Bell Is Involved In Numbers Game Trlnyhuno Mlhurllwll nd InnrMnl vrhumr In enmwny unmlml mHI pwm Inmndlnm ml Mil ml llwlr lrlrphulw Mlllvlg Nva null INN IN Hill fr Roberts Evans Tjijredict Fall Vote IL erwn numer nl Ilm llell Trlrxllmnc nmwmy lulumm ml wxlnmm vninhl nnln lhn lulrulmlmy INIer nr lbrlr rlrplmnr nnumy Thll yrn dllcdmy unrr IIIIulrnllun All mINl ml rrpllon hr Slmvnn uu 1y Muxurm mvluvinu Iasl win four uhlch Irnluml Hann CH All The book II In 1be rdllum of lhe HarrieCuInnwnmlMm lmd lelquhonu Allmlmy und II man In he dlslrllmlcll lu ml Icribcrl In III InnAL Ihu mr om moo mm ml Im an lrlbulthlvmuKhuul llw Illlt IHIHILL TM nn lmlwm mp nvrr llmz Errry ymr Hrll mwlnyrm Ipcnd hour llxllnx lrlrphnw lublcrihtrl mum um um hm nnd updana on ler be hth SMlfll IIUDIO The Hell Trlcplnuu umlmny ll lnvnlvrd In llu nlnnhm sumo II In PA For Abaul Hmricv Mr Hulwrls hnd mm nlcc lhimu say about he lnurial Inlurmnllnn hurth und UW manxu Hn mid The luunsl lulurnmlmn ncm In ml 11M yuu Um rnullxc rlvicrn hurt ch his is rcnliud ii is In the 1m crust of cvcrybndy lhnl Mn on with maximum um and max mum mlmctivcncss WWW Personally aver sinrn ln been Lonncclcd wnh Um dcpllrL mcnl Ive bflcn much inlcrmcd In Vuagu Beach and we must ork Inward 711qu Spanking 11m unm lnm Mr Rnbcrls snid TIN is tremendous beach or Innuth and expcrl great lhing If explull vim say Hian he next pmle clal clecllon will be nhcud of he nexl ngcral plenlin Han IL Keku Roberts Isle of Lnndx and Ms wanking to more Hum 130 pcaplc smorgasbord and dance the Dnrdanclln said am in 10 on Io express dam hul WASAGA BEACH 15mm Tun prominent Progrcssive Camer vnllm inlimmcd here las ninm lhal provincial election mu beHhLId sann No number Just Duslnn lecd the vulce impatiently And then since the uperalur slill uh vlously did not undersmnd lhc Immumlnl 0r lmllulllnl lhntnm lnugmrl lurlmlln Film Developing Whul number Duston eq opcynlor Her El Illa lelcphone np eratnv who answered call with the usual Number pleas and heard vnlcc reply Dus Ionl Nelson Barrie ma manager 01 the Bull Telephone says hes Experienced many laughing Incidents duringl his lime with the company He pra Vlded Th Examinur with some Instances agar nusrm Peoplr on or mncdmeach olher through telephone goof slice the or was invented PAGE SOMETIMES THE The candid camera has lilllr nngl on the telephonc MAYOR LES COOKE chats wlth Donna Puddcn at Stools Street School Ins nigh aner Sometimes The Phone Can Provide Comedy CALL ask mmw Inn 1mm llw Inlmynma mm nwnhm vllimml lupin nl Uu Mllfl 1m may Mum4 by calling IL Urlls mm nllm ML ermn mulluni cllalmxh 1L huk In nlunhvw In lhu new durum and Mme m1 33 nqu uuwmhnrun mm lrlm lumkv ul Mmm num Allhur mumhcr Iur nuIo Lvulru 011ka Jack Tinllunk pnuidml Wilma nunrh lmunmne mmrmuvo A0LIIHml Inr his mrk hich nu dunhl ucmunlod lur much of hr hrw mmme Ins mill Ihink nml uhnl Hm Io lxrcsl Jun 31mm Death is mimmn Iul llw rmmmure dc Lnful In ImM um lame and unmumlmul mix puriiculnr mm Hm is mum in lluihl llw mlhminuu or prmuuiul rllKliun MIILh ml Ilkrl 1w lulxl In Mr mvjnywl my Ihrnu n1 cwnun the pmqu at my Mum Snuum Comm Impc ho Irltlhll and ry th hr umk nl mug Um mun lle rullm sec hr rcmrndmls uluc mm and am happy to wc luy lmvc murmu In Har xlL um rar mu the supplyin uf clrdrimy and wa Icr n1 Iho miahl ell he cansnï¬owd uhrrc those facil ihcw Irv flhlllflblv far small chd cmlrc ell