VS Phils Rookie Posts 10th Win Beats Bucs ilnl le Mn In ll AIMn Boy who wnn lwo mulch 11mm day brnllnu Ilrrhlo Plum of HM Ind Gluuppu Menu Churk McKInley and unneeded rrnk Fmthllnu Um US ourvlvm WINE MAICIIF Thu lnurlh round of mma linzlu will have camptll Oon Hun Auflrnllnm two Americans £wa German lwo Brllanl Iwo Indlnns lwn Spnn Ilrdl Hhodcllnn Sutdn Ind Mexican Ra Emmun Auslrnlln lha nvorllc hu yet to 1m lmunccd Owen David lon Amlrllln nxurnlny The other Auulu an Fud Slnlll llld Mnrfln Mulllm nuromï¬ DEIIVERIES mu un 01 Suntlna Is the No Iced In Ihu lournnmcnl cum un hgkcd hm the 27000 tptrtnlorl who were able lo crowd Into lhu Illlldl nraund lho Inmcd unlru court Thursday MW Santana III SJ 64 WIMELEDON England CF In rclumcd nllcr three day squall and shower and WImhchan tennis tun MW Hm llnul mulch no at In lho 1m chum lumhipl In only an nlon IMIIE recovery 01 Ml but lorrn enabled Mnnuzl Snnlann 01 Spam cmcrxn vlrlor aver Marl Olunu Mexican Davis Cup 1HK axnaL 200 pnunder UN roakle Acnsallon ol the league wIIh 105 rec 0rd Illd respectable 255 earned run nvarngo In no with Culp cnmc lo wring trnlnln with out year of rolesslonnl expcrience bchlnd hm 2735 minor loam record and 53 earned run average Dul ho had showed pramiso In mm Al Wllllnmsnorl the Eastern Lfllfllll wherq he was ma WW may unuuum Culp cunllnuc MI pres en pace he will have an ex cellenl chance to hccnmo ho 1m mokle twogamo winnu Ilncc Larry Jansen New York Giants pmled 215 rec ord in I947 Bah Grlm 01 Now York Yankees was the lust American Lenguer to do it wllh 104 mark In 1031 Culp cnmc lo wring trnlnln with Ilour yyqrg pf prolesslonnl The up rock wlnncr among lnlemcd crop yuunn pltch en the 2yurnld Culp won No In Thursday night as the Phillie pounded out 18 hit and clabbercd Pittsburgh nlu IN In the only game on by anonnll League gthdule Wimbledon Fans See Close Match Ray Culp Philadelphias $100000 bonus right hunder who has losing mlnor league rec nrd In hallway hame In bid to becom tho nm rookie pitcher xlnce m1 lo enter he Hovlctary circle 1n the National League PA 82563 By mum RAIIIEI Auochled Pm sports Vrller SIMCOE PETROLEUM Pictured above an Margo Ind Tqu Mcpulcheon whu cnï¬lurid Vthe double Chara Su LT ANN RT hm llmo nantry Dmirnu Hard llw UiS nlm rcnthrd the round III Tinco olhrr v5 women Mu Dann Fioyd Fairs Tory Fret and Mn Datuth Knndc survived the mend round and MM miniround mnlchu lo piny Mrs ilnnnnh Simick Tor nnln bowed nul In lhirdrnund may iicflitfl by Mrs Ann llny innJon Britain 1H 60 Mn Slmlck mu on lnln dou bicl com nlllnn Sim ix vnll ncmi will Mn annli nlIIrllnln In lnrnl dnuhln McKinley lml Halan mncd ummar In Vllmn and Tony Plum llrilnln 1316 Hllllo Jenn Molllll 19 the Us mnllnutd Inlo lhn round ul 16 wllh vlcmry over Imlyn Len Icrlcoll 79 Thorn were no lurprlm In Ihc wnmmn single nurxdny Mariam Hunt 01 South Mrlcu ellminnlcd Cnrnl flank of mu US and Morgnrcl 5mm of Ausrnlln lhe Invarlta drubbcd Enlcnnn mnhnldmn Swo en DOUBLES CHAMPIONS The Britons are nohhy Wllson and Rogcr Tnylur and hc Mu lcnn la Antonio Pnlufux Evoryonc rolurns In Action lunlghi us the light pcnnnnl struggle cununuc wllh Hvo cam wlhIn our junnu ha lap spot St Louis Cardinals lend wllh Lox Angela Dudl Clny Dalrymple also homeer fur the Phlllics but on lhn debit side he lbdgcr left ï¬elder Tony Gonzalez cammmcd hll Hrs error In 205 