In TIIE BARR ANNOUNCEMEle vFor Flowers And Pianis Cali BEZZANTS PA o0247 AUG l2 THRU I61 DELICIOUS Srrlbrnshord Ivory Sunday from pnt Adult 3225 children Liner II $125 Also chttdnna specill menu asyvtaw Tcrra shanty bay Road at Blake PA Hm BIRTHS It coon Nzws srouv Whats you snuottrlcl Ina birth or our htld In 11 Blrrll Ex ner atoll or tho notlea it is tor llsbys aooti ranslty no to man your moods and NlItIvex in than tar nnay places rltc ao announci rnent arier birth call no uarrla Exsmlndr Cluilded uttt DAVIEMr and Mrs Ktnnoth II Davis srsrtourtcu RI birth or their mt on Thursday June lots at the London IIospiIIl An other grandson or Mr and llrs Wilbur Dubion EATHS rllothsoN Corl ltlay At Yarmouth Nova sentia on Wed nesday June 19 Carl htsv llawn beloved witc or the Donald Thompson or Midhursl lovlnl mother or Edna IMrs Gibsonl Donald John and litary Mrs Itabct Lowryi Rollins at the Palhiclt Funeral Home in IIIyIIold street Barrio lsttcr Monday nooni Service in tho thsptI Tuesday st pJn lnrtsa ment Midhunt Union Cemetery CII ID Dan rte on Saturday June 25 lots John Norman ilodaaon in his oath year at too Granse street Guelph Husband or the tale Annie lilauda beloved lather or Mn Drew iltubyl or Ansus ol Guelph and Mrs Sills raskcvlch Illarbarai ot Calssry ltcstlns at the Ittlniyre and th lite Funeral Items Delhi ltrcrt Guelph lsiler pm Sunday when service will be held on Tuesday July at am Intlh mrnt woodlawn Ccmelcry IN MEMORIAM Annalstn lovtns mcmnry or dear mathcr Emily Adams who pantd awsy June 19 mt Evrr rcmembrred by husband Sydnry slid larrlily lIIIICIIAIlDln lovius memory or dear husband lsthcr and rsndlslher Fred Prttcilstd who plued away luna 2r tilts Wa littla knew when wulra that room Tits sorrow the dsy would brlrili ror tho call was sudden tha srlrack aavcrv To part with one lovr so dear Your last parting with would itsa to have hard And breathed in your In our iaIt parlirll word Only those who hava lost an abia to tell Tbs pain in our hllrts at not tsy inr larcwcll lovirtly rrmrmbucd by with llutllsIt slid lamlly IN APPRECIATION Words cannot express my Ip prectatlon tor thl quirk ctticirnt worit dons by III or drum mrnt in vlnn my home also to the fluids and ncirhbors who rr moted tho rurnltIIra rrom my homo and lrlsilud It with no dsrrt arr Elmer rratl Irld lssnl COMING EVENTS DANCING Every Wednesdo Night OCloc at THE BEACON Wasrtga Reach lluaic by IAN MURRAY and the MIDCOUNTRY MUSIC lIlAK lIRS Cabinet Approves Higher Mortgages OTTAWA lfliTllr tltililill hns njilirllllti illitlirr maximum mortgagor llIiliiilitifl llIlilll tho Nttlltinitl illilillfl Art Ilctrnilo Milllslir Inrltllul told this Calll llltiilt Thursday The top NitI lilotlgnge II rlllstd III IISJAD lriim MAXI iiir II house with lntlr or lnortl luitlrinnllv and to slim Ituin 6200 trut wilit Itss titan liulr lNlillllilllI Mr llitrltlntt siilit NRA loans or fully Ittlirtvl nphlllllrilt lltIIIIIilILI haw Ilitlt llllrtalIIl iii ltllm liir rhtlI lilinp tinII lttillt H730 liirsn Ill turn hrinotiIIrItl In ttnnntn Millislrr Heliums tililll lJ luitlgri UM ultlliitlt tlc Itsils Ihe lrtltittitlu to II WT rrlit IIIIIII II iii lill NIIA Irriililllt rnII limit riIrII Illr illly allot lilo tnltlttl sliritlt Mr tInIInIuI shltl lIinl NIIA lnuttrznprs nl ti lippliivrtl but not il ritlslrlrti Try tnr