Dupllr HI Incl IUIIHIICNI nu In at llw gunk Al llmu rump lmlvlrnl wllh lhlldrrn lInl mm MIL mnla hu hm uwhmd II III WM IIM lam4 ucvrrnl plum lumps mum In Hm mm mm ml lhluuu might me lillll uncnmlnrlahlu MIIL Anymw who ha vlnlw lhn mk lum lhr zml wr qvl vrnlc Inhlu In he ML llnwnwr nucrlul lam mun lmhullnl vlny muml lurlllllu un Inml ur Um lnnwnllmc JL lnnlml nrquvl ml nmnlh llw pmk WM Hm III urgaulml plum Ilulnlly qu 15 nr mute poman We ID mo nvzanlmllunn In Advllc llvrlr plan my van um wnprrly plum lhrm am Mr Jnclunn Mli hall he number maple ml wlll vhll Sprlmb water lmk nI Mlzlhunl lull ycnrvllnvn plrendy Inna Cyril Jnrksa pmk ncrln lendrnl Inld lhnl rum May to In June 30 3611 venom HP Jaycd Hm llAhwlIHll nnd nnlnml vrxtlnllon ol Um no mu lnlnl 903 INlnnl pull vlllll lha Invk hm yrnr During July and AUKUII when he wrth 1n ulmmly wnrn pld prchr In Mm In Ihn Nth Inld Mr Jncknon IUEHIJIVR MIRA Thom hnve hem nxmorl nnd mmer nl um nulcrn hul my Invn been subxmUnluL Dlo mnunsnuxn In so Ilka number 01 annlcl lhnl ll lnku lrnlncd Thnlncldenre and danger of the mawulmxn rmtlcsnako ml area being nvtrplnycd laid Art alder biologlsl or the Lake Slmcoc Dlslrlcl of lhu Onlnrlo Dmnrlmenl 01 Land and Forum 40635 Visited Springwater In Months 0i May End June GROUP CAPTAIN Dlule takes he salute mm more than 1500 airmen at change cammnnd ceremony at Camp Borden yesterday He BIOLOGIST SAYS Inn make llmal inspection of more than 1500 airmen be GROUP CANAIN Hll qusasauga Scare Being Overplayed 11w 1er In nnlmnl llmnll In lhr IlNl ll Um dm Nu th mlln Hm Innplallnn In Ive It hth at man or loal uumlc can In qu mule whlla enlflyinz sllu ml lnrlllllrm Emllrmml dwrkrr Wllln Idl fll MRI ll evrrynnu Mk flower II mhlnl bu loo Inna Mime In urea wnulul be In Invlllnz Anld Fur um Kmupl ml wnnl lhrlr numhm In Ilny luv Ulfllh Inn Hm pnrk me nrrmyurd Ill nllmrllnn llw will In he walnul vhrn be male IMIIMITI Mu nlmwl Mn lull Ipnn nnl unl llm lunnlu Mn nle Mm Tim ponuml mm Mu II llm tlllrl Arm lho rnmrm fnnn Ill usunlly mum at nrxll arm on lhu pm of lho pnr trill wirl Mr Jnrkaun Youd have Io cxlmh from Inan law on hlzh to In wlm lho nnimnln Iald Mr Jnrklon Same d0 Commrnllnu on In nnluml vudnllvn vhlch Um Mk II bmulllully demrnkd Mr Jntksml wnmrll lhnl lhu publlc In nnl nllnwnl In lulu lmnu any Incl Huwrr lUIlVlnltrl In Ml wny bvtrylmn arts In no MA nr hrr own prrlururr mu mum llmc wlll Ive uvnll ah lnr 1n hu uld und cxpcrlcnccd eye Io say whoL lner spcclllc snnko ll IIIch palsomus he nolrd We mammwd lhu people mud In msplrlaus nnnku lo our dcpmlmcnl or unnlyxll he lflld Mr Holder mld lhnl lhm no mncluslvo pm In tho ru mor lhnl lhv mam um gm Imle moving 0th In Onnrlo For your we have knawn assumed commnnd from Group Caplnln 11 IL Hlllon who mmmnndcd the swlian or the past our years Examiner Plums Mr Jnrkgnn Mn be are turning over hh com mand to Group Captain Diggle during change of command ceremony at RCAF Nuvmally Inn hml 1n nul lhIv In mark per unm um Mr Ilnldrr ll yml uddmly lurptln lhem of Ilrp Mr TM mldrd lhnl llm Innkml Iva In lewlullnlflu mm imlllnn Ilny xrnrlnlly ml any 1mm lhe wulnlnl tmlm The In ml hum In In dawn lho walrrwnya any mllor lhnn NFL Its the mnssnsnuxn llvcd In UIo bumn and rocky escarp ment at thn rlm