Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1963, p. 8

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Thoy nnm ry plnn nu lurflnr Alnlumuln nlmul bu hemh Dunnoown whrn Hwy Hm mull Inlan qu ur mu nr am uhlrh nny nnlcml 11m Inwunln luv nl lhc upm lun and In Inmrmlnz mm min MMIIN Rallmn lmhxn III any lmUIrr lnhmrnl In muml In llm Imunn hrth Ilvnlllll Im mmlrl lry hlm MM Hw nnnmmcrmnu DUNLIN lrrlnml MUIrish Turl Club nlrwnnh MM Mnn dny nlnhl Hwy were 5M nun hl rrxulll II drum lul HM imflcnled lhvy Wch unwind Inner llrlkn Wm In rrfcnd wllh brhrm III mun Iiannl wlllulrnwnl Um ml In 51mm Ir Thm nanlml mm lhu 31 yrnrold hurlrr camplelrd nn mhcr nmnxinn nlMIop Iurnlnz In an hl anml per Plagued by hark lmuhlu alum Hu mm prolmlonnl tn rrcr Padres has hem bnlh bril Hnnl and hnrfllnx lur Dadnrrl time he Jolnod Ihn club In 1951 For Iho all lhrm works he hnd nunln bran probltm unable Io wln Jul hero no doubt he Ihruwd Inn hundnr wilh he chrnnlc mck Irman was en llllzd aka jusl Me 111 mm wnm Mundny nlghl Mlor Ms livoml pitchlnx can rlrd In Angclc Dodgers In vlrnry ovcr Milwaukrn Rum and to wllhln nnchnll lungs Nullnnnl Lamina rn Await Dope Test Results ll MIKE RATIIET Anoclated Preu Spam Writer Johnny Indrcs doesnt Ink mnny blrlxwa Ill dangerous was um um fiandou per tnrmnncc In stn time by WH hums whn was ronHine anrtcr for Yanks lhe season opuncd nllor bcim acquired Irom Lo Angolan Dodger for first baseman Bill Skawtm Williams came on in relic in the iiiiil inning stifled big threat blasted decisive triple in ihe bottom of the inning and turned Red Sox hack iha mi ni ii wny wiih superb job of pliciuing Sun Williams who qulddy went mm featured performer blt player In New York Yun kces cast of charmer his reason ls back In the spotlight The huge right handcr was the star or the show Monday night as Yanks look anolher Inrward step In their drive or the American League pennant almost singlchnndedly wrecking Huston Rod Sax 75 Bomber vl Assndvlledr hes Dodgers EdgeCloser Tb First Place In NL Manuel Ycaza the Nuw Yqu jockey who dropped In Tor onlul Woodblua track twn Williams Paces Yanké To Victory Over Sox ly m1 IMCKLEMAN 25 am nenucmN FOR REMUNDER OF SEASON APPLY CLERKS OFFICE BARRIE BOAT SllPS FOR RENT AT IHE MUNICIPAL MARINA ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL erler mm lnlln Ilrmk unln 4m lnyA Inr ha braMm ML unlhe Mm nnw II limle lMlm llk fliuub mklr hml am an uvn will lmmrr nII lodru In Hm lmIrIIx II IInyrll lIml wny unllI lho nlnlh Inn Maury WIIIn IannI IIolo mum nml mnnmlly cnmu nmuml on Mmml IIII Inllnwlmz InIrn llmml wall In IIm IIIIInm 5m duwnkl IunI rrllmI II mm In rnw when WIIIA hll up Ilw fiddle Wmdmrmll mm nIInurxl CnrllInnIl In Iln Ihn mm In llm nlnlh pinch IIHIID by mur Hr Jnmu mum uul nml IIIII wmm Illll huI ml II Ihc Iruuy lrmlrrl Dodgrrx moved nhwl 10 Ivn Frank Hnwnrlln lzlh lmmrr In lha Irrnnd Innan hm Gum Oll vrr who nlm cnme In llmru In the Ilurflclfv lmd Ird um In olhor games lounh1nco Clnclnnnll llch nhnwcd omo run punch In edging MMplace Snn Francmo Giants and lillslmrkh PIAMu ml PM dolphln Ihllllc lplll Ilrnlrl wnn ID opener ll hdnm Ihll llu lank Hm nlkhlrnp nI an nrk Muu nnd Chicano Cuhl