Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1963, p. 1

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Wnnll lnwyrr up Ilrd or bill mmrlhlnx which All lwlro bun Irhmd wlnlo lhu nnwllnlh Vin Ill In nulme prndhu lhn rulnninnry lumlnu and Inn mll wn urnnled 11n nlmlln nI Imll wnl nrfi ImlnrlllnhIy Ill Inml Durlnl Il llmmlny hrnrlnl mwn vvnmcumr drclnml lhnt Vnnl prnvhkIl Mummy Iar am In My llnln lu min In Inmllm Ill Imk cut vl Iha mmuy Irvy carnal proul lulu In nmn mnlun mm hurl nl vlru rhnnm nunlnu Um wyumhl wanth flxlnled ml wlrrd mun mu look lace In flnl In Wim pola 1cm 1n lecllon the rle on Iha nur vim aldt Jmlne 1m irndudl rulrd MM Wm nun nmucr lztlum jury rhnm rnmnnu lmnl livlnx nll lh enrnlngl prmllmlu Io pnxmlnl nn nlmllml Tm lllnl will he hrld In hmdnnn Inuqu OIII llnllny 147ml Wuhany In vamubor It was like flying lnln the dcad ol the night nno survivor Lnom hig hospligalycd An npparrnl nllnnpl luy lhu pnvmuur In neulun Ms mlnl Ihwulcd by om at an an 0m wingllp nppnrenfly struck he ground witness laid The piano bounced brake in Wu and caught fire Airport flrn mcn cxllnguishcd the name in Iecunds an HsL LONDON CWSoclbly nslm pnlh Dr chplxen Wlld kry nu um In Hm lmlnmo laxamt murily mmdnl lndny was hlld lnr irlnl on mornh rhnrxu nml lrwl on hnll nVlcr pm llmlnnry hemlnu pushed us around Ruben Chrlsluphrr 25 Slrullnrd Cann 11m punt was llghllnz Ule slirk all the way Thoma Mnynr 55 of Wm nrl Conn expressed Um up rnlon me plum hnd cllmhtd In an nlliludn nl 75 or 100 when il happened In 20 nmlsf The dead Incluch the pilot Cnpl Rlchnrd Dennis 39 Inlrvlcw NJ lrsl omccr Jnhn No 31 Wilming ton Dcl and Roy Drew of Pclham NY cunlrollcr Sylvnnin Elcclrlc Product In corporacd OHIch klllcd wcrc Jerrold Kurt Hnrrlsnn NY Thumru Cnllinun of York lnwn Helghu NY Morris Fulk of Co Cnh Conn and Le DcllgVcslpnnConn The Marlin marrying passenger and crew nl Ihrce was headed for Newark NJ vla Whim Plains NY ll fell lulu mud about yards runway at Rochrslcr Mun rmc County Airport several my soulhwcgr pl Rochester PLLOI I5 KILLED The cause me crash un dns lnvqsllgauon Ward Held For Is Released On The wmd grabbed Ihn minute we left the around sald annlher ROCHESTER NY ADJA lwinwnglncd Mohawk airliner firming gain allilude In raging elndrlcal and hail storm crashed secunds Iller taken Tuesday Seven persons were killed and seven critcnlly In Nay Canadians were an Incomplete airline IVAN DMITRIEVICE EGO ROV 41 and his wife Alek snndrn Egorova 39 are shown FBI headquarter in New Rodhester Plane Crashes In Storm 99th Yur No I54 mu lhrnwn clcnr ho Fur Examine Want Ad Tele phone PA 324 111 tullnhnno number to all or flu Business or Edmflll Dual PA 84531 Our Telephones Ilslcd In casually boylrlend Ivulwlhu the 04 In lnudl wllh an Ialmrllonlnl lhlmlnh Insllrmvnlllil 0M nahl Wm nu made her mum mu her nhurtlun muzer and wlmmtd IIy MI Knelvr zlyrnrnld m1 hud lvlmmlml Ily Hm pmwm an Um MM Ilnbla Wan lnrly gun The Mher ulrl Wm My um Tho Mher lrl Id nl by fig ruuld he nlnlh mmu lm Mlu Icanlun Irtllmvny Hw unllnu nl lhll Mull wnq nnl mlllld IZMIIM lwn nlm wlm IIIII lhry Inflow WIIHI Imll lrlllllNl luuhnvln 11er already are rlum rhnnm nunlmt Ward Including mnnnulna IMhtl anu MII llm woman prollllullnm pnr rurlnn Imdrrdlln nlrln or mm and nlrllnu nlmflunn unwind aradwm mm lhnl Mull mmhlc mm wllnrsm Mllrlnlcl Illrnrdo Ill mlmlllrd pmslllulc 5hr refund descrlho In nnlum wk unl wrurmnnm mu mncrdcd lluvlnn hm wllh nl lrnM onn nmn nl lhn