r1 Claims 11 B03 Hnnoys Residents nue mlu Lu rrnolnllnn nub mlllrd hy the Nnnhcrn mlnvln dllllkl council ullmnlrd momm In In lhn Tnmnln lmlllllnu lrmkl bruuuo of run Ilmrllan hullrd lxy Um In Deleunlu Man In lhc Unllnl nrolhuhmd of Cu mm and Jnlnm mar cn If Thur tnnvcnllnn Imamd Tuth ny Without dcbnlc dclrgnlu the rounclll nmlulll cvnvtnllnn nnpmvrd runlullnn clnlmlnx lhlv Illndvlml and Indirrnus In lnx wlll Impede cnmlnlc Inn and lnduxlrlll cxpnnslnn prgnfnma PORT ARTHUR CMTho Onlnrlu Carprnlrrs Unlnn 1m vlncIn cmmril Ntsdny urnrd llm Federal nomnmcnl to MIDI draw ll llpcrrrnl sales In on building mnlcrlnll Impaled In 1963 ï¬ndm Two ladies llh ICUnK spokesman cm Belle mire Benches In some cumidcrutlun la IJ their area such as dw material on some lanes and sing pl smug no pcvclll crosalnu it was Agreed that council and lhe engineer should mango in gel logclher and 5c ii some solution cauld not be reached Mr Carncrn prnperly is behind lhu Cmnn Vllnze plan on which wads are awaiting devel opment an cnnlrihuiory basis Two ladies wilh Mrs Lnbracc Hill spokesman cnmc 1mm Bcile mire Beaches lo ask or some cumidcrutlun la Ihlniu in their area such dusilaylnz noa parintcndcn John Cowan when asde or an an awcr sald lhn wads on lllls plan had no oullcl In lawnshlp mad Ind unlil an acceptable road was available In live the properly on oullcl the roads could not be appravtd by the hlghwnys engineer who had he innl say In tho mailer INNISFII NOTES ner complained in council that he has carried uni all the rcquiremcnls pmnining to the completion of roads on his nubdivislanbut null then mad are no acceplcd by the township and lbs in owner wha have purchased in the sub division are unahle to bulld in permils Carpenters Union Against Sales Tax Mmlnn IIAIIJZY MILH BRIAN Mil NQ PERMITS Norman Poul the neighbor said lhe dogs are lied and con fined around the lot and bark at every dog pnssing that way He said the dogs are con linuoi annoyance and lho not re quires lhoi such commerciai kennel must have least three acres of land He advised that he operation is not discon linued within few days he would get some pig and house them on his lot um WED Ind THURS grant lng at kennel Ilccnce lo ha occupant house wllh nnl lnary lot size at the corner at the Nth line and nghwny ll the next door neighbor tnld coun cil Ihnl if dog kennel was In be allowed hen he wnuld like to keep pigs and would do so unless the kennel licence was cancelled Mlnlnl TONV TlmTll Council decided Ihal unless some violation of the law was brought to 1L1 attention by pal Ice could not Interfere with business being conducted with in ho law DRIVEIN THEATRE THE PARENT TRAP CoyNTERACI WITH PIGS further complaint in letter was read by Reeve Cochran and um also had to do with the dancing prlvllege being al lowed lqlnpgragg gherp He referred to previous hull dly weekend and clnlmedlhal cabins were rentad to mixed parties Council asked Chiel Brown or In opinion and was old that at any time the pollen were amund lhe place seemed to be conduct djn an orderly manner 3111 John Ryder one oi the sum mer resident at Leonards Bench who lives law doors from Hunlers dance park coma lo ipwnship council meeting on Tuesday lo claim that he music coming irom this dance place was distracting and annoying to lire people ior miles around lie claide that the bylaws should be revised in control this place before the rlliraii go around and look over He complained ni unnecessary noisei marzsmxumnl waommi in is Him RAWHIDE YEARS HURONIA M50 Spoomr mnslnblu weekend us Jam Road and ll lhcir 11mm mum pm NINO MIOMK ll All Councu praclmmcd