Mlllllvl PM er NIIW VOHK AlIlllrrdnu Pun Aulrvlran Wan Mr In In wwuml tub plmul mlnlllhll In him In Huh ape ml mull mllrr MW lthl KIM luvlrv plan umwwl rum ml wuhl lulu rflrfl Ill IIIII Ind IIer Inna The new unnuy lnmlun Nrw Talk wnulnl lino UH mmpuml wllh m1 nl pkul Inklnl mm In Awll ML wian rnnmmnrn ul nllvor Mllrl Ind nullmu Io llllI nnd ï¬nnl Hur lno Ilnllnn uhlch MM lwllclml mm Cnnndlun cnnllnL Thu lrmhml lelrll Iveunn lwn am no wlwn funndn nurml hum npcrnlo nrul llnnncr llll ll nlnllnnl and build Innlhrr Iva In enlmnzc lnr myrr Inllc Voodoo nlmnll OllAWA CP Dclcnca Mlnlslcr llcllycr described lnr lhe Commons Thursday how um RCA mulchan up nlmnn for the Unllcd anlon pence kerplnx mlsllon In Yemen llo mld lwn flCAF Carllmu wnro Inn to chcn mm lho UN Emergency Form In lIuypl They wlll ha replaced ln Illan by Caribou and mu old anoln rum Trenlanv Onl ll wlll bu two works below lho Dakvln ls mn5le In any First would be slgn mainly Human Cnlhalic Quebec hat the other pmvinccs wan Quchcc lo stay In Conltderm tlon sccandly Vatican my judged on at the key listenlnx osls la the world about what going in lhe world Thlrdly Roman Catholic yChurch has been mnklng ap ache not only Inward Chris Some Protestant MP5 urn known In lava naming Ca nadlnn representative to the Holy See and an pressing some cabinet ministers lo take such action Some cabinet ministers have also received letters ram Pmlcstanls urging such mm Ilmtlvkl r11 HUM Alr Drlrme Hum nml MnLHrn II deder HIM IM lln USAF Mr Iklrncn mmnnmL The IVlllnll will ulnl uwr WNImuIny In zomlnuu mr mnuy Mr yml Mnnlml KMUSKAEING Ont CF Thu Amrrlmn 5an nml Sirch has come dan and he Inna dhm linalnn and TAF llnnd ml rnlml hm rmlinx II II yrnr tonlrnl Ivy Hm Unllrd Hnlu Mr Form lmlhcr llndnt no limit slntlun Jame Charles Cardinal Mc Pope Paul Vi during private Ihu Vatican Wednesday AP Gujgan of Tommi pay will audience with he Poniifl Winphoto Three Ollc plnnu lmd hem llrllflcd mm he UN lnrrc In The Calm lo Aden where my were being ï¬xed up Ivy CAP cram They would he flown qum Hm In chrn ya wnn rcplylnz on qumlan Douglm llnrkncss lnrmrr dc rnro mlnmor in MP5 Favor Sending Canadian Eds Ambassador To The Vatican US Flag Down At Pinetree Line Bu hey say they sun doubt 11m the me is ripe that there wanld he bitter resislance to such move in some parts at tha country CITES ADVANTAGES Sevura big advantages or Canada are sccn here the country had an ambassador at the Vatican BCHF Caribou Help Out UN But an nppnlnlmcnl were madBand the climale ol opin ion was more invornhle In Can ada now thnn even low your agothe ï¬rst appointee almost canalnly would be nonCnlh co OTTAWA CF Highly pieced informants in lunch with cabinet thinking on the matter may then wunid be grunt merit in appointment oi Canndian Ambassador to the Vatican at his lime Andrew BrcwIn NDPTar anlo Greenwood In the light the active leadership or wnrld peace and for lhc casing at Iensiens between East and Wes given by he 1an Pope John XXIII and the recent elec tion successnr has Ihe gm crnmenl given consideranon In Canada having permanent rcpruenIalivc at the Vatican External Minister Marlin We will all agree am sure that by example and flan uninPopc John remred lo nonCalhnlics as separated hrclhrcnhut toward Cnmmu nisks as well officially lhe governments position is contained in this Commnns exchange Monday mm Which le 145 BRADFORD STREET speech Pave John XXlIlmade constructive contribution to the cause 01 world peace and all mm of good will will look to Paul VI to continue in that role As In the particular quay lion this is manor of govern ment pulley which canth pray crly be discussed on orders the day neaulitul Sampu Frcc Estimams FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 84433 DARRIE Upholslcflng Is Our lmsr has an Jusl Shin llnc BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK G5 DRADFORD ST Tommy Amlunw bhnw DEAN MYERS MOTORlTï¬i Sdsk Medicare Plan In Practice For Year When Inc plan was inlrm duccd Ihn basic objective oi the socialist government was to nravide comprehensive campuL sury medical care through ndA ministration