urru Idle Curdknnls mannwhllc losl In Houston can 44 In lnnlmu on Rusly Slnuhl kry llnflle It was CaILI lelh vlclury In their Inn mm exlmJnnlna games All won by mch lptclnllsl unl Wmdcshltk The dodslve camu homo an ally Moanl plnchAhlt dau bIe in he ninth Innlnu of nrnvc slunan nob Sndawskl who wound up with fourMum and since ha cum in MI wnukre In the mic le sent Lew nnrdcue to SL Inul Cur dinnls armnnccs of the season Ila slmck nul 12 and walked only Iwo while reconllnz hl lelll complqu gnme fur record In the only other Icaguu name on the Ichlzdule Kansas City Athlalu jumped out to 50 lead against Ballimoro Orl oles and wound up with de clslon Williams came on or Jim Boulon In tho mm with on run But Willlnms squared that with brilliant effort agnlnsl Red Soowy winning Yankees mudo II our in row over EU ton and pushed nun ahead the runnerup WEEK While Prior to Monday night he had last won on May and had last appeared in winning gamn on hay lland canch m5 He made an In clnus donut Yank hauling Enlllmore 51 wilh Iivehiunr In the first week of Ike campaign Bul the Mason progressed Wil ilams pitching slipped and eventually he became super numerary In lho bullpen my RECORD weeks ago to ride Cumhora la Queens Plate vchury hold annlher lmphy Mundny alter riding 1961 Kentucky 55 with Infinu dim luxl luh lllxl or nhulnul wlwn Jtrly Lynth humorrd In ninlh nl McLIIIh thrrknl Il rnlu on our hlln In Hm nllhl up whllc Phllllu mndn lhn mml of mm Iillhurxh ermrl or mnm llllh Innlna uph Inn 1th pump EnrlIrunclu mu Vlrdonl nunproducan xlnnlo wllh two out In lhc nlnlh lnnlnz won the npcncr or am and broke up pllchcu duol bdwccn winner Dan Curd wcll and Ihllllcs rmklc llny Culp mu Mm Inxllnmnrl nlnxle nnd walk In Johnny lo nlnn pmnlnl Vlnlnnn wlnnluu ow COFFEE Hula scored nulr tlril two runs an hunt Ilnulu by wln nlnz pitcher Jlm Malomy that drovn Dnryl Spencer and Im Ilnsol mnscnrlnz single tth put It out Ginnls tench un hnmcrl by Tamm Harper and Ken Wnltm not homer cnmo all mlly ODcll IN Maloney tuned or hamnr by Ed Hailey hrnuxht his rm on tn In with Mlle help mm Jim and HM Henry lmmop Ill Inllcld hi1 movcd Io second on xncrflicc look mm on wild pitch and tronod horn on stnuha slnxle It was Houulnnl second might vlclory ovur SI LouLv alm seven conscrullvo lnssu Kansas City rapped Oriole rookie Dave Manlly for four runs in the first three innings then went ahead 50 on Wm Cnuseys homer oft Ike Delock In the fourth Baillmom made it close with three unearned mns against winner Dnve Wick crsham In the eighth but re Zldcr Moe Drnbowslq stopped that rally The Yanks raked three Inn pitchers or 11 hits our of them hyPhll um and lhm each by Clem Boyer and Kn lack Jnck Lambs was the loser xulfering first loss In flva decisions In one nut two on the score tied at 56and got Dick Wil Harm lo hlt Into dnuhla play On the pltchhg sldu he nllnwcd vnly one hit In Innings doubln by Lu Clinton in the ninth On tho hlttlng slde he smacked triple In the last of the fifth thnt sen In the Km ahead run and then scored him sell on Tony Knbeku single RAID Derby chnmnlon Dccldedly lo win In lhe $10150 Dominlnn Day Handicap at Woodbine 1C Wlmpholn FISHNET ONLY at tho mm Cnl Emery