Only Token Advances Made Ta Assist Canadian Indians mm mm Imuum mum um INNIHI WALLI IIIII IIHM ILAmnL GumI mumImmu lulu llllal mum Immh human cumnu nm nanny1m 10 um nu mum wth um um mun mun ym um my mm mm 1m Ia mum uum mun doem llnnl Wm IN Cluldlm DI invle MIN Imlhllfll Clnldlhl lltu IM my Mum nun II Flnnnclal Post The Buy Canadian campaign is mild Indeed compared with Ihn verslon they va at In Irnn There recent govern men decrco hans Import unlo poms lon Ind smoking foreign clgnrollcl Smnkm must swllch to brand manulao lured by the Halo lobaccn monopoly or law arrest Ind proseculmn An lncrcaning number of employers arn roIecan ago rnslrlctlnns on lho gram lhnl many mlddlcnucd Ind eld erly workcrn not only have valuable and needed nklllu and nxparluncn but are In While wo in Canada talk amueg about our swelled racial lndiscrlmlnnllon and condemn South Africa and tho southern States there is problem that seems to keep gettln overlooked or he put aslde as unpalata lo At recent meeting in Toronto of the heads of the regional conferences or the United Church of Canada three of the 11 ministers revealed strong concern for Canadas raKidly growing Indian po lation whic without industrial ski is is moving into the cities and failing prey to the worst in urban life No doubt there are many heads of other churches who are concerned with this problem and condemn the holier than thou attitude adopted by some members TREND IN BARRIERS Journal of Commerce Weekly Recent nludlu cmploymenl pm lcrl In ho United 5mm wages that tho harncra ngalnsl older job scckm no he glnning to break down Racial difficulties éxperlcnced by our native Indians do not make the head llncs very often but there are tragic conditions existing nevertheless There Speaking to the Canadian Welfaru Council Dr Taylor also said that 7000 000 Canadian failed to finish high school whlch causes the Vancouver Sun to polnt out that This is terrible 1n dlclmont of the entire nation and It goes on to say We are living In time when busl um and Industry are demandln higher thanever qunllflcntlom from gobseek era Dr Taylor em haslzed this when he said that the min mum required it one great Camdlan auto plant for the hum Barrie Examiner June 28 1923 David Henry Harry Coleman Reeve of mm ill and resident of Cooksiown appointed Treasurer for the County of Simcoe Thomas Bencroii chairman oi ihe board resided for raduaiion oi seven nurses rom Royal uioria Hospital George llicConke installed as Will of Kerr lilasqnlc Gilbert Lee 10 nui cred injuries taken to hospital after being struck by car on Essa Road aitcr umping from coal wagon John Hep urn CNN irackman autiered fractur ed xkuii when thrOWn oi jigger near Eimvain on AliandalePenetang line County Council granted $5000 to iiius kokn Sanitarium for consumptives Barrio Citizens Band concert in Queens Park conducted by Boyd Sylvester fea tured comet solo by Vivian Simmons At New Dreamland Theatre Gcor Ar iiss in Disraeli Barrie Kwanis club members constructed two bathing houses tn and afternoon Team led by Dr Bill Lewis vicepresident had its building up first ntBayIieid whari beat It is an amazing statement that more than 200000 adult Canadians have never been to school but it was soberly made in Ottawa recently by the rlnclpal the Calgary section of the nlverslty at Alberta Dr Malcolm Taylor 40 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE NonEducation In Canada SMOKE IRANIAN OR ELSE The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher flarrié Exath Published by Canadian Newspapauumted 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE sher Brian Slnight General Manager WEDNESDAY JULY 1m Mum The rcpnrl also look cognizance of the he that he coal or many brand nnmn drugl In lnllnlul the same drugs balm cheaper available by genetic rather lhln brlnd nimo In mcmmro of relief or lhmu ualng Imus Iluanlmun of costly dnl It recum