WE II III hr wnml muV nlnmll mrclinl lnhurr In lull Mnmlnyn lhlrrwny mm mom lrwlnml mm In hlslmy lhal AMI llnhlml Inrlllnd Inlmrr In comb Inu ll wllll Tnny Itma lull nu aMnu mum mm Idldnl ham my qualml mm mm Palmer me pllyufl hr Inld an Im umm lu pm cnnlnranu Ihml All his Imlrul llum mu up all It in ml Ar lllml unnlml rm ur rlvexl hm Tuudny Mall on II Mama andin npm Illnnwlnmlnp TORONTO CMFor rar or men now vrmm Anltllcnn lo nrnfmlnnnh mulhly wuh lnnuuu In rhuk have hrrn lay lnl Illnl Hu llll l1vrrrArnuhl Illmrr ladx Nlrhlnux nnll Fury llnyrr Mn Mu Any nUIm They rnn he Ilcnlrn lllwmmer In duh II Tmumy Aamn xumlnnluml chap mm inlnmmo Flu who Inul the hll lime In 100 Irpl with In Hm Uh Army In Mu wnn newly 50 Whln lwo lull yuan an the Hr cu ANGUS Slnll Mllslon and Edcnvnlc Itnms lnnpcd lh cnm potlllnn In the Kllll nnd mtnl unlor xuflbafl oumnmcnll here In the hullday werknnd prolrnm wonmred by Ihe 119an Can ndlnn Luian Brunch Nu md hr Lian Club There no comm In the Junior divlsinn Ilnca lha Allqu turn will lha only am 01 Ill Inland In an my The Quest case of pitcher ever suffering arm trouble was the great Negro pitcher Satchel Paige One of the greatest baseball lingers oi all time Paige develoï¬ed arm trouble so bad that he couldnt throw from mound to the plate at any speed It struck him suddenly and after months of trying to work the arm loose it came back just as suddenly in pro game loosening up session you ever get chance to read his book grab it Its one of the finest sports stories Ive ever read DIDNT INTEND to go lnlo such detall on burned out pitchers but Its an excuse that hasnt impressed me at any time As said it happens but not to tha extent were led to believe ilrn lhi ihimylohlnd gunned II Illm lhe mull inhu lnltd by Km Bullu rhnirmnn 01 ha boy and girl mmmilm ol lhn Ilinnl Club Glrll mn Lnll Sunday meran Anxxu Back to Boyd Right now he has to he cunsldcred the top pitcher in the senior clrcult Hes been con aislent and with his bat posing another threat its double trouble Tonight at Queens Park two games are on tap in the senior league Elmvale nnd Stewarts clash In the ï¬rst me while Truclove Heating and Barrie Plaza meet the second Should be plenty action in these two contests Baseball like any sport ls game of Inches hlt through an infielder line drive just by an nul stretched glove so much can happen to send pllcher headlng for the showers Five ExChamps In Open Tourney Salch went on for many years without suffering the miseries as he called his arm problem again THIS SORE ARM business is the most overwork ed excuse in pitching When pitcher isnt going well hes suddenly developed arm trouble It hap pens but not as much as pitchers claim No one wants to surrender to inadequacy pitchers dont want to believe theyre losing their stuff and thus the arm problem Take Top Honors In Tournaments Boyd burn himself out Hes healthier than some of the horses runnlng at Wondblne Hes young strong and certainly the phrase cant be applied to softball itcher with the same meanlng as to base ball hut er course every time pitcher is going to the hill often and enjoying the