fly MW mum In mrnl rxmrln munkml nl Inmh Inul mun uilh xlyrnnkhu nn lnuxulnnl ï¬rm In 1m Ilyprml um Sn ll vumhl nlr In my ml nlmul lunlxlldv Nrvl Zrnlmull umeu mum rmn Iho sher II in Slum lmm lhr hml nl Nrw Zrnlnnvll plmprrlly mul um umllvr lnumrlxmw hr mummy llmn In nlnwzl nny lwr rmmlry Tnlnl purl ntrlpl lml yrnr um nhuul ivznjmwo lhrlv lan lmmuhl nhnul DO um Mml nlmul mumwa mlul lnm7mz iur 1qu hm hm Lrlmn Ivy man In lhg mg Lanai unu luv hm nro nrmly 20 Kim ny Hump nuwuplr ln MW lmul hait1b AUCKLAND CPD The hu mun mpulnllon ul va ch Imul ls Intrmslml mm mm In mosl Vxxlurn munlrlm Hul It is MHI nut krrplnn 1mm Mill lhn powlmgnu Mm Fisher cnnllurlul cori lcst on Ilihln Sons Mrs Henry lImwn road sunml lulurs mm Mrs Jlm maxo Mhasu hus bnnrl WM lhu nnricullural mullry Irpl In lmHu Mrs Vnrr closed lhn menu with way vnocnsssws AN RFJWICK Ill Iain IA nuke sillr duhs are July 17 and July 2B hmlshl Park nl 30 pm Mm Clarnnre Fish Mcwnrd AMI murmur had Mrs Vurr monk un Mcwnrdshln Mrs Vnrrs mtssngo was lhnuuhb prnvnking and much apprecia NI HOLLY lSpcciall Holly Un Ilcd Church Vnmcn hold lhc June muting no home of Mrs Srigluy Thvre were 10 members prbsnnl and one visilor Mrs Carroll was In charge of he devotional pvriod Plus lImer Dytr conducted In ihle Study Vncnlinn Bible School L5 10 be Um hm 1w weeks of July This change of dulc People 20 To One Donna is the laughter of Mr and Mrs Austin Kendall Shanty Bay Donna and My will he sailing for New Zealand 0c Ray will be lurking here or Ihe nuxl lwn yum SHANTY BAY Special community slmwcr was held In the hall Salurdny nlghl ln hnnor nl Danna Kendall and Roy nom nniuk lllrs Sadie Pnlk was maslcr of ceremonies Many hnaulilul gills were melvcd by thg couple Donna and Roy thanked ha guns or lhn loyMy gills They are to be mnrrind in Cenrral United Church June 29 Sheep Outnumber rur Myth In rimmug Vacation School Dates Unchanged Honor Couple With Shower At Shanty Bay EACH In Full Cum Loll FldovliflmlE Ylnyl Albulol EXAMINER HOME OFTHE WEEK 012c So neat and him this allrac live threebedmum llnme oi ce dar shakes with brick accent boasls in full basement with plenty at room or recreatian Large closets are found In the sleeping areus and the then features cheerful work are with corner sink under win dow The large llvingulinlng mmhiuullon is well llghted by the large picture window and in cludes fireplace at one and With breeze way leading In garage ample storage and en IIIWKION or IMNINH HILL LT Awnlnn nulhrnnnu mummy 1th Claull Cemtnt Wark ON HOME MODERNIZATION FREE Estimates ml mu Modernlzlnl handle the chm Job mm slur to ï¬nish his pmonal supervision lmanclnn zunmnmd work Ill xpomibniu Visit our Bmldlnz Material Show Room lei Bull Modernizing Handle The Complete Job LABOR MATERIAL PLANNING DESIGNING FINANCING nII Iradol AllINONE CONIRACT All WORK GUARANTEED UP TO TEN YEARS TO PAY binei space in the garage plus zuhied roof this Home otters exceptional living area or house at this sire The same floor plan but with an attached garage is nvaiinbie or brick venecr or solid brick construe ition Ask for Design No cumsa Standard Builders Blueprints or this duiun No 2175 cost $1500 or the first set and 35m for additional sets They are avail able in Cnnndn by return mnlL Oninrlo residents must remit per con SALES TAX Cnmh Door Guru Inhh Iron ullmalu Iklllnd workmen qualin malar Ill Included ln one in price one company on In 48 ANNE ST Icmplaling building new ï¬re phm The entire wall will he constructed wllh Chicago cam mnn brick We would Ilka to have Ihlsbrlck extend Into the Irerlnce apanlng which will ha 60 nchc wide and 36 Inches high In Ithacamry that we have lrebrlck or