlnuu Clyde Franklyn Camernn son Mrs Cameron ll Thomson SL Barrie has graduated lrom Lakeshon Teacher College Mr Cum cron Inn accepted poslllon wjlh the Mlle School Board ol sturicén Full Youth Placed 0n Probation Convicted 0f Stealing Car ST VINCENT PARK lame Nor Camglut am It Gary llnas In wurklnz at It Smllh Studlg all phases of tho pho aphy huslneun The husky llete who plays netball and SUNDAY JULY 7th WILL TEACH BAND CONCERT BARRIE CIIY CONCERT BAND ASSOCIATION $3311th AT WORK AT 300 PM BY THE FIRE IN CAI name Firm Dcpnrlmenl wnl called In lhu Quccm Mel Ins nlnh at 851 In put nul re In car npokumnn or tho dcpnrlmcnl Illd lhnl In low when hld burned Dom Ilnrrln Cfly Ind lrovlnciul lollco Depart menu reporlcd qulcl mvnlnxs Whm qucsllnnud by lhe max lstrnlo the accused lnld ha would mmply with the provlslom oi the bond you come brloro lha court nxnin wllh lwo luch nrloul ol lcnccl nxnlml yuur IIan you wlll go In Jail or long limo lho mngislrmo cnuflnncd dont want to jeopardiu your inlure laid the maxi tratet He told the accused there was no reason why he should not expect to have all the things hoped or by other people In lhl country liowuver you must roolize that you have no right to tamper with other pcoplu property The law must be obeyod said the magistratu dont want um public in general to get the impression that the iirst lime person ap pear in court on charges or serious as lheso he will receive suspended sentence or pm blitlon he continued Mngislrnta rd wlllned he terms prohnunn For the year cl his scnlcnce Rhodes must con tinue to live with hl pnrnan He must he of the sixcola by 1030 each evening unless he hm pcrmlulan from his probntlnn ofllcer He must no nssoclnle with any pmon lhnughl unsuitablo by Ml parents or by tho pro ballnn ofllccr He must under tnke lo report In tho probnllon nmccr lu Oakvillc where his pan nnls have moved and mnllnue lo do I0 once month or more required to du so by lhn of mar Flnnlly the accused musl llnd pcrmnnnnl gnlnlul employment ll he does no mum to school In ho lull Muztsmt On said presenlenca report prepared by pmbattan nutter of the county had disclosed that Rhodes had nothad muner and guidance avaUabl to other boy ther had died seven years ago last Frldny conviction was regislered by the Court at that lime compete ln track and ï¬eld during the school year In an oumandlng softball player wlth Banla Plaza Mlnulnz nl the Barrie and Dlslrlct Sen lorSunhnll Assaclallonl Ex aminer Photo Gordon MeNflt defence coun sel or Kenna Mn Wllen said he was unable to any how much beer he had drunk lo ade lad drinklna two bellies in line morning two glasses in cl helm lunch one when he not home nbom mo pm and one with Mlu Wilson In the avcnlnu Asked who hnd lnken due lull can beer mm mom ML Wlulru 11ch that um Kenna had dong an Dr Bnllcy willed hnd unmlncd Mr Wlulm In the mummy ward the hou pllnl late on the evenlnz of June Wlxgim questioned by lillnnt meu Aflomey John Mummy said on June he ind been iiviul 71 Hugh SL Ban rie He was entertaining Mu Vera Wilson whom ha had kown all her life Mu GIVEN BEER Re Ind guest were each haan or beer when nd Bob whom he iden Vern relumed and helped him lulu hll shnu They called ml whlch look them In Ear rle Pollen Slnllon From lho Polls Station he was taken to Royal Vldufla llospHul where he remnlncd unA lll he olluwing Thursday He said ho hnd suffered concus sion rnclurcd bone In Mr hand and hrulses to the Mn rllém and shoulder on hll In He Inld Ml ho had n01 ob Jcclcd the removal hll beer on lhe lwa makan be cause he an Ibo uulhmlllu Ihould look mg the probgcm llélhidrwiulm gym um Iwnllm nlmmt Mull and ha wu bleeding mm the mm Ind lcfl 31 ï¬lm1 Bob whom He iden Mh the accused meq gn lend the room He nld he give them bom ofbeer each hen they departed or an amide veranda on which go drlnk me beer cw minutes Met be men mannered the room without In tnvflaflon Ind walked of with an unopened case beer Mr Wink said no convert uon took place durlnz this time