ï¬rms Ior lcnzuo record The old mark was 109 The Philiies meanwhile sinned oil by tagging Dun Cnrdwcii 15 nnd coniinucd Ihrouzhou ihc nmu piling up ii ML and their biggest run graduation oi ihu season The lll Ii lied ihn NL high or he senson Johnny Cniiison look hiiling honors in Phiindciphin becom ing the lirs pinycr in either league to complete the single double triple homer cycle this your lie Iripied in he first in ningmi scared ihu iirsl run Ihm oiinwnd wilh lhrnerun homer single and run pro dusjnx gonbie Agnlnsl Pirates 1qu n1 Iowcd unly two hll for six in nlngl but WM touched or we runs And hm hm In the sev cnlh and was given rest by manner Gene Mnuch mm He No with GIVEN RELIEF FRIDAYJUNE428a18pm WASAGA BEACH SPEï¬DWAY lonshlp In the Leglun Bowling pnlr League at Alllslon Bowl Thu ic complete game In II 112 No In strikeouts mu Ilnlml Thu mp Mulch honor one the by men In tho early hm the Huh Awnrdod at mc llmu and at IuCh mcrlh may be dullnnlm by Ina board Hrcdurl Mpla Len Onrv drum lho unnnlmnul clmlte director ho club or lho £10000 gold cup Kmn nlno won all In lhlo1901el Icalon ronomo tcmnm Km nlfly contra Toronto Maple Mala ha anlonal Hockey Manna wax nwnrdcd the mckcll Mumnrhul Cup Thun dny night he nulllnndlnl prrtormcr or the Stanley Cup rhnmplun Lent during lhn mm pcman Clcménte Pall 135g RumH Anton Milwaukee 57 Run hullcd InH Aaron Mllwnukce 55 IIIWhile Sl Lauls 1W DanielGram St Louis 21 Trlplu Ilnmn Clnclnnnll mm nunH Aaron Mll wnukce 21 Stoltn nunRoblmon Cln cinnnll 21 Pllcnlnl Koulnx4 Lo Am Roles and Marlchal San Fran chm 124 500 Keon Awarded Bickell Cup Davis White SlL Grant SH Covlnzlan PM Santa mu Lemma Pull nru Mnizone Do 253 81 El 516 Wagner LA 252 B9 340 Kiln De max 46 86 330 Rollins Min zoo 31 67 325 Ynslmski Box 25141 79 315 RumAllison Minnesota 51 Run lulled ioAllison Min nesota 52 liilIMoizonz Boston 91 DoubltlPDWOP and Versai in Minnesota 19 TripletMinion Washinxion Home rnnoAiilson Minna spin in Sioicn humApnriclo Balli morc is PitchingRodniz Boston i157 éirlkronioPiznrro Chicnzo By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS crs omhnli game back San Francisco Glam behind nclnnnglr game on and Chl cngo Cub four In the rear pnlr copped top honors with more 2393 gm LEADEBE Nlllnnul 19 Ameriun Pha Au xi 216 25 55 Lulue Pcl 81 El 516 262 36 B9 340 mmwm Vnmum Wumnu 21 um Chicago 100 Jai ll Pd Jud you your no No handlep vuwv team Delmil had nnly one 1mm Thursday Several clubl Ihnro the record hav lnn no team will In nInt Inning canton ST PAUL AP Delmlll Norm Cash hecnme he him In human In modern mn Jor league baseball hlenry Ihurldny In play game wlumu ï¬nal chance In the ï¬eld an the Tigers bowed In Mlnnrsola 1M 0th Ind puloull anlm or errors In the nInaInnIn1 me Only IIrIt balemen In mud crn Ilme nine to go lhmuzh In lame wIlhouI chlnco wm Rlp Culllns ChIcnzo Cub on Junn 29 1931 Ind John Clancy Chlcnko WhIIn Sox on Aug Tl mo II NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PAYASYOUPLAY GOLF GREEN FEES Wuk dlyl 25 Wukondl and Holiday 50 TOURNAMENTS ARRANGED MEMBERSHIP FEES REDUCED FOR BALANCE OF YEAR New York Chicago Boston MW York Grail Mi Pilishmnh Gibbon St hauls Gibson Hnunun Drou Milwaukee synhn IND It Lo Annies Drysdlla Cincinnati Purke at 251m Francisco iiinx chal 1123 lune Bllnrdly Chlcnxo Phiindelphin Now York It Pllllblfllh SL Louis at Reunion