Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1963, p. 5

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Vows Exchanged EAt June Ceremony Thu Mlmlanl Mrs uwml In Ilmllar alrmAXrnclh 1mm nl nqun lullcln wllh orrnklrll organza mm hmldrmu Land ncwunrlrn wrrc In mulch lnl hum of Ulrlr Raan Tl ulltndanu rnnlnl mucmle lxm PM Willie nlmxln dulslrn TM IKsl mun wlu Gary nich firde Toronto lulnn Ilm mu Mlmdrd by Miss Inullne lmlgh as mnld ol fiction The bridrgmoml Alder Ml Fnyu lhnlmry wm Ivrldu St Aldans Anglirnn Church Hnwkcslonc was he selling or 42 exchange of vows bclwccn Mis Buvcrlny Joan Hart and John Ernest Bunbury Rev William Flynn of Shanty Bay performed the nncmm ccre many June ngninsl back ground of permits spirca lllnca In Iullps ln baskets Mr llnn gave his dnughlcr In marriage The bride wus ul llnd In gown or nylon or annu nppllqucd wilh Imponul Vulcndn 1m with Icquln lrlm mlnz Thu dress was Inahlomd an empire llncs wllh aoflly roundcd ntckllnc addinx inkreal to the bodice The hillknith oomrnllcd xlirl wm gulhmd la busllo with an ob how udd lnz bark lnltrul In sown The vrll nylnn llllmnn tulle Awu cmuzhl In tingle while row hcnddnsx Thu rldc cur rlod bvuqucl ml mm nnd whllv rqmnlluns umur The rule lhe daughter Mr and Mn Vlclor 1an of Hnwkmone The brldcgronm the non or Mr and Mn Em est nnnbury also Hawke none EMPIRE GOWN fhc nrgnnlsliluls Kiymn Mm Dwgull accompanied the solo llnfryslpssgr Harrie ed amnioer on zhe av craze of all subjects the re cent final examinations mum Gall Burkholder Brian Crnw ford Wnync Dalgarno Linda Gullcy Pamela Howie Lee Hemndlry School Gndunllun Diploma mum Anderson Paul Carruflners MONDAY JULY lIl Ind EVERY MONDAY BINGO Ontarla Premier John no barls centre and New York Governor Nelson Rocknlcller 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT gglowlqg students obtain RCAF ASSOC MR AND MRS JOHN ERNEST BANBURY STAYNER coflLEGmTE Oulof nucsls wm prry ml 1mm Toronto Sullnn Dur rlc Part Arthur rillln Col llnxwuod Aurora Shnnly my Smync lllrhmpnd IIHI CoId wafer bri and Maxim The hrlde chose nlnk hourl sufl or lrnvtlllnx and white ac cmorlcs while xnrdcnln rn hnncuj 0n hclr relurn Mr and Mn Dnnbury will lnko up mldmce In Jinwkulanc Asslslinfl Ihe Midigroom thcr wnrc almlh own pmth plnk cmbamd lnflcl and organza Mmhinx acces sories and corsch or whlu yrdcnln enhanced her mum Bxc PREMIER ROBERTS INSPECTS BRIE rLceptlon wns held In the church mm The bridel mt her rccclvtd wearing threw piece lumuaLse baucle suit cam plcmenlcd with while accessor lu and carnage while In dcnll the brides brother Ind Robert Bnnbun lhe brldegrooma bro ther were Ihe ushers mgcarnox Donna Addison David Alkln son Suzanne Dobson Brenda Glass Robert Hawklns Susan Hcslip Lorna Jones Mamy Mildwll Elaine Fallen nil Pounge Ben Dalgnmo Doug Halle Hulsh Eric McCort Paula Mll ler Rod Nesbm Belly Runsier Rickey Ryan Lest Beverley Smith GRADE ll left our the 8000000 bridge across the Niagara RI verllmm Lewislon NY lo mu wm Slnllon For Crrdfl DONT MISS FREDDY CANNON THE DARDENELLA WASAGA BEACH ON JUNE 30 