Summer Course snn MONSTER LOOMS AGAIN In Barne w2w952n2 I01 3i Townsend he Tea chora Cailcno in London is prin clpai the coursu which runs to Aug Last your the summerv use was Primary Mclhods Grades and Ine program for Wednesday beginning at in am includu Invocaiinn by Rev Skelly chairman ni he iinrrle Disirici Mlnlsitrlai Assoclailon princi rpnl greeting and introdude guests an uddns by Mnyor ch kaci remarks by Noel Slwimnxnn chnlrmnn of nunlo Public School Board nn nddrcsl by Mncdonnld inspcclor ol tho Barrie Divislun ol Elcmcn nry Schools Thu nlllclul openan address will be given hy Arthur Evans MP for Slmcoc Centre fly CANADIAN PRESS This year the Junior Education course Involve Grades and Today will be men up maln ly with rcxislmlon five week Department Educallon summer course in Junio Educatinn opens at Oak Icy Park Public Schaul today Ilbur ï¬cyywd er Abdul In Khan 51 Sullun THOUSANDS or spectators lined clly streets yesterday vlew what was probably the REMINISCENT DE Barrie Ilreeu In years gone by minalura milk wagon la pulled DEATHS Department 01 Education bullelln mm lhnl during lho next Hvo wrulu opportunlly wlll be allnrdcd My dirccuy and lndlrcclly lho chlldrcn ol prendoluscnm an and to vch and exlcnd nneu knowlnluo aubjccl method mud methods as they relate In Um program 1I um anor am of the uni wlll he to make the work practical Tho Ian Ih 01 each period wlll pcrmlv lime or he deslrcd ox rhnngu of Mm Several guest lecturer wlll xupplement lhe bask program uf all mum by dealing wllh such aplc music physlcnl education audlkauul HIV and speech and dramn Demonslraklon lesson wilh pupils in Grades and leI also be arranged anun Cnum Class periods wlll be conduct ed usually on he bnsls leo lure discussion demansernllnn nnd pnrlldpnlion In group pro 121 ncllvllles naslc Program The has program will con alsl psychology reading and lilcralurc English composition grammar spelling arithmcllc social studies sclcucu and heallh Mckay superintmdcnl of public school In Barrio will be guest speaker largest parade In Barrie lary Abova Willard Klaus drive one of his vlnlage cm ad gheiland min during the ayqeegDomninn Day par yesterday The parade nun Inrunlwllh P3P lead savings plan he walks ul Scoliubank MiBHNK Mr Glennnhnun rdumul In tho lulnnd In mum Ml vacuum TM ha mond mnmmuu Inako blln romrlcd In this ulun In me In ï¬ve dun Th vrnnm mm lhll Innku ll lulu In Ilvn mm more pohnl Imn from my nlhcr Innku on Nnrlh Amcrcnn mnllnenl The nnHAmnka vcnlm was nd mlnlslmd by Dr Plnchln ol Mldlnnd 0F NOV SCOT nm lncldrnl look plnca licaumlnll Inland In Ula Ga Han nay Nntlnnnl Park llanmut Gloscnhnus 21 Mllnghnm Slrccl had been un Me In mnllrm that It WM ncl fully 11 nsnugn rnmuanu Ml LAND tsmm Tor onln man who clnlmcd lo have hu bmcn by deadly muss am ralllvsnnke was lrentcd nnlIsnnke vmom In An llaspllnl hrro Sundny may nuuu Lllhumz mm warn lwo xuncmm In his left hand May Be Victim Of assasauga About years aizo Iucni fishing do reported slxhl ing in marina animal with neck like slovcplpc and face like boxer dog Ho caiicd ii Igopogn noi lo be confused with Brliish Co lumbin lumed onopoga alnng the mute Examiner Photo David In if llamlllon wps cruls Sunday about mile of share 1mm Jack sons Pa when he suld hugu ey thing leaped our fuck the water He xald did not lhlnk it was SUTTON Ont CF when comes to son mnn slcrs ll mm Lnka Sjmcoe near this village Isnt to be nuldnnu Igapogo has been slghlcd uxagn wound waythmm min arteries or the my thousand lined the Ildewnlh $59 GemE Dr 5cm medical health director or Slmcne County Ilenllh Unlt urged people to Keep cool If you can Suz zcslcd way heplnx cool other