Wnn rnldmcc um unrmnny mlxhl hu prcpnr Ink lo cnsl her In wilh Franco nnd rmidcnl do Gaullol con lmvcrslnl on of 1m Indopcnd cnl Humnc rm close In wiUI ha Amrricnns 71 mall would dumb It was larger because lhe prcsidml success In winning massive display welcome mm lhc Germnn populace and tonvlncinn statements sali darhy lrom German Icudw um he feels In trip was wwlh hr cHorL He made rcptMed appeal In Gormnny for greater Eumpean unlly keyed In closer cuopcmlion wllh ho Unllnd 5mm In mmc quancra hm und ahmnd than have been em um Go My mlxhl 359 rump Kcnncdys mk thmugh Wesl crn Europe was Ms longest overseas Joumcy prusldcn and ll hil high pnlnl during the first lhrcc daysin Ger many and Bnrlin WASHINGTON AP Presl denl Kenncdy rctumcd In Wash nnmn curly today nflor ll day and 13000 miles or lrnvel In West Germany Ihc Rnpuhllc Ireland Britain and Italy The nlrporlx chlel nlroller Loren Wagnnr said the pilot nsknd or clearance and the quast was compiled with One man was wnlkinz around with hl car Dam and bleeding Pearson said Ha asked for help but said theres nu llme Weve gotta gel hm pcgple who re sllll In lhere Joseph Pcnfiun Ton Wanda NY worker on gonslrucllon project helped pull out survivors plan and landed 1n mud up to my elbows sald John OBrien of While Plains reported In air cqndillnn wlth skull Irnclure out and bmiscs 13000 Miles Kennedy Back Trip Covered York last nmhl afler lhelr arrest on chmgas at consphs lug lo obtain mllllnry Inflamm tinn for the Savch Union Thuy he Ilixxl Ehfflarrfi Mil Seam rill 35ka II nlom Incuer rear mlnlmu lhc dlnzrmd ur mlnllvr John lmlumo and rumpled lDyumld MAIL lyn lllnndyl mm Duvln So Mn lofler hu III In drmllxd Wm Frauu mu Wlul wu lhe Imublo uhn Inld uh mm her hum Immnpnllhlllly lo Iho IMnl Vlluvunl Axum mmly lho Hm lwn Mm luwdo redhead who lu mm or Hm llnllll ngnlml Wml 0r nnkr Mm held tar Jury lth In Buffalo lhn New York Tcl cphonu Company reported that Boo cuslomm were wllhom up vlrc Tuesday night Llncmcn wnrkLd restore mvlm early today Slorm down power poles and tron and dlsmptcd ele plmna and clcclricnl mva In scverul communlllcs vlolcnt lh ralorm was ha sellan Rocheslcr lucr day or the crash or Mohawk airliner carrying persons Seven persons were kllkd and mm TM persons were killrd by llxhlnlng durlng thunderstorms ALBANY NY AmCooler wnaumr wns pmspcct for most sodium New York stale today In the wake scvcrc Ihundcrstnrms lhnl marched across the slate dcnllng death and prgpcrly dnmqgc Since this Is not possible present however under present Western or sale yzuards Russia ready Ia agree to ban on lasts In the almw pherc In spaca and underwalcr he said rally of 6000 persons Russia Is ready to conclude treaty banning all nuclcar lest during talk with the United States and Britain due lo 011an Moscow Jyly IS Thunderstorms March Over NY Cool Weather Comes Bushing In BERLIN Reuters Rus sian Premier Khrusnthcv Iodny hendm into lhe sixth day oi his East Berlin visit ailer suggest ng hxesday night he simuiian ms signing oi nuclear lest ban treaty and nonaggression pact between the NA and Wfifsaw gm sinics Khrushchev Ready For Treaty Pact Barrie Dlslrlm Central Cnllcglnle pmmouun re qu or Grade II and 12 wt Miami on Page 13 Is bersonncl 0mm Unltcd Nhllons Secretarial AP Wirephaln EXAM RESULTS lcnmlnl ll pmlmu nmlon the htnrlm Saturday wnn rnllul by lho pmscrullon lull hclarn llw lunch hunk Mlu lllcnnlo Mild the pmv 4km mxlun llml Ihu uml lmlrnom nl Wardn llnl or huv In Inlercnum