Milwaukee at 14 1mm Cincinnati at San Francisco CASH EQUHLS BALL RECORD Ruulh fluxIda Philadelphla Plluburzh Only game Ichaduled Pmblbla Pllchul Tod Chlcuzo Ellsworth Philadelphia Dunn 21 angel St Louis Lo Annie Snn Francim Cincinnati Chicago iiiilwnukea Philadeiphin Pittsburgh New York Hnuxmn NOTICE RICHBROOK lhnt Ned Mm wlth Gary Player and Bo Wlnimr or he lop trot In the Held at 150 lhool In or the 3000 In prize Player has won 1000 ml yur Wlnlnm more bun us 000 and Exam mere um Emu umlllnz redhead rude lanwrlvlnl Wynn0H brmsle to roualnu Ivaunder par In Thursdays opening mgnd wyaarold Bill Euler Hendmon Nam and Eynmld Clyde Moon Mul Uni of India CamV Implant 1mm Kentuckyn bill In mm year on the our namm hu com clone to winning mumu men you your mm In out day hollda handlep modod NIT AND GROSS PRIIES Why Your ll Holu Whoa You Plan You Are Not Obllgmd Io Ennr Yawnmun Should You Can To Plny By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nllloml CLEVELAND AP They may not be up than the In hh but two colorful newcomerl to upper bracket 01 are cro utan an early tuxon In the 10000 gland Opgll GOLF AND COUNTRY GM Hwy 90 Mllu Wm of hull Three Tied For Lead In Tourney DOMINION DAT WEEKEND TOURNAMENT ladies and Gents Open Mann mumziz mum BASEBALL SCORES ZR 2945 33 39 14 373 15 50 Ni VETERAN RETURNS WiNNiPEG ChJim Au loyi loncrnimnnuer oi lha Cn nndinn champion Winnipeg Blue Bombcrl Innounced ihuudny iho rtlurn limo ui tha ciubl important dcicnsiva vclerami They are dticnsiva and Dec Lu inInL linebacker Dave Bwk haidcr Ind iuinmk Dick Thorn ion Thundny Relulll Lmle Rock Columbul Jackwnvllle lndllmpollx Syracuse lllcllmond mule Rochuur Only game scheduled Frldnyl Glam Tomnto at Synculo Nullmond II Rochelle Mlnnln nullllo TN Little Rock Columbus Jacluonvlllo It lndllnupolll Southern Dilelon 1mm 41 29 560 Indllnapolls 50 5V Little Rock 34 38 Jncklonvma 19 009 12 Columbus Syracuse Rochester BMlIlo Richmond Toronto Mlnnmu PM 00 and Kant 176 at Wuhlnllon Che 11 178 Ind Duckwonh MD lw nlth 1m Anulu Oslmkl Id and Turky It Detrolt Mqu and oth lvqnlzht Probbk Pitcher Tody Clavalnml Knlick ND Chicago Dehuuchm 01 Kama city Penn It Bullimon Berber IN Boston Heflner at New Ygrk NE Relulll lhunlhy NewYoxk Chin Clavelnnd Bolton Detroit Minnesota 10 Wuhlnmn Kanm Clly 10nIy Ime scheduled Mlnnmh Cleveland Lon Annie Balllmm Runs City Dulrolt Washington nulllwll 1mm cu Billan Boston ll cw York Much Ihu hlfllymmd tul em wu Iurlher ck Although Wu III Irzht me with plnyau brawn par and TI olharl lncludlnl Arnold Palmer mulchlnl the and Alter todryr flay urn ï¬eld will bu mud no In low 15 or the In two round stroke undur par at 71 were 17 Including Stan Leonard at Vancouver atom Knudnon Tomato wu Another umkn back at WM Torontol Al Bullying was vmunfly out mm 75 Olmel allurhy Clevchnd Chicgo Lou Anlelu Dwell Minnesota non nu Mullinl never line in llhtd beller than eighth and 67 in tile ineuxuni lie went over max on two at the lest three hole or he could have been all by himsuii iied with Mullins were Dnve Hiil arid Lionel Heir which hunl come clue to any Ingglg expelpel JUNE 1m mumpolls muwm Human rrW€ wamxmw flailD 4052550 3mm mun mum ox mun 274mm 2mm Private Stock CUSTOM chk mm auecuonnlcly dubbed The Manner by Bunion anatnnd door wuy lo Red Sox bullpen in In Fenwny Park Thu mm of Rum emcrxlnl re lle pltcher has