mmed hm homer or the TunHm my handed In Blue lhelr lsuond unalth doublehendrr In Sundn times Arklnm and Calm up double header Arkansas winning lhe opener Ind Columbus the second game 61 Allanu look daublchcndcr mm Bumlo and 1M Rachuler but Rich mond and Indlnmpolll Ind Jackaanvllla 3pm lhtll dou blchender Indlnnapolln wlnnlnz lho Hm 1H and JIchonvllle taking the mend Synle and anonlo 1150 mm Synnm winning Iho Int and Tor onlo ha and Northern Division iudur Syr lcusa Chleiu kept nonhum irom pulling into lini pilcn lie by binsunl lila ind Winn 63 Arhnsas Travtiien we doubinhuder imm Hui Dims And sai Toronto anie Lenin and Richmond spilt doubleheader tho Vlriifllifl winning ill in and iho Mn in Lean Iho nizhlclp 14 Jan mnviiie Sun odzcd Coium bu J91 645 lndlannpoll lndllns hottest team In the lulernntlonll League wlth sevengum wln nan strut are gaining mad lly nn Atlnnul Southern Dlvl xlnn lendin Cnnkers The Indian whipped the Crackers Monday to pull wllhln av Elma nl Atlanta llmy trnlled by emu WEEKEN By TIE madman puss evemenl Stake by Gm Dork ll Buncld Phone IA Hlll Your Inn Mullaqu For Chmer crowd 15659 watched Jlm Fnzslmmnns Cnlzary bring San Blue from some 10 length all the early pace In 1le unnpzx he mmuu ummu the winner lodged claims at foul against both Son Blue and the mend place finisher Nab ural Farms Stablel Askum Thu stewards upheld lhc claim Izllnn Askum and mum Warrlon Day Into ICC omj poslllqn SCENIC BOAT TOURS or KEMIENFELI My mum mm no cuuuwll Jéckey Kelth Robinson who rode Conn Smylhos Warrion Day thlgqpogmnphehlnq Salurdny WI Farrs Son Blue won lha $18500 Achievement Handicap stakes but had In wait 10 minutes helm he could em Irma gqclosure Indianapolis Gains In IL In the curly going cha held Decldedly ln fourth place bo hlnd mat runnln Slmnnboy owned by me Seanum DecldedLvI margin was lengths om Whilebumuzh The wlnnlng time WI 149 L5 thus Inns second on the luck record set by Manny Iwn year 851 Mnnday Strongboy Wu mu mu lhe American ham curried up weigh pound In the nlnehom 315000 added handl ca Ever Hy Influx Panamanian Muiuel who rod wlndlleld Canebm lo Queen vlctary two week ago Dnflclded the 91 win TORONTO CP Decldedly winner Iha 1m Kentucky Derby won lha 3311150 Domin Inn Day Handicap Torontul Wnndhlnc race track Monday to up he wlnnerl share totalling $17550 or owner Georg Pane Jru who new here from San Francisco sea Um race unrulmnnm EXAMINER ruwu My 1m Decidedly Dominion Day Race Winner DELANEY BOAT LINES Idlleld Firms Queenl Plate halo lulded neck BARBECUES mm =79 as nu OF 51 WEST hm nuv nvlullvni My SHIJErSPEcA Come in and seé guncomplefe line of PATIO FURNITURE =11 UMBRELLAS mm FROM mum yusv $13933 Aqumufic oven nunhut burn big utility drawer All por celain flnllh EASY FIRESTONE BUDGET TERM ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAIM BUY NOW PAY LATER N0 DOWN PAYMENT Tirmonc NYLON TIRES 24 RANGE hawthmhlpi mum mom um mum WEEKLY PER TIRE WITH WORKING TRADE NO DOWNvPAYMENT EASY FIRESTONE BUDGET TERMS SEE THIS AND MANY OTHERS TODAY HEATER BEHEI rnoM Firestone BUDGET ACCOUNT WITH WORKING IllAnl N0 DOWN PAYMENT CHABZ LOUNGE p77 PA 66585 144

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