the Interior wnlm ANSWER II has In use iircbrick laid In iire clayeven wilh 11mm or hurdvhumcd brick replace opening suggest you send 25 coal no slump in the Superintendent oi Docu manq Washington 25 DC im copy oi Fireplaces and Chim GREEN STAINS IN BASIN QUESTION Our bathroom basin has green slain ram dripping faucet We installed copper piping sevcrai years ago Now lhnl the lance has been repaired how can we remove the stains ANSWEn Green sinlns caus ed by copper pipingcnn usually be removed by wiping with half and hail mixture of house hold nmmoniannd wnler iol lowed by ample rinsing with clear water Be uru to flush ile pipes thoroughly afterwards to remove all trace of ammonia FIREBMCK QUESTi0 We BID con ANSWER 0n dry wall be lure paperan it 15 best use varnxsh slllng rather lhnn glue skins This makes lnler removal of the wallpaper newsmanMIR ANSWER Yes Tnku he can lre fresh unsllcnd Inn nl white bread and cum res part into alza nn ahapo of golf ball Thm rub this over the Walt color Th bread will pick up surlnce dlrt vary ef Iacuvely merellhucrumhs nl over so do the Job over news paper of sheet of lhln plasllc Oulduurs beat of all SIZING FOR DRY WALL QUESTION What Is the best thing nu or slzlng on sheet rock dry wnll below it wall pamredl SOILED WATER COLOR QUESTION small water culor we have had or some Lime In qulln soiled and the calm leak loo XML hero any way In safely renflwu the surj lam am wlthout more dnmuxn Iolhe colors Guru Dam Hardwood Floor Kitchen hnellnl Porch loom SPRUCING UP BRICK QUESTION Our hrlck home T1119 lew year old and ex nnlmz to look needy Wu won spmca up tho outside Wellhnve to dm tuck painting and repaint the trim Which do you recommend doing firm ANSWER Du the luck painl lng um same ol the comenl manr get an the trim It would be mm without worry nhnul damaulnz new palm job FIRST AID FOR THE HOME MODERNIZING SERVICES AddARoom IYIIH um pmvldnmcdcd mm or Inmlly nml HUM by llw mldlllnn In exlrl rmm Average lee nlelanl or luw nu PA 60902 By ROGER WHITMAN Verse ha folly of plucan cant trust In mm mortal men regardless how ruwerlul they may seem Menl den lend to perlsh even they do Yet the psnknlst ï¬nd no real peslmllm In thll thought but rather he optimllm ln Psalm no the llrst ol ha Hallelujah Psalms the reason or prnlslng um Lord are pre sented llrsl ncxnllvcly hen p0 llvely Tho um two verses are an Introductory alllrmullon Im plylnu lhreo basic mnvlcllons tho psalmlsta lnllh 1n the exis tence ll soul the ahlllnuon 01 Ms soul to pralu God and lhe med ol nmuslnz hll wul lo Ihlg aplrllual gellpn Chronicles 16 ls an account the famous event of Davids movlng at the Ark of flu Cave mml lnlo Jerusalem The songs sung by David and the people In hl time are to be found In hm 01 the psalms Verses 522 are in Psalm 1061 verse 2341 In Panim 96143 and verse S446 In Psalm 10ml 41 48 These are songs thank glvl rcmcmhcrlnl Godl lgoodness from ha Ilmo ol Abra nm Tho lust Ive pmlml ol Iho Psnlter 145150 each begin ning and ending wllh Pralso ye Jehovah are known the Hallelujah Psalms The hrase prnlso Jehovah nn wh ch this lesson based translation of the Hebrew word hallclulah Eleven the psalms bcgln with thls word and thirteen end wlth It Psnlmg 113415 were rclerredllo by tho Jews as tho Hullcl sung by lam Illa on least days and the word halluhdnh made its Way Into Chrlsllnn hymn mm Revela uon 1m Ram Addlllonl noon Flour Wllh Celllnl min KmMom ncyl N0AL 31889 whim conlnlna chnIIed Information an but malcrIaIs Io use yraper pmportlnns of IIrcpIacu chIm neyx etc IRON IN WATER SUPPLY QUESTION our vacallon bungalow our water suppI came from an urluxlln wel Here Is lo Iron In the wntur How