gradcu Har lie is mm mun Sim am now very huppy with 00m ht telephone and the wid mv so ynu mu mks me of your wailing Iis CAILJXVY th finally found widow who had lnlophnnc and after Icll mg her my Plbphnnc muqu lcnleh she agreed In In mu havu hchLlcphune if would marry her hick lid Dmr Imen Inn to gel Iclephnnc smuc mmrd iMu his nmn lime hack The nlus Hell of the Bell Tele phmlc Co Canada dips into is letter files and shares this mm mm the decade or the 30s Dmr Slrs have Imen ry Inn to gel Iclephnnc cycr nlc mnde iMu his area vnicc HIdld Im duslin Ulcpllonn lluY CUIID graduation ccrcmnnlcs Miss and leadmrs Exéminer Pm Puddcn delivered an appreci In alion address In the parents Thnllnlluvlllr Dr Jumrs Snulhnll Wllsun nn umhnrlly an the work at lidunr Allen Poe nml promlncnl Vir Rlnln educaHunlsl MaillrntMru Sarah Incl lnlmni 7n widow kn lulu or Fm Pulmlll llrnl rrc Mr St lrlrrl Anullrun Church In ullhuxlum lawn of Mulml lhlynl Ilrlmlt mrnu Ilullry an an nulmlmlhn plnurcr who hulll lrsl par In lull he MnnlrmlVtry llcv Dr Mnl cnlm Cumphcll B7 armor mmhrnlnr the Presbyterian hurth In Cnnadn nnd chnlrmun 01 the Montreal lromlnnl Ithool hoard mo Haiku but Mlnnlc Maude DunnclL thrr ul Millnn Dunno sports mlilnr lhgrfnrunlo Stur Appmcmly balch pine nmllcs caught fire near Shear Park nnd were being snuffed nul hm he in dnpurlmknl nrrhcd Hy lhe lime he Burrin Fire Dwurlmcm nnsncml lhc fire Call Me ycsmdny nutmoan was Just about oul Viki pcoplo mnugnl the telephone wire was hallo luhc hc sullscr line was quaranflncd an account 01 ml disease The subscriber ulsn naught she should be transfor quther circulL Brush Fire Easily Quelled Rccnnlly on entering the house of subscriber an in strument scuer noticed he Iele phune accaraled wilh small bag cumhon the lransmiuer and rcccivor On inquiry it was learned that Ihc bags contained camphor and had been placed here In ward all flu possibllily DI con ncling scarlet ever as me of From If Telnphnnu 35mm Qcplcmbcr 1910 comes this choice Hem No weeks later when ML Gelfnnd broke the news that CHcrry 42535 spells Chicken mu telephone rang constantly wllh saying works then placing prders 13m MISyNIZERSTANDING Whm Barneys lakeout order department was opened in 1958 and Inlephone number assign ed nulhing out of he ordinary was seen Barney Gelrand ownermana ger Barneys Fine Foods claims Calgnry Is the only place the world whore It can hap pun his telephone he can get chicken Sale boomed DEATHS ANMIMN PRESS 94 IIFFIN ST Mmll 311 JOHN Ilmin St John In Cnnndl wu In OTTAWA lllpmiulmrm nnunccd Thundny by St John of Anhur fmwlry 77 mhulnnco nnllannl hudqunr mm chumIlnr nl lhv MIC 13 Now llml nunmmr Imrv enjoy Irraml new Mini mar 50 mm no man and ulvca 50 mile wr uni mmnlnu Immoy In yuur pocket full me xyHndLr rnulnr muuntrd llrcdly aver front ulv pmth puwnr In hum MINI 850 hm mu nnd In um ycnrs prmhmllun thus Ger mid Quinn 1111 mm Linda Jnhn Slcwnrl lcrnlrc HNllcnl ha Ilillmsl Home and School Association prcwnh Ilm uluznl He NIZFIN ST JOHN UNDER l0 John RHYS SIMWE MOTORS ALSO ON DISPLAY THE AMAIINO 00 INQUIRE ABOUT THE SPECIAL 0N RILEY on unly 7901 wuyu 0m ï¬reman reporlndly came away mu an 18 Brown Trout caught up during the excitement Amman ï¬reman stayed at lhe scene 11an only the embers me mm were on glowing among the debris in the buildings lounA mien mwn an Fin Department was called at 1130 pm by the Nelsons