Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1963, p. 12

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mm in IATUIIBAY mle Tn IAlum lua ropvyn Mun an Eloolu Loo wmulnl 00 11mm Gnu ol War unwllnl xlmnmer can nun Bunny mm nmc Lury Shaw munmm mg mug 00 rum Hm Loo Sudan lull un Popzyn Pm loo mun Duxll Web 01 LII Tombflonc rmllmy Nuu Vulhu sport Dr Klldul Enunlri lluldawn ME and Mrs Gem1 Prince Barrie vlsltcd at Shcnrdowna J9 9201192 MEIR Mrs Gordon Lauder had pleasant trip visiting and Mrs Johnshan Palnswick visited Hayu Samday panning Mr and Mrs Lush and girls Pclorborn WPre home with he laltcrs parents Mr and Mrs Cook far the weekend Then they allcnded 1hr CookDicker reunlon Hunvcrlan halore Xe lugnan hognc II In unit In ul mind It Mr and Mrs Narmnn Cook Vlnccnl Hayes and Douglas Hayes attended Ihe Cnnkchkcr nmlly reunion chverlan Sundny Mr and Mrs Shnnahan and Iamfly and Mr and Mrs William Crillcndcn attended the Link lamin reunlun Midhurst Sprinflatcrgark unday PA 82433 Copy wm III IV nu mu THERE IS NO CHARGI THIS HRVIC Mn and Mrs Cccll Shear duwn and Mr and Mrs Herb Shellswcll visited the Slmcoe County Museum Sumlny then drove to Edmnr Beach to Mr and Mrs Mnrrlson Dnan Mrs mm Columbus om visited Laudcr Inst week By MRS HAYES Mrs Cnok Mldland vls ed Mr and Mrs William Critter den and Mr and Mrs Shana mn last week Miss Olga Bells ha loll Io spend the summer In England with relatives and Anlhany Hell at Camp Ippcrwash or six weeks About 50 member oi the im mediate families ai Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron gathered ai their home Sunday to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Present were the Falls irom Oriilia Henry of Thornton Parliaments oi Oakwood and gamerons oi Barrie and Shanty Dr and Mrs Melton and boys attended lhe Hilchcox Inm Uy reunion the home Mr and Mrs Hughes In Tomnln nn5undr Miss Jcnnle Benton at Toronto Iccompnnled Mime Catharina Ind Anna McCualz lo heir home hm nr lhe weekend Them was good attendance at Guthrie Presbyterian Church chnlc Mrs Sampson and In Stoddnrt were In charge Emirfirl DRIVlYOUISILF CARI AND TRUCK in 3th HM nun Wm Tun rum cut 113 Nm Nm mm mm Movi Mnnpowu any Amhmu AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY EVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU mm CFTO CHANNEL GUTHRIE EDGAR CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE wwwui bvo ll Ill um um um 7n Nm 1m Anlnrlnl um wuvu mun 1m um mm mo spmrum mo mu nun mnm Jgnmul no lllduwly nanmn Im mane In llldmuy em oumnor Duafllmln no Nun Wumu mm 100 Th Mm no Nlm Mom no sun mam moo III CTV Num Mum mm 00 11 Union all luunn JUN 10 IN Clflnon ruIy Iona Mm hmnu ma Amcln mm 00 lmunnon 50 rapn Phylum ll Mm Mound Tho llwu Mum Mllllml Mlulan Walk MI Am mum Wrnlllnl III11m mm mm Money ll Mm Mr ur onle llonl MIMI TV Nun Anlnrlnl Mn IMO um 10 1120 Mu Alfred Spencer and her daughter Mn IL Pultlck called on Hands here last Gab uryay By MRS CAM Mr and Mrs Reid Vic loria EC have been holidaying here and In Barrie and Niagara FalLs wig rclallvu Mrs Coulis Mldhursl with her dnughtor Mrs Gilbert Mc Masler hls week Mr and Mrs Bruce Mlller Elwood Mlllcr and Mr and Mn Nell Dempsler allendcd the dance Camp Borden Satur day Anlght Frlends here regret to hear of lhe sudden dealh ol Clnuda Carrulher at his home Dunlap St West