highest success someone al ways comes up with Hes going to burn himself out Its more wishful thinking than anything else es ec iaily when it comes from member of another ub The statement was made to this corner yesterday othér fou victories BOYD FREELY edmits that Don Dykstra pitching ace of Truelove Heating gave him more tips on pitch ing than anyone else They are great friends and kid each other every time they meet But Don must be wondering if he didnt get too helpful with Butch Boyd ls not only pltchlng brilliantly heseudi denly galned conï¬dence at the plate and hes gettin good wood on the ball If he continues Stewarts wl have the best hllllng pltchers In the league Bo and Jlm Armstrong Al Smllh and Leo Belcourt are he hit 1111 pltchers alsa but Stewarts look like the team to eat at this stage of the schedule Stewarts got off to bad start but alter winning go sofgbgllItourngmentaIIquey they started toAroll They Icked up four stfélght winEJihéhï¬Ã©ï¬paï¬ othlerl oumey over the weekend at Elmvale th thgee Butch Boyd the strong righthander with Stewart Garage of the Senior Softball League is enjoying his best season ever and thats had new for the rest of the circuit HIE Almle EXAMINE WE ESDM MY In SPORT FAT AGLANCE Boyd Enipying Finest Season fun nmmun All VIIVN MIR thwk and III haun lu bulb of Tulnnlo Th Anndlln conllnltnl In I11 Mound Al Ilnldlnl mum Knudym AM Than mn Town and Ma mum Val Mulln Que ml Juhmlvm Mnnlull nuy llm 7mm Ihl Aunmllun mm llvlnl In hm lmnk uh mm In um 51 mlu Ilayrr rmxlonn um um Dnul rum Tum nNwmm NY Im llamplun All 111 Jr lnnmn Mlnnr Ill 1900 Iillfhnldfl nntl Km In Iha lnw The mum Iomm II cmvler wuum wlm nlxluh n1 IMH 71 drum Fhe lnrmer thumplnm In llv 1th Illl H1 pml lnclmlm lrlcndlnl tllnmplnn Trtl Xlnll 11 anl lynudcnlulc FM unul nine Amnwn lnr Ilu npnllng IN all HI mnmlnx nrr Nrulmm rnwm PM Is Muir If holu lily llrld II cu nm nu 111m punl up Ihlu lnumnmrnl In nor lhl um Iul 0pcn In one Iht la Mn lhr 714on nun Ihnl Iny 1i Ulapll Creemmo mmmuw And Allhlon Crtcmou Mllsmn won the Hull uniml Anguu In the mtn uan lollhzll mmpcmlon ennla downed Anna In he llnll Wlnnhll lcnml In both xlrls Ind mml mnmls received our bntbnll bnu ll prlm while mund plnre linlshera at three ball but per gum 5mm In mznn nnlnr pl worn Hdtnvnle 12 limit Sum Anna 13 Grtnrtl Ind IIdrnvnlo ll Ftrnvll By RICK FRASER nnlnr play Hurrle No Grtqrdj Me In mom wlllu wumn mm nle cuualllel In Ilw mm luv mam slmr mm by Dvwnlnl Mrer In lhm clllnr hm lo mun ml um Thu lnyurnld Mnnhead lml IIII null bld on Fred Whll lltldl hmlhnp Ilnll hull nll he dmlh Innlnx lvul ImuuM Ilnl lion hume our Jutland Indlnlu nl Twlun munl lhrlr ï¬ghlh wln 1n row whlmulnz munll TI lm 74 Inhlnd lho hoxM nm liquor Hal Allltnn lml Jim Hall The vlmry nhnvrd Irrlk lnu Mlnnmu Inln ucnud vimr Ihm mm Imhlnd New Yan and mu hull mm mm Thh C010 In nlhcr mun ml AI Hmilhl hlllln ltd nulllmnre Oxlnlu our Amnlu Aw rln 41 ml anhlnuun Smu lnu Irnnlt Dnnlrll lilllll 1le mum mm In All dm mar Klnm ï¬ly Mhmlu 71 mm llznnnnr Duunlng nllnwed only hmlnrtnn IIHKXI up Ill middle by Cnmllu Cnrreon wIIII Ina nut In lhe month InnInx