lMlChld Inkc Ontario during the wmkcnd or the boat lhcn turned lhu nflnlr arcr lo pmvlntlnl pollen and New York mm polm Police hens salt hxcsdny night he our young people ob talncd cm In the mu Mon day nlghl Police we pressing the much or them The youth Inc may Adams 17 whose lulhcr own the boat Dob McDonald 17 and Bob Young 19 Will them wu Slum Schonlcs 15 All In lrgmTrcnlon RCAF Ignse ST CATHABINES CPI Trim youth and iiycnroid Kiri missing since llsi Friday from honion with 1mm cnhin cruiser hve been raced in nearby Pod Weller nun muuvw wux las Muir Jlm Noble David Pain Sheila Pdch Jack Howell Lynn Teeter Robert Ind Whllton Shawn FROM GRADE TO GRADE Adam Ricky Bellby Gwen Bunncr John Downoy Hea ther Jnhnston Cathy Kennedy Donald Martin Diane Mather Brent Priest Barbara Priest Glen PC Priest Howard Van de 11m Anna Vnn VoomAl nx and Wood Hnmld Teacher 5mm Clugllwn Police Trace Missing Four GRADE Adams Deborah Bull David Downcy Russ Gmen Anne Glflen Gregory Giftnn Terry Green Terrance Johnston Ecl en Johnson Tommy La Chap elle Kenneth Malhers Greg ory Momw Dnvld Noble Stanley Priest Louis Prim Waller and Ewell Terry Per lent attendance Jana Maw Ter ry Glflen and Louis Frlest Teacher Mrs Maude Young GRADE Bellhy Janice Bunner Kath ryn Knight Ann Holley Rlnh ard Johnston Gary Knlsley Brent La Chapelle Duane Luck Heather Martin Term Maw Carol Maw June May Susan McNahb Cathy Hicks David Noble Bruce and Noah degranf Elsie FROM GRADE TO GRADE Green Randy Green Wayne Knight Amy Mny Knlsley Deborah La Chapelle Ricky Hermit Nan wDo Saturday night an Inn wlld raccoons hereabouu wlll have to run or their lives Thats lha night whhn lha territory between Highways asand no will bu full 01 hunters and dogs Four dogs Coon hound owner 1mm all over Canada and 1h us will converge an Angus for ha cum pcullons They begin Salurday anemnun wllh water races at Henry Coles pond on Highway 90 Just east Angus ANGUS sum For the third consecutive year the Cana dlan Coon Hound Association is holding Its Held lrlals here For Ihla years events July 21 and 28 organizers hope to have 100 to 1501103 her going lhmuah lhelr paces no 11m manna EXAMINER WEbNEémY JULY Coon D998 come For Field Trials MINESING CENTRAL flOOL PROMOTIONS Accumpanylnz Mr Willis Tollcnham for Ike ceremony warn two member at Ann brunch 110an Canndlnn Le glnn All Knluhl nnd Merv Mllson Mr WHHI hu bun chm plain of lhe Imam hunch or ICVETII yam um numcm GnIbralu nnd secretaryAren sum Wilson Tollnnhnm Invcslcd Mr Willi wllh ha Jewel The presenlallan much In Tol lcnhnm Legion ulL cummcmnr sled he levcn year urvlco by Mr Willh as chaplain lo the Tnllenluam prnngh President ANGUS sum Rev Wlllh mlnlsker 01 MIqu Unlch Church was recently presented wilh past chaplnlnl jewel by tho Tollonham branch the Royal Cnnndlnn Mglun Adams Cllflord conditionally Chisholm Robena Frnfldt Jo seph Johnson Heather John ston Nancy Kallnchoten John Knlsley Delbem La Chapequ Yvon Maw Murray May Patrick condJUMally Noorde Kraut Mary and Van d0 Lear Huddle GRADE Anderson Karen Crawford Marilyn Nooniezraal Kim Partridge Floyd Sage How ard Sflglny Larry Teeter Wllllnm and Van Voanl Dick geafmr MI Gill Hod Prim Pa Angus Minister Receives Jewel