Barrie Ulapla baseball club played at Tollenhnm Sunday afternoon The score was Utopia 10 Touca hnm Mr and Iller Elwood and Durolhy and Bell Juan and Linda Spam allendod the sixth annual Mun imcr Bell reunion In Honey wnod Sunday alternaan There was dual weather or outdaar games nnd spam lullawcd by nplcnllc sumze1Z Weekend vlsllnn were Mr and Mrs Melville erghl and baby Willowdnle Mr and Mn Clarke and children of Patelborough wlth he Hector Nrnhulls Mr Eb Hanls of Barrie no and Mu nun chlun noun All um 11 llnl Alon mm Milrh All Mar MM nlm rulml ITTV rnunm Hvlm 11M um IIvunll By MRS ALLEN MILLER Community Party was held In the hall here Saturday avenInz In honor Mn and Mn Wayne McKever newlyweds this month Follannl varied pm gram of chmmics dancing and presenlntlonof many ulna lunch was served In the base memn The children oi iha district are inviied lo nllend lhr Bible School Hllisdnie Presbylerinn Church tho iirsi week oi July it will In held from 10 Mn to 1130 Mm each momlng Tmm poflailon will be provided rum Edgar United Church every day Ii 930 am Donk amt he Strawberry Supper at Edgar United Church July PJII meat mad homa cookan will be 5le 4w BlYQh grusspls TORONTO Inqu THORNTON UTOPIK 111m clubs mm In hurl musl ha counlcd an cur laln In view Ihe Ilrtnllh Ihown by he rcvtm and all mm In nnw dlmlcd primar Ily Inward lho pombllily renrhlnl and Ilnm Thu lu he hlds mean what they ny Ilnm not In away Ivcn to hm In nothing In do II III palnt except hld three nolrumn II would bu clnnrly wrung la hld only lwn nolrump whlch wnud he prnpcr had lay low dlnmund instead the HM Three notnlmp Than no qucsllan abnul maklng game with his hand the ucsllon rulher whclher her slam By bidding hII sun In revcm order North annnuncu very good hindceman not mln lmum upcnlnz He lhuwl In his diamond nrc lunger lhnn hls hearts and at lho leB llmn Indicate 11 or man Marc1rd polnls whim 81 WW nova DAILY CROSSWORD North myth Milan Amm lb Mlle I0 Unld vim IV urn I0 Bulb 15 manl Inth in rule nap11a wnoq mm In Indum alum bunJo avan 21 nk perMn On 03 Noun mm 28 anuhcd Klndml ul Grim llfilauln all unnk 35 metlnllon lt mumlo Nora Northuu mym Ablu Away mm Ianmu mm mm mununi loudly In God of mmm unu no1 VIII mum mu Minty Flamhag ll bull ll God of Yau In South bath shin vulnerable The hldding In been Mrs Allan Smllh of Ottawa spent several days over he weekend with Mu Leesnn and was matron honor at the Lake Hunler wedding In Tor ogllu on Saturday 7TH second Andrew and Calm reunion was held June 22 at Band Head will In unendch Mr and Mn Lloyd Comm Pnul and Peter attended the McLeod GILman wedding In Toronto Salurquu Mn Lesson allerldcd the Lake Hunlcr wedding In Taranlu nn Sgtyrday WEEK With Mr 891 at Plclon By ms LEE0N Mrs Houghlan vislled Mnrkdale Irlends on Saturday Mrs George Holt spent lasl Friday altcnmnn vsiing her mother Mrs Agar In Benton rs urge Halt vIslt ed last Sunday wllh Ihelr sister and brother inIaw Mr and Mrs Charles Mlncing Included in the piano examin alion oi the Royal Conservatory Music held In Barrie recently were Moria Blank who oblained her Grade VIII and Christina Flnkhelner her Grade Mr and Mm ll Thompson nl Hamilton were renewing ac quaintance hera this week while on their way loPaimerslan la visit relatives Mrs nompson was the former Florznce Mc Mgncmy from lhornlon Cong io Eleanor