vlml hr Mlflrnlrvl Ihr Ilul Ivmr ml mm Ihnl wu Hm puvrvlly vi the sum llw up ruml unl lw um lraHml Im lurdnnhy lur lvlcnnn nml lllww mm In minHun nl Mn plumml pmml Uun ndml In aha hrr namn who um MM lltmnnl Hm Ilw mu om murth aim hurl Mllml In lmln ml me Im 1mm erng Hm Iqu um slw hm Irul lwr pm In rmlrnli O7 nml HIM AIM mud Inh llm nun Mk HUI In thlmnu murmth lyMr Gosling lmiliul wiH llvln In hrr Nu ltln ndlnn murily nl Ilm or Hm Alnrr Inld lhv mull hLI nutHun hml horn lrnun hi the Mann Ivy Morn rmplnyw nl nnmuxlmulcly 20 run He nlIsrxml Hm ucruwd mm In dlmmrc Mn ruunlnl n1 khu rrmmld wenttr hum lho rmmlrr uflknl mm The hmrinn mum mu 1m lnrldcnl llml lmk Elatr II the Han at no In In nnrrnmm of Jun GIMDE ONE AND Two pupils of Cndringlon Public School wnvcd goodbye to lea The nmnunrlrd dc nncc unmer IL Kcnncdy on nuislmn Um mum of jmllm umltr my Ininfl Irmlm sinners mm ml In Mny out rnublv and slumeg ndvixu gnu Io Irll he lrulh mpcclnlly undcr calh This Vvull In be lo mas oxpcmhu surulcr you your procured he mid In passmn smuncc Mani Imlo On lhc Mcmcd hnd Ihc unlquc distincllun of he lm lhc mnsl outrunnus liar Mhnm he had fllmlnllllld ytn An In Onhnla hrncll Mrs Kay Elli wax lined 3150 and nuts in Barrie mngulmles toufl ycamday upon conviction hnvin slnlcn swmur at value at In than 550 from dnnnnmvng store in Hume FINES WOMAN $150 0N THEFT CHARGE AS HAPPY AS they wan to get out sdmol for cou ple of monbhs these pupils at Codrlnglon Public School her hand uml ml NO MORE PENCILS MORE BOOKS NO MORE TEACHERS ll Ho ml vullrd Inn back In Um Alnrc Aha lnhl llm murL 11w Ammd mlllrd lhnl Mr nIIlnR hm alvrn hrr nn chum In Main lwr th mm Minn nMrr lmn In lhnl llml In my lllo nho rumimml In Iciwlvu In unrullnm ml rn ICIHA Iald no rnllrll Ill lrr llm mnnnn Inul Iho dld no nnwtr or lllrn Mound Ml lnnmrnl Mr Gmlfnl mm nu Um MFN Irnml Mr In Mlh mmlmm hnl mu IIuI 1n Mm nhuul hrr unml nnr mu Irma fur lwlnfl In llnnla Aha Irlllllbd Mm on Kim mm Ah mu umkmx nun Mm More when In unkmmu wnmlm Ihrunt lhu Mr mun and Mr husband Inrkcd llmr cnr nn flnylltld Slml Jusl hclow Collier and Mn EIIL mnl all In llfl mmo lnulma Mn lillh mill Ibo and In the rnr or some llmc th AN ernrw lnulmnd would he drlnyrd unlll he pm Aha dcuidml lu man Iomc purchnh nl he chlnn shop on lhv op pmlln rumrr munc llun mm wllrm nhu wtu Iilllnu In Hm cur Ihu Inlomml lhu NHL 1IU5TNVEATIIII The violence also allmd unIy um wllntss Mn Ell lack the Hand and mum Ihc had bccn slund Imd Aware Abe had not Men in llnrrlo or 10 yenn whtn she nrrlvcd nl noon on me duy In qucsllnn The accused wu chmzcd taken before Juslim he pence hm she Admlllcd la lhc mum 01 Kay Ellis 61 Hrspclcr and lodged In tho Simcnc County InlL Allcr some low minulc she was persuaded In accompany the sccurfly nIliccr back In the slum lhnl pnlnL Sal Reg Nculhwny was called to flu scene and the mnllcr cnmc un dcr lhc urlxdicllan nl lhe Bar ne police PUT IN Mll char Miss Peggy Smllh be fore they ran home to skirt two monlhs men1mm In It be known that they wouldnt Ionget their leacher Mrs MncLennan Pre senting the polleny from left In hll Ml Alnlrlnrnl Imam tulnr John Murphy Mkcd Ilw tour or mid linu 11 Crown wnn lnklnl lnln renam In Ml Iummnllon la lhr murl Mr Ktnnuly Inhl nlmpllllmu tkplornbln