Adams Donald Gllhu War mn Holley Joan Fain Steph en Patterson Allan Patterson Linda Van de Luar Adrian and Walton Terry qmna Adams Jumu Andemni Keiih Downey Rosanne Gli ien Jimmie Jacksan Nanny Johnston Sharon MacDonald Kenuah Maw Brenda May Kathryn Muir Susan Noordo zraai Lenord Priest Donal Sage Glen Sinclair Joh ihew Douglas Van Koiiscilo ten Francis Ward Allan Ten cher Mrs Keith Rowell GRADE By John Cola Harold Gltren Bari Mmln Norman Mlcks Thomas Prim Mary Walla In Teeter Chm GRADE JUNIOR GRADE lull nu muwn sum The Assoclallunl buslnm meellnx takes place Sundny murnIng Sunday anemoan In Angus Commuan Park the bench show tar gradaand real lered don takes place Enlrle are open to grade doll 1nd to at the 11x registered bgeedsB ue Tick Flo Walk er Red Hana Red Tick and Elllck nnq Tan Mllsron said President of the Canadian Coon Hound Association Is 1400 Mnnien Essa lnwnshlp public rclallnn officer Jlm Rmcler Nounwnsuxa Township Merv Mllson Angus an of III sociallon 12 direclm to cut woodlols lo why my charl€ allu their Ulnldlnnl ware world nu lhe HEW llna lml Hwy In Wm an Alirun rum pnuy uhhh but mnlml ham llu Amman omnmcn vmh Mr nnlln nnld IM Ammrnn uvrrnmml Ivu Ihu canltm lo lha Amt17m mm any II onlul an Lmmllnn wl Opera Hull cl llnu on Amulmn mlwr hm hm run lmrd wllh Mr Tmlm nml lrnra Mlnlutrr all Iwn mm nlmul Iurulrnrd hmhlnwn nl npcvnllnm 4m Um Arulc mlnr up nml he mm Ilmlrrum lhll Inlrn vlnm only lllrnuuh lhg Inhnr Ilrpnlt mom whlch lmvkn all rclnunm hrlwun llw Tanndlnn rlvlllnn ruminer on us HM 51an ha Amnl nnuunyf Aunclm rlrnrp Mlnlllrr Lutlrn Cnnlln Irpllul llml lhu Cnnndlnn unvrrnmrnl lu In nlvrd In omnllnn DI lnnl Emly Vmulnl Indnr llun OTTAWA 131 le unv rmment WM nxknl Thmln by Imlll Wlnrh 1Nll Im tmner EMU whNhrr 1w Fed rrnl Elrrlrlc Company he Unllnl sum le ho mndc In llvo up lo Cnnndlnn hm nml Ilnnllnnln Man In ¢mpluy mrul prnrlllrn Anulhcr rhurch parade llu nhrnd lar he lmnd On July ll pnrmlu lu Arum lrnhyltr Inn Church or the mvlcu bo glnninz 30 run Thu occnslon Wu church ur Ide In Alllxlon In lhu Umlnd Church lhcre The band which nuw hm about 11 mrmbm marched lmm ho Omnue all to Vldnrln SI nud nlnnu Vlclnrln 5L lo the church or lhn ll lm Icrvlu nnd Drum Hand Iummcrllmn brlnu wllh demand or while pcnrnnccs The band orznnlzc about six momhs am under blind muster Douz Kear nnn mndu ï¬ll debul Juno Asked If Company Ilbides By Laws ANGUS Slum For lh rc tcnlly nrgynlzgd Angus Filo Relatives were prcsmt mm Ottawa Pncrbomugh Owen Sound Mcnloni Markham Rich mond Illll Unlnnvlllo and Tor onto Irifcrmnnl was In Alllslon Un lon Ccmelcry ship council and ofï¬cials Rose mum Uniled Church and Rose monl neighbours Memorini don ation were given In the memor ial organ fund by iloscmoni United Church Women and he Rosemant Uniicd Church choir to the Aiiision lios linl Fund by Ihe Wumms ins lute and in tin Cuuudinn Cancer Society by cuenih Line neighbour Angus Band Makes Debut In Parade Amonglie many floral mpg to were lhuse from Adjnln Town ship ngd ofï¬cials Bose Thu pallbearers were Smnll Sydney Knlxht Wanker Sydney 1er Avlson nag Pclcr nglnd The Rev Dahlln 01 Rose manl United Church was the ol flclaun clergyman assisted by Rev hlnnggan of Coxbutton