lttii Multitude and limiting liir wnatuin nlll Iir nlturtt Iii III iiinlwiiuyrts tho 0er Into Iltlulwr he will that In the IISD III olliir NIH IrliIItla IuI II no Intliruuto ulitl lltl¢i Illllpan Its III till Illr III Itll III Iifl riiit ululhtr to plant the Is tlIltrtl rule on tiiiiilnnru all 1in nIipImItl illil nut rrpirirlitt RHUAIIIW FMTI IflNlitiN IlIIIlrttitd rain linily Full Monty Lorri has liltwiutr it linisiplayinr trmrd NI thr laiia oi litr ltr said In put llir Idrs when rmllnrtnsard Ir Iliirilimtl trom his ioytsrr old UAUEIIIU chagrin 29 IDS REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo litLS Realtors lilortizagd lunds Avatlablo 60 of Value 7m Interest No Bonus No Hidden Fees EvmlNus CALL Curly Klonstrnltln Ill Ins me maqu pawsnap PA out Giana Kbsnlts PA 75 John II WIIIII PA 9770 litarnrot Moor PA at EAYFIELD Sr PA 66452 ANYTIME llaniIht rustlfloltatmt parklns IV CAR PHOTO MLS REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST PA 6648I Member or Dalrt Ind District Rani Eststa Board GARVEY Real Estan Broker RR BARRIE rwuoua unit on NIGHT PA 87952 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA ratio 91 Dllnlop St ltlortpm Marley Availbl ilnuct IIIARSIIALI PA Mao ltllli JERME PA sorts VIIl IIARIIIS ozlla BILL SUTIIERLAND strand Ishlt KEITH REALTOR 181 Eglinton Ave Toronto ilU 73333 $3500 room collage lurn lshed sinks refrigerator etc Screened porch Lot 50 lso Itlcona Beach area $4500 room collagchlnnd scoped well lreed Must null All 220 107 $4500 bedroom cottage quiet area Lot 50 it 150 well lreed Screened porch and iurliisiicd Cedar Point urea BARRIE REPRESENTATIVE LES GRIFFITHS PA 858i7 hrortnmt hunsslltw or rain on es or lisltd an dppdrlullii 7er 0500 Tclophorta PA IIUNDALOW Ll ilvlnl ltltrhert hsthroam tam rcrresilou room mull Aluminum storms screens doors micro ysrd all all con aidmd Islrphorlo oaosl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824l4 Contiensrd and clnstilird flliVPlA tlscments nro Instlied at tho rats at to par norti insertion tor out anti two times no per word lnr three tour or Iiillrs and 1s iirr word tor or more Insertions i07 luIII llonal charra II not paid within III days IIIII MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CiiASllllII AU VIIRTISI I5 INC FOR II WORDS ll IAII ITIIIN III DAYS Oil SI FOIL illlillfl IF CIIARGIII lIIii SINGLE INSIIIITlON thntlun tlu connrtTIthoi Adrrrtllrrl sro imrllldnl IIIII sII pi Inscrtiun onlm an am tonvsnirttrl It you lilllu lunar In tint Allystill Ilryilrlmlnl ll quI all admini In rimiiy rm lIiIIy silvrtlsmtsnl iru mulls Ir siiu iiiI lillnllqn In mt nmls iinnt msv nl tutor am in ntllsl tliat am mi murin III III rniiunlna ilavs Inmltm llllTlV Ilo ulstt In ruins nut IIIII tiia lIsIII rum mi untim rm II inrtin lot In mmmt Inn ntanl inllon or an inn linnim Ina lllsillill mm Iiilrfl rtn in in anmiiImsnt lay rdlrlrllnm liy mas Chmlnll lirtiiits Iii lior lord lnIInIiluiiii tilairr It not ltirtil Mill liralil Niilltrl 50 Itir up In 15 partly MINT 23 until Fun extra wnIiIi In ilrilinrinm lillru Iifiri llt rpm until 10 her until utrrtl nIINIi Irttlru nrrilrI ininimaiinn Illnl Iltrllllsll lulu mind vumimn rm Prilth ll hIrl sirtly um Iiiisrltls norm Io raItI In still min will III or an Issl plihlifnilril CI illeii ndlorlinrilltrils rind noiirn lnr thot partI