Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1963, p. 1

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he nve her gin and Mlsa Kevlar Also dis Aho hnd Intercourse lhc llmu with Capt Ivnnnv Sovch Iman la was given Ibo inr lrcnlmmt as the Ir Bl Auden Almort to fly hrrn fiBritish Government Mnmlllnn mmulltd with In om mlnIuIarl hdom La lhu mun Common lodny In Inn now lecurl norm over Um third man the mu llnr and MIC 11 who ddrcl In qu IIII IVv Ronan wu um weary mochd tilhelm nllrr lard IV Seal Edward llrnlh wanted Mondn nigh lhnl nurnalhl Hnrnlal lml lhlllm nrmur dlplnmnl and MunMl Communlnu dld lndml Up lluruu Ind Mncllnn In IM ucurfly nurnln wm baul In mow Fnllawlnl Ilw mule lrolumn IHAIr Ami an In Iorlu rrrumy lulldnwnl HIM and mm new blow to II Inld Mntmllln who II affix ileum In ma nld umo rcslgncd nflcr he old tho lied about his as iUI Mandys purl Chrlsunc Healer puI hch DonM Mlclun my pal El rnunhy llml Norman LImbclh mm mm In hlley belrmxl hll country Ham lnlllnl Illllklll mm no Miler puny nu bummhnl mum becnuu labor In DE 131193 guy 1w gum VIM nu ulnaI LEM Er Exmlner Wan Ad Teio on PA nun ulnnhnnu to call at th Busmm EditorlllDonl ll PA um Music COMMEIIJ Bonnie WIucLacMan Gur cache the Iundamcnms ma piam children we lha Elm Mountain Camp or Crippled LONDON APMandy fileavlcs huney blonds ux klllcn wines In the Sea Vard co hearing hu lhe vemmcnl man rhmoul 1b ny Jnflmll llncSWEEN NIONCPlrlmo mm Holi ay In Spain For Sex Kitten rvluard but gave her aocrolnryl nomo nnmu DOWN REQUEST 1d Inld TIMEIFOR MUSIC HT BLUE MOUNTAIN CAMP Out Teleifidnes reported Iodly used to stponu Links glmgjm all he can Mcdllcrmn and helm Lord DM Invnsllxnllnx lhe lhc Prolumn on Spy Case Shakes Wn Mn prm nml In lnlnmllnu pm and do Iml whh In lnurlcn wllh lhnl mu lhrnw oul he hlnl lhnl mm dlnrrmnntlm ha Itme Ur llclnl cr Ad No Added that numpnpm rchlnlly Hum lwnly mm Ivy loun hnlml oumnIIln mhzhl run clue flammable an an In whom Hwy mwloyrd flflldlnlon would Mullb foltfllltd under IM orthm mlnmor he Umu he delmlon laid ln um llaum lord Monday night nflcr Ihu nuwl bmkl lhll ll wu realm WM lulr 19mm Md Mu mr rnnmzcmmu 1m mi nmuncd llml fill my wllhln Ddllbh Nlno nm wan accnnd place money ol about £03000 vach with Helm on VI Mn Chrol who llnlshrd nmnd nnd two Canadian Hckoll one dlnn purchased llckcu tollch lhu bl prlto money of nhaul $160000 nth no or Ihrm mum by an Irish mofllcr duughlcr comblnullon from Toronto who have bought udmla xlnm 1m in this lollcry held In aid the hospllnl In the Irish flepubllc landon Onl widow and Calgary man the other lwo Canndlun holders lrllh Swoepslakrs Ilckoh reaped harvest lalalllng nround mo 000 In ha Inlcmnllnnnl lollcry hnsrd on Snlurdnyl runnan the Irish Derby won by anx nhgl flauuu 13 en mum will mnkn lull unlemem Mlss Keclcryt was ques lloned by Mining or lwu huurl Monfinyi The preliminnry henrlnl of the vice dungo against Ward resumes Wednesday wllh two muro girl witnesses scheduled expose their contact with olhrr Iamou people hnva me and other Inlnrmallon loo conn deyga lomenllon Canadians Million Richer Iis Result Oi Irish Sweeps Children nem Colllnnwood The camp lhnw open Ila