Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1963, p. 2

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GRADUATION EXERCISES tor Sunnidale Township elem entary schools took place this week at New Lowell Commun ity Centre under thnauspiecs ot the Ladies Auxiliary Itoy at Canadian Legion Branch his New Lowell From visit are Stardcy Ferroll prlnchisi MISS It MATTHEWS tor many years teacher at New lonell public school ls seen here with some at title years grade eight class From lclt THE IAIIIIIE EXAMINEII SATURDAY JUNE II 106 Uednimoasfi1lee Iaiiiéép Weekend Discoter sFree so at Our Lady of die Assump tion school Ronald usurio bots grade eight graduate Imm Our Lady the Assume tion School who with as per cent won second priso tor scholastic standing Mrs Icrut Walker boacher at Brontwood School holding the plaque are Edward Allenby Nina llinckcnzle Miss Matthews and Jana lienmlsh vnlcdlc torian at thergraduatlun ex ercises ltiarley Lewis and TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn it nunlop St IL Ilsrrie statistical Summary tor the Week naatae June It ms AVERAGE III Atrrsgl Stork Yields Ilsnkl in Irrlrrred and stocks at rummna Industrial In human LIlLDI Iuttehli Inn no son re Year Ago so our as us ear HULLETIN IIIIIEFB Canadian Fnundntlnn Co Ltd niIun Foundation Co Ltd that holders at more than ammo sitnrcs at Foundation Co oi Canada Ltd hate accepted Its cxehnnnc oIler and that all shares deposited are being tak en up As there are ltttaats shnrrs nt Foundation to out slatltitliil at least 751 at the shares hnvr been turned in The otter stlil rrmnlns npea Trnulrirnlrlrs IIprilnrl Lid TIIa company reports estimated net earnings for the three months ended March 1l liltiJ rtuiuulllrd to mason orttna per crusuunn shurt as eompured wills trropru or toll pct tom mun shine on IIIrI sulsliildctl tunsr tor the tarrrsponrlingprp iml last year Ilkilikh Lottturlsla Iowrr pttrttlinn ltd Shirl Justice hhrrwrintl hi the Ilrlllnlt tsiillstlvla htttrtttttt uttlt advis Iti IiIItlrlI tiltuttirlu Iuwrr tnrp unit the ILC prntlnclnl government that tlrtlsinn on the rspruptlttlinn nl lllllllit el ttIItIHt Lirtltlt ttl Ltd will not Irt innatva rinwn ilHIII July so at litr lIIItIl nrtnrilnn Ilrvhnian Irlrnlruml Ltd in tvrrtlpitny mom nrt rntnlnas tor the Illsst yrar cndr rrl Murrli Iii Iltfll nttirutttlrti to inner or In shnsr as cutirrmttti nun tilt5td or sort no In previous umu year srl lnsume tor IMI us ritulrtl rlulrt hi TIM Item the rule oi rrnrutrs less is Is srrsr tor the rlrrlirm in value at rustkrtnhlr anrrultire 1hr Irurlurlwl Ilnnl III tatt arts ihrI Irnslrirlal Ilanlt aI tuIuLI riusiateri sptatlrrly tinidrnd el 11 he share pay plvle lug to eliaIrIInId rI nl Irttuti hrl ii itll the lrrrtlntts IInltirItt rnte was one rpnntrrty Aluminum Ltd in tuntpsny MnMIrttltI planned inrrms In aluminum smelting operations pl mm inns montth try Alum Inum In at muddled lle IAttiulintt uprtallM subsidiary inrlxrr title month similar In man in production at mom Innniirly asl lttttntttltrrl try the wrnpeny The toilet tar crease all be eticclcd at two Quebec province smclters nl Ar vlda and Shawlnlgan The previous expansion In output has at lsis hinllgne Que and Kill mnt British Columbia The two increases will bring Aluminum Co at Canadas production rate to MIT oi eapaclty Aluminum Ltd said approximately 5000 tans oi the companys Canadian capacity will still be idle alter the latest Inertuses have been tIlccteti lleyrs Strrl lrodttrll Ltd At special mrrtlmt sharehold ers approved twaInrnne stnck split and directors suhwnurntly tirelnrrd quarterly dividend on the new slutit ol IZrt pay nhle Aug In to shareholders rd record Aug is tutJ The new rate is the printed at it an nunliy on the old stock an In rrrnse ot tocn year ltotsslnlnrs Foundries and Alrrl rt Lid Chairman hitch sunu nunrnturrri the company will snrry out trnsssLIitsi as pnnslnn program in Hamilton this yrnr ilre nurlur Ilrni still In sixth rnld Inlll uitti nusil tnry sttlipltttrtl its mrrl the III trrasrd drnlund Iur tint Inllrrl prrxlurls in addition basic steel prndurtlnu capacity will he lntrrnml Ii mono lusts prr yrnr Iry Installing morn rqnlro IIIrIIt III lite