In pllrh In IIIo Rumruin Yunkm lo Ihrfl III Mrulgm Maury 30 Irlumph nvrr hIrnlo WhIlc But Mlnnrnull Twlns Ilutd hallln mlIICIL krrp lhelr drive In In llw Ammcnn uuuoTuwlny Mnhlt leballlnu ynung Al Downlnl Ilrtd Nrw York Ylnktu nlnnl will nprkllnu nnehll pllchlnu rm and let and right hnndrr DIM Mortlmd pullrd mum Illd Snx out or lpln with lwnhlllrr an rdnl anly er urnml vlclmy In mm um um war wllh Whlln SM and In ht worm ochm1 my 1an Ihn had Illul nl like union1y Tun Kulwk nlnilwl acnm Ilw llul Yankee run In lholhlnl ind KID IA Tim lrlumph moved Ihe nodx out mm by onehull game am he Cardlnnls wilh the Dy JIM IIACKLEMAN Amclllrd Im 5pm erler hinrichnl stmnx Irmod righthand who earlier lhis season pitched ntyhilter bat tind our hour and in minute with anes starter Warren Spahn leflhander Then iliio Mays hit one out of Can dlcslick Park with who out in the last the 16m ending one of hasuhalil neaizst pilchlnl ducln The slmgglo stain the NI lionai League spotlight from La Angela Dodzm who look over lint place ham Leah hy bcnllnx he Cardinal on Don Dmdalel Iivthll pitching and Ron Fairiyn ninrscorinl mule Exactly Years or Clrl hurled the Giants to 10 Il Inning numph over 5L Loull Juan Mnrichnl almost dupli cnled history In San Francisco ln winning vidnry aver Mll nnukfo Bravcs Tugsday night And the record books show thal the I933 Glam went on 1mm Ihcru to caplura he pen hunt behind Hubbclln conslslenl pitching mmntly San Fran cllsco just lame out of 1m ac By MIKE lunar Aubnmed Pm Sports Writer the Ghmls keep on cele brallng mdr lmuvemrle failhlully they did hindy nlghl you can mark them down rflla National League pen nant DoWning Hurls lHit Shutout For Yankees Ted Kroll 2yearold defen ding champion Irom For Lau derdale Flt thothtu but Ills tongue during promos round yesterday or the 1963 Spqhn Loses 16Inning Duel To Marichal 10 LETS SAY BROKE 100 5mm Ihfl plum Inuml Inn mllllrlvlwr rml Mm line In hr llul mm Inl mmhr Ilnulod Ind uoud In lhe muud lulu homl In the mini and mm In Ulirnduldlnl run In In IMUIUL Alllmn ml hll homrr Intl lo luluI Nah III 70 flIIlIKHlII ullh an an In lhr Unlnl TMM lnnhr lo II lmiI aml Ilnll Mlml 410 Inn II Im In III IIIIII ma sllzmnn lhe nin nn rim Iulp ln Ihl nlnlh mm milk lvnnl rrllrur nlll mun Ind Ilnl rqul In low 11 nnly nlhrr Mun hurl um lurlnfl Immrr In nlnlh My John umM jun mlnrcd In Ilu nrllra Ilnl lllfr mm nul Ira mu wllh Ixrnv km hund Sinulu hy Murrhml Iml flrhilllu me In IN nmlnn nml nlt lnwr llnny Lalmnn In llu mum nml rd Nix luI our man In Ihlh In null Irlulrul by Lu Cllnumu hnmrn Lon rnun llnl vklnvy mm nmr our IIIVIM hum II New Tank ptrlul llml lnlnl at Cleveland unlll Tun Funconl wnlkul wiIh Iwn out lb rxllh and nnmller In lhe um mu Vhlmahl lrd nl he Izhlh wlm amumlcr hll ulnncml thhll mrr mom hucmnn uck Schll llnln lump or ï¬nale Agalnnlwmu sox he yearold noulhpnw walked bu Ilruck on Io our declnlnm nine belnx ro mnltd mm the mlnorl nur wukl nun held the mppnlillnn Mllm through le Innlmu nr Hue mond Ilrulxhl Hm and he mm ngulnu Bostnn hm Frldny In mum he Icored the yin run In the Icvcnlh In ning allInn Um Coll on run produrlng