than awlm are mu Huh clothing drink plow of water wllh an nddmi pinch In and keep 1n lho thud One 00d mull of this the my maturing lnler and farmers will have hluher qunllly an In than buns ho added The Mrawberry pmducuon will Miller wmtwhm Ilthouxh Its hard to say hnw much said Mr Clay Ha said he grain and corn were badly In need of rain Kellh Clay Ontario Depart men of Agricultura associate mprcscnlallvo or North Slmcoe said today that many crops In the cnunly are Inflected by tha hcnk Indications are this heal wave continue or while yet even cum cloudy lkle an omens on today The Angus tree seed plant the Depmmum Lands and Forests recorded Man 01 97 dogma and low overnIght at Last yanr II was only 7a on July so In 1981 75 In 1960 and as In 1959 UnoIIIclaI recorded tempera ture In Ind around Barrio ye lerday soared lo 101 degree In the sun and aw dame cooln er In Iha shade Donals of the window were Willrld Davis Mrs Don Ham mond aneroIm Henry Davis nld The Inst Impression of this beautiful window that in study In blue It night but with the light In tho sky nnd the mower of Jesus owned In kndltlannl blue but he and the whole manger are lluhlened by the little Babe of Bethleham Ila Mr Harpiruxkd his text or the sermon entitled The Nativity WindowAn Interpre tation The dcdlcnuon service In the Davis Memnrlal Window was held Sunday 111 Christ Church Ivy It was conducted by Rev Harper Soaring Mercury Hdrd On Crops Dedicate Window Rt Ivy Church to View one of mo 1mm Ede that Iha city In seem lABAITS SUMMERPARWCASE ThocasotorsorvlnammlxlonndIngenTliolodi easyCarry my make currylng coding And serving ctnchl So oflor your smith 50 310 and Pllunor Iagqr mer wm ubaltw Summur Party CIWRST from MEATIYOI Picacam hlgh tomorrow dczrm with low overnlxh of Dnht us with them warm Scpu ll anyone mm tha ramm mended procedure to Nmova the clothing put cold compul seson the head and keep the vegan maxed TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lull stolen car caused damage In Must calllslon on he northwth wwnlina or Drill Towmhlp The 1960 conch Olflclalx In Smud Orlllla stnyner Victoria Harbour Bradlm and Elmvale laid that they were pleased with the smallymldent wlal Every one behaved themselves or change said an ofï¬cer In Brndlord STOLEN CAR Repom mm Ontario Prov Inclnl Ponce detachments In SimcaaCounty suflcsl that the accident rule over the weekend was modelnee In view of he number of hollday visitor In the ma Kenn cool RCA suuon Edim wonthy prize or the but ï¬nal which in mockup at tho hm Tha mum whippedlha hy ccea by mum frhe lesllvmu gal0 lo may 5an 1030 uleniay momInK 13 one of Ill Jayl Dominlon Day unflatte gnn Ihu march from City Hall to Ground Over 2000 pebpio bravgd the possibility or aweiierinl night ycsierdw the Burria Fair Ground in whichlbo NHL All Siam play the BarrieJnycee softball team it was the high light oi the Dominion my tea flviiiu Few Despite Héctvflv Traffic mun EASYCARRY 1m Seerngralerolager 12 50ALE 12 PILSENEI Olilclall the rm Dcpanmenlaald ono pmed out an Brndlord IIIM and on on Em road Two member of the Kempan ell Trumpet Band lalnled and had lo be zlven oxygen by Ihe Barrie Clly Fire Department in the Dominion Bermuda yep The or three males who are alleucd Io have been in the stolen cm fled the scene the accident Damage lo the can Involved to Ihe Mr Merrm who had his wile and several children In the car chased Ibo offending vehlcla or ï¬x and hall miles The mall car went out of control railway crossing near Uh thofl quarries and struck llKhl nnndnrd 230 on alurdny momlnl the car overlook 1952 much owned and driven by Kenneth Merrlu 01 RR Orllllo and pulled ln