July public huliday throughqu the township which will colncidc wim the lld day and brlck hrawim cnmpcliliom in Innis lil Park lnnislil councils regular meal lng opened with Ihrce man Dc puly Reeve Campbell bo lng absent on trip to Western Canada and Reeve Joseph Coch rone attending special meet ing at county council He dole galcd Councillor cxrccvc Al lan Todd to carry on for the morning with Councillors Tor rens and Sawyer making quorum The move was back In his chair or the afternoon He told council ot the readjust ment in the equalized mess men which now rolscs lnnlsfll over 20 per cent ohovo the loci total to inure ot 2695801 being Ill million ovgrlusl year ltlrr Gaodtellnw who was ask nd to lower the tram lclt would prcler to remove the structure nnw partially cam plated as he clnlms racord show that it is township re spanslbillty It was suggested that he get together wlth the resident tn try ta solve 1er problem Lawyers an both sides at the story have been wrltlng on the matter magnum COUNCIL Roy Goodlellaws slump to replace bridge over the canal in his subdivision has me with disfavor 1mm Ihe residents around chiefly because the bridge was raised to height to permit mm to pass under and it was felt that Ihls mada it dangerous The permission in build and supply malarial for uaragu for mu iownship machine in the dump was allocated to Beaver Lumber at price at $937 plus $100 or Insulslian Councillor Sawyer was instructed In make arrangements in gel lhe work done as soon as pmsibie It was suggested that the as saclnllanprovlde manwho would be on duty and arranga menls made to provlde cup and shirt police clalhlng by he pallce cammLulon as tunds or paying spnclal police am not available the commlsslanl These arrhngnmcnls are to £114 ply to tumor mm mus GETS CONTRACT bags that mag nlusnva nfafl spemesnu an Ekberg Anita Exberg TODAY ONLY AIRCONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT STARTS BOB HOPE Anita Exberg STARTS TODAY In Color Evnnlngl at 700 Ind 9500 communique issued by the royal palace said the king had asked Prime Minister Then De vevre to continue Io try to ind solution In the present diiiig culties Thu Socialist rejected Calh ollc proposal to Iransfar th mmmunus mm Flemish In blllngunl FrenchFlcmlsh ud mlnlstratlan BRUSSELS Reuters Klnz Baudouln loday refused to aa rep Ihg resignation of Bel glumu coalition government rndertd Tuesday following 5le over he countryu lan Znaga prnblcm The coalition partners split over the linguistic problem that arose aver integration of six communes ouuide Brussels inio line Brussels city ndminlgua ton SHANTY BAY Wonjt Acdelit ReSignationi mimwmmmnnw PWDRI nmmmni mmmllflï¬hl DR N0 ml THURS FRI SAT WHUSGMTHEAGTIOI THURSDAY lehwu 11 ll Gulhrla Plul ON THE FIDDLE Adult Wm DRIVEIll Color Kirk Dough tnuui TONIGHT ONLY THE VIKINGS Hana bags that mag nhswo nfafl spemes an Ekberg MARIE Mlth HTHW FRUIT GRAPE ORANGE TOMATO DOG FOOD AllENS DRINK CLOVER LEAP HOCKEY SALMON BIG CEREALS TULIP COLOURED IVELC FROZEN GRAPE JUICE MARGARINE IDA BARBECUE IGA ATSUP ROMI SlMilllITTI CIIHKIUOS TWINK wnmnm MACARONI lIGHTER FLUID YOUNGS IGA MARKET MARKET SQUARE IGA FOODllNER WORSLEY MULCASTER STROUD ONTARIO CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER ESSA ROAD BANANAS PEACHES 41 Thu 3i Ilzo Iln IMI PHI Idol Tlnl IIII llh Pk 1101 Baum IML Tln $13 39c 85c 37c 33c 29c 43c CIGARETTES 55c 39c All POPULAR BRANDS 33c SOUYH AFRICAN IDEAL FOR PICNIC Ibl 29c GREEN PEPPERSUéiiAéEf tor29c AT THESE MARKETS ONLY FRESH CARROTSUSESPAJ SIIE TI mmm CTN OF 100 DUI Frym 0n From an Sunny South OT BOX GRADE Eunchu 095 27c 51