Irlasl Iurtlntr and asyrru strrl ticpurttttvtlll lhe atltlrtlnnal erptipmrnt upm rt In Increase the tnmpnnys ptrwltlttirm Hardy to 15m om tuna annually EXAMINER WANT ADA IIIIIN PA tumult won by the school with the top grudo eight student Mrs Paul Jamicson LA presid ent who made the presente tlon and Jim Day Brent wood school grade eight grad Irate whose 91 per cent stand Ing won him first prize and brought the plaque to his school Nancy liiacham Are the other grade eight pupILs In her class this year Examlncr Photos The hEeVieet volume at trai lic In history In expected during this weekend and the hot dry weather has created extra tire hazards The Ontario Provincial Pol ice the Barrie City Police and the Barrie Fire Department have all asked that everyone coaperatn to make this an ac cldenidree and tiretree week end Flm Chtst any Irwin and this morning We would appro would take pertioular precau tions to the home out or it and around their places ol business Everything is so dry now that we have to take special whopper crowd ls expec ted at the Community Swimming Pool on Grove street today Wes Alisopp manager at the Community Pool and ot the Barrie Arena said this morning This is opening day and we expect record crowd Capacity at the pool at one time is era but Mr Allsopp said they sell out and then whensoor so leave they let another ill in it Is hard to sag lust how msay can go throng in day The Community Pool opened In the letter part at August In tall end was open all season last year when about 000 people 000 oi them children made use at it He expects it will exceed that number this year because there FABMEBS MARKET Strawberries at so cents box led the sales at the market this morning honey was priced irom 25 cents to according to else at container potatoes source at so cents basket good test lettuce tor 29 cents spinach no lb celery tar as head lettuce 2s cents each green onions and radishes at bunches cents ripe tomatoes sold quickly at 40c lb Apples were scarce st 70 cents tor qt basket There were tow bun eiate it very much it people rreueutiom There Is the prob em ot tsaitlc and we cant al ways got to tire as as when trattlc is norms Sgt William Cook ot the Bar ulciriy tr rte detachment oI the Ontario Provincial Police said We ticpate the heaviest volama oI tratttc In history This Is the report according to the stay if tratitc ls coming out at Toronto Looking out the window hero see that It getting increasingly heavier most ly northbound oi course We are going to have every available men out aadm would like to melts It ea accidenttree weekend We certainly cant do it without the cooperation ot the public Pool Opens Today For Summer Fun were quite law cold days through the summer last year when the pool wasnt open Mr Alisopp said It might he good idea to remind people that the pool Is tally protected with lifeguards tour in the sit ernooa and two or three in the EVCIIIIII ll necessary He said There is line wad lag pool and the water is chlor inated the same as in the big pool Therels no charge tor the wading pool and an atten dant Is supplied The Barrie Recreation Com mittee uses the pool tor six weeks and the Retarded Child rens Association also makes use at It tor children from the Iteterded Childrens School and the Sheltered Workshop These are at dliterent times chcs oI cut Ilowers oiiered lad tram hildiaad brought In wi assortment ot AIrican vio lets and sold well tor 35 cents to 05 eean new plant brought specialattraction called Lip stick vine 75 cents Begonias I5 cents pot wide assortment of baking Included Iresh strawberry rhu herb and lemon pies at so cents Ior small ones 55 cents tor larger ones with butter tarts at cents each Bread mils cookies brownies and cakes were also available at reasonable prices Fancy goods Included handlmit behy sets braided runs rihb on cnrsngcs aprons etc To Build Service Road For Plant At Alliston ALLISTON iStelt The holiday weekend and vacation plans led Aillstan Council to meet Thursday night Instead oi next week when mayor Jack Mitchell will be on vacation Council cleaned up on up irty ct Itcms betore gnlng Into enmmlttcc oI the whole to dis can lie possible tuture