double hy Vada PlnA son who Ian In 20 night flames Cnloman um name In ugh wilh MI key lnzle Spahn 1H ad pic ed 27 conseculivu sunelm inuinz going inlo lha mil also ind li iowed only eight hits and ind struck out two whiia inning only one walkan inienlionai pm Maya iia not the in out lhen May hit line ï¬rst piich lo him over Iha ieil iicid iencc FnIer go Dryadnle 109 he run ha nccded in the seventh alter Frank Howard dulled nnd ruched second on Bill Sknwnml lnmld out 171 lull Sig rcmrdrll 74 Marlchal bringing his rzmrd lo wlth bl ninth unalihl victory scattered elghl hits and struck out 10 May saved him In he fourth Inning with rule throw mm center field Ihat cut down Norm Lat1m ll ha pllla he tried to More ram and an Del Cranda nnln thirdplace Glam another one hall game back Fourthplace Cincinilnll crept Lo within its mu he opu Gordy Cole manl Ilabreakan tworun sin nle carried the Reds to degslonugvmj Housinn GIRL Tho lflhpln downed New York Mel Ind PilLshunzh Pirate edged Phlla delphlu Phlllle 394mm EIGIIT mm Canadian gull louml menl After pracliu mund Km was jovial but serloux about he game hes been phy lng recently an Iai broke 100 In that mund My he 11 Frank NIH luuml tip In uaum with man on Emmi Ilw leerenu Um mnnln Mn le lull Illndtd Iho llllhmund Iulnlm mlr wryrun ImIrhnnm by Sam mun And nmlhrr Ivy Jr Mlnlwlll allied he llmlluv lrr llrd Inn In belr lrl umph mrr jhe Hymrun 1M1 Hum rum Ire wlnnlnx lol mum In In Inlrmnflnnnl Luxuu Ihm day and hlr dayu nrllun wu no rxrrphnn 111m hnmnr inrlm Man numbmy lrnmlnlnm Hm pawrrrd llu ulrnln III mm In vlclory mrr Hu Avkmnnl Tun1m Aml rndml umyum loll Ilrrak ur hr lltrd fly THE ARSOCMTED Ill hmlxlnl hll rIuhI lulu In 1er hm calllslnn wiIh AnchI Instr InuI Fund In Ihl Iounh non Iuwell mm In Ihc Melina mu Inullnl pllch oII III rlghl Ankle In lhl leIII and VIII Ilno mmly spulmd hl mm mkIn In an uulIIrId IIIIL Dick lInIl rrnluud Barber ml Wfll lhl wlnnInl pilrIur Dexpxln his ion Cooper he British and Empire heavy wclzhl thampinn wu bonsicd in ma heavyweight ratings from elzhlh lo menih Clay re mulnrd 1h No conlendcr be hind inrmcr heavywcizhi chum pinn Floyd lhlltrsan Bab Cie ranx ol hionlmi wu ranked eighth NEW YORK AP Unde lealed Caulus Clny who flopped Englands Henry CM per in he Ilflh round he had Indium was named Fixhler lug Month lodny by fling mignlmt Homers Decide Winners The Cubs uploiiui lhmw In error by Mel pilcher Al chkwn scored three un earned mns in iha Iemnd in ning and held on behind In six hlt hurilng oi Bah Buhl Jackson threw Buhll bunt away In the second after Andra Rodz er had ingled Th9 Pirate scarcd what mved to be the winning run tht Iixlh inning when Ro berto Clemente doubled harm Bill Vlrdon Rellcvm Humy iiaddix Ind Al McEcan hen cut oil Ill eighih lnninl rally by In Phillles io presents Iha triumph for Vern Law za Dallas Green wan the laser wlnnlnx or Boh Imkey HI Don McMahon 03 we the 10m Cassius Is Named fighter Month phom chlpplnx ha been bad He an of with 155 other Rollers in he ï¬rst round 01 play anonlo suburban Scarbom Club Ioday CP Wire 25 RATE REDUCTION FOR REMAINDER OF SEASON APPLY CLERKS