can lhIa bummed edl ANSWER Manufacturer ol wnter liraMinx equipment have wha is known an iron tenlow nl unit which will aim nuilha iron in chemicnl solution in Illa wnier Denim In Wall equip mmt and plumbing supplies ileum as well as water cnn dilionlngilrms mould bu able Hallelujah IsIewish Word Meaning Praise Ye Jehovah For Monlh Scripturel Chronicch 16 Ilnlml MG 111 150 EyN SPEER JONES BARRIE TIM nvrrncn hmnn ran Mflhyï¬l ullh Wmhr Srnl Alumluum umhlnnllnu ulmlvml lur lm Um mnullL mm ll DOWN NOTHING Tl IM MUNTIIH an Ilrmrr Ilrtuml Pu Imnl llnn Psalm 150 the concluding one in Ihe Psallcr may havo been wrilicn especially as closing doxoiagy or it may simply hnvu been written primarily for litur gical use and pinccd at lhn end beenuso of ii illness Lei everything Hm hrnnihu pmlle Ihe Lord Praise the Lordiiulm 15ml The second prnlses Iho Lord or III constant worsening of name The harse mcnIIuned Implle Iha wnrhurse and the legs of munImpIies Ihe warrIor God Is not Interested In physlcnl power but In spIrI Iunl slrcngIh rnel GUARANTEES The last sullen deals with special uncnllan lo Is The remaining hnli or Ihe psaim is devoted to development ol this optimism Versc out line nine dlvlne nelswhleh point up our ability in put this lrusl in God moving me the gun ernl nels ui erenlion lo the spe eiflc ncls of lava nnd individunl man Solaurncr verses were resident aliens wim hnd no elli zemhip rlghls orphans and wi dows are alien singled out in he Blbio or special protection because they were defenseless when condemned or opposed Psnlm I47 is dlvldcd Into three sncllanswersa Hi mm each which begins wlm nn exhanallon prayer The ï¬rst aeolian In general lndlcuung the argon to those wha prnlsu prelude to Ihe ï¬nding of God Onu Info lo trust for eternity QUESTIO The end oi last venr we bought and moved into housr bull in I956 Tho kitch en hnflplanllc lile over the counter and wall which didnl la wlih the knolly pine cup board or color scheme we plan so peeled them n11 nliSamo lo the Bdheslvo nlso cnmu all and lots nlnycd on lhe wnll lltw can remove ihn remnln dcr When ii all oil and the bare plnslcr has been npncklnd In smooth the odds nnd and 01 holes maria when digging nil stubborn tiles lo mnko ll smonlh an ins uln ilnl rnlnl aver llla bnre plaster and hen lhu regu lnr pnini plan lo use In the who mum ANSWER The angles wny tn remove ho odds and and zlle ndhcslvn rcmnlnlnu would bu wltn purlubla hnnd lander supply and Install than unlta All you um mew driver nml you can lntlnll yuur mu ire11mm Stnh Innslrr wlm mu by Vlnlrr Ken mvinu ynu Imvrnl the llnm mm Lumber MII lmlnll llmn fur you IUALITV ANI IMFTNMAN III HMIMNTH IV WINTER HEM WINTSBSEHZ ALUMINUM WINDOWS FACTORY ASSEMBLED READY TO INSTALL MONYH II JIKVILI BERVEEUMBER I17 BRADFORD 5T PA 955 FUEL and CONSTRUCTION Co Lid 49 ESSA ROAD Thcn wine dust from the wall nurtnccs For kitchen walls top quality enamel elther glass or semigloss In rccommendnd Deanna ll malsluro rum IN lho nvw prvhung Svnlnmslcr Ix an aluminum Svllrswrlnfz double hum wlmluw whlch uol only Mr 11 ml 1ch DUI la the most cfllcluul nnxwor hm Ins um um draughlx lhu slhllng mnuls an my In uponHo mslllvvl self Alnrlng voml unwnlvnl willmu AN OAHLICIELY VEA IIllill Sllll llll llvllcr brcnuse lllny urn mmlo llollvr You mu Hm qunllly THING KIN llNlTliD lNlll In II In ARHHMIHID INNTMJJD In N0 GAMBLE YOU CAN SEE THE QUALITY DEPENDABLE QUALIIY SERVICE 1m MEN EXAMINER FMDAY JUNE 28 1M AllANDAlE UMBER Ila AHHHMIHID INRTMJJD II use and ease clcunlnz Fol uw manmnclurcrn Instruction an the can of the Ipcclfln pnlnt youtchousc as regards prlmlnl can Ill no MM Ilwmlnkm lTllllE Illllml MnnJll 75A sssal ii