mutt lid llitlll liy pm day in with lltliiiiration with the rrlnlon nt tlhuliloil litsrilrty fliiVHlillllflltI wiilth must In ti 1100 noon prerrtilnp day at ha nImIslsl an REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PHOTO REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST PHONEPA 85563 Suva Mile VilthOur Photo Files EVENINGS cntl Mrs MacroPA dstdl RogersPA dolor uwaaus anltlttt aNu DistII SMITH July Phoas PA limit REALT 32 HIGH ST de1 LangPA Mm Dbl ColoP PA 60241 CouncilPA $9755 ICI REAL assarr OR ZIROVCERS 18 CONNELL BOARD Home PA aIaaa Charles ReadPA 828l7 84987 MomsII Ill Barrie and Dlolricl flu but Dosrd FRASER LTD Forms Suburban Properties Homes Businesses Appraisals Represented by yusr ARCHER COLWILL Barrio Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE BROKER units ounrten shove equipped gsrllc round awlncs gut on property this at very good prtcu with very low down IIalson roi sallihs due to It doctorn orders loch ted on tlianway No it on miles north ot Illinlsvtlll oh Dypsss ror views writ aaymcnt Phone Plt 55904 In In Simon wrlld pox ills llu Would sold inlorrnation mmt llu urther aus OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE BROKER Ihxtii liltifitliiiiiiii lor lomlom blonlcl consult at to mm 5L mo laundry room llvlnl remumit New sherryrltb cortisol rl isvllil nuvltle HOUSES WANTED FA but older home with two III CLAPPEIITDN ST BARRII FRANK NELLES PA sorts LES POPE PA silos Member hull and District Rssl FAIIII Board REALTORAPPRAISER llomcs Forms Businesses ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE lhorlo PA E7216 opposite and Store BARGAINS FOR THE IIOLlDAY Modem bungalow and basement Apt Duplex commercial zone $8500 Duplex 63 McDonald low cash down 121 Collier commercial low cash down shop and warehouse tor real 390 Motel silt cheap No II or to and 27 ice cream or snack bar site Burton Drive In Restaurant 2627 Hwy 22 acres near Barrie nice river Variety store good lento terms Nice lot with stream only $1100 Lot 75 200 near Edgellill Dr 5900 Motel good money maker near llarrie 50 acres subdivision land and house Collage IuLl water ironi $5000 Collage lots near Mulerlront $2200 Sloro tor sue Dunlop lIasl good leitso and Income $60000 terms Slorcs tor lcase iirtr lie itst End Plaza or DItulop SI East or West Routhnuse and cruiser and 50 II outboard motor living quarters Irrms Country lot acres lovely view IIODGES PA $7236 89 Dunlop East Norah llques PA Mm List your llama Form or Business with 00655 MLS or Extluslva III lllNu Lon on Anna si at Lrtllll tor rate or will build AI ysly Iimrtsrllt tIrbti lo sunnidaia IItssd PA to JONATII cotrm rhm Ilch room brlrk bunssiow snare trnerit and prtl tlrlso to schools with no lhrouah trariir In bua roula ralepttonu lA szm II rtlllrJ llrdrnom lIrlun tniirnim halhroom llvlnl rotm liliriun utility thorn altsrhrd ratr Onnrr nslltl ls ltlur tiriu Alllltl iephonc ttottll attoi pm siI rnrt RustinMy Illilfll Irrrrd Apply II III ay lolrlt Ito tmma Ilth Ksrslr lltilhl room dining mm and aiiriirn rttllrihHlulit nin Imsrtit lnm lmlrmims and lifts trslr tn Inth arhnnlt IIt arm nlnl In It rtaoo rtl span rnua Ilnllmilll hIlIualuw on air ammo lot Aluminum llal srlvoril Ilhlli IIII aararr wait to Nur phiIr siiTilIl sriII hlln ntaiit Tlltpllnnl in Mitt Illll slum built on or Int Ittnl