doors Sunday to aflaw Iha public In me work being done hmuxh the 5an Easter llrnlh luld Io Common lllal Ihllby whu um ln re Illn lmm ha Ionhm nfllm In In nllnr unlcu lnnl IMludrd Ibo pox ol llnl mmary In Wuhlnnlm wmkrrl lnr lluull More 1m Mu lhllby had to mlml mmuu mm her hum bind pummlnl coma mm brhlmi the hon Cumin LAUGH PROVE mum balm member Mama Ll Ion who rolcrml to IMlbn duhlou lhlrdAman ICUVIUII In lhs Cam in ms nu mm nmly elm nm to nun wvuld now In la Mud nod primal linemen Ida Illhdrulnl II llm nflrr Mumfllm up mnIln ulrl lmlu Ihllh Middlu Elm cor nnm ml or Duo Sunday Oly nrrvrr and the weekly Emm mlnl vnnllhrd Jun 11 mm Helm Ind lhq quullon Imw ll ridl whether lhm vm lounh min with pnucd llp lo Mm hm had In flurlm mu Mulcln rdllor ll lung hnlrcd Snflmflulll la In all 129 Cnnndlnnbounhl Uckcla were drawn on lhe 26 hone orlnlnnlly cnlemi or lhl mm Darby Incond three um um ycnr cm which Irllh Swmpxlaku hold Flvo Cnnndlanl who held Irk cl on Relko French owned winner lul monthl Epsom Derby whn wna rvuardtd such shooln lhll bookies tused to lake bets on him any odds had 0er hope shal lmd when tho nvarlle pulled up lame and Wu ICffllChM mlnuko helm post ume DREW TICKETS xhnmd by Wu 011nm men col chled about 330000 each on Tlxor ha thlrd llnlxhcr lfi ha race around no Ecmarked Jack Currie clerk uld he speclal mcellnz was called when an error was discovered In the figures lax gqulllznllan Is sesameM Mr Curmnid MI 3137 correcl hul here was an error In same of he figures In he columns cant attach blama lo my one ever this but Alncc ILI in one at the columns maybe heres HEN columnist County Council today held me the shnrlul mutiny Council Meeting Quick Like Bunny Sells More um 500 people mended the open house and roamed lhrauzh the camp grounds The Camp NINMLV houses 71 children nld In ulrlu wuzmm 1W firth Exam Legal Wegther Sunnywlth cléudy periééfi Low wnlmss mzhtvmomw Il Inr eomylzle mm my please turn to page wo rrlo Onhrlo Clnpdi Tusday July I963 NO Mary Than RIFr Copy11 Fig1 mo lomdlmu lhu chmlln Nunlerpunthu hy lufllnl an Amman dlplmml oul nl Mcm It Down vlrlmn Eta14 wm luau allow uulr mu WASHINGTON AP AmerA tun omclnlu douhl um lhc lab ounlor of fluvial dlvlomnl lo Irlpplnl om clolk ml dnfler wlll mule much of Ipllh In Ullelluulnn nlnllms 80m nunlnm have Ivan uni pawn lmm UM United fillln In nynlllr pun aluu PhIIhy joined ho Inruign ch In September INL nnd urvcd hm unlll Ichrun 1N1 llq mu Um armlnlrrI IlrII Incrolnry In Ilnnbul whm he nmnlnul unuI Anu ufl WW Wlll Ilrnl urn luy In Wmhlnukmwlwu In shared Ipnrumnl wllh llur ouunlll murnlnl lo Iandm nIJunn IMI Ila Wu Inked Ia mlun Um lullnwlnu month In mm In IIulh mind hid mn how he hd Unmmun Int llmlnllvm Ind lhn lclhillu Burn and Mnclenn Soviet Spy Goes Without Any Fuss VATICAN CITY AP Pope Paul VI In hII wmnnllon Ipccch pledzod Sunday night In dcdlcale hlu reIgn lo much Iar world peace and CIuIsllun unity He appealed Ior lacrlflce In lho Inleml of pen and mid ha wn Iwaro of the Emily KM abllnclu on the road In Chrlnunn unIly With hordes ol Cnnndlnm mk ing to benches and hlxhwuya lo escape high temperatures ho holldny dcalh lull exceeded 150 record 1119 