Gmmlnn Bay However than have been very cw provcn cum of he make being lound mu Port Severn In mnllnucd Mr llnlvlrr added lhnl lhu mnunnnun MI lamml mk Ix rm an rlrmunlrd ulhcr Hun mum unll ll lllNllHlnl hand 111 last In npoclvdly lyylrnl of he mlwn nun mum at Nurlll Amulu he Mld N0 CHANCES However lhll II no my thnl on can nflnnl la lake Innke he Inld doctor Ihould be vnxulltd lusl as man In poulhlo nfler Um no cldml la main lure ll ll Tmllrr Supervlmr Fish and Wlldlllo or the dc pmmtnl In Ihla 1m nnld Hm Innhm with he nnnhu hnd Man In hln upcrlvnre In anhnrn And lhnl wnn only 119 Ilulnlnl example ha mu 11m mnmsnun In rnllmr haul in demlbo mid Mn lmllcv Il dimr mm lhu mllhnnlu In lhnl ll mm la mam lmm lwo um hull In lhruo Ink and llml lnr Ila lrnulh ll lhlckrr 11m lur lnu mvlllrd pnlrlm Inhhllu bmwn Mark whllu MRI nhllr II lnlrly umllnr In II mllhnnnkr he Illll 111m hnva bcm rumour nmuM Wnubnushcnc bul lhcy have mnlnly concerned mllk mnkm course my travel dawn the cvtm lllvcr bul Um muLwmlurly ml of lhelr ml grnuuu mm lo be Sparrow Luke The peace prulcctlon and en Iorccmenl agencies also had quick night Tho Danie Police Farm and the Barrie detach mcn the Ontario Provincial Pollen said that may hnd Ilulh mg on lhelr cull shncls His wife Lucille Hm ln An gus while his mnlher Mn Sylvia Forth live In St Jean The Barrie Fire Department reported this mnming that there had been nu calls an iL ser vlcc last night The last fire call occurred at 1030 Tuesday evenan when ï¬re In Mall drink cooler at the Allandnlu Fish and Chlps Slam was ex llngulshcd Uahnny Forth ofSL Jenn uebec and Angus anlved here by RCAF aircrafl heigln tour at duty with 51 Canadian Signal Unll on Unifcd Natlan Operatinns In the Congo SSgL Fartin master cook with the Rnynl Canadian Army Service Cums held that position with the Canadian Farce Medi cal Services Training Centre in Camp Borden prior in being posted In in Congo No stranger lo overseas posh lugs he served with lhe Infan try In Iceland and Nodhwrsl Europe duing Wnrld War and wilh 11 RCASC Transport Com pany in Korea Police Firemen Enjoy The Quiei Angus Soldier Is In Congo Camp yesterday Group Captain Hilton had been Commanding Ofï¬cer at the slauon for Lhe pas four years natalzowvw me cons ur Mr and MM Jlmn lem Tnnmln Mr mi Mn mm nl Alllllm 1mm Cnpmn ml Mn ll nurlly Clmn Holden KEEP CALM Dnnl el cicltndl land mrcnd the poison through In body lulcr lhnn otherwlse Get la doctor noon mulblo nnd rmmnber that In no cm dltd of lhn pol Ion Insmnlnmmu Savor hour nnrr lhe um mouth murmurs lull mvvcry ha Th nru lwo hook lhnl re nka In vnchon men would be well ndvhud In rend Inld Mr Holden 11w 11nan Onlanu Mumum him cent Immi book puhllahul by Uw Unlvtr Illy Tnmnlo Irun cnllllnl Hamlin ol Onlnrlo ll con lulm full dncrlmlnm and my ldm ho rrleM VAï¬uï¬nVivpdbflcï¬ilén Snnllu of Onlnrio cuntnlm tnlar photographs Am rmnnre were llvlmllrr and Mn Ilmzk Command and rr unlnr nlllrm ol Ann 7mm IlnnIm Mr nml Mu humpinn Mu ll Hod gm Mr In Mn mm Iirlnn Elullhl Hum Wlnr Cmmnnrulcr nnvl Mu Dummyr nl Slgllnll F211 on lhcm It 11 dmmnl mal Icr The strength lhe venom ha mnnnsnuza L1 said to be live limes Owl of flu Tcxnl ralllcr he nmed However lhclr short any and mu ounl Cox poison mum lhul