IIvI dlrtirtl am with llItItl rtnpi lisilr mm It Iaitiy it IquIn rs Ir main nil in mu III in as IA Malt rinrv mum Ilntm lnrltidn lull Illllmlnl INT srrnmiiitrtll IIIiil In mill illsllstl Irr IIIII TlilllllTIi Ilsa Ii it mlmtll llIim Itlwri rln Ili uttmsl llIlT nuptial mu tin um utitlntnuts iaI attrhtn with llriily nr uyI llvllil rim Ilalli Illl hai tuil Illl man ItIt rim Im lwqui nrsnnslilo nu ly mull All uilm millitmd sls vltlltiv No In its Raina tiny cnnrrliotinns Ilsvo Level with water with all cash Limited liesltorr bloat rltlur Atln Itlvlllll to nluun your limblrntl IIIIs til sritr III the pm Brrtcrsfso llit FRANK SLA ltdtlsr tvansn toDUyLl Itoreys uycr with all cssh stouii Altcncica Limited Realtors reia pliant PA aoooi FARMS FOR SALE 50ACRE FARM and worltable barn pig pen CK ltlt N0 EARRIE FARMS WANTED PAR WANTEDI00 to zoo aeras We have buyer Stanlt Arenclrs Telephhhl MOVING Dont larger to tronster your INSURANCE and It you need cxtr any kind SEE STEVENSONS IIJ Dunlap Sl PA 6Ill0l MOVERS MOVING For complete moving service later rind easier enll COOKIE CARTAGE C1 STORAGE LTD youa ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT llo ANNE ST PA 64de MONEY T0 LOAN WANT TO SWEEP DEBTS CLEAN Add em rill tip Iay clll all oil with ONE LOWCoal LiloInsured SCOtlA PLAN LOANI rill uANu or NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAG IMMEDIATE lst 2n ES Mortgage Loans Aanhcro leUli Ill tilt Nil Phillis row MUNTIIIJ IAVMLNTII ll YOU NEED MONEY eonmlihaln dallls orr esiIttna mortnrss mull ronll iuma lniprtivrmen nl out ll IIV worlhvttllls rlitll Irtto or tutti lA 50981 Mortgage Funding oIrr Slut stillsSoars In it licntlnr ll ltrotrra lll rt Alaorl Ilonry ill rliIl Tr Iiorttars sIIIIII Arslls all tlarn stint lino lisrst RES RENf Illicit nonunion ulison lililllllNlI Ilnrlil Orna liiir Md mm Nhlv Ilrrttx Iplr lrittsl Iu IIIIIMII In hetwmt Mo rintl am IlIUNH ln slut our orPonruNtriasT TEXACO srchcsiIliou rout This two Ilny Ilrllltr lithium is MPitti at lltitlll liltnrsrttliin in ipm Irl pmiicn ii lltlllun rilulnyltrï¬ï¬ In or ruin Inlillii napi am not llitllit hiltI sli utoillltw gallium onil Iiinil sllrtiItl IIl Notltd Irurr Iii IIHII It dining with lririilttinnliun Iin aitlnl assistants It otnllntiis it Irvpiirril lliit is your omwirlunly hair Iltlr tiun high Itlcolile tutIrma For lutNl Itilninintiiill rsll TEXACO CANA DA LIMITED rlo lioioralotl ninl piuiilimietl lo trilltilrlrlrllls ciliuiiliinlril It you IHTIH At lliltt llll rail ntlIitII noun tn iilliil mliinriiy olnilirsirl tin null or lurltIr rm EASE tll lllttn tit Telephone IArltwsy oozot two uyh couPth no chlidrcn modrmmlltrn bedroom Lurze double garage llauso with all conveniences Six miles at good road to Bar rie and Highway 400 Immedi ule possession covcrufld nirv miynlhly It Trio InuitIL Mo ray month sllnrt iaia II IiiiI Im at IA sslit Boots Motors Trailers Youll Find Th IINER SATURDAY 2RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT iv OFFICE Large attic for rent Very rea sonable Apply BRASSGLENN LTD Phone PA 85025 HOUSES FOR RENT EVEN ROOM lloulo In Anllll LIvlnl room four bedrooms dlni ottc kllchln bathroom Avslllbio ANGUIX allusion modern tonVInlcnrbs App Robertson Anllts tlllpildnl ZEN FOUR ROOM dun or rent with run month LocsIed on Dunlap Strut West For inlornts tiart toIepllottl