OFFICE BARRII BOAT SllPS FOR RENT AT THE MUNICIPAL MARINA Ann and mum heal her In llnI Wlihlmln Cup In Clvlcun In IWI She Imurkrd mo mu ll Wlmblnhm lul Mar um my lum to win llfll Tn rrnrh mnllnnnh NI Jun ml lo knock nul Iwn hnl Invorllcl lnr Hm Vlmhlrdnn mum Inlay Turner nl Inn Ill twin No ml up Imr thumplan MIMI mm flux mdml Na 11m Am lun ml Mm nnmwlnl Aml turn IN ll Ih nmxl Immnnnl mum my HM II Jrnn mld uh polhhed hnr wululel lllï¬AT rMnnn It Tho lDyrnrnhi player from Lon llrndl CHIL mull mu Ian wmmmun Cup Illl Arm llnydun Janu In lho Icmlvllnnll Thumluy WHIRLHDON Illnd MP nIIIIo Jun mum wim two vlo lurlu undrr her bell brlctd hmel lmlny or lhird Inn llllln runyl lhnl would like her lnln Hm linqu llmlu at ulmbledun Ion n1 chlmplnn IMP or llnl Mme Wayne Russell pikth the vlc lory giving up eight hlts three of hem In the final inninz Dick Forbes slarlcd or Jay cm but was shelled oul In the Dllrd and John Mnnl cam on ï¬nish Ihe comm Zellke and Drama counted or over hall or Smilhx nlne hlls Ickan up three each Zeilka ï¬nd two Ilnglc Ind doubla whllo Jaycees picked up single run In the lamb and ï¬fth Smllha rounded out their total with run In the slxlh and three runs by Jaycccs 1n the Icvenlh fln Ixhed Ihe Icorlnx Smiths took lead In lhu first lnnlnl and alter Jaycces halved Iha margin In the top thn um Smllhs brnkc loos lar their barrage in the bottom hall of tha lrnme Smllhl Dnlry exploded or 10 runs In the lhlrd lnnlnz and IF ed IN vlclnry over Barrio Jnycm Ins nlght at Shear Park In an Intermediate Softball Lea gue lame Doug annl Ian Toronto chnckl over hll number so flock car with NI pl cuw ll Vair compeled 1n the Elm vale softball tournament on the weekend and was nothan less than lensntlunnl when he pitch ed club In two vlclorlu Ind started third contesL tlve run ninth Innlnl pull ed lho vldory out for Plan In night They were down en lerlnx the Hun tame but bang td out four Mix Edznrl Rnlph Knapp and thls comhln ed with walk And two Edznr error ave Plnu the declllan Shortalop Donn Glynn wu lower of menzlh for Edznr Ha picde up three oi his clubl men mu twn doubles And Rlnhï¬hnnder Jack anr ahnwed to sign hm weekend on the pllchlnz mound when he hurled Barrie Plan In In Senior Sonblll Leuue vlclory ovu RCAF Edgar In night It Edllr American Girls Hit SemiFinals Javcees Crushed By Dairy Squad Plaza Rallies In 9th To Defeat Edgar 836 FINAL CHECK BEFORE RACE In Him louml hem In lhr mllulu Ilrr ulnnlnl an lulu Iler nmuunrm Jun 1mm ol Amlulln lwlmd hrr nklc haul and Ill cmled of IM mun Ill wen Io hm Hll In In mlmlnm Mlu Ind vum In at Ind mu lrnlllnl In the mom whrn lhe mixan happen It Euuld Vb anIIVIAmtmln HAL In other mlMI nmlona llnnl um Long urn hch In Home In Smlth lull oncrnllllï¬l hold In my Illllln Jun Sh unlnl In Mali um Inan unuld hm hmuxh mer nr 1m Tumlny lhl crulml In 751unrlcrrllnnll Im over rnlhcliully of lnrm Mm lnrm The unulllnn III had mm he Wlmhlrdun IIUI In 1m ml mo ullh ml lllhllnl Vlmhlednn hm If qun uxrd lo mln Nllla Jun In Ic liDIL 11m yenr Ill upul my mdrd Mmml smllh ol mm lulil In he In round Terry Hodzson plcied up flu Mn or Crflzhuul hm Road