1hr mume hmlw the ward lhno mum Um NM ma mm mum jmmliulml ul llw Mmznm Full IIIihn rlmnmlnn my Mill Nvw Yulk Alulv ml lhv Inlzmn haw equal rpxmumum In llu Yvqu mil MIMI txinl In Inmunv In Nlw Ymk lnhv Tlu 1m spnlmlm lul NI nnnrw Hh fnur mIIH mum Nlflflvlld In um lmIH lhlumtll llml nnvl Hlmn MW Ymk slnlc mul Inme IIIIHL Inllhimllml 1h Iirhllun nl llu thhm ulh NIH Ymk iuwrnnr NAN mm1m Mr Huhmls MU uuh muwr Allm lIrnuulmn lllhuln In I10 yum wixzhhm IIIHIIIIIH MIMI mm In Huh mmlmu Inmqu lulmuu Im luwpll Nrw Ymk lnhv mul Unwin 1hr MILWLWI hmlw Iv the QUXCI ION ml ll Irrmhr lnlm HMMI why pmmvl llw ummsmmml 11va rrxlliuu inwhul in mnxlmrlmn hr Imuiklnnurumml hmlnu my mum mlfrrin Ixoln mus cular lynwphy in Tnmnm lulspllill In lwml mumlvd he Curnmll Suml Hmlur humn flu Vulmiu rnxs Mnullnlh llu ml xluflullurtl by Gmrnmr ml mvirr rut lo Iurnl Lrnrlvr James Curl The pmpnscd niw rcsnurccx plan was discnsavd Inst year in Indianapolis ml nnlhcring Canadian uml American uprrls on wllcr md summlmn 111050 expuls prepared 11ml lcms in lakes usage Since Hfl Ivsumw Chl tnno muyvr has Hmminlld As slund now don can advise mm but cannm regulate ac Mly on Lnkcs Superior Mich um Hurnn Eric and Onlario It is joint nxcnny uI lhn snlus cl Illinois ludinnm Michinnn Mlnnvsnln va Yonk Pennsyl Hmiu Md Viamng ERIE Pa AmThe Grim Lakes Commission is consider ing sweeping plan enable it rcgulmc activin on the live lake H1 mu an interstate agency it has hucn disclosed The Great Lakes Wuicr Re suurccs Plan was outlinvd in an inleninw by Albert Mcsnrow chairman 01 hr sulnSlnlc commission which human its semi annual cvnlcrvncc here Thursday Coop Bridge Is Dedicated Victoria Cross 0f Scouting Is Awarded To MD Patient Laurie Le Cninc 22year nid Siuux Indian girl ccnlm wns Cmncd Miss Chm chees Ihis week in beauty SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE gyms uoov snow Great Lakes Plan Water Resources 01Tl WWIA yr Ivll mum in All marl II Tllfln 51 um nouv wonx CANADIAN INDIAN BEAUTY Curllllcntns mu urlmm mmlurl mm In mm Vnrml Fink IZ Kilclmnvr and mo Ird unmnll Sand Troop Inr Her nrlion In lwn llrn md nlin Mnrshllll nrnwnll ml Mml erlrr lrnnk Jur Ivy ml Vnnklrrk Hill Onl tnr 1mm prrwm In dnngrr vlmunlnu lvlhllruhw nl lnvrll MM Vulhr miu Ivll Frnnrr llnl Iml Tlmmm JOHN 1le Wily UHL Ihv Simr Fox ivrn or uplimml stnltu In scDanI In the lnhrnnlionnl litId Mm II In Viscount nmly high commis slnnrr llllfl and In Do mrllim ernlns Athens lump Mcl nl HIE hvrlhruminz World Scnul Jmnhnrw kl Enm Shard Sxnrhnrnunh Onl lvu hm Lumod ml hls Maul inn dulirs mun Mill pullrnt Sunnyvicw Orlhopacdic or Tm olhrr Canll lmdprs vuro nu nhwl pmlhumnusly lur uulmlmll wumuc In scnul DmHIIII Suvlc 12 ul IJdmunlnn Mm dim ul cnnrvr and Troop Llmlor I4an llnkrr 17 If irmrull JUL va died lHr niIIHIIL Mcscmw said lhc Canadian and US nmnmmcnls probably mnld have Step Into he plc lure next since their regulatory puwm would be medal Al lhc same UmE the an prnvinncs Ontarh Quchve would be alive agreement wilhrlhc slalcs This biblingrnphy which illu trow said should be cnmplelcd wilhin year cums all ship ping pnllulion power recrea iion and similar sludics ilicse rov suid lhc bibliography would be comhincd will the list oi problems and lurncd over lo nn rrlvpmdcnl group such as uni versily scicnllsls which would make preliminary engineering study which Mcsvraw hopes will be ï¬nanced by ioundaiions The next step would be for mmmission members In sell Iho shudy