VlmRIA CPLMrs Edgoll look up writing when she had to 511 up with sick and culv lnz cm on he dairy arm sh BROAD RANGE OFSTYLES INCLUDINGALIEATHER AND PATENTS by SAVAGE Colours WHITE TAWNEY BROWN RED BLACK SADDLEISHOES Size Range 812 10 REG TO 695 Gives Credit To The Cows AMONG THE 00 gucsls at the Tory Hill School reunion was Mrs Hirlchoy lull New Lowall formerly Slulla Allen She was one or the pupil at Tory Hill School ha CHILDREN in Ihe childrens raccs are lhavm hero by Mrs Dummy Selection includes Italian sandals and washable easycare linens Colours high fashion gold blue orange muliicolour stripes etc Leather patent and net in high illusion and stack heels Colours white beige bone tawny and pink daffodil Size range 6H AAAA to in broken sizes Leather SemiAnnual SHOE SALE lADlES MISSES and CHILDRENS SPRING and SUMMER FOOTWEAR While They last we are clearing our entire stock of PRIZES FOB WINNERS LADIES FULL FASHION PUMPSbyw LADIES SUMMER FLATS She mm 50 prize or sec ond place in Maywriting com pcliliun sponsored by the lawn Lillle Thenlm Her play and her husband used to mn Now they hava ï¬sh farm and therea na special need or he night wnlch but Mrs Edgell persisls will her writingand has pald on its day it opened 1395 Mrs Carla Woodward Cree more conlre has how each nr at Tory Hill School or past It years the longest per iod of any leather in th schools hlslory 0n the right Varley contra Shown with her are two of the olher ol ficlals who suprrvised the rue es 0n the MU Mm Damn and MISSES SUMMERDRESS and CASUALS Aclunlly all the credit shouldnt no lo the com Mrs Edzdl look creative wrlllnz course at Victoria Cullen and PNL George Gimme glam mo Beyond Our Tlme mng about marrllza while um and Sikh umled lo be produced by the theatrical com PMY Is Mm John Syhcll caretak cr at the school lot can sccunve years Mrs Sch broke hu hlp last full Ind the reunion was one ol Ia inf event she has been lb lo and alnce hlr accldnnL Wm Ion the right Mrs Germaine Mchdden All Ire tram New Lowcllz Emma Photo Hl School and Slash Selma loop ed Ibuul four miles northwest of here closedj Ihth doors In cusses or the In arm at the my lunch Inl levplnz wllh inodem educa noun trends walls from these qwhool wlll by bu to New Lowell Public School in tho ml From Tory Hlll School ll pupils will be zolnx to New by well und thug lo wllellale In name mu 51mle wlll have About pl lls alfolmz lo New Lowell Acldllon clau mm are now being bull II New hmll School uncommo glllo Ill Increased tnmlmenl LiGIiaSsRéhï¬iofl HOW 10 SPEND IT NOTTINGHAM Enllnnd Haulers Roman Calhoun priest Is prayinh or guidance an whurln do WWI his share 950000 500001 wan on the Irish Sweepstaku Rev Nell McLaughlin myenrold rur awn Nottingham Cathedral who normally nm£250 $750 year won the big prhu on Rngusn winner last Saint yi Irish Baby man with friend In onawn who almost blackmailed her In enterlna the mnleg Guest at the reunion south out the shadeon vlhe school grounds Ipqcapgmmue the cal While Ihvy talkzd over old limes Meanwhile out in the um fdflldryh vled for iï¬rm3 In the remand some of omzn pllch ed hafushoes In Another carn érror the school grounds table were set up or an outdoor sup per Mrs Carlo Woodward who has taught III tight grade at Tory Hlll School or the past In yam also goes to New Lowell next yang when she will tench lug gradu Land The rcuhlonwu plphneq by ¢ommlttee under chairman Huh Barker secreury lreasv urer Mm Wtsluy Bales pnh er Mn Walkerflunch a1vgdhlna Mli liege Marl VD Sch pct son NEWmWELLJSlam By mldaxlnxnoon Saturday nvé pumlségnd mime 23121131515 in mm No 12 Sunnldnle otherwise known Tory Ililluhool1hcyi camegomo mm distance In Ontario nnd some mm 1110 052 Iurcelehrnte thrllss 1m re union or his onemm munlry Nth house nboutwo miles loulhwasl nl hamH REG 999 One REG TO 899 Prlco hrldll Ihuwar wn held In honor ol Mix 19 Pom Rel July bride elect at lha home Mrs Dryden Tower Crescent bum xupper was served to guest An um brella decanted will IrlIHelnl nawm hald Ihe mlxdlmeou farewell Ian was held In honor Mrs Daliy Reld Head Nurse In one room Royal Vlctorla llospllul al the Lald aw resldence lllrl ï¬eld cav lnx the clly lo take up mldunn ll Klnvslon Guests were recelv ed by Mrs Brown and ML Helen Shannllan Admlnlslralor nl RVH Presldlnn ll ll lea mble during the nllernoon were Mrs Travis RegN llllu Jean Armllaxe lllrs Dryden IndMlss Faye Carlcr ï¬lm were presented to Mrs ï¬eld from Illa all at tho hospital 33mg gnownn Mn Ronald Thoma enter lalncd runbully desserl and mm party lnhanur Mrs Way who ls leaving Barrle wllh her lnmlly In mlde 1n oakvllle Guesls present ware Mn Way Mrs Wallis Mrs Chllllck ol Alllslun Mn Weslgale Mrs Hulchlngs Mrs Baurne Mrs Cnrlwrlghl Mn Getow Mrs Harm aroldJnmu Holiiaer am anden Cyrn Houlder ol Deng 41M Guthrie Unl SOCIAL NOTES margwau m4 Ir nnd Mrs Hnmld Hus Emld olGulhrla hlvaanuounc the eunucmenl at