lnhllrr 1hr puvlnumry nine 1me mm mm Vrltnln blilml Hllll Hrsl mum Ivmxvr HII er Im In II 117 MHJI ml un MUI nlul Don JHIHHIIM boy were stroke up on lluwny llln uhlch Inclutlwl 115 Mun Ulnmulnn lllliln Hum luul lh mu Ihllluhrh Arunlll lulmrr In pmmun In nmkv Mr lnmmu with llmru lml had la mnpnny ulm my hrmervl Mmlru chmmvion ank NikA huh Mm xlrvmlml MI pzlir wumh 1m JmI Mir Wu urnpgwvl In luul Mr with lnny 10m Jun Fcrr 11 nml IIulI ï¬nnllry calling Inc puck wlth IJS nflcr rounds at mu were Arold Wininncr Z7 ycur nhl Gary llnyrr ho cnmrs lmm Suulh Mlim mu 25mer Tummy Anron Im nullunnl mnuur iIIKIlN nnw In hlu llIinl 3c us pm The rldle ix1L MIDI ur cuiltd Ileccllmonl Cuuulry Clubs par plant Ihraugh lhu irhl JG huhx II he ourday rlmsc und hit Hm llulIMIy mmk under he will Sturcs mu nwr rc ML Iunhc he culn lroflssmnnl influx Associn lJon ofllclnls lid it Is HEM ml cunccnln inn or talent In years mud lhcyvc Arrnnncd an lflhulu plnyufl Mmulny Inslcild suddrndvnlh cnmux 72 holy dlfldlnrk occurs 5110000 Cleveland open golf tournament frmurcd lraflic am today wilh 75 survivors of 011 ï¬rst Iwo rounds lluckld willlin cighl slmkcs of rack thr Seems strange to see Yukon Eric and Killer Kow alski on the same wrestling card Kowalskl Is the fol low who ripped off good portion of the Alaskans car some ycars ago Theyll be at Barrie Arena Mon day evening Barrie Jnycccs have put lot of work into the Dominion Day Festival Make the most of ll because you can be the NHL AllStars and Bob Grier will The feature soltball allyactlon will be at the Fair Grounds ln the evening Monday om pm PM mm FA um mun non mum cum JUST NOTES Speaking of horseshoes members of the Barrie and District Association make Grove St and area sound like series of blacksmith shops on Tuesday evenings The noise is so many shoes golng nr ringers Theres bit of private pitching show at the ranch tomorrow for the games counter parts to golts duffers Despite all oi the fuss and bother this writer fan in 1063 thanks to Rick enjoys the game as much as ever and sometimes more so The ball is get ting better in both mentioned leagues The attend ances at Queens Park are rising coincidentally say for shame senior league Your constitution believe reads in part To promote and encourage softball in the area This is no way to do it kick in the pants in the intermediates now could help spell finis to the senior circuit Players could refuse to play in the right now better league in years to come The intermediate loop could take over as the tap grouping Writing this column may be bringing back old hurls but feel it should be written The layer ln volvod gels plenty of ink good or otherw se but or one wouldnt deliberately knock my horseshoe plt ching partner wquld surely think the senior loop would bend over backwards to help the Intermediates who are supposed to be in lower classification Rick Fraser sports editor from Bluenose country ably described the situation involving sus ended Intermediate Softball League player who 10 ned senior league club before his actual intermediate sus pension time was up It was written in clear letters that the loops have no formal agreement so there could really be no beef mm either side However have heel Do the scnlors target from whence the senior play ers come Its the intermediate league Few good layers come from out of town and join the senior eague THE IMRRIF EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 23 1965 Cleveland Open Is Scramble CLHV AND 4M The SPORTS TYPE OneHour Tour Pluumqul Klmplnh Bay Second Fiddling To Exéited Rick DELANEYABQAT llNES By STEVE JONESCU SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY Tduns 230 130 730 pan CHARGE HAVE