PA MG VB ROOM Hulls on Illlthy Two hodmnms llvlril room Isllllty room random bathroom AlelhII July Phono UNIT AVAILABLE Jilly ll DU hrltsd storey tomidllsehed brick II rooms sunronln shd VIM monthly Ccatrslly signalled Telephonc PA um or PA Avnluuui Aulttst lhrca bed room minor HOUSES WANTED liquin hosts to rout ltllttlt or Brplomber IIePhdnl PA Milli ttldtl scllool Irarhcr denim 3bedroom houu Adult lslltiiy Glrlls it possibis Within town IImils erIl Bu ll Bsms lx arataer APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APT Gracious living In downtown area bedrooms All modern appliances Quiet Private ent rance Ideal tor business udulia Call Mr Ray PA 195 evan lnzs PA Hillel No DR TIIRBI Bedroom Apsrt merit unlurnishld hosted llI lt lttllttica paid lslrphoos PA um INSURANCE alter prn tor turtller dstaila TWO BEDROOM mmenh only 6750 Including suitor scrvlcl It Bits stop sl door Clan lo schools Tellphonl PA 610 I1 hoohl Apsrlmont untur nishco tlcal Wllzl and hydro stspgiled Uss ol dryer Suit couple wit child to monthly Central Tricphonc PA sorts GROUND noun untulnlrhro Ipsrtmusl Ivslllhll how Thnl rooms Ind prlv tslsted 11 IDOM Apartment CnlIrsl locslldn wnhtus tarltltia Am pII psrltlril Sellcont Ined In mo dent Iriplex Itvauaba Immedlslr Iy Tllrphono PA Hm rlltlu R00 Apartment or rent lteatrd Privata entrance hath car partial lmmedi pour Ion Centrally located Trim phont rlt H139 ALLANDALB rour room must to vent priv bath and entrant Clflsl to but llnes Telephonc PA um altar tzso pot or and stays our sin Complala ted Tllcpllort PA or PA usos attri liinnliltN Apsrtrrlutl at reduced uni in return ror loolihl Iltsr lplrllltlnl boiidlns Middlt ssrd nrclrrred Apply lloa ls sxlmlncri cerALLY lixslrd rd lhm room no dry room prlI hsrhslor suita epho sosail avrntnna IA HRH IIlIIN Irlllzl rour rooms and hath hrsvy duty wlrlns sernnd llnnr Illnt sls Includlar heal ltrhta Ind watt Nil obiactlon to on child Immrdiata amnion rricptmna PA mu or loss LARGE selkphtslmd urnlthad apartment ona boonmm dparl srounda ltins Child walro list at Varant Juno I75 beta IA um slur Hrol ULTRAIIIUIJEIIN bacntlor no merit srsilshll train Inl room bedroom then slld lottr our balnmnm In holiolnr Isred srllnl Tllllthonl IA In two btdmnn uniorn IId lpsrllnutl In niroud hauu Na unitum to or lalmmlnl Valli ass munlnlyy Avsllshlo now Til pltoho lirnud on and brdrovtmy rI nt Io IIIHI ctnlrally July slIona PA run Intlsl Asit bath hramnshta not sum hrdnr hut print cntrann parrtnr VII Apply Isl liuntop lionsIN la WIML TIIVI wm Alallaiiia Joly ll sonls lullnstIN runntt Iltrh Issllrrutim ntrirmlor its Itcnty Tlmlll In wntnl now rn Itlil svstnn Ii Immsdlstolyi Nu Ind mod Mmum Ipsib sn In lssl ma llul but list II nylon lvvt pslIIsI flu or rs mm on but turn IhtI htihlonm I1 omqu Iiti ahla lit lsl April ns ttnlti lVIlIINllllnl numt lplll Mull Tim Itfllnï¬ml Ilvlrll mm and latirpllr Iain mini min In in mutt slIlrIl In One eniiium an April sit min strut bignon soil in Arsltmlnt hnibilnl it no mIIInI arartmnta tall in mm RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT ly ductted l7 Concluded AvsLIIblI July 15 IN £330 Street or teiophond PA DNI AND Hill Badrooln Aplrb mush Romanlot stove NIL sit lliyfl Ilnllpl llryicl no bulidlnll Clnll to sII no so IIIIIsI Talcphnnl FA 31352 ironnu TIIRII Itoolu