mondn Um lhny be made lainbl In chrnnlc And Needy pnlloulu through conlrnl mallordcr oullct ll reduced coal Much of lho Ilnnnclal Immrd nl lllnm has Mom And In lwlnul rodurcd lllruugll lirallll lmurnnle pm ram lml cw guard walnut lhn lrnln wally drugs are here Is uhvlnlu need or name protec lltm 11m recommended onllel would no dnuhl remove the prom from lhn lulo of drug lllll aljcul rmluco lho burdun CUTTING DRUO PRICES llclwnerWnlcrloo Record The report of tho Ontario leglnlnluron relocl cmnmllloo on drug costr Iablcd on lho final day Hm recent reunion has our remmmolulnunn which lhOllld oIrn gunoral support Not too long ago government inter vention to remove glaring inequalities suffered by indian citizens was promis ed but little was actually done Espec ially in the western provinces oniytok on advances have been made toward re storing lost rights of the Indians it is claimed that any Indian who has at tempted to make his way in the white mans world has found promising words but hard to follow if we truly pppose racial discrimination in Canada we should see that positive action is taken to elevate the lndian from second class status to citizenship uallty which is his right and what he eserves The US Department of Labor in 1056 stud of job openings in tlvo cities tound thn er cent carrlnd upper ago llmILL whllo or cont total oponlnxa actually Itlpuln ed applicants under 45 Thu latest such study shows ml 30 per cent at opening In the mm lies car rled maxmum ago llmlts those npcclty tng Ippllcnnla under 45 had declined 26 pogccnlt of thy tnlal Tho lncrcaamgly rapid ralo whlch the proportion older workers In the labor forco In mm In 0an one rcnmn why the ml of us muld ah to encour age them are three Indian reserves located in three different directions within miie radius of Barrie an instance They are considered to have equality in Vedu cation employment ortunity and standard of living but they In the latter context consider Dr Taylors 200000 totally uneducated Can Inns Nn one of them is able to hold down the lowest position known to the auto in dustryor to hundred other plants How many or these 200000 will he supported by relief For how long At what cost blo job of emznd boy L1 junior mntrle ulation Soon like it or not the racing tech nology of the midIwentteth Century will force us to turn more of our atten tion to the dreadtul cost of not educat In people Allandale YMCA 80 The huge sea lane from Camp Borden which has been erthed at the not of Hayfield St in Barrie for some weeks was slightly dam aged on trial run but was re aired and took all for Winnipeg ommunlty saddened by death oi Dunsmore fatally injured when struck by auto on Yeneinng lload while returning home from church at Crown Hill in pro vinclal election Conservatives returned to ower in landslide taking 76 seats to for Liberals and 15 for lion Drurys UFO party They swept all four Slmeoe ridings Earl llowo South Edgar Jamieson West Charles Wright Cen ire William Finlayson East lion lie ward Ferguson succeeded lilr Drury as Premier oi Ontario so more llkclf to my with the company that M91951 es youngwoflgcrg Canadians have too long been almost exclusively concerned about the costhf educalion in President George Hubbards team at Al andale wharf Dei hton Emms pit ched Joe Mllnes Barrie aseball team to 144 wln over Cookslawn Ivyu crack oungstcr south aw Herman Jennett lowed only one It and fanned 16 in beating Boston In town iea ue baseball Qgpicg yang 0ng the lea by heating llrnrly nlwlluunn la und lmuru In wmld In IIIch Innth an human And In tired mmlm ll my um an Inn and VIM Invlolllu mumm ll rum WI mp Ind In In In In um 7n Innm uh ll 30 ml ha mum Iklll Ind Ird work of Imwrlunhle Sllnley Knowles Inmch lha Inw aran lnlcllcd Ind hullvoiced nrclum ol Doui lhhcr 12 Pm Arthur lhl Immema knowledu Ind Imooh dcbunklnl or IHVH ongucd Cnlln Cameron NI nnimo Thll vultd qunnel