moves to proposed land purchase irnm the Canadian incltlc rall wny This Is rectangular hap ed piece at property less then an acre In site Part oi It would he needed by the town as right at way nr service road to be built tor potato packing plant going up In the southern part at town it the CPR pro erty is not bought then the ran will havs to be re routed on the Industrial site Such more would Invnivo build ng the mad across the crack at an angle and would call Inr an extra to loot length cul sort IIRIIAI THIIMS IuhIIe anke chairman it ilrattle reported on meeting Tiutredny morning he had with Ciit nIIitllII Tho vrrhel terms set by the CHI Included 000 rlre tng tor the haltacre at and In addition the utter would rrnnlre the lawn to pay the cost rd the aurvry replace the Irnee and to rsrmpt the CPR tram tncnl Improvement on the lend to tho narlit Following the rommlttre at the whole srsslnn emruciliur lies tile was Instrurtrd to gel the CHI niter In writing as nuts or Iurtller atilars lie was also nuihnrlrrd in Issue trader cell IInmrrtlatrly In apml up start on the rnedrhuilding ALLIRTIIN IIIUIIHIIM tummunltlrs which were deli inannt last year In paying their shnre towards upkeep oi tits Muttno Ilnnrer Museum hire were once more rrlltrlsad by year only Itiliston NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL asuv vscsuou BIBLE scnoor at OUNN ST EARRII 730 am to Noon July to thh Fer All Children From Years to 11 Years at Age PLAN TO ATTIND and Essa Township contributed Slnco Alliston Is carrying most at the burden tor the museums upkeep then it should he called the Alliston Museum Reeve John Darling Insistcd The ma scum hes good setup over there The exhibits are well worth seeing be added Ileeve Darlings motion was approved asking that the mus cum hoard give council re port on the number at paid up members tor toss and the mounts they have paid plus copy at the boards current tin enclel statement So tar Alliston has not paid Its 1063 share to the museum clcrk Lorne Whiteside reported Council intimated no payment should be made until the whole IL estioa museum Ilnancing ls meshed out with the directors and new and more realistic setup Is arranged water wheel now located at the north end at the loot bridge weighing about tons will soon be moved up beslds the museum In answer to request to the has Itsi hoard htr Whiteslde set large crane now in an at the hospital excavation site will move the wheel into place as soon as Its chores at the tin Ishctl grsdrr repair hill at 2170 hrnught protests tmm muneil hut eventuslty motion approv lug payment was assrd ubllc wnrks chairmsn It hostile objected to the till tor labor costs lie denied Itrote Darlings ae mtlon the town would be better all renting grader Air ltrsttla sold the town had received lDo in subsidies in the eightyear period the grader has been used To have rented one over the same period would have cost the town at least 500 plus the Inconvenionco at never be lng able to get grader esnctiy when we want It be said This Is an example at the kind at repair bills youll be laced with It you buy hull daser tor the dam htr nest lie warncd eounci Iteeve Darling continued to push tar twiceyeary tax pay ments tor Atilston sublcct he launched at the test council meet tag lie said ltarrles tax pay ments come due twlca year June to and Sept 10 and that iottcnham has payments telling due three times year How are as poor storckrepcrs going to raise money tor two tax payments In our our poor est htrsiness monthst sskcd Councillor Frank Itiieencr You can easily borrow money trnm the banks the same as the town has to do to carry on until Allistnne tnsee come In late in the summer Itir Darling in listed In Air tttieeners view borrow lng money Is never easy or its slrnhla Counelilor Stanley Nosewnrthy gnt council to approve motion retains the At Ira paid councillors tnr attendlnn committee meet lass to as Councillor Ilrrh 0i iter said It wouldnt hr much at Inntrmlitinl move it com mlttre meetings had in he tor msiised lo the extent at having the mayor attend titans to oust ttr tor the ire ESTABLISHED IIW to Lit Injuries Slight InTraiIer Fire ANGUS Special Jim Brit unit village