unhuo lIcustlslrlsd sad to ya Tllcpltonl PA THREE ruliNlllllD ltooma tor rent Sullshll lnr couple or rolls Kilo with small child Bul stop list supply awn IinIn Tellphnnl Ill 568 bsolmboh BUTTE to count club srca Spacious sclrtcontalncrti prl val entranca Ind sunhn pstia stov Ind retrtlorltor supplied Idcsl tor coupla Impmt Ibr spa pnlnlmont room unfurnisiti ed Iplrbnosll Laun dry room block trolls Post Olllcc Bullshit to mimic For InternistIon tollphono PA US 70 ROOM Aplrlmntt for rent Frlvltl antisued Saltconlllntd Ilelled Availsbls Jilly ll psr monIh Apply Alisndlll llsxd ware ALLANDALEIhm room rucnt and bath unrurnishcd Test Ind wstrr supplied Pï¬vs eta trsllcd with vorartdsil Partrinl tacuttica Available now lctm Plto PA BMW or Snort Strut niontmN Ithlurnlshed on tied room Iplrlntrnt Drapes auooltcd Parking and laundry Iaetlnlt Front and rm sun dctu west end location III monthly ralc pilom PA crass rollll uoohl hcstcd lpsrtmuit tor rent in Ilarrls StllrcnstIllncd on at rulnrlu sad 5vach balls ll Availabll Jul Tot phrslt PA HINT Titan ROD Apartment sour El bslh Largo Ilvlus mam rdroom kllchcn Ind stlrlpdrch Till noun throughout Nawly or coratcd Psrltnl PA dolss MODERN heated two bedroom tsrilurltlshed Irtrnsltt Pstllnl snd lsundry sclllllel Centlllli located Avsilshil now Ielrphono PA 6005 or lurlhcl Information MODERN two bedroom apartmant scpar antrance stove rrlrirer sta automatic washer and drycr ollrstrtet partrins Avallabla now Cdlttrsl lucsIlon Trlephonc PA canto LARGE modern two bedroom IIIIIIIIInIIhcd apartment Privata bath itol water heated Laundry room with dryer llrtrtscrstor Avallshlo July IS Teicphonl PA Mm or PA um MODERN main rtoor unturnirbed srikont urd apanmenl threa roorsls Isld bath Prlvllt entssrlcc Nicol ltd I1 monthly utilttlcs lurittded Telrphoslo PA um batter Iour room rround lloor spartmlltl Also tnrnlihrd tam room spsrlrncrlt both my arm Irsl rm psrllnl Avsllahls how rrlcononn PA srirt Ittcrnoon or Iveninl runs noonl Aplrlment tor Hill Central location ouch uesaonsnia rutt rm nlrnlly psrkinl no Didi steel and So Collier at Iclephona PA salts or PA asars rtvo minimum and ona untur nilhed apartment to rent depar sta ha and entrances Ce lotatto Imtlabla ins adl talephnoc PA H565 1th Itoult turntahrd spart tneni pleca bath hssvy dull stove rctrtrrrstor srllrcdnlllne arlrtns lattllllrs Ituilshia carts in July lalcphona PA um mull Lnnatt room apartment or rent ra hlslrd modern OIIVIII Irnru Idtal ltrr pulslaners Clo to churches Ind stores lclcphonc um tor particulan AVAILAIILI Jul it stodain two room turniahed ailment Clothes cupboards and convmlencu auitahir tor rrstsp lricphona lIt rm two rnztlllnnli Apnlmlnls and two Ibrdroom Ipsrimrhll tor nut Unturnishrd aeparsta baths and tlltratlrrn Itvallsb Itrl PA tar Dnlh newly dreclll Itle Orr lrsnre Class to downtown no as spin Avtnus or ulcpnona Hm rllnlil antlunmt Apartment in Courtnsion lltmt Nstural llnl Compl ly seltcoilaln to schools rhimnu litnt no monthly Avsllstllr luly rriaohona ntroud ltnt URNIII ment in home lelnl room brdltsnrrt no pslvsll bsthraom mu and psilln lsrllb Availhis mmvdl smo unlurril rd nha Dltlrnhfll lrsl IlhrllI slitr wslrr lnrlutlid IImnIIy darn lrtl AvailInt now Apply rut IItIItl Apsllmshl cc room sisslmrltl only too rlttsrtthl tunI till phnn IA sstm or PA