given grin and nut by PM llnmcnll rendlcu wll Bm Horrldxo Squim of the Kmlcnuyl who mukl penc lrnllnl mind behind MI twin qulp Il wnl Douala Fllhrr who ln lllnlrd he rmhnrmumcnl Flnnnco Mlnlllur Waller aor dnn by irlnu llua llrnl Anlvn Mylrh nrmldrd tho Mlnllurn Itlmlulnn llml ho had bnmlhl Um hrmlliuml nullldrn IMo lhu nmhunlcd any arm vnrmr he budnt Tummy Multan nml Hlnnloy Knvwkl hp up dnlly lmrrnns mch Um In makrn lhu pm the nrrmmrnll Inlncluf Ix pm Am ll WM Colin Clmcmn wlm llnnlly Ml Ilfll tn lm whan lmmcll whey wllh In Innl crlllully penelrIlA Inn wmh lhc tlelmlr By PATRICK NICHOLSON The cut and thrust ll tho clicha mutually but lnappm primon applied debau In an Hausa ol Commons Bu cut nnd thnm eon Lurcs up exactly that swonhnd looq mmad quesyon ex10d It has hlsisowfne ina em Ilvgnedlmo dylrpl lnnhpsl early day the new Parllm mam Gum are the dullwdxad cut and ruhbcMEfped lhrusl which had deadene Parliament or many Vyem The new ntrhnldsbmed pmh bug or thumb and the whale hum In quesflon period has been spearheaded by the unal lml group In the House of Com mons the member group new Democrat They have ihown that quality In Parlln men does not dcpcnd upon Quantity Falklrk He has mommy nlludc Tommy noun Ind hll our ornlnrlcnl lorcndorl are backed ur by bench Iquad which um has Ipnrklrd man dul xlngly Hum lhu mmu my thr puny In lhll uulm It Incluch parllnmenllry wrlcllto mold Wlnch Vnn Thgjlurnl hulnzunlllxm of Murdn Mndln lho dnurdneu hunk Haw nld Skanu he buln nl Andr Iluwln lTurnnln Mld Hm dl Inmcn llnrry Mnlher New Vrumlmlm FALLT0 7M CONFLICT um mu my lmparllnl TUE FIVE TOREADOM Ho minim upwind by wellmver3l ay lnl BIBLE THOUGHT OTTAWA REPORT TCut And Thrust Applied To Debate RUSSIAN we MNMms MANJN om sums FM Mimum nu SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW chlnxrln lhn mung manna men of lhla new Putlumen whlnh ha lmmeuurnbly helpud the New DemonLs In Move their mined sum as Her anym EIlecllve 015ml on In the lust Pullman the II NDP member were Jetted on In Govzmmenl lid of 1M chamber on Ihc speakers rllht down the Ir end beyond the wall Conurvnlve navalum puny me HIM poniLlon lhelr Elation wen 1n uve elr speech loo mm in curry Hm ll LI hard lo do battlowilh ministers when you are Iddm ninz the back flu headl Colin Cameron uphlned Io me But now in thin new Parm men the 129 member Llh crnl Party ll llmu envugn lo llll lln wholl iovernmenk ndn or the Immcdme Ian Ihu Spenker men the Soclul Cranium Ind out in tar left helm but nevenhllcsa min the rmnulen no lhe 17 New Dcmocrnll Man or man In their new poslllnn of direct mnlwnllllun they are mm themselm to bc lhn man cllecllvo mun In oppmlllou ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS Electricity is Safe Clun Flamolm i5 BAYFIELD STREET Matchless Electric Water Heating IIIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION is proven to be over Oflm mathodl may only In at much 65 oflleltnt THAT WAS SPEED LONDON CPIThe Anodi Mon of Pioneer Momrcyclllu hrld lls annual mulan ccnlly Member mull hold licence luucd before 1901 Rt calllnn Hrs muchlne 75 yearold Ml IIIII uld You could 12 mllu In hour out It on lhu AL tonne Ln ma um In 11mm By THE CANADIAN PRESS July ms 11 city of Quebec wu loundnd by French or plum Sinml Chim plain 55 run an why In moonu um Ioultmem In New France it wu then morn lhln cznlury Ilncl Columbul hld ruched Amerlu For number of year um in founding Quabec nnly llldlnl Qulbec wu an lrldln ran Nichzd on by per on route Twenb yurl alter the laundlnl ol Qua bet had hardly mm mm 100 Inhnblllnu Ind Icmely le llmlllu who davmd lhemulvu lo IInnlnl xmm Unllad ï¬llies fleet deitroyud he Spanuh nut In lha mm 61nd no ImFlre ll Coblll 0m Inn 2000 lha 9000 mlv dull homelm TODAY IN HISTORY mn Flamolnn And Moro Efflclont tool FOR FULL DITAILS CALL THI OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS ONLY Xndcpnndant aumyl prove but more