Hrunrdma nlllrr mpcrL lhc rum he Iukrll ha tnth In he lcnlcnl poulhle Vhen court munwd Mum muner Informed the lunch HIM hll rllrnl whim ln chnnno hrr plcn uullly ll coumllcd those taking pm In the hnnrlnz lhnl Hm 0L men perjury drmnmh one lhc Alrlclcsl ncnnltlm Imdrr Ibo crimlnnl rod millnu 01 up In ll you In nrlsun Thu mnxlmmc cnlkd mlnulc mm Al ml polnl Magislrutc 0rd hrnke In In observe mm sonm an In tho courl wns dellbcrulc ly lclllnx black lies one thing will no lulunu WARNS OI PEIUUIIY DIInlnp ll in navy crosnnxnmlnnlion Mrs E1 told Assistant Cmun Allurncy John Murphy lhnl she hnd not uwncd purse such In that de xrrllxd by Mr Goslink in his lcsumuny When asked wham er she had signed main or hlue purse when she Ion um Jnil she said xhc wasnt sure she had done no the monk mun he In nrrnr she said From Ion are Slevm Bon ncy Mar McFadden Cathie Green Wanon Baker Judy Elhbllvlud Our EXPERIENCED AND PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE FACILITIES SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY lelud 50 Yun Cnnw BRISTOW PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD 84 DUNLDP ST PA 66546 luc Mnunhlln Cum mllc hryum Cnllinguoml The public Lu lnrilcd lo 5mm dny at he rump In wnlch Ihe vnrird um lmplrlng ncihl In he chllllnn Tm Your an supply mun Mounan Cnmp lor Crlpv ch Childmn holdlnz un nunl npcn hnlxso Sundny Im lmn nppoinuxl Ibo exclusive RAIN DROP DEAULR For Your Ann Your Rain Drop Dude mink mm in mm pmbltmn We hvfln you In llnin Dmp In have In paging sentence Mulls lrnle 0rd xuld hue was nu douhl ml the unused would be xcnl lo prunn or cansldcr nble cnmh lime aim was brought Belch com um cralinn lhc age or he dchndnnl and would not press perjury procccdtmu he said NOW 11112 FINEST NAME IN WATER TREATMM EQUIPMENT ARE PLEASE T0 ANNOUNG THAT BRISTOWS 0F BARRIE Open House Sun At Kiddies Camp Laws and Peter Williams Em nminer Photos budgét SCHOOL VASNT quite dls missed but chlldren at Cod rlnglon Public School was allowed Hula mlnxallon be 13 Iix All group were rcglslcml with the cxtmllon Thlrd Barrie ADC llcld nmmmundcd Adrlnn MncKchznn nr he txccllrnl int he did In orflnnlzlnu lhc Cubanu huvlnzrrgclvcd mh hour nnHlt Cubmnslcr Adrlnn MncKcI nun rcporltd on the Cub me held at Sprlnuwutcr Pnrk near Mldhursl lllnl Clubs 26 lcndcrl nlnn Scams nnd clxhl group member mndn ll nut or hnudny Agnln congrnlulnllom in outs Polar Held John Wyndham 1mm McLean and Bob Damp 5m ann from the Dlslricl Coun rllnccllng held June 11 In his newsletlcr ADC Held Hid Dinricl Scoulcr Llayd Cook hn conic lhu plnn or First Allundnle Filth unnle Sccand Allnndnle and Seventh mm 11 date havent been arrnnxud ycl hclwncn group commlllco chnlrmcn and Secular Cnnk pleas do so now Call Scoulcr Cook Pu 841w WHATS COOKING ncmcmbnr he our Flrsl Ed xnr Troop Seoul who helped prevent major llrc nbuul month Mo near Edgar Well lhcy made Ihe thln Cuckan In Cnnndlnn Scouting lhll month Tcn Smut lroopx in the Dis lrlc have bran presented wilh Plan Man by SL Rcld They are Flrs Strand Flrsl GrcnILl Flrs Angus Third Harrie Firs Edgar First Crown Hill Flu Emlc Sixth Bnrrlc Flrsl Innis and First Shnnly nay Thisii remind me lo nsk him Acting District Commissioner Dave Reid Firs Edgar old me District Commissioner