tinnNII ntl Alurlmmll Iris on around ltnnr Nut and um Inilillut raisins and laun div rs ll cm to nnnInn July Tltphtml MODERN Imlllnlshfl lhl mu slmml rIssr hnlpllsl Iainmm lllrtl Ilnuii It llnrl llnrr llitml Iltlllllll MI lrsl lltitsrttll Avslishls July In MtlllllN In man in lplllmlrtl billldlnf halrnny pliklnl intI or Ime ann bum mmtrueitnn ontlslly toutII ls mInIItu downtown mlmltp Wort rmn rim sls monthly Tl phnno IA sslu ROOM BOARD InerRIIanusrhIII list Imitnn 7M lulthvr IhIrmls In lolsyihtinl rs III stNtItl swim and rinarn all at Iunrltsl um and lsilrltt7 Iolrrhtma rn sail or srrly Is simian Arr rim DlIlHIANIIMIIIIAIII lint Mull rm am will run tut tr dsslylhls in minor Itttlllmstlms lotMario rn um 1ch bonito woman strum snlr IIer ridII nntlama mm Ma in aiatalm rloaso sum not smil sr mim rrtti mumsll IANTTADE ruonoirs Mm RENTALS ROOM WANTED loon ss youth by quiet len tlcraan Ell to main business ca sullen lcle Iron Cs Jordon 107 ROOMS TO LET rlJIIlelllD steam to let Cent trsliy IoCIlod Telephom PA 245 tor unherlrrlomallon rwo LIGHT Hnulckrepinl Room or nut Fully lumllhed lncludinl water heat and hydro Control lo cation Tellphopt PA 33595 YURNIBIIID Bedrooms No housat tterplhs Oppotlts Arcna I1 vices Ibymrolcphooa PA arm or BRIGHT clssn bedroom to rent or rcntlclnsn Downtown Iru Parsins laeltttics Telrphone um tor turthcr tniormsttun Km swo ruansllzo bedrooms or rlnl in pnvsh Ilnme Elou to downtown Business inert preter red Tlisphnnl IA um swo mammal Rooms kitchen with rlnntto sud bedroom Clan to downtown Apply Gd Isplc Altmu or telsphdno PA 61 ROOM tor also and two Inca Slpsnll beds SIoru works etc No hnuldkccrlnl Abstaincrs only Centnl Appy II Dsyfleid Strut LAROI Ballroom two closclo now twin beds Shara kitchen and live in room In slaw hams Furnished Idtsl Ior women summer cnursn leschrtll Telephono PA lNZ PURNIBIIED Iloulekeeplpl Roam Includinl slave Idlertor and sink Sulllhls or nm or two it or business couple Linen db alrld Ampil plrltlnl FA MIND SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE T0 RENT COMPLETELY hlrnishcd Summer coitssa at Leona Beach Elect irlr rctrlrcralar stove to wccsly rciephonu PA Ml LnKbrRoNr Accommodation tor sour Modlnt TV llrcpl tam gloss bslh relrllerslor slovl oat hoist Available luly gully or monthly Call Strand II LAKI rstoNr CotIIle Itinets Point leinl morn Iircphre kit chen two bedrooms thinpiece bathroom sonroorn city convent anczs Avsllsbld Aururt oil inttut slvs PA M317 or PA 85 sunlnirh Cotlarc toi rcnt lots lcd lem Desch oh Gcorllsn pay bedroom Inilda comnlencu Avsllshlo mm In to to My II lsst tan war or Aurult no so runner lsttdmlstlon lelsphonl PA um am In These Want Ads SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE TO RENT LAKI couctllcuthl Waterrront iIvn room oottsu tovciy tur rnuhdtnp Inslds convcnlcoiey retention PA HIl suhllilxlt Cottsse thrc MdraomlL lesson or month Apply Tntlsttdsl Purl ï¬rst cnltsle on till Illht or IIobasnn PA dllll betwlen SUMMER PROPERTY FOR SALE auNllAqu uznc llth Coo ccsslon Innlstll bedrooms sub porrh hot and cold water loslda tatutilca coltKc luily in tile tlo too it sandy beach dock nraar all tarnished PA Most or PA Hoot ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 to Ideal tor llalnp IIEII housa attics sprayer etc oerlect insulator 25c PER 00er Plus Tax