been warm and wclcomo 51th Red Yum ago Adam distilled 29 great wlrlsldes canh wlth it own distinctive characteristics and then aged them in special oak cash Now Adanp has married these 19 me wlrisldes to create the superb llavour of Adams Private Stock Sobcaurc to try this custom blend presented in its crystal decanter at popular price 11jHEMQNSIEBflEMEï¬Ã©ES great whiskies in me hand The ï¬lm balnnlu lo Luplow Cleveland lndlnn on lleldor who mule Ipcclucular dlvlul catch chk Wllllnml bld or nlhreerun homer In the eighth lnnlnl and preserved um ll over lhlrdpllca Bolton Re Sax Thurmy The ls belong to Power Mlnnesata Twlnl 11m baleman BXMIKE MTHET AmelIM Pun Spam Writer gave and An In the fury of the Amer xcnn Lulu paunanl chm Um lpallllhl lam Ihurply on Al Luglow Ind VI Power PoWeir Luplow Herbérf Take Spotlight In AL BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Thoma Mum mum Umlluafloronu Adams Sox lallwernI Ha le lee llva Inches uni 115 pound but look blazer lo poslnl bullers espcclally car or lhll week when ha uved two wlna uslml Cleveland In one vinyl Radau luau cnlered 28 game Ml mason near up In lrlkcauu AP erephola In the only nlhar game ached uled Wuhlnxlon Senators used Chlcun White Sox dawned the Yankees Ray Her bert pitched llvbhllter or hln alxlh Ihuloul and send over New York whne pulling the White Sox to wllhln eight perv conlnze points the fromrun hm who threw punch at Detroit pllcher Phll Rmn and wu ejected from the gums durlnx 1M triumph over the Tiler that moved the Twin to within lhree lime or Intplace New York Ylnkeu The White Sox Jailed Jim Bouion 1M int 10 MI in llvu innings and breezed behind Hen beri to their filth victory in xix game with the Ylnkeu thin season Chicago Iciualiy pui it out of reach wiih threw nm iinl inning in which Floyd Robinsons Ilngle accounted for iwo runs Jimmy Hall and Human KI lehrew cracked homer or ha Twin while Kllluhrew Rlch Rollins and Zolla Vernal nah collected hm hm In mm Illack that made my for Jim Perry B4 frerry Fox 34 ms the laser Powzr took his kc Re nn alter the Tier pitcher had walked In the rim inning Regan Appeared to block the punch but short lculmnz mulch allowcd berm Iha um plm intervened Power was thmwn out and drew In lulu mauc 350 Inc Five homers werehlt In the name Jury Klndall Max Al vls and Gene Green connecting Iar the Indians In xuppart Buny batman 53 Curl Yes Irzemskl and Russ leon hum ered or the Red Sox Wilbur Wood 04 look the hm Lupiow Inserted intuhe line up defensive rcplunement started racing to hit rlzht soon William connected Wilil the Ted Abernnrihy pitch mun meeting bill It the bull Ken wall shout 33 lee irom ame plate Lupiow leaped into the air rpcnred the hull and the lame lime tumbled over the iiveioot bullpen wall and d1 appeared second later wildly waving the zinvewlth the hill nestled In ithe reappeared FLVE ill1 HOMBRE Red Sox manager Johnny Puk dIdnt believe the unbv 11m Io catch should hm do prived William homer be cause the ball wan caught in the bullpen and played the game under protest Umpire Joe Paparellu ruled ll Iacrlllca fly scoran Lu Clinton ram lhlrd hm Bolh Lupluw alové and likely will wind up he lubjecl nl apart to AL pres dem Joe ernln home runs by Jlm King Don Zimmer and Hoble Lnndrlth to top lfaqsat City Athletic 42 DANGERFIELD MOTORS he worriu ram Your vacuum may In an ERASE