me slate lcgislulurcs In an Inlcrslnle compact cauld bu ngrcld on COVERS ALI cammlllce Io cnmnllu hibllo granny of all studies concerning Lhc lakes contest held In Regina or In dian girls Chnchees Is the Cree ward or beauty Vircpholo Ilnru 1mlllrrl rm mu SATURDAY JUNE 29 Admlnlan 00 Fm Puklng PARI MUIUEL WAGERING TWILIGHT uAnqu rth cnounns UmE the Cnna Ontario and he olfcrod an On Friday night Cralgvale LOL sponsurcd euclue and dance In Slmud Commuan Hull Euchre winners were Mr and Mrs William Lucas Mn and Mrs Bert Mulholland Mrs Fa E0 qnd Roy page Music was supizllodrizy Weslc Willaughby and his hand and Truman Flat caller SURPRISE PARTY About 25 friends and neigh bours gathered at the home Mr and Mrai Norman Willnugh by Wednesday evening tar lnmwnll party or Mr Allan Gardiner who with her husband and tumin are leaving the viii age this week for hiorrishurg where hirr Gardiner has been Luéki 57px nneri were Mr and Mrs Mike Kenninglon Bar rler Door prize of barbecue Relatives from Tannin Wood bridge Gwllnme Luke Mlne sing Barrie mid Slmud allend ed The Mulhollnnd Cnlrn whlch is healed on Sheppard Ave Toronto is In he moved to am nlhcr locuuam perhaps la the Gearge Hemy properly to per mll Iho widening ol the hlghway to Enkons LOL DANCE On June 23 nhou 45 ihe Mulhulland family gaihcred at Slroml Cummunliy Hall much smaller crowd than nlhur years Some pariicipnicd In swimming at George Mulhollnnds pool buiiet supper was served in ihe bnsement the hall with prir gram upstairs niierwards COMMUNITY SHOWER community shnwer or Miss Kathy Jones who will be married soon was held on Tuede even lng In basement Strand Un ited Church muslcal program led by Carol Mulhalland Jena and Lmdn Small was enjoyed Lunch was served lo about 15 guests MULIIOLLAND flEUNION Nina table of cuchre players were out to enjoy molher Mon day night 01 cards wlnnera were Vera NelsonY Alice Maven and Florenco Banting Mr Cle my AA Mnrlln and Tom Gan dan Warm the monthly ser les went to Mrs Paml Kell Mrs Mary Loy Barrie Roy Lepagc and Tom Gandon SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS My MRS MULIIOLMND 12 Rod CnpAlo nnd12 Black Label Boot in one handy caso of24l Each case contains lhwo nowCool Cnrrmiys4 Rod Cup and Black Label In uuchlhuy lilt out to make cooling and STBOUD for this long weekend Two great beers in the new Mrs Rix Mrs illcNabh and Mrs Cowan were in charge oi the program The roll call was Howl relieve len slans Mrs Rix spoke on the mile Tho has Iranquilllzcr is clear conscience Mrs illc Nahh inlmducad George Cald well Barrie president ni lira Onlario College of Pharmacy llo anid ihal lhl is disciplin ary and cducnllonal hddy inlcr asicd in recruiting sludcnls and prolecllng thapubilc Four in spcclors are paid by he Callcgo Pharmacy Mr Caldwell iald oi ihe role nidrugs and phar macists in the madam way ol iiie Mrs Cowan thanked the speaker The saios by Gordon anan were great enjoyed lie was ncmmpnnie by Mrs WInkel Ban1e The hostesses were Mrs Bo dI MrsA Black Mrs We and Mrs William Lu cas The next meeting will be held Septt In with the program In charge at the cillzenshlp and edypallon canvaner me mm Strand Wa menl Insulqu had the privil ege of attending the mceling at the Federated Caucus Guelph nn June 20 in honur the President at the Associated Conn Plans were completed or lhu lmnlh at Nnnlyr Schnnl reun lnn Junu 29 Ilwa dccldcd to enter float In he Innlslll lleld dny pnrnde Jul 20 The Flower Shnw