The two man named and look some unopened battle mm another case sitting on the mar he teamed Again hers was no conversation HB cmm he liked Vera to go downstnm and phone lhgpgllce few mlnules later Cpl George Winger of the Barrie City Police arrlvcd Mr WI Elns said that he old H19 am car the events surmndlnz the 105 or his case bger Thu amber went on mar view the two accused He re mmed to Mr Wiggins and IBM that nothing could he done about his complnm until Monday LEAVES HOUSE The mllcemm left the house at approximately 745 and minute later Vcra went down stairs to wall qr taxi Amost mm new alter she hnd gone to lha lowar floor Mr Wiggins testiï¬ed that Iva accused came Imo his room un Invllcd He was sitting on the edge hls bed he snld when Dill Kenn struck km on the left lemgle with hl fist Aflcr this blow he remem bem hclnz hi about the ace and kicked 1n the ribs and MK II MVOLIEN 343am gxmn mum MY mi William Kean ami Barbe Omen were main eMnisuaiel can ya terday on dame oi unnu lnz William Wiggins The one int liza pmsemnion was armed bciare Magistrate om 113 defence will be head next ADMITS DRINKING Ptgmched Kigked In His QWnRoom Man Tells Court llunlnm Ihom IA TOM HOWLETT SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 14A Cllppcrlon llnldlnrp IA lM CANADA 0P Sun lnuurnnra wlll um lulu yau llmMM In mm whlrh ynu cnmml out lle null will pruvlde lor your Inrulll you Iliu ul In early um Ill humnu In em mnny nl your llnnmlal won flu MI Ihow you how They Mn Reklnfld Mlchclmari Lnun 5L Cnlhn rinu Sldncy Mnrlln Lud ner nc Wllllm Mmln 5L Cnlhulnel Ind Mn Em Shlrlcy Whltehorn Yw ion Ha mm mrvhcd by lrnmlchlldmn nriimne QuecmlhndTuklrma Inrdl 13 1890 the ion of lhe lnle Mr and Mn John Martin of Mnnlord He was employed mod Bnkcry ln 1qu or 21 yearn For the past 17 yum ha had been umlAretlrtd Mr Madln wu prndccaued by bl wile the laxmar Mary windoll who dlod Juno In lurvlvcd by one llsld Ilrl Olwnld Cunnlnzham ol Mouton Ind mm mm In lug daughlm Vern ï¬vllmn told the court mnversnuon that occurred in Mr Wiggins morn mn alter her arrival her m1 Suddenly heard rumpus She went would opened the door of Mr Wiggins room and hand him lying on the bed his shirt covmd with blood Quesflmled by Mr McNrk Miss Wilson said she hid seen Mr nggln in the ladies Inv euxe room at local hotel at about Imu in the aflunoon nn wobbling and talking klnd the day in question He was stupld like He had had one ion nd told him to go OpL George Winger old the Court Ira Interviewed the two accused who told Mm the case of beer had been bought that algemoon at the west arid brew era UuUcL NOT INTOXICATED Henry Funk the provin cial labornlory told the Court via blood taken mm Mr wlzgim arm by Dr Bailey was group Mr Funk laid he round race group blood on Wluglns trousers on Campbells shln and on SIDNEY THOMAS MARTIN mmml service or Sidney Thomas Murlln who died in the Royal Vlmorin llosplm June Wu conducted ll Pcthlck hum rnl Han by Rev Gordon Walk er lnlurmcn wu hi the Barr Unlon Cemetery mu was taken which upmd inclura the bone that 99 mm the let methane to an left ear and haklha maino olrtha nose no two nccuud entered Mn mom nabou 715 and and look beer wkhout being vlted she said They got to hmymw in the counl If wnnh shumxmd on umber of mslon that they should leave The upshot was that the stout allow Kean hanged to punch me in the mouth He told Wiggins tn plnce his charge on the lollawlng day or Monday he said This was nor mal procedure when the com plainant thawed signs of hav lng been drinking Howevcr he uld wigglm was no Inlet caled Wllllarn Wlulm and Vera Wllson came to the Pollen Sla UDn at 315 pm when warQ ran was worn out lor lb ar rest the two accused Cpl Winger lcsllllod that Illa linger of Campbells rlchl hand were darkly skalned Kean had redr Matches on the knucklcs and hack of lcltrhapdt Kenn5 tmuscm ear The nexuqornlnx xIjayl mums numus Soon alter 091 While she went downsum In wall for Mr min ququnln Worried about the Future OBITUARY nInn