wllh men on lhrrn occnxlonl or on lhe murh or Her dont want la who dhl Ill him 40 miwlm autumn Trial Bail Thu rroscrulnr mkul lucr lo dny wwllxtr we Wm ollur mu wllrn Im lmd mu people II the Hal wllnm Iald Him we lonl wnnl In Itll IflM Mill lfltnrdu II ml thnl mu thy Du you mean wrnl Who nor lhlnn lld ynu do with them Inked Hm mu lllrnlc WM ll wmrlhlnfl mum at Imympm md ynu do unynflnz llh my oi the WWII you mcl lhrm Yen urn Pallre mm Chain mall 6i miknwnnng wu lho victim on Sla cy Le mo Ulnsdcll nnd John Slnd mix of Orchard Park They won IlPnflM lulmlnz tram expo In Hamburg lwu Ilshcrmcn lenrcd drowncd In slormhssed Lnkn Erlo drlntd shore early today cllnglng lo their over urncd boaL campnnlan was drowned Hamburg pollen Inld Tho rough weather mulled heavy chop on Lake George where In men were dmvlncd when boat currylnu our va cnllonlsls ovcrlurncd her two wens rcscued Th Niagara Mohawk Power Corpornllan said recorded 186 Mining nlrlkcs In the greater Bullnlo area during lho tlorm n30 DnowN The sci remains that lho magazine Newsweek which The Taingraphl report said it was denied in Washington lhat ihe Central Inleliizencu Agency leaked lhe new Phiibyl Involvement with Bur Res and Mlcican to Wmhinxlon papers in order lorce BritIn la ydmiLJL Rides and Harlan fled to Russia where may have lived evr since Mondays statement In the House Common came from Lord Privy Seal Edward Heath who said Phllby was he third man who warned exdlploanI Guy Burgess and Donald Mac lean In 1951 um BrlLlsh security was utler them or spylng or Russ But Mr Kennedy already knew the lack lha corres pondam added American 5e curlly authorities gave lha facLs to the state department last week The Telearapha corres pondent sold llho Washington correspond ent of The Daily Telegraph Conservative said President Kennedy was told during week end talk with Prime Minister Macmillan that the government planned to announce that for mer British diplomat and new paper man Ii Kim Philhy 51 was Soviet pf now believed to be somewhere the Communist world LONDON EwanPressure from Washlnmn omd 3111311 to release details the Hamid Phllby spy affair In Parliament Monday reporu In the British ppm said today Says IUSV PxeSSure Forced UKSijReport Arrests Four As Missile Spies Bmlu Qrihrlo Canldi tineuuy on he 11 you Lu Ayrfl Min Durrhlll lurned Iho am my All Inner Ibnm to In In pIy wrlllen 17 her My hunt anI Tllll IL The phi poorly mrlved by be uulqdlguuuuubonm llANIM Spain Haulerl jlnnl Amllny lDenrold lhlrd husband slr annlnn mural lllI daunhlrr fianln tollnnlvd nml Hui lolluwlni hear ul at MI holrl mly In Audlry In mm onru nm Inndon llm Inn rruduclnl mm work lnul en gum llmwm ll smiled Chnrrhlll wllh mlnl Mindy Inm Tho coup Ml In AlpIn In Ind um mulled mun Alger Mlu anm um mm mm Iryn maml wilt ll prevlnm maul wu Illsalvrd llrlllxh rmlmuy lmkrumnn In anlrhl nmllrmcd lhe mm at Amllry wlw mmlml MIII Cl rhlll 1M ynr day Judu Emllo Troillcr lmml nvldcnco hmsdny rum lwo prr ons churned 1n mnncdlon with mebomb cxplmion Mny 13 um dumnnni mu Ildo In CNJCMM bulldan In Monl ran Named In Um wldencn were Gramn Sclmclm 13 urlxlnw born nmnomlc Iludnnl dc urrlhcd by lhn Crown III Um caordlnnlnr ol lLQ mle Nu hll wllu Junno ml xruy lrchnlrlnn and mqlhrr ol 0m lhcm mnlmcd 5mm Walter Lela an army tn llnccr Imd bomb dlnponl whn an an um And In and crlllcnl Injurlu when ll exploded In hll hunds va Pnlicc clnlm ll dynnmllo Uchhomlu worn plum In pub Ilc mnll hoxes In Auburbnn Wulmnunl