wlll bu eld August 21 Committees were nppnlnlod In preï¬pare tho exhlbll or Burrln Fu Rim LEanmd of Kupusknslnx Ia VIslllnl his aunt and uncle Mg and Mrs James Leonard Mn and Mrs Sam Thompson daughter Ruth and George Rn berlshaw Taronln spent Sunday wllh the Leodard5 Slmnd anena Inslllule met in lhu Cnmmunlly Hull wllh 24 member and vlsltur prescnl and the president Mrs Cock In um chnir WI MEETING Irlnsljerred She was presented with serving tray by Mrs Prllchard and her mother Mrs Lowe received bouquet 01 tom Aléb he same evcnlng sun prise birthday party was held for Mrs David Johnsun for Mrs David Johnsun dullclnu wad plulu was Aervcd Musle was supplied by Kennan and Norman Willaughhy Vimans Ill Elana 1L1 Twin Pack fly MRS DUCiï¬VOMlI Tod Juknswnrlh Tomnlo Visiting Mr and Mrs Cameron Mch rldgLr and Douglas Len0y spent law days with her parcms Mr and Mrs Gardnn Bush Mrs Bridger Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush visl ed one day with rclnuvcs Mount Forest and Shelburne Sympathy ls extended to Mr and Lurnc Plnxlon In tho Mrs Gndr dealh MB Plnxlana supmm 101 Mrs Ilcnrlclln Harris of Danie Mr nndllrs George llnopcr Wiiudsor spent week with Georges slslur Mrs Thomas Vllkinson and visiicd Thoma Wilklnsonint Burrlo inn hnd Mrs Jimmy Exell n1 gafmgda vlsncd Frank Exell Saturday Tho ACWW Is composed 152 societies all autonomous Pennies nr Friendshlp the tlnnnetnl busts Al the close of the address the treasurer of the FWIO presented Ontnrloa pennies $2600 Durlng her term of umcc Mrs Beckhafl has travelled extenslvely and came lnCnnudu mm the Wnrld Fund Contcrence tn Washlngmn Next your she plans tn vIsll lndln end Indoncsln She 15 par llculnrly Interested In the Free dom from hunger cnmpnign Sunday visitors wflh Mr and Mrs John Mason were Mrs Endncr Mrs Cockwell and Freddie Humlllon and Mr and Mrs Sandy Dumpster of Enrrln Victor McMnslcr Angus and Norman McMnslcr vhlihy called Io see Fred Mchnn Sun dax analppm try Women of hu World Mn Geerda Van Heckhofl Tho Neth erlands An emulated 3600 members worn In nltcndnncn Hon William Stcwnrl mn lstcr of Agriculture hrunzht greetings from the provlnclnl goxprnmc By MRS KEN BUSH Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Gallop and Iamlly spent Sunday even lng with Mr and Mrs Richard Clgughlny GrenfLl Mr Steven and daughter UTOPIA ANGUS Now ML and Mrs Arthur Robert son and John Scurborn spun Sunda with molr pnrcnu Mr any Mrg WlIllnm VMzMncken mm In sunny day or lhu ï¬eld day or school man 0m June 24 Congratula tions 10 to Ihu wlmcrs the vnrlaus events and Dollar luck nexl year In thoso no so fortun ale wu moshgrafllylng lo 22 so many cunluslnnls for Each evcnl The Dulslan WI will calcr the pony sale at Slmmans on June 29 and Mrs George Janos Ottawa were weekend guests the lnlleru parents Mr and Mr Frank Wnud Mrs Georgn mum at 110an Vlclurln Has pllnl Bun1c Her many friends 5110er xccovcry£ Mlssbéï¬y Ann Smnll Bar rlo wns weekend guest with My Spgn 1c 7M5 nnd Mrs George Euia and family spenl one day re ugly in Toronlo Jan Mtg chart Emma Miss Della Emma and Mr and Mn Vllllnm Bales Slnyner attended the llnlghshnnnnn wed dlgg nlPnrxy Sound une Mrs Jenn Jones and Mrs Emma wtrc Joint hostesses lo shower for Mrs Pnuln nurgcr nee Moore Dan1e Gucsls was present lrom Dnlslnn Ora Slnllnn and Enrrlc mu BeauIce mums Toronto men the weekend with Mr and M35 Ruagcllï¬duml number people mm In village attended the strawberry lcsllval nt Utopia wmmunlly