scared 1210 vic Iary aver Chrlsuln Rtlormed Ilh Don MnFadden galnlnl ha and Al Humnan taking the Cralzhum swlmped Centrll Unlled 255 In the other mnlul The winner clouted 16 hill gr CentInl Unllcq gltqherl Thu games llaltd 1n the league tanlghl Tomorrow waning at Queens Pnrk Con Iumm Gu will auemp In atop IuddLnly inspired leevluw Dnlry lquad Essa Road Ind Cralxhurs pos led vlclnrle the Barrie and Dlslrlct Church Sollball beam lug night lags Dccarla slimmed home run mg palr of singles hdlar mud three lhrce run rally In the alxlh mr leadnnd lhey looked Aka lure bu when Gaynu nnmcrj 1n the zlzhlh lavn lhem KLmurlflln The vlclary looked even closer in lhe nlnlh VIlr Ind Hum led Edgar Med In the fourth Al Smflh and Chuck Bllnchnrd wera Inf an error and Glynes drovo Ihem both homo with his dauqu fly lame Plan not me Jump In the flu 11min Guy Hlnu led on with triplo Ind unex Ed Donnelly finned Ind Jim mu poémed cut Corby Adnms blasle llama run In put Plan in rank Hlnu sparked Plan to lhe lead lgaln In the ï¬lth leadlng the lnnmu wlh hll mm Irlple 513mm nn stolen base llama rum He hllted In four rug Ind Icorod lwa Post Church League Wins Wm rm Tum In Mn Chow ll mm DANGIRHELD MOTORS TRAVEL Somebodya giving out 1m ndvlce and lhcse kids mink lherel not at gold at the end the nlnbaw Four players alxncd cnnlracl with he All Monday and our more came to terms Tuudaf luvan only three Imports ll negnlllllnl dalemlu half Bobby Lea Thompson 2mg Marv Luster Ind Uneblcku Dick lchnell Dzlenslva halfback Ed Lurl Welllnd hnldnul Theyre Jusl ban led dawn xerdgn pllhby Mr Inre wlnncr wnl hard dflv ng Dell Mcckl of Sllyner The umlnl was ï¬lled wllh Ipllll Ind rernlnm which re Iullcd In Clnudo Rice Toronln hclnl rumul lo Colllnzwmd General and Mnrlnc Hamlin when hl cnr spun out Ind MI meal man wall Th Slnx undorwny Ixnln next Bumrdny night nl mo JOLIEIIE Que CHCoach Jim Trlmhlc aald Tuesday Mysterious Mr has nHu enced three number or Mant rul Alouetle to annauncn they Ire plnylng out Ihelr oplluns with the Eastern Foolhall Cun ferencu club to becomu aunts next season lmpnrl Jlm Reynolds and Billy Ray Locklln Ind Canldlun and Dan Paqucue havu Indie calcd lhuy wlll play on helr options accent Iopcrctn Ialnry cut to becomu rel Ixcnls We havu hm hauled by Irdnyslerloux Mr Trlmbll Ia Gnynos wn Ihe only Edgar halter lo reach anr or marl lhln one hit but our Plnzn bat erl Inllcncd their averazus Hlne and EH Adams each had thren him In Ilve trips while Corby Adam nnd Vln Dummy hid 500 night suing twofor qur each In all Plaza banned out ll hill Eleven error were com mlned In the name largely duo high wlnds which made Judg ment erratic lrnck record It or qgmner mlla The ugond chapped dawn ml llndcrl chalc es The left Edgar mu nlmnd brother Bill follnwcd wllh with two out In the nlnlh Bu Corby Adams drew walk slnlla and Win wanny aha alngled All runnan scared by Ioro Glenn Adams Irnunded out nannd the Innlng of qu ylnglu bthulh weft FISHNET Ill mum NI Jim Trimble Blames Mr Gnvl Dotll ll unyllrld ll rhune You out AnnMn FM Chum SCENIC BOAT TOURS or KEMPENHILT nu mum 1mm AT 230 DELANEY BOAT LINES ONLY flu