ITS Addisan Damn Mklnson David Bell Erlc Btllnmy 0mm Besley Ju Cm Mn xle Dickey George Dobsam Sumnne Dawns Shnmn Ferd Burke menn Wilda 6nd wny Malcolm Glllll Jenn Glnxs Brenda Grant Garry Green WynnGm Wayne flnwklns Robefl osllp Su lnn Hood Marion llmr Allin Johnslon Pnann Jones lama Manbh Smart Mamm Alan Mikhcll Mar ny Marrow Pnlrlcln Nowell Julllnnc Nobel Llndn 0NBII Valerie Pallm Elaine Im cock Carolyn Pom loll In Me Dnvl oblnmn Ken null me lollowinn sludang have complelcd Grnda summtu and have been recommended or he Inlermedlulc Ccrllncnle McKinney Joan Haddock Toma Madjll James Miller Jerry Snycn Laverne Smith Harvey Spence Leigh hot Murray Vln Dyke Grace GRADE lo Black Norma Bloomfield Leanne Bum David Free man Laura Gram Keith Galley Lynda llcndry J1 quellnr Holland Jimmy Ho wle ode Alexander Bob Barnes Jim Boomher Paul flake En Doner Dianne Dwgalli Jlm Egginlon Dan Lulur Bonn CGwry Brlan McGiHvray Wayne Morrison Howard Morrow Peter Pace Chmlam Ann Rhoda Midlelle BenL Jim Chrislit George Coulis Dee Cubfll Way Gillen Jim Gallncher Jo Gordon Wanda Gowan Ruth Hanson Daryl flulsh Lce Laycock Roger Lowe 1511 Oneilly Jim Orr Bubs Pickering Shirley Bawn Lyn da Shemr Eldon Smllh Bev erley Talbot Richard Walker Garry Dyer James 1X0 Smog William Wheeler ryl Adam Naomi Burkholder Gull Craig Paul Crawford Brian Wham Lynda Dalzur no Wayne chkinson Numy George Catherine Hulchesson Tom Kerr Irls McCarthy James McCan Eric Malcolm Bldlnrd Miller Joan Miller Paula Neshllt Noble Linda Ransicr Betty Ryan LewIs Rickey Sharpe Eldo Sinclair Amy Spence Keflh Suicgl Kathy Underwood William Van Bmk Adrian Wllxeeler Ben Emerson Che BARBIE TEEN TUWN FINAL EXAMINATION RESULTS new The allowing students have completed Grade IX succu fully BchCnrrquers June Dunlwp Harlan Gilchrist Sandra Sinc Jl IXA ledy Cannon Ill be uluulnu all lulu Bonn lnlludu lnlk Tulnluulllv Hallo Way Dawn or In New Ollum lnlll HIM and lmny 00w Jim Mndflnnon Ron Murch Murray Smml GRADE GRADE 11 Queenston Ont aflur open lug ceremanlu yeslcrdny Ac companying mm Man Appalrlng On Tho Sam Show Llllle Cum Ind ll Conlull THEY WILL BE APPEARING AT SAT JUNE 29th TRY EXAMINER MM All PHONE mm try Duff Jeannie Mucbrl Chumlslry Dyer Carol En llsh History Hood Elumr Algebra llulsh Shlrlcy MA zebra mu Joyce Funk Alxwrn hernlslry MCGM lry Urlnn limwy Alzdm Chemistry Puccini Mule lImwh Alxabu Pucclnl mm lMflebrl naymer llth Mary Algebrm Commmlnlh Tim allowing students must obinin standing in the lubiccm indicated below being recom mendm or the Secondary School Grnduniiqq pipiomn min Dawnwvnnd And many 0011 On Bellamy 101 Beau JoAnn Brnilhwnlle Eula Ann Dunlap June Gilchrist Mar Inn Gulls Tom McEndlem Margaret McIntosh Terry Manbh Donna Miller Rob ul slnclnlr Sandal Wlllofl Bcvcrley wood Wnyne Morrison Gur les Peacock Puulcla 51ml 11 Iollowinx Iludmu in complclcd Grade XII sum ully and ham been recommen ded or the Secondary School Graduation DlpIoma AScconauy School Grdnauon mpxgmg mun Allen Ilobed Cookseyhun da Grunt Marie Hanna Camila Hoe Tuna Luv Marilyn Make Joan Mch ney Sandrl