MONTREAL CWTom Clou ller 21ycnrnld dchnslve end with the Mnnlrcnl Alouollcs ol Ihu Euslcrn Foalbnll Comer unu hns been nrdcml pre liminur hearing July on dirter pnulnz 32500 worm Imus chrqucl Bruckdcd lh him were wn wrvivlnn Cnnndlnns John xan Munlmnl nddud 71 to nrblruund 69 nnd Sum 40 mm Vunwuver shot hlu sec ond slrulghl Ed Furgol he withered nrmm 195 Nullunal Open champ who appeared out of nflcr opening wllh 75 came buck for flu loumamcnl but rounda course rcmrd 6510 my iq lhellghl at 140 missiny threetom nlrdlc pull an 15 and then going nvnr par on the Inst two EMA ll IA um MAKE UP CMIS REPAIR 70 ALL HOW TILLERS LAWN MOWIIHS ll llnI Motor We Ill Ill OUTDOMID MOTORS KITCHENS mun rm KillebreWs Big Bat Puts Twins Near Top Four hits lwn walk nnd palr sacriï¬ce flies KING Leaf their lclnry nllcr Ihcy Ind npparnnlly blown lhn game by yielding lvm runs In he sov nnlh Inning nnd nnolhcr In Um tlglllh Il look three Toronto pllrhm In kmp he cum from Mriklng bank In lhu bolan of the nlnlhInninx Manny Mata lnnlnn ldple scored Tony Asarn wllh he only run at Columbus as Al Pchanlck and rclievnr chk Llnc the Jets worked their way In nnd out al law all eve ning lo blank lhu Travelers and jnln Jacksonvlllo ln lourlll place Richmond Vlrglnlnns kept Rochester two game buck the Chiefs by downing the Red Wings and Indianapoils shndnd Jacksonville Sun The leaguel alher twa camS manta Cracker nnd Buflulo Blwns had doubleheader rained out Al Bullnlu SCORES ONLY RUN mniu Manic Leafs lirmly cnlrenched in the North ern Division basement staged inurnm min in the ninth inn ing lo deiont Symcus Chiti 36 ending livegums losing sireak and snapping tho division icadm sixgnmu winning se qucnqe Columbus Jets cellar accu pam at tho lugues liveteam Southern Division almost since flu season opened rose lo the dizzying heighls at nurthA place He by cdglng Arkansas Travelers MUTUAL 15 OMAHA TSW emit Eirormcr lcEm mile By THE CANADIAN PRESS It was lullendcn night In the InlLnntgonnl Lgugue lhursdny All BUICK you CANADA VDIONIO ONTARIO The Twins mmnlned In fouth pIncc three percentage poInls hehlnd Boston Red So who re bounded Irom six InnIngs of HF Its pltcnlng by AI Ownlng to push ncross lhrce runs In tho sevmlh innInx and one In the chhIh lo edge the leagueloud Ing New York Yankees The second plaza ChIcaKo While nxbulkcd another at with Klllebrew supply ing much of the muscle the Win clobbored Wnshlna um Sennlnrs In both ends doubleheader Friday night rompmg hume wllh 1H and 10 decision and moving wllhin 1V gum of the American be lend KillLbre contribution in he carnage was three singles lwn doubles And his 17 homer oi the year for five runs bailed in raising his hailing average in 280 That was his high for the vear and coincidnnlnily tho cioscsl lilo Twins have been in the up since the iirsi week oi the season Harmon Killchrews hnlllng eye buck In focus and sud denly Mlnnesotn min are be having like pennant contenders Anauclaltd Ron wlémlnï¬ buses empty Sound The Bell Leafs Get Win THTGDObTROVlDER By JIM IMCKLEMAN WRITE YOUR GOOD NEIGHBOR CHENEY FOR mum nun um In um than nu INFORMATION MAIL hm mus couvon Mm TODAYI IEENIFITB AT MINIMUN was laugh last year whcn was plnylnz and coaching Flnmnn told reporters Thurs dnymMlcr nng game or heavy prncllce msslon you dont loo much like talking Youd rnlhzr just nil dawn and rclnx Dul next year should be dillflrcnl Although his inlonllons are In be ï¬rmly bench coach Flu mnn Indlcnlcd hed return In he noflvu roster his service we despnrnldy nccdul Woman 36 who announced hls Inlnnllon lo mllre us on livc plnycr last April will can llnuo n5 coach the Reds Ha hnd been plnyBrmnch or lvm sensons lending the Rain the AND Enstom Dilelon