Mn wm OBrechk made an appear ancn the Cuboree law week ago in Kiil nnd spommi This was welcome sighl and Sqnndrnn under Reid said ind icnlians are Major oizmht will be back in Ihe drivers xcnl soon nrrcn an mm By TED BEAUDOIN Examlner sun ncpnrler First of all Queen Sum Mike OBrechl ls nut writing the culumn During lhe week mum to ask hlm la wrile about theI Jamboree but plumb 101 50 on he 0ch summer holl dny lbcxnn Prelly Shnrlecn Brand scaled ccnlm was serenaded by somu her adA mlrm Her lamlly moving SCOUTING AROUND Urged To March Dominion Day Canndlnn Roy Seoul nunnd Inx he Jamboree In Greece Aug In Aug 11 will be wearing xpnclulunlfnrm non design ncludcs khnkl Mclsun Ml There are only men olhtr copies the mine In existence and lhls will be the Irsl In Canada Dr McKenzlun former home and aludlu nl Almnntc is now museum devolnd his wnrk uunuv tor the Buy Scouts Philadelpth when he was prolnssnr at lhu Unlvcrsily Phllndclphla FIRST IN CANADA Dr McKanlc one the or masl sculplor of II century was nnllvn of Almonle OM and graduated from Almonle and Ottawa school and rum McGlll Unlvcrsily In Montreal 11 dld lho nrllin All Scnul maps have been requested la make an nppenr nnce and participnle In the Dam lnlun Day Parade The request was made by he Bnrrla Jay cees sponsors ul lhls annual cvcnl and ABC Reld urng all group In gel color party out on parade Cnnndlan Scnullng anlonal headquarters of the Boy Scouts Canada ln Olluwn will he the 5mm of unlquc ceremony today when the Boy Scnuls nf Amurlca Phlludulphlu Cnuncll will present life size slnluc nl tho lamaus Tall Mc Kenzlc slnlue Boy Scout semny dates lakeoi tlme desllnnflanx and approximate it Incrnry he and Seoul Mike Brech would 101an on Ihelr Irlp to Greece Scout OBrecht gnvc lhc Council an Idea of the pcr sonnl rcquircmcnu needed for this trip AND THE REST OF THE YEAR TOOI JULY INSURANCE SPECIALS to Newmarkel Members or the group rom loll Brui Nelson Stephen Conllcr Jon While Tim Dllkey and Bob Wilsnn BRIEFLY BENTLEYS Ps Th Ill make lhrea Enr rin Seoul iprcnding the word nbou ncuulllul flurrlc In lhe ml he wurld One lndla and two to Greece whnn next He plan use III uhohr ship sludy medlpjne So 5n hwnl worldwlde note he column goes to bed far In4 alhcr week Wherever he may be one can be sure hes eninyinu hix trip lie was iirsl prize winner in model ica clipper building com poiiiion sponsored by the ï¬n Council ni Canada well as $1000 scholarship in Ihe Cann dinn universin oi his choice he receives an allicxpcnscsrpnid hip in Ceyinn and lndia iie spent 1000 painstaking hours building his model Inlllnl nhlp iudgrd bu oi ma iinniisi cniriu And ycl nuolhcr local scout who made he Whall Cooking ln Conndlon Scouting Queen Scan Stephen Crane nl Tnlrd Borrlc Troop II somewhere ac ross the lube ncnr Indln or Ceylon red enshzn over In right shlrt pockcl wlll be another d1 unctlye gnluronof the uniform Inn canon shlfl khaki mrdumy short an MOI slacking black or brown shoes and brighl red neckmhlcf an he point which yellow emblem bearing Erctn maple leaf above Ihe word Canada Upon inspccllou he buller was found lo have somewhat un clean flavour which dlsaIIawcd Firm Fined But Magistrate BleesedWith Defence Attitude Special Crown Prostcutor Gar don Mcnxrk Inld