McDonald Jan ene McGnuloy Jeanette Per ry Gull Pickerlnz Joan shim ylémyy XIB Berry Grace Bowman Eld red Brillinur Bob Canth en Paul Conn halmer Knox Bryan lead1 Kim Lennox Earl Paddlson Rob ert Scholte Tom 5m Mike Webb Darlene Wood Caml Amishom Gail Bnflhwick Nancy Briskow shim Cnu than Jack Connemmn Dick lnson Douglu Hus Don GH bm 8111 Glass Lynn Grieve Ardlel Lemmon Valerie MI¢ Klnnm Jim Munro Frances Murch Run Reevey hank Sage Camulnc Slurpe Lyn dz Somcrvllle Eldnn Styles EIIUIE The ollnwmg gmdem have completely Grade XI success fully XIA following students lnve compleled Grade but haw NOT been remmmended for 11 Intermediate cannula Armstronx Stephen Beck Mnnle Brown Betty Blue Shirley Burldlolder Sylvln Ch 1min Don Cameron Murray mm Elnlne chklnson Paul Dorsal Gary Flsher Doug Fisher Karen Fleming Sandy Heard Llnda llulchlson Jo Ann Kerr Elaine Locke Dl anne Maclntosh Doug Mcv Cabe Davld McKlnley Rod Mills Janlce Morrlwn sum Nixon Orllg Styles Shmn Thompson Ken llmrmnnv Mary Whlte Rlchard Wilson Dem 1511 ChrlsLlnl Binnenheimer chairman of he Niagm Falls Bridge Commission CP Wirephotn mrlcf memb Sow Ilh IUNIMV MN 1J0 MATINRI DAILY flyl IM lmlu II Ml 111i Schlor Tear Tmth don alzd by Roy Taylor wu won Junior Team Trophy was mac and donated by Jack Ed ney Ind won by he Cactus Plaken Richlrd Beech Cap llh Jlm Sell Norman Morgan Allecn Flood Donnn Plnkney Ind Pun Jennell boili155 mumsmiry Slihdlgdoods ld Wandgacgak ares Copam pmvt picnic lunch prepared by lho lupervlum mom WINNERS WHEN IN TORONTO SEE The day of the plcnlc Sam Johnson at Alllslon Bowl Invited the boy and girls In day nkbowllni oII hlx lllpys COOKSTOWN Special The Conkstown Junior Bowling Lea we held IL second annual picnic In he ah xmnnds with over so buy nd girls attending Through the xcncmslly of Mr Ind Mrs Norman Cook lhm children have enjoyed lenm bowling or lhe past xxx week Illhe ponk Aresidencc Plano Quartet Kells Mar llyn Elizabeth Rodger and Douzlu Ruth Dnvles Piano Duel Anne and Alnn Downey Mary Wright Bobbie Tag 15mm 10 erzhls Louise Barbm Ind Mary Rodger K51 muted In March Flam Duel Wendy and Dar len Owninnd Alan Duwney Wm IoRN LWS BAEKusn Pllm Quartet McFarlands Jolnng Judy Janet and Bill Accordion Solo Larry Kell SCHOOLAGE BEGINNERS Sluled last all Wendy Coupland stalled ln March Barry Jebb TONIGHT ONLY COOKSTOWN Special nlunn recital Vina held recently in the United Church CooksI town by pupils at Mm Elaine MchWzLI member the On Irlo Relislered Music Teachers Asmhallon and Onlnrln Mus Mncntm Assndnunn Mn Davie spoke the pupils dur lni the evenlnl the con clusion he elm presented hlrs McDowell with am The program Included Mellon age beginners Bill McFarland tinned age last all Marilyn Kc started age In March Susanne Hnmlhnn mmd use In March Junior Bowlers At Cookstown Receive Trophies At Picnic Pland Duet Shlrley and Bob Manama min ML not nu mumu mm ml 000m munmuouu Innnun not tool mu Mu mun no no mmm uvluumu nuns lulu mlmmoflfllfllIOXMNCHULVOHI NIHB PARKING NEARBY DRIED WEE mun mnvunwnIml m1 PEP IEO mun mmmmlwuIm MM mum mu All mm mm