and Rev Thomas St Lukel Chuxch Egsemont newluhcrnl senco was held in Hostmom United Church June in He survlvcd by We the lormcr Maxhr Chadwick whnm he manind on Sept II 1931 son Douglas and daughter Sharon bolh home also one Mother Herman of Rnumonl and one sister Mn Sydney Jule Ella of Alllswn He was pmdmascd by two hm hm Harry Alllslan and Velma Windsor From childhood he allcndnd Rosamonl United Church He look an Interest in all branches of church work In eurlymun hood he was superintendent of the Sunday Schml member 01 the Church choir and Steward on the Church Board the tlme of his death he was serv Ing us church elder He was pmmlnonl ï¬gure ln lie munlclpal llle ol hls com munlly and took keen lnlerost ln M5 work In younger days he was tax collector or AdJala Townshlp and or the past 13 year servad the lownshlp as ll clerk poslllon ha held the tlme 01 Ill death He was also Presldent of the ProgressiveCon servatlvg Assoclnllon ol Adlala Toynshlp as born on lo 72 Cmcessinn of Mono Township on June 1901 At the age of six years he with his parents moved to but 32 Concession Adjnla where he spgn his mmalngng yegrs JAMIESON ALLISTON Special Wlllrld Georlu Jamleson died In Steven son Memorial Hospkal AllIslnn June 17 alter being in lllhcnllh fosavgral Amonlhs LORNE VICTOR BRENNAN Maul service or LomuVle tor Brennan whn died at his home June was conducted Jenna Nneral home by Rev Rceve Burill was at Anlus Cemetery Mr Brennan was born In Angus Dec n1m He was me son of 1mm Brennan and Ella Gllree Ho worked or the Canadian Natlnnnl Rnllwnys or 44 years before his rollremunl He was member 01 ha RAH wny Brotherhood HI wile the former Corn Lall mcr rurvlvcs him does on son Almer of Ottawa onn dnn ghler Dornlhy Enrrlayono brother Frank GrImshy and sister Edith of Bnrfle Also survllyllng arc flva urnndchlldren Pallbearers wera IIX nephews WlLlRID GEORGE OBITUARY Indnr llun Inhnr Ilrpnlt John Alvin nos ï¬ï¬u 5an IRISH STEW YORK SWIFTS PREMIUM KEHNEI CORN BEEF STEW SWIFTS PREMIUM DOG FOOD swms PREMIUM SWIFTS PREMIUM MARGARINE SWIFTS PARD Spughelli Meal Bulls JAYS FANCY ï¬ï¬ho JUICE CAKE MIXES SWIFTS GOLDEN DEW TOMATOES DUNCAN HINES MOUNTAINVIEW CHOICE Davern PORK SAUSAGE MeLARENS Relishes HEEn EEEESE 3m 100 ERMANS MILD SEASONED SPARE RIBS Golden Valley BACON Bil smxs 59c lEAN SLICED EAN TENDER PORK SHOULDERS lEAN MEATY WIENERS LEAN SMOKED PICNIC STYLE CHOICE SKINLESS l3 BOX I6 DUNlOP ST Bugmers zngAginwea+ysang Cbhtiliues IS OZ TINS I4 01 TIN OZ TINS 15 OZ TINS IS 02 TINS 48 OZ TINS 15 OZ TINS PKGS 28 OZ TINS l2 OZ JARS L85 munnm nun DkAw Mag 54 JULY No PURCHASE REQUIRED BARBECUE FOOTBALL SWIFTS PREMIUM IRISH STEW 14 OZ TIN SWIFTS PREMIUM CHICKEN STEW BREEZE SWIFTS PREMIUM Spaghetti Maliballs BOLOGNA EOOKED MEATS BLUE BIB STEAKS CHOICEJBY THE PIECE SWIFTS PREMIUM VARIETIES LEAN MEATY GREEN PEPPERS suNKlsf RAMSES 24 OZ TIN USA NO LARGE 24 OZ TIN BANANAS U5A NO 0511 NO New Potatoes LEMONS FREE i5le GOLDEN RIPE FRESH PRODUCE Fm Pllr ol Plllow Cuu SUNBEAM nous NO PURCHASE REQUIRED FISHING POLE SWIFTS PREMIUM MEATBALL STEW BEEF 24 oz 515w SMEDLEYS BROAD BEANS SWIFTS PREMIUM BARRIE mmssc 24 OZ TIN 20 OZ 00 D01 IIOS TRAY PAK 29c OZ PKG 39c SIZE 05 FOR 35= 21c 00