chnrnv plonshlg Inst ycnr llo previ ously nd played with Boston llrulm and Toronto nlanlal Lem In he anlonul Hockey 14W PROVIDENCE RI AP Fcrn Flnmnn standout de cnccmnn In 19 year profes sional hockey has moved or the Ice and Inln the front ulna ns gennml mnnnger Provl dance Red In lha American Hockey League homer in the top oi the ninth provided the decisive run or Richmund as 1hr Virgininm hailed Racheslers win streak at lhree Jim Korandni came home on the from end in double sicai In he elghlh inn ing to give this indinns their vic lory Killcbruw out ha llne up or Ihrco week early lhl sea son with knee Injury suffered In apran Iminlng has been an hit tear the Dust lwn wuksnnd so has Minnesota The Twin have won 10 in that span and hammering Harmon has collected 1m In at bats wllh seven homers and 13 runs batted 1n bill the Tigers pulled out lhn second game 83 with sevenrun outburst In lho clghth mnlng hlghllghlcd by Rocky Colnviloa homer And Russ Snyders ninth1m nlng homer gave Baltimore Orl ules 21 declslnn nvur Knnsn Clly Athletics and made Slevu Enrbex the leagues ï¬rst 12 mm winner Leon Wagner clubbed lwo hum runs and lwn mules drlvlng In low runs as La Angola Angola wan lhe opener dnublnhcagier ovenDuran Early Wynn to gain his mom victory but Inst 44 in Cleveland indium when Viliie Kirklands squeeze bun pushed over lim winning run In the ninih inning The mini iqli the Yanks with mnrxin oi seven pcrccntugu paint Flaman Takes Ofï¬ce Iob HITS TWO IIOMEIIS Herhndflilznly support as Illllllllllllllllllls man ll Inï¬ll IV um Hm flu Manama IAle cum lny Chrquc llnlrcmr llnncnn my nfl fur you lmyoullnlill lxnmxl mnvhlrr nvm whcn your unlary Ilnm lxmunc Iicknm ur nctidrm lhh ow ml plan nflrml hy Mumal of Omaha will pnan money in hrlp pay In daytuday nmlu nl ymxr lumilyllxl Irnl cluthinglur llfclimc ll nrcmnry NEW YORK APlLlltle Al ble Pcursun threellmc loser In Ihe mnjur luaguc because of his unemlc build nnd hnuing average was named sumng ccnlre licldnr an the Amerlcnn Denim AllSlur tcnm Ioday Yuszrzcmskl had gm he Hrs on Owning singlu with one out In Ihe scvcmh than he Red Sox qulckly chased the ynung southpaw with men the Twins made it seven straight 0ch the Senators wllll mu hurrngu JIm all had nur hjta lncludlng two triples whlle Enrl Daltcy Vic Work and Jnhn Gory all homered SCORES WINNER Frank Mnlzone delflvnmd Bos tons winning run against the Ynnkslun an Infield Mt with two In lhe eighth following walk And Car Yuslzcmskls sin me Red Sox relief ncc chk Rndnn was the wnncr fur 71 record Lil Albie Fills Mickeys Cleats can No 8766 MICKEY MANI Nam Fax cago While Sax second bnscmln In he midst of xllrring came back was named la the slarflng learn or the nlnlh llmc Hrs llnce 1960 Mays lhe brlllant San Fran clsca Glanls centre Holder was selected for the 10m malzhk year dcsplte what season at the plate Rluhl Helden Kn llno ol Dnlroll Tlxm and Aaron Mllwaukco Brave earned darling asslznmenlx ur the dub lmc minim Hueum exclu Ilvo or pltchm and the piny Vales No layers first baseman Joe Pep one of New York Yan kees and shortstop Zallo Ver ulles ol Mlnnesuln Nina were mine to the first llme The can League which divided two gnmes with lhn Na lianai last year maintain l7 15 aver ail Idvanlage One unme ended in Ilei The league mum in the onegame plan this year alter ouryear dauble AllSlag period NEWCOMERS Pearson traded away by Has lnn and Washlngton and re leased by Baltimore was res cued from the minor by An gel in 1964 mi St Louis with 238 votes and right ï¬elder Al Kallna oi Dalmit with 226 were the lamina vole genera in pull their allow players which produced Iavcn repeater iram ins yam1 Iquads The Angels handed the 11 an mnlr Ittth