The family had com pan during the nventngt and the tire was spotted by the depart lng guests The blaze is believed tn have started behind the chopper tn the mtlt By the time firemen nrrtvcd the blaze had spread thrnughout the frame building Ftrernm concentrated instead on saving the nearby buildings Untit 230 am they kept hoses train2d on nearby barn and niggery large pond and crack there prnvlded all the water the pumper HOLIDAY SPECIAL ALLISTON lSpeclal Fire last night destroyed IWyenr old landmij south of Rose moat the Shclwn Feed Mlll uwned by Nelson and Son Estimate of losses run km 350 to 575000 Including the huilldin ï¬nd caglenls He said he didnt believe that any generation offered more op portunity fhullypge to youth lknn In irl To whntaver and whenever your course In lec has been de lcrmlncd you mnalnly un derstand than the value an education In ynur formnllva years Fire Bazes Landmark The best thing student can do with his or her lime is In invest it in oducaiian nld liar rie Mayor Les Cooke iasl night he addressed the graduating class of Steel Street Pnbiic School TOP PUPILS RECEIVE PLAQUE Mayo Urges Yciuihs yuuln Is as winch we live $I395 Grimm were presented the plaque bcmra he nudilnrlum lrlmds partnlx and fellow gradunlu The mommy wn allowed by dnnre In lhu school auditorium Examiner Ilwlo hlinules oi the May meeilng were presented by the secretary Elliott Coles The eight men and two women were lnfprmed that there would be harness racing at the Barrie Fair Ground on Saturday July Attraction committee diairman Del Cale snid that Orangemenl will have finished their proceedings at iiva thunitcrnoon The racing would nnt inletlure with any oi the visitors plans he said The Orangemtn mlzhl be al mu WW aw preparation or 1h air are mmlnx The air will run rum Sept 75 28 quorum of lo valinz mem bers met In the office or Department of Agriculture on Collier hearrepoxjs an Hun Earl Rom Lieutenant Governor Ontario will open the Barrie Fan Fair Sept 27 at pm HI letter of acceptance was read to the June meeting at the Barrle Federallon of Ag rlcullure by president Jerry Caughlln last unzer Mayor Cooke suggested that those who spend tow much lime Making for something they lea He sald that he wanted Io It variety of things when he ml youth wanted to be man pollccmln and an en gtnccr Many ï¬eople were much old er than you balm their des Uny was clear Relarring tn destiny lndlvi duals Mayor Cooke saldl ynu lmve any speclnl talent than no doubl you have already chosen we mum at studylor the next few Venn Hon Earl RoWe Agfées To Open Barries Fair PA 823 AD ONICI IOI CAMADAI Paddy Conklln has amle an Invitation to bring his mid way attraction lo 111 Mr An applicallon Irom lhc Earrle Art Club or booth being processed by the chalrmln of the requlslle committee Mn 61mm meted lo stay on for th mn lers Such decision would also Fell In lawn merchants was 1mm lEileFlmm he Elmvale Falr yOnce person feels he called to do certain thin In Me he ï¬nd lhera are not enough hours In lhcduy lo sal sly him and added the re ward couidnt be mnlchtd by monetary mmpcnxaflnn FORGET DOLLAR Urgmg the ludcnu not 10 xulde Xhemsnlm by the dollar sign he said Many munand Yau may find ynur eventual place and cnreerby dolnz same lhlnu you dn not llke he told boy and girls may not ï¬nd their destiny far lmxg time WRITE YOUR GOOD NEIGHBORV CHENEY munrm nuw