wnter can hutod ll lower cost with an rate elaclrlc wnlcr hcaung than my other way Y6U CAN USE OVER 200 am The um volume hosted by Inolher method tnuld ml over 91300 per month rm MONTH TO Hm IT 10m MOLNZB le Dear Dr Molnar 41 my mother ll bollnnl to dim Illnl rheumn Iflhrflil 1mm which human tub and mp1 Cmgnytglnl b0 mu Often mu gm an II mm ha lure that Ml II rheu mnwld mnrlul Ind not nmo other form MM lmubll much onwmhrim only uglfllll 919 in mm Cu Ill hi 0pr but or 11ml pm Appropfl mu sedimen mm me blood Icld mn In necemry or mm llmm Iud or keep an It curm ohnmtlon of unprr ITS my not Rheumtold mhfllll II likely to be sevsre Ind sudden In 11 met nlher thin wmahllll Lhal megs up Ilowly II II painful while In original attack in prome and It In leava lo vurylnl reel In mer mllh 01 Ill dolormed loinu Do not comm with omn lflhlml which mim thin b0 Inx In mm 11 In lonx slow mom wm Ind leu Sam cam cl rhwmmld Ir 11mm um themulmand whntevor rumour hippexu lo In uu nu thu and Allin mm ï¬ve to 10 per cam elm dely Ollme And pm 51 will much 616E lb now than It wu mm Thé marl outlook for rheu muold arthran Ind cum Th nm mp II to keep tho pllllnl cum wd cheerlul Aulludo Ind uno lIuIII IIle ma dell to do with Amen MOI GOOD 3251111 Adequm ind nulrfllon In neceuuryno spacial am but wul Minced om UPMWA CF total all or the lun rm hlnamem which will occur In anndu snurdlllJuly nwu am maxdad II ponenl at lama mun0pm then In ht llll mankind Balm nun undentood whu wu mlnr plus 111 Iplcn common nlurprzuuou of tho IVEM wu Ihnl wmt 1mm monikerluck drum had Iwnllawod the um lhll ldn wu prmnted pub II In rm unlu map whch showed num 1an to occur durlnu um yam In 1650 They won partlll Illd om ecllpmwhlch would ha um In Rome when thl mnp wu publhhed Knowlcdmblo lclmllnla ll parlod nl history Ind wmo xnlelleclul underllood um In cllpse was ruled by the moon passing directly btlwern lhc um Ind lht urlh no but the moons Ihldow cut upon lhe eurlh the Ivmn person In ulnllllon pcrlod Ho yet convlnced Ihll um Celestial Monsters Were Blamed For Eclipses In Middle Ages Eats Five Pounds Honey Month 90 EFFICIENT Hut ha And mln excr clm ken loin Ilmhn 11 Manuel dont mean hard orcxcolllvo examine whlch pcclllly In UM ICNVO phm rheumuold Iflhfllh will do more harm ullll ma Thu on 10 km the Mm mo I1 Ind Iblo to move to the lull men In my direction but not to lnfllmu them by omunn dsvgmlnunn 5911I phnn ta Iy one 1me to gidqrgmy llm Inplrln or dmva tlml lam dowel umln tho maimed medicHomSmoldl carillon etc my My but compilation risk All El 1615 hi Illmlnued peclllly In tho ugh medication Ihmild of coum under phyllclmn dlmuon Dw Dr Molum My lllhor II dyln of lung cmcer Whit gum or mud uku you amako I109 You cant do much lboul Ilr llullan but you can up am In mum you hav In Imlller chmcc oi lunl cunch than mu hu Hm chm may one your or twice year it you much Ind youVI done whit you an to detect an pmhlem Dm nr Molum My hllF bind ml flvc pound honey math loll nl 1m Ind In In qur In hh coll Can trhllrlud to dlMeIrMn mud 11k qqu and tooth Howfl hi welsh Elt in honey or mm In mod and doom lend In dilbcm bu corpulancc do Soml people at live ponndl cmdy month they on excel was any cut down IIRAGON 0N MAP Idsnlllu wm right but mun In hlva douhll emu momma mmad Allmnomun benevn hut lhn mlp III In Iltampl by 11m century mm to draw public Illenllon to tho ulcnlfll ID ï¬mlch lid dhcredll lupeml on Tho mlp IhDWI lhn we drum called Icrou Iky Each ol flu told ol th drm 911 body represent the yarn In the nu century between 1515 Ind 1550 nu 1an th udlnc nix on on lid of the mlp Ind all on the other show U1 mnslel Iatlon whlch each eclipse or turn denouu month of ocv WITCH he drunnl body occurred 1mm JInLlIlY In July Ind thll Khan on tho took yllco mm July to Dmmbar Allmnomen uy lhl mlp ll wmewhal Musing Ind innc cumm owevu ll appuu that Ule cell In flown on the rhl and de olhe old of 61m GALLON