IBM rDfllIl 1mm mlImuu munumnmn Cooksfown Holds Piano Recital PLUS MOVIE INDUSTRY DIAMOND JUDILEEI TANNING AND NMlllAflil HV WALTEII PIIKIZON AM II CANADIAN ATARI WWWIm ANNIVERSARY HOW THE WEST WWAS WOW mm Choice mow Audny lltplmm WAR AND PEACE uflnuul Indy mm Short 15 who lcred unly because his friend happenvd to have an extra en Iry blank won lhe MIdAmcrb can Junior 3011 championship Friday Short of Toronto de enled Gary Am Own hoga Fall up In the whale Linn over In par11 Pmum Run umm here an an extra cam gin and hidden more pri ze were given out as awards or Saturdays high cam haw lng at Alliston Piano DneL Heather and McDawe Annette Qulst Piano Trio Lynda Jane and hchEwgll Pull Qaqk by theBealnlcks They were Harvey Flood Captain Bruce Ficldey Ken Stnldwlck Coleen Jennell Sheila Woodxn Brian Cunningham High average or girls in the junior league was won by Aileen F19ng and tar bgylqumr Sgll High avefége In the Senior League or girls Anne Relve or boys Paul Trnltnr iiano Duet Grace arxd D1 anna Crawford Janice Monk mnp Grace Crawlord West Barbara Wright Shirley Tailor Hgamer McDowell Fume Duel Susan and Mrs Wanless Barbara Jcbb Joanne McFarland Debarmh Arnold Louyse Wright Plano Duel Katherine and Dabbl Arnold Judy McFar land Kalhcrina Arnold Dum thyDavle There was vocal solo by Janice Monkman Student1 lakan Instruction more than yearlnluded Jnnel ficiafinnd Sman Wan less Anne Dpwney bin Taylor Cherie Eddcy nick 1e allon man Barbm and Dghhig fllfiey Cherie Edmy nnd Shirley Taylor Margaret Shear dawn Plano Duel Domlhy and Hum Davies Pinnb Duel Janlce and Rick Ie Mankman CANADIAN WINS MANSFIELD Ohio mam TICHNICOLOR lknry Fond Llnya W651 59mth TONY cows ma coLuN MILLER MON TUES WED THURS NOTE Mull Hnlrrlnlnnwut Mull Enlrvlnlnmrnt Tho Attack of the Giant Looclm Mlll mm Alma Mllv cum llmnnnuml mnmccmm III Aunmmmlmwm mm THE PARENT TRAP Shulng HAYLEY MILLS Ind BRIAN KEITH A180 PLAYING SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Wle VOTE ATHENS AP The cum lakcr government or Pmmlcr Panayolis Pipinells won an overwhelmlug vale of con dcnce In he Greek Pnrllamen Wednesday night The van was 172 to 11 The weekuld regime SUNDAY DUSKTOuDAWN SHOW mE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 29 snmmr uu Enlrvlnlnmrnt Im mm mu 1mm Anll lunllfl Yum no mm Inn Hm Mm mva In unw Open THE DIAMOND JUBILEE OF THE SILVER SCREEN mtinfluufi ADDED Mun Tue Wed TONIGHT ONLY le Rd Con 14 Bolwun Hwyu 400 Ind 11 PLAYING SATURDAY ONLY Hwy Gulhrle RAWHIDE YEARS Stnfll 915 HIT NO HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Julia BIG FEATURES THE VIKINGS Ind ON THE FIDDLE Shawl Monday Tuesdly Wednudly FOLLOW THAT DREAM Slnlrhlx ELVIS PRESLEY Plus PARIS HOLIDAY DhNB HIT NO HORROR BEYOND BRIE TEENAGE CAVEMAN rcplucud he guvefnmenl Pm mier Constnntlne Caramnnlis who resigned when KlngPaul and Quan Frederiku mused to heed his advice agnlnsl alum vlsi to Brllnln DRIVEIll Adult Enlemlnmcm HAT TIIRU WEDNESDAY SHOWS DAILY AT 100 and 000 pm Arlull Enumlnmmf TODAY WIDMMXISH 195

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