bag Melt pmduccd tornadoes In Quebec and Saskat chewan floods and now In southern Albcfll 10 along the Maritime coast Soulhcrn Onlnrlo baked Must centres had Wplua lcmpenr lure and no plus humidily Those who fled Nadhcm 0n mm or relch lound um same Illulllon thew wealhermln empllcd II has nl mm over Canan dur As result Cunndiansxpent the three day holiday either dodging from or maxisllng will the wealhua ch had chance Ilmply enjoying it Smllhmn Unlnrln hulad Mad Pope Appeals For Sacrifice Tq Promote World Peace Unity We In over mindful in our prayer oi the eiiort to ensure la lliyour citizens the eqqu benefits ol diizenship which havu as their ioundntion the equality of all men because of their dignity as persons and children oi God The ponml alter conterring privately or 40 minutes with the first Roman Catholic Amer lcan president told his guest VATICAN CITY iAPiPnpe Paul Vi received President Ken nedy in private audience lo day and extended his blessing to all Americans ii said he would pray ior the presidents efforts in end US racial dis uiminaunn West Gets Snow But weekend Here Just Plain Hét then turned In space Pope Lands Kennedy On Aid To Negroes II Lfl 11°vaer Sources clnu In mmnmlon ul Inquiry lnlo mo mash In week nulllnn mllllnry plane at Kenmlnxr We 0th many mnllrmrd Iodly lhnl lhc IIM by llrlllh mor nr men nwy Id mllmm at laur llKh Brillh mmtnr dull In Mm lnuml In he wreck plum Hill Ihnl cuth Vdnuday kllllnl Human urnchullm and new PM Wn exhnrl you our tMMrtn and MI anllnlumnkinu mm of good will In mm mm In may Hull Ihll prlmlm lrlrulni may Inn and rmcrvu war In On atln mnlnn nl hll much Inc Paul mm lhI evrnl mmnnlkm ovvr wmlmrd lulm and INmNI lo demnm lllrnrt Pow qu All In linullnh that ha Inlondul lo drdficau hlnucll lo lhc cnmumztmcnl grant mulunl wmprchm Ilon chnrlly Ind pcnco bctwml pmplm mt pence whlch nu Hymn Alard dl In and wmmuw warldyifhum lllm glu British Shell Caused Crash Thm pnuxrnphl In anllnh and lwa Germnn lollowul FinHy mm WM pnrnurph at and In Spanish lnrtu gum and Pollsh The Chm pnrnurnphl In Eng llsh emphaalxrd world prim The rat 500 words Wm In Lnlln Then he mm or In olhnr 500 words In ltnllnn 0L lowtd hy 1m equallyInna par Inn lech Thu Ipmh 01 the fiyearold lender ho Roman Cuthollc Church at outdoor corona Ilon was an unmunl document that demonslrnlod he lnlcrnu llannllly the church Newfoundland where July In Memorial Day llzhl rnln dampened cmmunlcs marklnfl Flnl World War halllc In which more mm 700 he pmvlneel soldlen wcru kllled or mlsslne Ottawa was the scene daylong ceremon lnlbzmd music colorful mm lnry mnvemcnls fly past olkdandngwhldl drew thous Inds of lpeclalors dcsplta 90da zrce wealhcr lth made iho cup llgl the Miles place In Can died In Quebec In Onudo and Gus lgvammman 53 There ware few nfllcllcere monies la mark ha 96th anni vmury Conledernuon WE ALL DAY wa extend to you ahcarl ell welcnme and through Your Excellency we wlsh lo send our reeling to Mn Kennedy In ynur lamlly and In all lhu citi These past cw year have sccn lmpresslve developments in the exploration or space to which the United Stale has made notable contribution May these undertaking take an