their 89591 Elizgpety Anne tq led Chï¬cthlll be Ihe nelllni lo rum wedding on July It pm Ith by Flvero One Price Ono Price Mn Thomas Imelwod Reg returned to Dwden OnL alter mending the luncrll of Mr brolhcr me Donald Inn and Mr niece Mrs Funk 0m in Lackport an Yark Recent visitor the home Mr Ind Mrs MuLvn Eccle St South were Mr and Mrs Acheson Mr and Mn Ken Acheson All of mm duly Mr and Mn Russel Mar lyn and hmily 1bronlo Mr IndMrl Joe Rutherlord BM aori Mn mell Ann Lt Col Mn John Auzusl of Oflawa Ind dnulhter Mn David Gee and nlnddnuzhler Karen Elizabeth of Valerun Quebtc hm been vhfllnz reluum Ind MIMI In the clan shower mu Guests Included number 01 the ohslalrlc sun at the hospllll The meeting devoted to better dishlhuuon and up redn Uon in Prince boo by French and Enzllnh author In Cumin ml the amended by several French pybushers Jour nallsu and lllmry critics SewAl speaker 11w lux tested more frequent conlncn between Cauldhn publishers Ind Imhors wllh French pub lisher Ind critic The Idea WI discuu men luncth It the Fun Canulna Institute nmnzod by Rene Gunuu mlnlsler In churn ol cultural Iflllll In Cunndlln emlnuy Ind Robert Elle cultural reman mm HM valnco cl Quebec In Park PARIS CPI mup Cnnldlnn Illd French unman uuvu Interested In promqu Iltarllun Im lumned um book shop devaled cxduslvely In Clnldlln book and mom publications be openeihere Ill July meeting bu been cancelled The Annual meeting will he held at he ham Duckworm Devotion or cum will be liken by Mn The regular month meelln ol Iho All United Church Wo men wn held Al lhl home of MaulI Well DEVMIOM wm tnken by Mu Mchsel Roll call win an Iweren by 10 member Ind three villlau The VArInIL mnndmu repor Paris Plans Shop For Canada Bobks Angus UCW Hold Meeting but New Dont land the picture can visualize the problem Only buuuml ml luvux Yulenlny wo wen lo look It wedding gown and velln When nhe tried on tho crown and cup mu ulck llu girl look llkl monkey When lold her lhl despenlaly needed nnlr la lrnmo hu lm ah lnxlmd wn oldlunlonad And thIlthui cropped look In In ll lend hu plclun wlll yon plane be an my side and fly ml Shel wont llslen to me but Ihe wlll llslen to youNEED AN ALLY Miriam has wall 01 then nut hmwn luIr wllh beautiful auburn huhllzhls Last year ho had chopmd on Ind 11 now waning boybob look slmply almclou cml lure out why In did It erlnml hnIr hu alwuyl been her best tenure Sh hu prominent not llnlot xlrong Dear All Ludlrl Our daughter who 21 will be November brlde Please help In 01 head glrL Den 0th heat her ex Iclly you would like to be muted the mm thing had happened In you BpYIIOB W0 don know It sh has to land In child or adoption or what She hasn nld one word lboul what happened Wu eel her bemvlor outrageous and would llko your ndvlce on how to Hell henWE GIRLS dld heppen however to Iecreury In her 30 and um th Im writing ebnnL She remhad Iflenl about her con dition and continued to work 010th anyone could see she was expecting child She didnt wen mnlernlw clothes but km to Iklru Ind blouses In leru elm When the b5 ulna enormous the ofï¬ce men eler naked her to like lelve absent Seven week lam ML blby we pom Three weeks hm Pluld Inc wanna ll back work um then pounds Hunter Jand everything beclun youmiui dont expect happen to mun Dm An mum nme an unwrlnun in our olllce that when married woman Mum pmnlm Ihu loam More hur ï¬lth month Them to lulu for unnamed one DUNLOP 51 INm to Scolla sank PA 83672 HE BM IXAWNEIV ENEMY MY ANN LANDERS Remind The Staï¬ Of The Golden Rule Deu And what the spiritual climlla in your home Do you and your hul band isle ynur children in war ship Do they mend Sundly chool ll childl splrllunl need In no mulled at home It not urprlslnu that he would look elsewhere mm you hm been derelict In your duly Ind new the nnllhborl religion ll llnz the vacuum Get my Wa hlva permitted nur ynunxsieu to no in church with ihe neighbor and um in cinnicd with the rim Any Id viceiB cur however um the warm relnllnnshlp la main oellcnto pmhlemnllzlon Our ehlldren bacomln mm Ihln cuully lnleruled In th rellxlan the lunlly next door My husband afraid they my wggt 19 change uï¬Ã©mflx rm ee dlnz Lb burden cl our two to her live but the mum me dulnz mlnd 1an muchlldren plulun hm mound Deer Anl tandem We live next door to iemiiy which hu five children may range mm 11 yum oi Ize own to time Our children who an it Ind mine would tether be nexi door iiian hemeniey went to sleep mm eel lime Ind Ire oiien included in ouiinis Ind exam eions with the neizhborl chil can word tho luxury chop plnl mlanlllcent hnlr Mon women need halt to Man molt lulnru weddinl crown on MA la not very In no miller how you look It It Im with you mother ngumcm BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Bunklul samplu Im Emmi FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA Hm BARBIE Uphomulnl In our In nu Jul SIM ne Bum6 st WW Cum whit