Ulcro should bu no Ialnlily In lhe event bltn ll clcmtntnry prccnullon urn lukun ha lnld Vllmlll Markn wen monu In mulnluu whn walrhnl he nlllclnl Clrmmnnd In Ufllrtn llnmllnl Ovrr Im lmln CAP Elnfllm Camp lnnln yoflvldny Illcvmmgl There mural agreement on the some of Cnnndhm ed ucntlon Our chools 05ch cult of mediocrity Cnnadlan Courtrence on Education Canadian schools are less and less concerned with intellectual achievement They encourage dislike lar hard work Dr llllda Nealby head ul depart men hlsloly University of Snsknlchewnn and nulimr oi So Lillie For The Mind TM Introducllnn by Mr Mc Kay sec Lhe student Iaadwr use and opened the course NOTES CRIHCISMS Mn McKay muched on crlll clsms in article from male zinc and by schnu authorities recent nne Haw Schunls Cheat Our Children He gave sh quotations Chu dren are like blotter they xhnnld be given lar mare to My aorb Our school are not nearly all enough Pgemler John Robarts arranged With my rlend Fred Skelly mlnism Col lier Street United Church for 1th mange Jn weather Dignitaries Watch ROM Ceremony McKay Ban1a Public School inspector disagreed with Mayor Les Cooka who spoke belore him at the olfldnl open lng of the Junior EducHon Sum mer Course at 03le Park School aslprda Mr Hook had said Im happy we were able to adjust the wenlher Mr McKay 1211 The mayor as you know didnt mange or lhgfhange ln lhguwenlhegu Appmxdmmely 1350 airmen and their ofï¬cers took part In an mum Comnan Ml cers Handing Over Parade at RCAF stallion Camp Borden yesterdhy altemoon flle men nnd their guests saluted the Incoman Commanding Ofï¬cer Group Captain Dlggle and his predecessor Group flllkun Vlslung dlznltarlas 815 and relatlvex ol the men on parade sat In skill bmgze as Group Captain Hilton Impacted or the last tlma the mm he had commanded for the past our years H15 successor wnll ed at the end of he parade square until the appalnled tlme arrived for him pnltakp In the animal alanan over can monies Gmuiz Capt Hilton was 16 companled on his lnspedlon by the panda commander Classroom Teacher Is Key To Childs FutUre MEN CHEER LEAVING CO Commdï¬d AtRCAF BOrdén will he lrnm lheso unlla Dld you cnroll so Um you mighl higher Icnthlnl cutlllcalul Are you also here because the com plcllon of lhl mum wlll nulov lly lucrcnse yngr Ialnryv Have you cnrelully Illa program from he Summu Counc Calendar and he Orlunl ullan Bullcllnl Have you enroll ed bmuso ynu loll need to know more nbnul Educnllon ln mu Junlor Dlvlslnn llan 10 In ll nalAgrndcg and Whlle you pander lheso quay Hum here are some olhm or ynur conxldcrullon How dld you pnpnru or ndmluion lo mum Guelph Reuben Butchrt mo lurmcr Mwlpapcr mun Ind pod lando lmd numhnm onnllmo Inhller nml larmcr munnuln edlwr ol lhe Andon Dally Triumph FIND TUSK nu remnan mnslodon found near llnmlcuu 0M In guuual ml hnd uni nlnu ME ME kind of leacher In you Have you nskcd yoursell lhl quesllnn recently and re quonlly Or does 10an com to the fore Mom during and urge Ihe lnspcclqrs vIsl Have we been losing sigh of why and or whom we have schools Are we Inrgetllng even lltlle bll the Importance the key person on whnm the success ur allure of our school system mill do yo or moment Ihnt am relenan lo olllclals or any Department Education