Ihe bench that hulkr said by the defendant was Inspected store In Barrio on Nov 20 1562 by government allldnl acting under the powers the Canada Dairy Product cl The Eimvnle Creamery Co Ltd was convicted in Barrie Magistrates Couri yesiurday of advertising and selling to the public buiicr which was labelled at higher slnndnrd illan ii was round to mm line wn im posed of $10 and cosh In the meantime the sixyear nid boy was missing and tire men were hunting for him in the house when he was discovered hiding in the ion grass In the garden when neighbor backed the car out in get it away irom tho blazing garage and back kitchen Th 55 ang nearby mentioned loud explosion which preceded rk who was resting upA slain was nearly lrapptd Ihere and only the help ol Elmer Pratt the next door nelghbor enabled her to get out through an up alaln wlmlow alter smashlnu ll wilh chill ladder wnn plac ndlorrher from below By ILGJ Whal came close to Ibelnz tragedy occumd in Slmud Frl day morninl when he home Mr and Mrs Chris Park yam gullcd by re Tho lnmlLv at slx ls homeless and without clolhlnl or tumflnre Fire At Stroud Leaves Family Without Home BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 19 1951 The maln approaches lo tha clly Melbourne Australia are in be rcdcvclnpcd at In rsUmntld cost 01 $6500000 In passing sentence Maels trale 0rd said that although lhere had been lcchnlcal VIOIBA than Ihe act he was Impressed by the responslblc allilude shown by the rcprcsenlulive ha mammary The defendanll aIlL lude had made the crownfa wnrk less unerous lhnn might olhcr wise hnvc bun he case he snld He suggested that since this dniry Industry in this area had to put up with the luvemment grading system the ravine should make some pmv sion tor an lnspccllun laboratory to be established in this area He told he court lhnl the new emmenl samplu mm ml to Toronto and Um there twoweek delay before the sc sults the leslsare made known Stun Tipping general manager at the Elmvalc Creamery 1d milted hill responsibility or the incident He said that he had been in the dairy business nr 40 yam and that this was the first complaint against him Three 50pnund chums but lcr were 521ng at he llmo vd were sllll In government hands Mr McTurk saidl Its claim tn Grade standard tho crown told the aunt They have to make new start in the way of ham and the Insurance canled Is said to be considerably less than the value or lhelr effects Rle Parks last night were the guests oi Snvnnnah Lodge but am icli wiihout any personal eiiccts ail oi which including Raw iumilure were lost in the re Mr and Mrs Park and the our children ranging In age from slx la have onb been In Can adg layman For elderly and convales cnl patients Excellent lacllmu or private or lemlprlvuln Ilnl nnd mld water in rooms ntglslcn ed Nurse In attendance The Putt home only about 10 toot nway from the burning house caught tlro In places and spectators carried out tumlture mm there However the tire department kept this bluze un der control and also uvcd the walls and root of the Park home Hrslxigns at 2111 and than whole rear extenslnn die while rear extenslon was ablnle with clouds of dense black smoke STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 114 REDEVELOP CITY