meaning of homage rendered In God Creator and Supreme Lawmaker Because they augur In much for the benefit of man kind may they be Indicative of true and peaceful progress which would bring men together in closer relalionshlp of unl vnrgnl brotherhood nxflorallon and athei topln He ho Vcal inlmda mm war he said mm remcm her that Wes Germany wlll bum um Khrushchev Inld Every Um mnkc pooch hm In flcrlln ipcnk the narmnl lmllon ho lllunllnn In West Hnrlln The lmperinllsta mum by unIlIcullon to dcslroy mlnlhm In the German DcmocraUc Re puhllc East Germnyl Khrushchev snld Tha Impe rialism wan to llquldlle the first wnrkcn and asnnu mute hul this lhey wll never Iccompllle The Soviet leadcr wu Ipcnk In In H000 Ensl Germn Com punlsfl rally In Eu Her BERLIN APISovla Pre mier Khmshchev orlcrcdtoda to acep Western pmpasal Im ban on nuclear test above ground and under wnlerpm vlded he Wes agrees to sign nonaggression only bclwccn the Soviet bloc and the NATO power He also suld the bcsl way to reunlle Germany to mmovn cnpllnllxm In West Germany VKEnncdy on Illa right ln another armchair The ponlifl In whlld silk robe with red elbow cape gold cmbroidercd Hale and whln skull cap rend his address sealed an gm and red arm chair Pope Pau read hl speech In English alter the prlvnle aud Ience and alter Kennedy pre sented member his party including Stale Secretary Dean Rusk and the presidents ulster Mr Jean Smith To HCCept Nucleax Ban IiWesf Signs lens 01 your cnunlry Invoking upon them the abundant bless ing 01 God Pnzszfir PARTY Barrie District Central Collegiate pmmouon result for rude nine and lo wfll be mmd on Page 12 Gram II and 12 mulls le be publlshed tomorrow EXAM RESULTS SALUTE T0 TWQ LEADERS 01 Kennedy and do Anlonlo 50an ml KPMQdy m4 nlom Int while Maury nl Rm Dun HIM Milan Im in 0mm In m1 Int ln ram mum mm mlml In moth Mm Wham Gordan 2mm tower Clm dmwned when lhu bonl In which he III rldlnx overlurnm In th inlxe Cad Berlinguotle 20 Chum Blondtau dled Injunu lul lmd Friday In cu mh norm Comwnll MONDAY mine Ollawl drowned whllo awlmmlnz In Ihu Idem Cam Willlhrfi Baker luner drowned while Iwimmlnz nent chlrcw Breakdown In the western pmvlnm Manitoba our trul flc three drowning Ind one dealh falling5usknlchewnn one It lie and mu death In mister Spy Hill Alberu our rnfllc mum Columbia xlx mum and one dcalh mm nlllnm Th survey does not Include Induslflnl deaths known llny IngJ orAwlcdz Onurlo had Emit deaths dmwnlnu and two fin dcqtha lnr loul 49 IIlmn Inmllliu ocuer In the mamasPrince Edward Island had three tralllc Nova Scoua lnd three mm Ind Imu dmwninxl New Brunswlck lad lwn lrafllc Ind three dmwn n15 Quebec mare than doubled Ila last yenrl total with 7a Mums33 or them on the highways Ind 41 dmwnlnxl province also reported one chdenlal hanging one person killed by lull ane suflocallon and Who killed durinx tornado Mundly ONTARIO TOLL HIGH No duth mayng In Newfoundland mdvtho tanlum The Nailonal Suety Coundl had predlcled so traffic death during the lhreedny weekcnd But Ontario and Quebec alone Iwellerinu in humid Meme hey recarded road deaths Last year then were 95 deaths 55 ol than lnfllc dun lng holiday Canadian