of tenchm colleges Iruslees Inspector or princlpals course you dnnt You knuw lbs am talking about claw room teachers They are the key success or allure llld or lrustrnllon or thousands 01 children Then has been loweran at standards ol cducallon under the pressure of mm appeal mus lulness or mm Indul gence Lesler Pearson Nobel Prln wlnner and lormar school teacher Whit are lhase people really alklng nboul7 asked ML Mc ny The pace in our schools is Idjusled in the slowest Dr Frank MucKinnon principal Prince oi Wales College Chur lolieiuwn The worst casualties are the nvcmgb chlldrcn We the people have parlecl right to say how we think our schools should spend nur money to each our children and to shape lhe lure of our cannlryfl Dr Eugene Foxsay dlreclur research Canadian Labor Congress tawa THE TRUTH Wing Cmnrnander Yellow Iecs panda Mutant Flt Lu Illlng and the Command lng officers execullve assistant Flt 14 Evan Mualc was provided by membats the Sudan Pipe Band rupland enl in their plaid kills spor rans and bagpipes The entire parade oi 15 flights marched in line past the reviewing stand asGroup Capt Diggie took the salute Discipline demanded that the men not snatch at their hats an the visiting indies had been doing when the lui farm of the wind met them an the yes rightl of their oliicera Mush for the much pas¢ was provided by the tnunpeu nnddmm of he RCAF Camp Borden Band The band which was recently honored at Moose TAKES SALUTE COFFEE Dy TIIF CANADIAN PRESS ll hum IA II FISHNET DEATHS ONLY at II We no gratede or the mu help nndmany McMshlps that What wanduml opportunlly you have to associate with 170 other tznchm under lh guid ance cl such capable mu seeking cummnn goal he bel Eï¬nenl the children 0n Good seeking Did you really do some soul searching to Ind out what your teaching lacks What dId you bring to tha mum so lhnl you might shnra your teaching secret with other teachers on this course What are ynu planning In do with what ynu learn in the next five weeks Jaw Sask as the MM olle kind In Canada will help open be annual Calgary Stampede next Monday Mier on With signlul over mkmony Grmnp Capt Hiiion expmsed his appreciation to the men ol the station for the cooperation and deiigence with which ihuy had served under his commam um been privilege and an honor Io work wlih you ha raid This station has done its duly through two world war and the Korean crisis It has risen to the point when it Incomrnies all the trade re quired for complex and mod air Korea he continued It will always remain rash and never become obsolescan P1391555 MEN Randall Ind MI Inmlly Capt Pictured ubovl Sal vation Army Cumin Donlld lhymnbul win Mal um COQUH CACAO mimunl mmllm Mum um In Imh la dlnu wlm mm In lpplnl which hu mam mullme mnhomlmIhlllmlylnlullulu 1M pl ll my Inulpinl bowmlllmm lav Il ya mllY Why in ml Ivy mam dun ol COQUHIL MEAD cul ml II II law that dm ï¬iveinéié COQUETEL CHCHO k4smA4 SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN AND FAMILY Wï¬m M34 hnvé madu hug be said Group Capt mule who WA ad at Cnmp Borden or three year In the late Ionics told the parade luvs Iollowed your program ovrr lhu last years with gr at deal of Inter esLand prld He said chm he hoped all members of the station