strnluht loss In clr opentr strtktng or three runs 11 the tlrst helm man as cut Eut tn the second game trolling xotng Into the eighth lhc Tiger exploded Cnlnvitn got the big hit ht sec ond humor the game with two and Gates Brown who had walked lending at the In nllng smashed threw dou The Iveloot avgInch Lo An Kola Angels leadof butler who hllllng le and who only ccntly ind league In runs scored Jolncd Hold 01 such diamond glam willle Mays AI Knllne and Henry Aaron In the annual Allstar Game to played In Cleveland Tuesday July more hlls in successlun Elston Hownro homered for the Yanks Wynnlefl nller six Innings at Chicago wllh Cleveland behind 82 bul the Indian pulled nu wilh two runs In Um nlnlh agulnsl Jim Brosnnn llhlhllluu Ilnulh III Im nuthnllna 0mm Alhlolt Immluhm KILLER KOWALSKI JOCK DUBOIS THE MASKED DESTROYER WRESTLINE BEAR YUKON ERIC THE BEAST Special Attraction SPECIAL CHALLENGE BY AND HIS MANAGER JULY 845 PM FOR THE KIDS TERRIBLE TED VS VS V5 HOLIDAY an cy peflonnnnce lha besl or the nlghl to usher in the we day championships staged In this Montreal xuburb was good enough to beat Mrs Suzanna Auday England who placed second wllh loss of 41 eel ladies Three pmvlnclnlrccords were broken In lhe me which winds up today Including Nancyx 5th put mark No records wm equalled Nancy who runs for Torontos Don Mills Club won the wom ens shot put Friday night ha senior Eastern Canada lrnck and Hold championships with hpave at Ice inches The lhmw beau he Canadian open mark heel fivu inches But It more than yard behind her loss 51 feel me Inches mesdny nlghl at an International meet In Tomnla DESK OF THE NIGHT ST LAMBERT Que CF Gcc it was great an Nancy McCredlc The powerfullybull lunar old 211 mm Brampton Ont had last brnhn the Canadian open shot put racord or wamcn fur the second time In our days For someone whq make habit of breakan records the wax relatively excited Slrenilh on the rubber Ls mnklllg midscasan threat out Lakevluw Dairy Barrlu In lerrncdlau sauball League Prior to thls week Lakevlew could show only Us 101 ll I963 olloru En la Wllh the addl than um fellow who an hurl as well as play oumr spars well Lakevlew has laken lhu league by storm Last night Qlfeens Park Ihe dub won Ils second contest Is Hébit Breaking Records BALL MODERNIZING Lakeview Takés Second Straight Dlvhlnn of mu Ilnnlnl Mill Co Lid 48 Anne St Snuff PA LORENZO PARENTI TONY Mus DONT MOVE IMPROVE CALL 0n Ihe other hand CH belt ed the ball from the start alllnx smashes berm It was over Smith and right ï¬nlder Waym inkling had three hits aplecp or the winners Jacuhsons inabilityV Kind lhe target and his mutes ina bility pick up he bail pu Lnkevlcw three runs behind he Mail in the iirsl inning Bu as Jnke seilled so did by males The club was even more solid behind Chrlsiie who made his lrsl piiching appearance El lhe season in the third inning Slmcoo Cow scored ï¬ve runs in each of the fourth and limb innings en route to trouhcln Ban1c Jaycces 113 in an Inter mediate Softball League game at Queens Park last night Except far the first lnnlng ln whlch ho was wlld enoughlo allow two runs Coops Lelghtml Smith had lhlng ln pretty good order The young pitcher never allowed more than one hit an in nlng and gave only live throng the contest In as many nights bycdgln Smlths Dairy 54 ane Jannth son and Bob Christie comblncq to contain Smiths butters all Just our hits the sum time Lnkevlcw had to scratch or the victory No mus in the slxlh inning spelled the dillcrcnce betwce lhe clubs Gcnlnl Jim Quinlan paced Lnkcvluw the plate with pair salctles all loslnx pllch er Wayne Russell Pete Forget had roundtrip per or Smiths nmmmr TED 706W MZAI CoOp Thumps Iaycees 113 PA 82496