Press survey mm pm Friday midnight Sunday local time rounded ll traulc deaths an unprece dented dmwnings two deaths by fire and seven from other accidental causes Prevlbus high or any holiday period ms 130 during the 1962 live day Christmas weekend The hlzhest previous loll or lhreedny weekend was 122 dur Lng the 1960 Dominion Day holl ay Holiday accidents claimed record brenklnu 163 lives In Canada during the Dominion Day weektnd The Ofilnrla Head 73 Cayadjans Drown 81 0n Thé Highways Sunny with cloudy periods Low Ianlm 53 High tomorrow 71 For eomylzle mm mry please turn to page wo Mr run ll Ian Mu how can mil nu Kunm wnm In fly ll Immln cm 51 Tm Manned drum whllullo on much Pl lmqlml aml ulununi lamY whm nlu by tar Uuuléu Imam Doqnlg gm 5711 TM Ind Len tr Auhm flow In II mmmm Ilflml nmlhwu nl PM Ilhur HIM Hum LnSnllr Mukulmry wlwn hls car In lulu annualpole nut Cugnwnll Ellinin 1mm an nrmn Dim llanm ilinllnn Vhln nm am ivy tn the Ind Id mile lbufilu Rnhm ll leeh dmwnnl uhllo ulmmlnl hlrmnu 5am um In sum MM nrnr hll hum uulnmubll ntrldrnl John IIlum Tnvlulncl lmwmd In private poul Landon dmwud 95 mllrl noth onllln wmmnx Imn Tamil drawan Mia 51mm Hmlunberun Pun nururll llllcd Mm ma model car Ml Ihe road pl 5L rhmuu mm Howard Norman Smart Tl Ind III wllu Hum TI Halle vHIu Ind Lloyd Took lulled wile lhrlr rm cnllldrd ncnr nnnr 19ch mmjm Smith rum drawan ngqr Meyrickvllle Terrell Alexander Emerrldm Ia hralnc Ohln drowned hI hm Luke nlllu narlhwm Orillhl SATURDAY Graham Snundcn 21 Ton onla klllcd nrnr Pamnnd allot ha Iwervcd Ml car Io min cal any lnsl wnlml Mn Maaflre blank New Uskeard crushed by lmck driven by liar ton while hey picked blueberriu on the oulsldn kaenrd nouns ChnrHon mnmmme dmwncd not Wmlyolft uynman an lck Cowun of Atwood Ont drowned wMXe lwlmmlnl Chqslcy Edwhrd Stevens Pelcrv borough drowned In manbe River uum ml was while fishing on Graham th nenr grqckvlllc Miami Dillon when truck In which ha was pnmnaer mllnd aver nunrpnnfish OnL pan Edward George Devm Tomato dlcd In Hm In bl npnrlmcnl Wallace Henry Gan314 Johnston City NYl dmwned when capsized an the Ninth R1 Beverley Ann Marshall IWindsor drowned at Point Pb NI Hugh New 40 Port Arthur drowned when his boat avar lugxcd um umnm cine SLPlerre Illne vllle rowncd when My rowbcal ed on the Nptlan River Benjamin Savltskl 57 and his wile Josephine Ply mouua P3 In lwocar col Ilsiop my Sllnco¢ 115M Cook fiolflslon with 61 Senney Creek slnlck by car on Ibo Queen Elizabeth Way near Ton uIIlVIllW ul wanes ton Lake 12 mllu north Brpckvule Randy Pflcher 14 and Run sell Hunter 1a homo Toromo twocar mash after high speed chaso by police on city mm SUNDAY Adelaide McDonald lhamesvllle her car struck bridge abutment near Florenct Marissa Eulnia 14 Hmmlns Ind Ed Dordin 11 Tomnlo dmwned In small like 15 miles west of 11mm Phillip John Bentley Saul Ste Marla gmwngd In Charm Gordon Eaglehart Mrs Joan Rech Ind her laugh ler Debra Rees all of mm llkon when their car collided lh another near Dunnvllle Dr Harry Dodlck 32 Port Arthur drowned Monday swim mlngwllh Iamlly DInnm ann TnyuMnl Fnurvflle in Mellon wagon Ws

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