in ViaTm 33 mrommon WWW MAIL gum mus couro gm n11 FOR Mylohrlp 11 In COMM olymr Inmily ll vanamopnugno lilcllrmJlnmmavy msumc or Mum yroposzl held over pendlnl upon an lhh your air In he bmuuh down by The same commute was eanded to Iooklnlo lbs pron wen buying new lencIng ior marking ol Ule ham rings during ht lair Min Barbara Lloyd runeslethal the direc consider the erecllon per manual main on the properly mu uww end In brighten up flu twn bulldlnp In quesuon un lb Juan Illnd Ind the em lune building Iho mm nu ma state paint Ind repair an lb Judgel Illnd And nagmn Hummus uklnz um lug III um mr wmied to the txecullvo or can slderlflon dlscuion 9n Ike women hive lacrlflced lhe hap piest yunrn their Dvcs by ulna the dolluulzn guide them Do me who would be lemm ed lo drop nut school and no la work Mlyor Cooke warned that Huey fngefljlood educa uon now more lhln even Many who have willingly stopped schoollbflare was the later paiddearlxto buy flue real thelreducauon Some were never nble He urged lhem not an thwan the acheivemennof hair on by cuulnzg their ucauon loo won hm inu Hun 1m MumIn mml nun um nu mm um 55 llllllllllllllilllln ON EARL ROWE 910 910lm Io l2 NéchJuly II For All Chlldrln From Yours in Yuri of A90 PLAN TO ATTEND NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL BARRIE lay Chum lmlrclor ILuncan uynfl lur yuu lmyuull nllll he ml pmvulrr cvm when your uhuy Mum Ixmuw Iklmm or nrridml llm lnw ml plan oflmd 11y Mutual of Omaha MI pvao My 1qu In or he daylo lay um 01 your Inmil xxl rmL lvlhinzHJnr 11 DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL new mmmlllu to ba Ippolntzd by Mr Coughlln The lecral nominallon med lng will probably be held in NI fall perhaps August Frasn Sutherland president the Ab eral Assoclallan In Simeon Centre lady Mr Sulhcran aald he can vmuon had bcnn postponed once Ind look now though It may ba held In Aug umulGllk Balllngcr chIel tho canals dlvlsiun ol the Dcparh men Transport nald lum prty and melt avnld heat so might stay clear of pmlecled waterways Ii wk suggestcd that he use ol lulured rays the moth of Inc night he qï¬glcrrcnl Lib Nomination Probably In Fall Several groups ave xpress ed concern that lamprey will 111125 the Severn Rlver and Lake Simone after we marina railway are supplnnlcd by luck at Big Chute and Swm Rigid by was eparimenil will work to prevent lamprey from Invadl In aimways The Federal Department of Transport nnd Iho Ontario De partment Land and Forum have jolncd force In declan war on the lamprey Georg Mellrnlï¬u trnnsport mlnlslcr issued he Invitation It in rth ycsgerday Fcaehl Deï¬ggmént Transport licence was nec essary to gel the unil one 01 lwu in Canada Lloyd MacDougall manaaer It the Ear snld lhe ratlrcssu and stall llnd lhls clnscddr cult hunlng system has helped Increase service They all 1th unit consist trendy tor buzzer which Is caned on clip by the waitress and may ler control In Ihe kitchen thn lhe chel has completed the ar dcr he bums the waitress who answer Immediately Baton this the girls had In walk back and 0th More knowing whe that order was rchy Ioin In Fight Against Lamprey Case No 8756 It new lelelmccr trmw Nor syslcm which buues when he wallrcsu order Is prepared thus savlna llmc Mops and pre menu the hot meal lrom cool Lakeview DJIry super Muk Bar has Introduced new mechanlsm which has pleased the stall Teletracer Speeds Service