resident was re ported slightly injured early this his morning when ha awoke to Ilnd his cabin trailer en tire liir Britneli was taken in tiny al Victoria Hospital in Barrie to have his arms bandaged aitcr breaking out through cabin window around am lie was later released hieanwhiic Iiames gutted the Interior at tho house trailer which was lttr Britneile resi dence Mr Britncil is caretaker at the Itoan Canadian Legion iInIi here Fire Chief Asks Fire Precautions Barrie Fins Department has not had lira call since pm Thursday when It was call out to put out rubbish tire With the hot wcsthcr and the long weekend ahead Chlet iton Irwin asked today that evcry one enoperatc in keping this drum weekend WEATHER Synopsis The almost station ary weather pattern associated with Ontarios current heat wave shows little sign at change Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario Lake liuron Georgian iiay ltali ton Algoma rcglnns Windsor London Toronto itamllton North itay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie hialnly runny and ma tlnulng very warm today and Sunday Chance of tow lso Ialcd shavers or thundershnw ers developing rhletty in the att crnoons or evenings both days winds light TIInngnml Cochrnne Vhlte Itivcr rcglons Alainty sunny and very warm today and Sun dn but with tow cloudy Iulor ans and chance at soiatcd showers or lltundorshnwers dc veloplng cblcih In the alter poem or evenings trolls days Winds southwesterly up to Luke Iluron Georgian Ila Variable winds to to in knots becoming cast to southeast is to 20 knots tonight and acorn elnnnlly up to 23 in isolated thundersnuali Deminion Day Festivities Set To Boil arric IIIyeoes Dominion Day Festival starts Monday with giant parade Irom the City Hall at 1030 am The nradc led by Kcmpcn Irit Trumpet Band will march in Barrie Fair Grounds In Allundnle where midway at mosphere is expected to prevail icature oi the days activit Ics is an evening hatihflii game between the NHL All Stars and the Barrie Inycee £5000 WINNER Bryan 421 Palmer Ave Richmond Hill lorrcast Temperatures lsrw overnight lllgh lridny Windsor it St Thomas no iondnn 00 Mount Forest B7 thghum as Ilamlltlin A7 tntharlno nu Toronto B1 ietertrnrnugh on Trenton Al KIIIIIIIW DO hittsknka D0 North Itny n7 Ktttilrttly a1 liarllrin As Scull Ste I7 Why not suggrlt trI ynut husband that he lets tnmr IhnulSIIn Itce Iemrly Inmate iolrcyl Here II III runnvmttsl plan Ihikh guar Intros rrgnisr Irnrnnr Inr you not your children should your husband or rtrnuturrly PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER BARBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE VOUR GATEWAY IO OPPORTUNITY 66 TORONTO STREET BARBIE COMPLITI COURSE FOR GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS nunaununuuu EMPLOYMENT PLEASE SEND ME FULL PARTICULARS ABOUT YOUII SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY IAiti DATE NAME ADDRESS IARII III IUSINE COLLEGE 66 TORONTO STREET BARBIE Lad ItemandedE For Sentence vaor iiugh Rhodes in was convicted in Barrie hiagia trates Court yesterday at steal and breaking and entering with the Intent to steal merchandise irom the Pines restaurant in Angus lie was remanded one week by Magistrate 0rd that prosentence report might be obtained The accused admitted that he removed last sedan irnm the lot at Dangcrtteld Motors In Ilhrric on June ti Assistant Crown Attorney John Itiurphy told the Bench that the accused had no pcrmlssinntn take the ear lie drove the vehicle to An gus where he broke into the restaurant and attempted to re move nine packages at cigarcts thrcc parks at gum red wal lot and rte 50 in tittycent pic res The youth was apprehend ed on the premises and taken In Ilarrlc Police station at It In the morning The accused said that he had recently tell the army and was presently unemployed Bay City Falcons BOOSTER CLUB DRAW JUNE WINNERS $3500 WINNER Vlvlen Sesdon I9 Psrkdale Csese Barrie Ilrnw made at Wrretllng Night Itsrrlr Arena June It Wmml TOM HOWLETT 14A Clapperton 5t lIssletrel Ihlsno iA estsl Ilrsldrlra IA In SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA wahnmnnw Jimsamt

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