wauid be able work together to add further lhe lustre Mm row ullon of the mum Group Capt Hlllon wares curled lo hls waiting cums the cheers 01 his former men and officer rang news the squnm HILTON HONORED Al reception alter the parade Group Capt and Mn Hilton were honored by at lhe stations olllcers Group Capt Dlggle pmentcd his pm decessnr with group captains pennanlslo be flown 1mm his car and the flagpole ol the 5a llon where he may Ind himsell on omclal buslness life jacket hook caught in the nostril of Mrs Ms Warren made one of omexgency cases lrealed at Rnyal Victoria 1m pity nvgr the hallday wedgepd Mu Warren was waicr skiing at Donsecours Beach about 12 miles immBanie when she 91 into the water catching im nose on the fastener hook oi the kiwi which she was wearinu as max deviu Slierwarshrrouzï¬tr to share by her husband and liken la the Gmup Capt and Mrs Nikon stayed In Banlo hut night This mamlnz they motored In Otta wa where Group Cam Hlllon wll assume stall position with RCA Headquarters Randall rmnlly mavbd tn Banla lo 111 um post vncnm by Mnbr James GIH Woman Injured By Jacket Hook GOQUETEIE mRIGOT Bnfllï¬s 1M1 II whflmullk Min II cnq umï¬lconmkn mlw1nflulnllmpulllull cl IBIIM hull IM un MiniIN pun my Tu l7 lM £0 ll ADIICOHMUWIM mom In In lint 40mm II boll ohm ll ubttl hm II mm nil In MISI Inn II lullilomtmmld In mledmdmmlll Mliy TM won MI Immud BARBIE HAW THURSDAY JULY no OSHAWA CWThu Ontario Federation ollAnglm and Hull era L1 wvrrled about he no llmprey gaining access to 111 land walursnh he TrentSevern waterway and flu deletion of gamn ï¬sh which wand allow The brief suazesi that pm posed lock Sevm Falls and Will Fall not be buili but that he existing marine railway bu Improved or replaced and open algg iorloqger psilads daily collate of nearby donor Re and another doctor examined the Impaled nostril and decided it would be unsale to remove tho hock lnanfll police were called and Cons Thompson rushed Iho victim Ban1e hnspilnl the hoslplu the hook was cut and Mrs Wanens nose mal The oflcndlng lile ball be Inx kep at $11 hosplul And mule have warned that all per sons should check In make sun that lhulr preserve In cod order beiqre ushll them Emu or this possibility Federation President Willlnm Owens oi Oshawa lcii here Wed nesday ior 0imwn lo preseni brie today Io Fedenl Miniller of Transport Mcilrallh Introduction of lamprey and mam ï¬sh ck would be lacilluled by 905110on locks and all arm marina llle would bq given unrestricted pa nge mm Lake Huron the brje claims The lcderatinn predch that conslmctlon of the luck would land to destruction of gum ï¬sh and would ruin lb recreauan of thousand to satisfy mlnnh lly gmup of owner large boats Most damage nya would probablyoccnr In Lake Slm WE 0°35 End gum Tho OFAII predicts the cost of installing emclent mnrlne railway would be about uno elghlh thu ol hulldlnl loch Bngfu IanlhlImmlc COQUUIL CIRISLM rum In IMHL dlnmlhm ll mm Iih fly at WI Ina WOUND whim mm Ihl mm In ylifl modal In MM Hum Ind lht down In ma Htmllaqllllhlthhll banwIIVouudwbt Why 1m Noam mm It CODUUIL Cu my may Lampréy Fear Sends Angler Tovaernment pie The chlldnn to right Dnvld Donna 13 and Karen Examiner Pho Ah beau mum hm éCbsté VonChem mum CERISE ï¬tmï¬us