hall June 25 Mrs Dara Hart cnlcnnlnnd her granddaughters during he weekend Your reporter nucndcd he 15th annual Onlarlo VI Omccra Con Ierenca Gunipn June 19 and 20 was highllghlcd bx the presence of Mrs Gccrda Vnn Backholl 01 Holland presidcm the Associmcd Countrywo mpg 01 the World Conlpnlgxluunns Mn Human Mbcninpbcll of Barrie and Ro bert Martin Niagara Falls whowercmnrrlcd June 20 Banlo by Rev Willlsol Angus MnMlscnmphell and Mr Marlin were formerly Angus residenu Mrs Perryman and mmlly vlslted recently with re Inllvcs Vin Hlllshuru and In Georxelawn cmrying tho botllos and picking up the dmption unpuclully ousyl Moneysaving tooyou pny loss for 1ls 24an0 lhanfor two lwulvonl THE CARLING BnE ERIES LIMITED my mum WANT ADS muons mm DALSTON rln Pack Teachers rustgcsh of Bell Ewurl publlc schnnl husband and wives gnlhnredj the Sa vnnnnh Lodflo to honor twolga chm Mrs Joyce Murrla and Mm Eyelynu Watson who hnva laugh at the Echo for aver 12 years The teacher will be leaving at the end at the lam commum nAmsr cnuncu Arlhur Mnybury McMnsIur Unlverslly 1n Hnmlllnn the student pastor and has slatted childrens chnlr These chlld4 Mr and Mrs Robinson and daughter Clenrwaler Florida and Mrs Roblnsun of Barrla were Sunday vlsllora with Mr an Mrs cncock Thou who would llke to have hulr vlslum name manlloned Mldhurst Slnuon news please M9299 PA Best wishes for speedy covcry nohcrl Puncack whu has badly laccrnlcd finger and to Gerald Blukemnn who Is In lhahunllal with hrgksn leg Mrs VAlklnson of Tarnnfé spun lhc weekend with her lcr Mrs William Rullcl FQREWELL PARTY Mr And Mrs Brown Ind sons of Barrio were Saturday vlglgura pg prnwna Mrs Fnlrlnx Beam visited her pnrcnu Mr and Mrs pAngln on Saturday nowdcry spun Thursday hlsdnuflhlcrsflip Tomplp Mr and Mn DAnulo vim 2d lhelr son and wit Mr and Mrs DAnglo of Caldwnler unSuurdfly Visitor the home of Mr and Mrs victor Reid over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Gum of Mncslng and Mr and Mrs Penranll ol Guuula By MRS ELSIE MONTE By MRS ROSE NEWLOVE MIDHUBST STN BELLE EWART ll CLAPPERTON PA 8519 ten can be heard ch sundny morning 15 um Corn and wonhlp All In welcome The Ladle Md held pantry shower or due uudanl mlnlv tar Arthur Maybury Many gm were pmenled to him Tho mlnlam lhanked All who Illendcd and donned Whisker mm Am III In plant Ml In your mm Unlon Comll qu Illon pm In huhu In ere run on uvlnn will talk lhlm new In an uml ynu Ill DI nlpllll bump crop Ramembir nu un BUILD Elï¬n BM nmqugu mun VISITORS Recent visitor with Mr Ind Mn Qunntx were Mr and Mrs Bird Torah Mr and Mrs Rennie ind dllllh er Toronlo Mr And Mn Dnvld Rlchardson and Mrs Murdock Vancouver 30 Mn Richardson wn born here and moved to EC over 40 yum ago She came back In see he old home and Iumund Inga She om1d mam change hnd been made Mn Richardfl EOII look ctum of her old wtgc now pm th an Lloyd mum and lnmlly spent the weekend home here BASEBALL Conurnlulnllon In he nulor boy or Bell Ewart puhllu achool nn wlnnlnl the hall phy These huyawnn In their names Tho layer were Ken Slurmln Jo Rumat Kaith Lever Ruben anmnn John Ferrler JIm Young Eddy VD tour Maurice Ward Kirk Mu len and conch Redmond NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT THOSE SAVINGS PA Hill at BAYFIELD TREE naipr and Dellvcry 0AA NAL SERVICE KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION TUNE UPS WASHING LUBRICATION ZIuHOUR TOWING Repairs to Ill nuke organ STEWARTS GARAGE URIDII UNION