dnrlnz um mum at May 16 MONTREAL CWTho Cine the mail box iimebomhinus comes up iodny preliminary hearing continue on chmnos in canncdlon will rmnl Ierrorial ncliviliu blamed by pollen on If imnl do leerniion Qucbco Lord Audley Dies Rt 49 was lukcn thorny aflor Finance Mlnlstcr Gordon mllcmlcd his pmmlsn lo clarify lha lalc tax by next Monday at he lalcsl Defending the In as absolutely necessary Prime hinlstmcarsnn was not present for lhn Vole An aide lmmedlnlclyv phoncd um mull to Mm at Harrington Lake lhe prlmv minister ochlal sum mer residence when he la cuporatlng from minor oper allon lnstdwcekend Evidence Still Being Heard In Montreal Mail Box Bombings Th Opposition Leader Dieicnbnkcr was aimed primarily at clarification or even withdrawal oi Um 111m ccni manuinciums sales lax applied by the ang gudgcl Lnl bundfiu EMlllllll land pm Elfin Human OTTAWA WINThu minority Liberal Ravpmmcnl survived by 115 to 75 vole In tho kmAmen nlesdny night Conscrvnuve nonmnfldence mollon that al ltzcd confusion and chaos ex lsl In Canada as result of lhu bugget pmppsals The New York mrmpondenl of he prIrLabor Dally Herald said lhcrescgmui to be fair chance the US xavemmm In directly exerted some pressure un Mncmlllan to reveal detail of Phllhyl spylnu activities want In press Sunday had brie account In yeslcrday Iue Newsweeks Washington at Ice chm Mr Bradlas speck friend the prcsldenl the mam uld CONFUSION AND CHAOS Govt Survives Fourth Vote July 1963 min 1h ml gm gum Hymn Mr bduoclm and Blzlcr Ira chnrnrd wllh consplrnry wllh mulny nn explmlvn llktly lo wdnnzrr and damn pm my and unulnn pubxlc ml tllld tndnngcrlnu Illa Max mum pnnnlly lar ho uflcnce II In Dnlh Icnllllu under the pro Indian or lhu nounmunlrtlg lhclr lralhnony can not ho Innlml lhcm In my lulurn lrlull Ith Mrs Sc nd Ill kr appeared as Crovm wlh mm nzninsl ouch olher and bulb IIan Sclxoelm the third person who had taken part In the bombing at he CAP lnrgcln lbmlnme walk mm he lwo young children and Neil nrd lllflcr IE lormer elevator npcrnlur at downtown hole Mil2 CROWN WITNESSES This house regret that he lovunmem by It allure clnrily many douth and uncer tainties has created Ind conlln ucs to male Lonluslon and that In vnrluu sector of the mnomy thcrcb conulbullnz lo lamentable awlnzdown expected expunion Ind gthJ Mr Jondog inld he ls sum Ulal Canndlan generally wll accc tho new lmposl once II II clarlild In tho munlrya best Intervals 1110 van was an this motion by Opposition Lender Dielen hlkgr thu pe tounlxv are not willing la hack govern ment which has program and are ml willing to pay mom Iaxex 1n lho Inlerlm we shall hnvo to go on drIIllnznnd Inch ably sooner or litre we nhnll and up on the rocks wgyl ACCEPT TAX if the novemmenl to put Can ad Hum lq ordele ha added the sauna ume In yet In oIher security use In Italian nuclear scientist who wurked In arlulnn nlnmIc encrly re search pmgram was charged In cum with being any or Ru all Macmillan and Opposition Leader Harold Wilson ex changed blner remarks Par amen Tuesday qflcr Wilson charged Illa US pressure was behind the Phllby revelations im In Him num wmuin mm MI and Timmy mmmm MNGOON Im lnlnnd wnlcrunyl nunpurl board uhonnrr with urmm aboard mka In Ilnrm mllu lrom Moulmtln nonporl May bond Ipokumun nnuunccd Elm bod hnvn been rocnvurnd WELLINGTON MI All 20 pusscnum and Hum mw mcmbm wcro Icnrcd HUM Iodny In no lIIIlII luluz vmd IIrIlnerI round puny out In In hnwllnx wImI drIvIn zlln And or wreckue