Apply The Bartta Examine Barrie Ontario HEATING EQUIPMENT SALE IL Furnaces ormd air new slot GAS Furnaces new $99 GAS CONVERSION BURNERS We will give you burner and Install it trot with gas rental water tank Rental $175 monthly hove specials limited time only to lionusers at gas WOODWARD Gt SON STROUD MRS COLLECT CLEARANCE TV Sets $35 up also Vscu Cleaners 20 and up Limit quantity Repairs to all makes at TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA H1643 it liluleasttr Street rsrz Raconuun Loan Opts Glrmlnl nus yesl old rIIIlI price ovrr IN ullirtl with hlll douh lspes ldr Hm It said IIIIJ work Automltic Wlshlnl It Inc Nam llita now must ae lu Telrphonl PA 071 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 82414 Ask about Low Rates by titonth or Year ii ROOFING MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing Siding Insu Iation Eavesiroughing ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS New work and repairs Willi no down payment and up to 60 month to pay FREE ESTIMATESALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE PA HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING nd AIR CONDITIONING Gas and Oil New Installations Conversions and Repairs Free Estimates No Obligation I90 BAYFIELD IA dVm INSURANCE INSURANCE ALL TYPES For personalin service Contsct MR VERSTRATEN owau sr tins IA amt Res IA ssaol NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME liullt tor this wortt Itccommo thions lor tied and patlcnls llnlt ntl lcmflic somrtnoti tcl avislon nalrs It 00 and up Cnll Slmud lIDR4 NURSERY scdoot WOODLAND Nursery School And Summer Camp 57 IIERCZY Si PA 845I5 PAINTING AND PAPERHANOINO ltuuoNlAINllNoT OCollltmrcIsl Illrsltlrtltlttl IIHIIUT ECIIIIAII WILLOWIIALH AVE IA Wm atlcr pm Worllmunhlp litinlsrilrod EDWARD IIIIIITII ANI SON lslntlmt and liars Ilunrlnp Slilw lAInllllp hrvlm More than Till IInrrls IA timid PLASTERINOT ILAhIEIIINtl REPAIRS NEW CEILIMIS ANI IATCIIINO Free Fnllilnln HIUCCO SAM CRYER iA Hm CIII PA lMIC All In nl till thm rIrIuIIIM an talus will In stats to sulsl yo lllh your my I281 ANYTIME PLASTERINO STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCIIWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates llutiget Trns SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Itl Smith balmy 60M Collect POWER MOWERS SALES C7 SERVICE Modern bqmpmsm tact trained technicians th rep all mttltrs ol small outlaw any matte th Ihtltpcn and bnlnaro ml or rotary typo mowers any nits RENTALS USlII tIOWIIIIS ACCEPTED AS TRAINIAIN ON THE SALE OF NEW ONE SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE Highway 27 PA b3577 ch bvmingn in 900 Monday thrmlfli Friday PRINTINO It tinloly iuTninticr to CHECK ytitlr nllpply nI PRINTING PM but rnluo plsu your nttitf NCW ALI TIIIJII tir lRlNTtN We are fully etpllpied llnlltlla ytutr whiting ro qtiirolnouin Itrludtug 214 color work Ilil QUALITY nntl VATr UK have our PRINTING tltlno ill IAItlIIE it Thu EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE ll IIWIIIIIJI hl iA ï¬ll onmannai WELLS DRILLELTT Pull in INSTALLED llv Lil lli DRILLERS rub erIIIArEa CoqurlntI Drilling till IlAttRlE iA l7 IS DUO llet oiled Cleaned Mama Said INSTALLED ltElItlIlED Esperlonretl Well lilen KEN WINTER Tolsva IA um stint munnumnuvmwn prlvltu beach priviler Rent by mn