Mi Xvau Wuhan llmmumm Lihl lib lullln Al IJII nl III can Ami éï¬ï¬ncmn WMOOWRI AUDREY HEIBIJHNIIENKY NNMIHI Thc prasunlalinn was made by Rev ML Smun ns fallnws Home pins Inr unending nl innsl 15 out Sundays for mu Junior nraulns and 38 out of M0 Sundays or the swim trades went Sharon llnslip Jammy McCaIqun Rny Holly Sheila Leach Wnync Holly Gnr don Walnwrlghl Mnrk Lilllc Andrew Symnns Paul Dunbcluh Elaine Lilllc Hohcrl Gnrdon Rnbtrl Mmhll Margaret Sy mnns Cum Miller and Bruce Gordon Gald pins or lhnc years gnarl ullcndancu lnlsn lhc same perrcnluue or hmnm wrnl la Iullnc Sawyers Susan Much llolxl Vrny lhllllp Am Silvc pins far we ymrs mind nllcndanco Isnmc percen lngc or brown wrn la Ili llcynnlds J1me My Vld Vnndrasrk ALLISTON Spusinh Murh lit the cungrcgulion of Sl nd ruws Anglican Church here Sunng was made up Sun day School children who were brbscni to receive lhcir awards for attendance ï¬Present SW th St Andrews In Alliston visil uie Calgu 1Councillor Torrens Is cxpcclinp MR as Lr sslvc their dxssnlisfnclion wllh mnnngcmenl in general Ince men he holding or coun $cil meetings on holidays has hkcn avnidcd This week Deputy Reeve ï¬smpucll and Mrs Campbell vc taken all or Irip across Wcslcnl Canada and nnlicipnlc hcing nwny or must of July Aman he plnccs they inland lo By RGS Inntsiil Council which usually meals on lhe ï¬rst Monday ni tile mnnlh will meet lhis cum lng Tuesday to nvoid the ho jqny There was in lime when large pnrliun n1 taxpayers with summer rcsnrl properly flank advantage of the holiday do gel to the meeting and voice Heir complaints ur express up vnl of council management itinevcr back in the days on Allan Todd was Reeve tlllngs blew up and the summer JiNISPIL NOTES MINESING STATION DEMOLISHED THIS SPRING IS Council Meeting Is Moved On Day Hull llunny mi imly Ind III lhl lull SANTIAGO mum mm ALAN mm minimummm roman and SAT SPECIAL SATURDAY STILL bTUIWING OTTAWA CPIPrime Mini lcr lcnrsnn said Wednvsdxly an lnvrslluallon of stuck lradinx pnllvms In the pcriml lmmcdl nlcly brfnre and mm the June hudm Im not ynl Mln unm Illtd He was nskm by New Unmocrnllc Inny Imzldcr mu glns whclhrr he yr hm xulla he Invasllzullnn he pmmlml lht llousu wuk uxu mm havinx ma year um mics um nhcn each person who had sewn ynnr good nncndunrc These were Pclcr Cunningham Lucy King Davld Lcncn Adela Sub clIHc Bruce King and Ted Mc Dawcll Additional prim were uivcn Tommy McCullum Shurun Heslip Gordan Vnin Miuhl Paul Dcnhclgh Jimmy hk Tod McDowell thcrl MATINIZH AT ll NOON Hillh ycar seals want In Wand Cunninvham Cathy McCallum Mirhcllc Aikcns Gluriu Buck Iev Patsy Sawyer Chrisï¬nc Donaldsun Karen Hnncny nus nnne Donaldson Carol Sawyers und sixth your souls wcnl In Jahn Mlllnr Torry Graham Douglas ulurk crs be lot more hey collect as every Item has been increas ed No bills ul hand which cover small holdings In the nth concession have jumped mu sidcrable umount 0m of these bills on $150 assessment which is lhc minimum amount which lax hill is made for shows lhnl the mini requires 59 In my lhis Dividcd up general rules lukc 3444 3201 or Area school laxcs $275 The wnship alrlcc might lake in heap of muney Um collection wicket wen open over the holiday Now lhal the tax bills are nearly all oul many ratepayers no doubt would like to get them mid lo lake ndvanlagc lhn two per cent discount which prcvnlls un il the end of July There will in make lrlp West but he will be back before he Township Field Day on July 20 17g mus our Paul Dcnhclgh Jimmy Tod McDowell thcrl mu Karen Ilnnccy lnr negILcl nllcndnncc or als wen In Wendy Cathy MchIIum cns Gluriu Buck Saw Chrisï¬nc yum ADMISSION an on SQUID Th cse Lucy Bnfllits Pollcc nrc unlicinzlliug husy lmlldny nml lhc schedule calls lnr daubllna up of he mm as much nomhln urlan Um heavy hours 7ch llroun any Drive with cure null ululinn nml help cmyvmu In rnloy II holldny unmarml by MCI drum lunhlhllynumll Why do rm Ivy MMwa 11an ul WOUUIL CACAOI Cul II lm Ihzl lhh doc ml WNWM mm Inilul HM COOUUIL CACAO Lnl mum annle Mm null llm In lpvh In mm mm mllml Iv upping MIMI Im IM mm 1va llml MHEHI lhnlxmylnlviiuin 1hr mu II my Inlnsmnl bmm The shore cnlngcs danm halls and mlmr businesses will lhu hot mullwr keeps up be bcnhivcs cl nclivily this week end Musl of he summer rosi