IIghlcd In hcnvlly nooch men he 3000le MIImnI tunic KIRKLAND LAKE CF Two tldcrly llixhwny construfi Han worker wm crushed lo dcnlh Tuusdny when Ihcy were mum btlwun ourIan lrutk loaded wllh hot pnvlnz mix and In uphnll Ipnnder 20 miles mth 01 here on Highway They warn Clnrcm Borden 61 Chnmbcrluln Tuushlp flan man and Malcolm Clmpbcfl so Puny Sound whn MI arklnz on lho Iprcndcr Schooner Sinks Wilh 213 Aboard BOCHUM Wes Germany nrulcrs The Bochum lnsll lule for Satellllc Ind are march snld today it was rccclvlnu ling ram now Sov cl spam cxpcrlmcnl believed In be lunar pro ed held without bnil aim preliminary henrinzs before US cammis iionm Tue ad nizhi Tho htarinza wm wslponcd io July lo to flu the cou is time la obtain leui munsei mum in Ammiam Selxed In raid on nuFlush lnl Lon Illnd Aparlmtnl ware Ivan Dmlhlavlch Egarnv All Aboard Plane Feared Dead According to complaint ltd In New York ledenl court the our Irmled nlesday con spircd with mt two Sovch mlllury Intelligence men to transmit to the Russians lnfor mallon on US mfllmry hulal lallons and troop movcmunu The Included lopprlarlly ml 3111113535 it was learned German Institute Detects Lunat Probe Dramatic urnam ol um our 12me by aunts In Washing ton and on Long Island allowed by one day order for expulsion 17 Soviet embassy nmclll or mampklnz to re cm Ruulanhom US lnlcl hunn ofllclal lo any or the Reds But the FBI nld there no link hclwmn Um two cues Two Road Workers Crushed To Death 0M the coup Russian The husband personnel of llcer tn the United Nation It relaxIll WASHINGNN APD The FBI has Arrested two couple on charm ol conxplrln to steal data on us missile bases and nlher mlllnry lnlormuuon or Moscow BULLETIN WASHINGNN ANThe So viet Union demanded loduy 0m lmmedlale relem wo Rus alnn It laid wm unlawfully muted by US Bulhorlllns on my charges Tuesday FBI Says There Is No Link With Soviets Expulsion NEWS BRIEFS Ha No Mon Than7c Par Copyla qun Mosllysunny and much cooler today and Thursday Low to night 48 High tomorrow 70 For lull summary lurn page two gm hundrfil MILD dilll rm MI MW 1mm Lobal Weather Balwh proleslcd when mm mlsslnner nu bond could ha set The official ex plalnw um than the rule whm lhe death pcnally Involved known Savch monk the FBI anld passed csplonag In lruclons lo the Soviet lnlelll zence men dropped magnetic container of hr the Egomv an Long Island and left parcel unnlhcr drop point hr Dallch It nnld the conlnlncr held dala on U5 rackc busts Alsn named but not churned In the cumplnlnt aroRuulan UN employees Alcksel Galkln and Petr Elornvich Masch kov 43 both of whom len or Russia In May The FBI would not discuss the backgmund the Enllch couple even to my whether they Kw might be Russian The FBI said lilo mupio re ristcd nrrcsi and he wonnn put up terrific slrugglo and had to be carried away by axenu Lnior Egorov told re porters with grin This III comedy and his wilo ensuaiiy nbllzed when phoiozraphu irked In Russian or picture The other pair seized in wasinglon apartment denied their sum hearing In which may didnt have to my any ihinz While tho FBI culled lhem John and John Doe in its complaint it 5an hey were liv ing under lhe names 01 Robert Keisiulls Snitch and Joy Ann Gerber or Joy Ann Builchi The names were taken the FBI raid xmrr innocent cilizensa 110 men Catholic pricsi and Com neclicu housewiie NAME OTHERS 41 ml in wire Almaner Exam personnel umcer In the UN secretariat

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