oi Crown ngency The dociurs objeclnd on tho basis lhai the governments uni versal medical care would en inli compulsinn for patient and doctor as well as governmental control over lire provision at mndicalservicci It is the side Issuessldelined In selllc he baslc dispule hm tween the government and Ihn Sasknlchcwan College of Phys cians and Surgeons Ins July Aha are keeping the medical care wounds open About 570000 Saskatche wans 930000 persons are cov ered by the plan and pay annual prcmlums at 512 single person and $24 family Thai the CCF governments prepaid taxsupported medical care plan works is evident Rps idcnts pay their premiums Visit duciols are Ircaled and have their bills paid by the adminis trative body lhe Medical Cara Insurance Commission REGINA CF Saskatche wnns cuntroversial medical care plan observes its ï¬rst nnnl versury Monday in an atmos phere charged wilh continuing mistrust suspicion and illwill between most doctors and the provincial government couponnon mum0 za DUNLOP 51 Bob Mum IT COSTS ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS Takes Only Minutes Ask For Miniloan ml Inn Man II lllln Erescent NEED 5000 Tlll PAY DAY Finance all rm II Ini TM Dirk lnnll Thulu nu Innfly Bob Mum PA MD Mdan withdrew normal medical service last July and buycolled the guvemmenl plan far 23 days prior to the slgning Jnseph Godber 49 has hem appoinlcd Britains war minis ter in place oi John Proiumn Mr Godber previously was minister 01 state or foreign aiinirs Mr Pronuno ien the post of war minister during the scandal over his aliair with London model Christine Keeicr CF Wirepholo PROFUMOS POST Declare urge that political medicine being practised in Saskatchewan hat the medical profession Is harassed by the government and that efforts are being made to divide the proles sion within itself and that they were misled when they signed the Sysknipyn hgreempnh zovem men charge that opponenls the plan want to keep the med Ical care wzbolllng until the next election hat Ihey want to overthrow the plan heron be come too commonplace and that some doctors complaints are flnldiy The areas cnnmct how ever remain broad and em brace aspects ranging from pay ment methods or some diag nostic services to comï¬lnlnts that hospital medical slafls dis crlmlnale against doctors work In In consumersponsored com Inï¬nity cllnlcs wuuung di rectly under or outside the Sas katrhewan Medical Care lnsnx any Act pl knee known as the Saska In the agreement they warp SPECIAL BOXES s100 HILLCRESI GARDENS MARIGOLDS NN IAS ASTERS SNAPS ETC CLEARING Boxab PLANTS OPEN ALL DAY SEE MAP ONDAY JULY DOMINION DAY PA 61885 hrrl IMII Illlllu In llm Ind rhl Thursdays action was made necessary because the world prlce of sugar ls about two cents pnund above the Us market the reverse of the usual puttcm The United States usually has hurl to pay suhsldy on sugar it lmpnrts under quotas to stab lze the Industry The current use domnsllc prlce ls eight cents pound for raw sugar the world price 95 cents The enmmerce department sald the embargo wlll he tenmo Sugar prices recently shut lo record high when rumors an Impending shortage set on wnve ni hoarding They have drnppcd considernbly but no lo normal since the agriculture department gave assurance thug them Is an ndcqunlc supply In meet us sugnrneeds WASHINGTON AP The guvemment down Thursday on free QXlel ol US sugar to prevent drain on do mesllc cane and heel supplies that could urlher upset the al ready unsettled world market The move atfecls shipment US sugar to Canada THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 28 196 ILS Clamp 011 Sugar Export Hifects Shipments To Canada The depnrtmenl said it does not expect he embargo tn hava any appreciable effect other than to prevent nbnurmul me port 01 us sugnr Imports or sale In he wand markets rnry unlll the world supply sugarmeaning current shari ugesreaches palm where conlrole nolanger are needed The ncllon was taken at the agriculture departments rc qucsL said sugar deliveries to dunnestle dislrlbuturs and use ers was well helnwk normal or the hlrd slmgh week FREE