llcnls ill he mnving in IIlh Ihuir fumilios ml he first llan hey ill an is swim in the cool Mcrs the lake Let us all cndnuvor keep an cxlrn watch over the small by unlil they have become accus lnmcd In their summer sur roundings and learned he dun gers us MI 13 lhr pleasures lull Him more In llw sum mcr hum swung pm will be available at lhe eourl all weekend but it is hoped that during the evenings really eompeliiivc effort will be made to bring out some lnlernalinnnl Conlcsl material Vilh prilc being oilered for the lirsl 100 out oilicinl throw and Reeve Coehrnhe adding dollar out or any lhruws lhal exceed lhnt distance perhaps some strong arms will come oul and regisler lheir throws It you have never lossed hrick or rolling pin lens it might be worth lry Perhaps your name will be among ihe orIdidc players We could win In inlernallnnal lmphy lhls year il really made he died Ing END Emus are in he made In have real lryoul with brick and rolllng pin lhrowcrs uvcr lhe wcnkeud All Chalmers has akcn over as captain of the brick lhrnucrs and Linda Small is endeavorng to got out lull loam oi rolling pin heav crs Bricks and rolling pin Evailablg lhe court all or Barrie and District Colleg tntc and 21 ccnts for garbage collection Another holding os sessod tor $300 in the sémn area amounts to $1188 thtch would make the additional $150 only cost $297 which does not work out on the same preparations HoweverI now that those ac counts are tn the hands of the ratepayers thy ncxt move is to get the funds in and save the hnnk loans which have been us ed to operate the township tor the past months So tar as we can learn the township otttco will close at noon on Saurday and reopcn Tuesday morning BRICK PRACTICES cooUï¬Ã©E QHCHO JUST MEMORY Nva Wm zanncr Photo Mun 5t The coveted Motor Trend magazine CarolthoYom award was won this year by Iho entire lino of 1963 Ramblers The popular Classic Gtho powevlul Ambassador V8 and the compact American The awavd wasgivcn lo Rambler lor outstanding dcslgn achievement and engineer lna leadership Tho panel automotive experls look 26 page in the Fetnumy issue of Molor Tusml magazine to outline the reasons for their choicn ol Rambler The following are excerpts from their vomavks to show you whyllamblorlsCar otthu Yoarlov 1963 Unllldl ConllmcllanH5alestd0 sign represents real advancement and theblggnstslnnlcmanonwechuseRambler Cavollhn YuanNotnnlydooathlsnewconv slruchon method nave apmoxlmaloly 150 poundsovertlioolrlurdcslgnhutllresults In unit so Sllullg Itll take punishment Originally the Inc was called the North Simcoe Rnllway Ac cording to Hunters Hlsory 01 Simon County le uislalion authorizlng construc tion the railway was passed by the Ontario government in pumum Vep Is Ina no part In Ms dispute snld township clerk Earl Richardson These objections led to pen lion presented this winter to lhe Board Transport Commission ers asking Hunt the CNN be Mr lrluired lo keep the line in opera on Penelnnz was onevmunlei al the pelilon Even though llm lllmcsing sla llon ls gone lhc rnllwuy Mn used In serve slill rcmnlns and still cultre of Centre vmy Ellorls by llle ONE close down llue llnn contendlna ll unproï¬table have rnlscd strong oppasltlon from commun lllc along lls mule pnrllculnrly in llm north When first built lhc frame structure was 21 Ice wide 69 ml long and 15 on high Mr Smylhe said There were no major allcrnllnns during Is 31 years of use by the lravclllng public to his knawlcdge Here are the reasons why Motor Trend Magazine chose the 1965 Rambler as the car of the Year It went on sale by lender then was dlsmantlcd vlnnk by plank over paylod or weeks Naw Its nnly memory MIDHURST Slut land mark was of here since 1880 MInesIng railway station on he Cclwcll ta Pcnetang llnc was dcmollshnd this spring II had not been used or the pm vlous two years aald CNR traln master Noll Smythu Barrie Gilfbrd WI Members Watch nesjpg Traln StudentflrtistsAtWork Now Is JustAMemorym imam mum in 0n Mmmmw 386 BLAKE ST OPENS JUNE 300k SUNDAY EMBASSY ngyflmorons llMlIED land NEILSON ICE CREAM CONES FOR THE PRICE OF OPENING SPECIAL Ill llll ll IA um The Sovlcl gmup added France In its supporters on all but Iho Mlddle East llnnnclng qutslion number or African and Asian couolrlcs announced Ihoy