Jennett who completed her ae cond year at Victoria policge Toronto with honors Her alsiar Gloria ioil Tuesday with Shirley glxon or the Hi Ciuh Giris Mr and Mrs Elvin Pearson and Mr and Mrs Curt spent par of last Sunday with the Rev and Mrs Dou elt at Newmarkel 7M Tam Fraser Toronto men last weekend here with Mfg Cod Pfethel turned horn Tuesday alter holiday here with Mr and Mrs Vernon Jamel and Mr and Mfg Cegll Emil NEWTON ROBINSON CONTRACT BRIDGE n1o mudh 6311 and anmm yuum nndMrs Iva ByflJAV BECKER in lung ncnru ll Narlh respond live hnnrlx showing an new we Kill on In nlx limits The only lrlrk Ilkcly lo be 03 II lho mlulnl Four nalnlmp Thuls ob viously lllnckwmnl and requests partner to deslxnnm how many nccs he hm II he responds five spndcs shawlnu lhrcc arcs lhu Inlcnllon la Md maven Imam ccrlulnly nnsnnflblc In as suml HIM North has HIL KAJ nrunlulrnsl lhu klng hum Four diamond There Is decided pussibilily 01 slam caunllnu lhe 11 hlnhmrd palnu he lrumn til and he Ilnglclnn heart and lho way In ulmwxlhcse values by jump preference two or three no lmmp bid would ulve North Inlse picture or our dislrihunon Tho alnglclnn hear may asin produce an extrn rick or lwn wilh fl Thr umon we can do with lhls rclallvcly weak hand lake partner back In diamands ll lhcrc Is no gama In the hand whlch ls likely day pllc lhe rcvcrsc diamonds wlll serve holler Irump suit than hearls Partner has more dlamnnd than hearts and so have wen The alternative bld ol lwo nolnnnp would show slightly bellcr hand than we have lenllan to bld six Mans next having first gone out of our way Io show the ace of clubs These wn hlds taken lagclhcr Invim Ngrlflllo big grgnd glnm Tomorrow Two Ilry lulu Strand Juvenllcs have piaycd our game winning three Ihem already in his swlgs Tuesday night will see Thum lon and Slroud in Stmud On Wednesday this week Ivy Inch Stroud Pccwccs on Fri Stroud Banlnms go In uuébxaf Mr and Mrs Fred hlulholland Mr and Mrs Bert Alulhnllnnd Mr and Mrs George Weatherill and Sandra Mrs Clarence Fergusnn attend cd the Cherry Creek reunion on Salurrlay They renewed old ne qualntnncrs saw some at their teachers classmates and visited their old public school which is to be sold The anry inmily Russel llelen Flo Jessie and Evelyn ell attended lhls sehool along wlth their lather William bowry who was lnxstee or many years there JqVENiLE BASEBALL Congratulnlions to Mr and Mrs Rick Hamillon nee Vickl Sabin on the hlrlh of baby girl in Royal Victoria Hospim Barrie June 23 CliERllX pan REUNION The morning service at Ihe United Church Inst Sunday was well attended The Gilford Irln Jim Lcdlic and John and Frank Kc suppch Ihe spe cm music Now that the exams are over several 01 the students have se cured summer employment are on molt Hi to northern Alberta By MRS PROSSER Mrs Livingston and Archie ui Elmvale visited recently with their sister and aunt Mrs Will lam Paterson Mrs Frank Hem and her bro ther Andrew Manny St Marys ntlended the Andrcw reunion and spent the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Waller Andrews at BB It was declaedtn huld another reunion nextyear and Mm Rubber CHURCHILL Infillfl All STROUD fll lnnn mum 1101 Alnaim uMn Jusr CAN $1le Ir ouf Mas coonJ WONDER ww mun mamrm WOMEN omcdacxzysl mum summit mm JUNE

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