lhnlply In Iron Mn Merrlllu vohlcle orclnl ll to Illa aldo of tha road and al most lmo the dllch Damage was done to the from right por Ian ma lllerrlll cur Heat Kayoes Two Musicians Imnfl Europeancar ms 510 la sometime alter 11 pm on Friday alter had been put ed by It owner John Skel Ion in Waubyushene Get the best of both na lb mas populiral jmtlom wu VLhe DunklDJ flagr ï¬aqogablqgmentlan llvon to tho Jaym noil Bey eeg Hmhuuu Mum you 13y séven oclock la ah the lempernlm dmpped mm 15 degrees Ind lhnmwd lman arrlvun Aka man In um lymyynflw muu mums TOLL By the hue the panderudp ed the Elk Grounds at least 10 name had tainted mm Ihe eat The 101mm hall which lpmvnllcd lhrauahquy Nye nfltr nmn hunl over the Fur Grounds Ilka nt cape James Johmon II RE Wang Bench wu laken lo Penelanx Hospital with ran lurcd skull after he wu struck by car while drlvlng hla hlA cycle along Highway 92 at 1145 pm Sunday Thu youlhx bl cycle had no light was re Pofled Duncan McPherson 65 Toronto died at the wheel ol his car whlla accompnnled by his wile at no pm on Sunday ah ernoon The tar went or the mad undsruck hate yauuuuufl Althoun beaches in the Elmvnle dlerIci were packed with hnlldaym ovcr the week ens only two mLxhnpx occur Thu attending vehicle ch Ihe scene or the accident The Strand pence ar lpvestlgullgn Maw Mel Cook farmer on he can concession In Stroud re ported that black 57 mn crashed Info uclion 01 new one an his property dolnl damage of $75 Mr Farm uslalned out to the lcfl side of 1115 face The yehlcle wm damned to Ihe Amount $600 Another cnrjhn went out ol ennlml was driven by Fred John Farresl 124 Steel 5L lamla ll was knvelllnx non ha Tollcndal road The vehlclo lulled to nezollala curva and went all the road lan telephone pole and shun lnz mall box Mexrm vehicle Ind 5200 to the stolen car lhi drawivui 131 Burlnn Ammov Mam Dahsanl laid Mi mornlnl the Amlly had notmnder up It mlnd to which on three pholceuflered VIII my We want Ialu up the Altuallnm 1r ah said The crowd awelledilo ovQ 2000 by um law minute My 1m name lime and flayed un tllgtho rework uglhplay 1ng lhe Damlnjonjï¬ay drnw vme over cr grawyuis Inna whére dhc Shevnller and prou Sun Taylor CKBB 03 mar Ei Kim irvine Donna Jacobs bbie Jones Michael Leaner Patricia Leaner John leingnon Knlhy Livingston Joanne Mo Bride Len McBride Cathy Mo Cniium Lana McMahon Mark Murphy Mamrei Newton Mn Lou Quinn Donna Raynsinr Dim Robinson Casey Elm Chrisin Spanis Sieve Spunis June Sriziuy John Sriniuy Jay Sloiiar Judy Tascona mm Todd Mary Lynn Willie Col iccn Vilsnn Genrge Wilson 51th Wilson Jack White Juiil Wray mm an purllclpallnx were Judy Aikens Helen Bermuoua Michele mm Dlvld Burton Brlan Calvert Ann Cameron erl Cameron Carol Ann Cal rignl Danna Comma Judy Davies Kathleen French Elln bath Marx unnne Hufp uuu wuuu many dad up to an enter gvepllnu mm ang ley and played by elm ynunz planlsln had the audience In miles tho pinno aelecllon became more advanced soln were in terspersed with plan dual vo cnl duets chnral work by the piano students and piano duels 11 Story of lhe Llon and old ngn Srll capacity crowd thoroughly enjoyed uninteresting and some what unusual recilal Beelhm venn Contra Dance played by our youngsters at twn piano lava iivniy and musical 3m in lhn evening Then came solos hy iha small beginner who neared to ihnmushly enjoy their WDI zpeohigsgSéitf flitSitaae ï¬ForBeéitalfl 0nd huhdred peonles the my for tho plann lludenlx of Sister Redempla St Joseph Convent At St Joseph And orlum ml nï¬lpnr hr $13 up Va xurned nul 20 line ï¬lwwmflc mute the parade bug quickly dlmugd afterwards Durln the allernonn lewnerlons he lh yangwork ane vie ll