would prclcr to have Com munisl Chlna scnlcdl UNITED NATIONS AP The United Nations General As scmhly ended its special suslon Thursday with adoption seven resolution In bulsnr its Congo and Middle East peace opera Nuns Iluphcld also anianaiist Chlnns right to its UN scum Both sets oi actions repre soniud expected setbacks or Ihu Soviet Bloc Th1 was doubtless because at lhn pruvalling distrust In rall wny generally the Hnmlllnn and Northwestern Railroad he dctlhlqugpllnjhe panslruc UN Will Bolster Mid East Congo Wu vuuul nu gun to lhn proposed new raiwny ll relust In Icllnquish the $200 000 Northern Rnllway stock as Danus lo the Norlh Slmcoe Rallwny 1374 But it was February 1879 Won lhc ï¬rst regular train mm In operation Financlnl problems pragucd Ihe rallwny lhrnughaut It can slrucuon Allhauzh Slmmn 1mm wu slrucllnn Antiaugh slmcoc ly Council gave verbal su rpposgd new Rwy onn pan and 1th meansulncwnst ldriVurpas songor conllort The Interior olfuu plenty leg room Rocllnlng buckol scnla with hoadresls are opllom well worth the oxlm expenditure IconomyThem wontbumanyursol this size delivering mam fuol economy than Um baslcunglncd Classic Nlndllnn m1 Drlvlng pleasingly light and responsive under all corneling condillons good boulevard and hlgh waylldoJllevulsnlanypilchorchopplnnss nollcoablu cvcnonrougluoudsi slyllngPlogrcsslndcslgnlsllmthcmu ol Molor Trends Carol lho Your award American Molom Ramblers mo lhls years busl oxnmplos ol oulslnndlng design an chlovomenl New slylng based on loan clean llnes that are apparent from almost anyanglc lnmlamnom undComlorlTho longlh cnodwhoelbasulmgivnnmomroomInsldo longorand naturally hold its Ics Pcuclnng councll gave caunly council puhllc reception on lllclr arrival them During lhls scsslon or county cnuncll un olhcr vlgorous elfarl was made ln gel the $200000 stock surrend md In tho rallwuy company but council rcluscrl When the Nnrlh Simmc null way line was linishcd Its mam agumcnt and olflclnls the Norlhern Rullwny gnve county council at Its Jnnuary sessiun 1979 My along the line slum mu to Iho rnllway However by 1379 neither the provlncc nor the county had contributed any in anclal nsslstnnccl That year lhnugh lensn at the North Simcm Rnllwny was made to the Northern Hallway Miliï¬wuamnmm veyed had contributed largely to It by way of bonuses Fla gave bonus $25000 and Tiny $50000 Meanwhile county council kept xcndfnu mumnrlnls lo the New tonnnbgnvcrnor urglng he pro vlnclnl cm to grant nld DRIVEIN THEATRE ADULT Also Playing HURONIA saln value BOX OFFICE oraxs 315 pm EWIS Pllï¬suvj Slam 315 533m Mrs Richards viceprcsi dcnl conducted the meeting The hall was decorated with many pichlres dam by the m1 IsisMrs Grlflilhs Mrs Cnnnun Mrs Kell and Mrs Held at chray T1 artists wurkcd at plcluru during lhc mccling and Hum answered quesllnns and Inlde with the mumMrs They had taken Ins snns mm Mrs Monkmnn in Cookslown SHHNTY BAY at Gulhrln Thnls what tho experts say They am echoing what Rambler ownms huvo boon proudlyclnlmlngIovyonrsTomovoloyour sell Ramblers oxcopllonnl value 500 your Rambler ucqlar soon Take test mm In tho Carol the Yoarlhn 1963 anblur Askyouv Ramble dealer for your run ru prlnloflhoZGIpago MolorTvcnd articlo GILFORD Specian Mem ber of mum Womens Instilulc mo in the hull yeccnlly with some of the chroy members as their guesls COLO CARTOON uuu mm It looks like mu new anblchIll be an oven holler buy than it has bcon In previous yours anuo Ind Fulurol QuaMy hasalways been one Amcvicnn Molors largest sell lng poinls and conlinucs to be on the new models In addition lo the longrecognized owner apprecinllon features Inherent in all Ramblersthofactoryhasdoublodthunow arwnnantylu 24month0724000mil05 In summing Up we can add is Hml It IML Miss Florence Luék gave CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY TONIGHT AND SATURDAY hman mm mm Fmouwm STAYNER uowmna ammo Starring BOB HOPE 2nd HIT PARIS HOLIDAY CLASSIC 770 nuélnsmuzo will he calcrlnx la wedding in July and am In September Thls was the IasI meeting un til Suplcmhcr The next meeting lakes plucc Mrs Cronana TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE IA lZIH In chhnlcolor Ila 20 lg Slmcua DRIVEIN HAT 01m GIANT 5an5 URIIIDM in mom Shawn NOW SHOWING II 700 Ind 900 nqumcmon