The bumlnx were nrmlnd mm nhxovmnc nullrc rhnsc In mm pnllu Unlined 50 shots wrre hml Tm unundrd mmlnhlc n5 Hwy hustled KW hunk lcllcrn knlo pollrc cruiscr nm 1ch Nn American bankmhhcrn sald ln cnurl Vcdncsdny lhcy came Cnnndn lo lnlillrnle flu FLQ and collect rcwnrd money by turning ln lcrrorisls In pnllcc Mulrln Genrgu llrnun 35 all llauslon Tm nml Donald Cn lhnm 31 Tnmmn Wnsh were rnch sentenced In 20 ycnrs hard labor nllcr they plcndcd gullly ln armed mh llcry nnd abdurlim lwn lcllcn In 310000 hank rnhlmy COOKSVILLlIv Onl CPL Tmmmmsnu FOUND MIH NEST rnilrnlnnlsl luuml he hrrrd In nmund lhu curlrw In Almkn in ma mdinx my yzur much mmnnmm Colhnm sald my want In Brim Culumbin In an nlrmpl In mnko roman with FLQ nucnl Vlwn lhcy lnilrd they Irlcd ndnin In Ilumillnn hn lho mun lurnud out In be phnncy IEREFORD BUS TOUR Abus our taken by Ihe Sim cnr oumv Hereford Breeders lunme bmught 65 beer calllc out In our six arms Thumlnhu up hrmeh the Hnyal flank of Cnnadn near hn£elny 27 Tnbaccu grownrs using mm or sinker conirni must ideal the use oi the suckcring ngcn when delivering this years crop for sale it was announced HS Bandits 20 Years Each Ilan Flule nl Ilmi ALLLSTON SpecialtBarlry yellows virus crop disuse has made its uppenrnnce In South Simcoe agricultural rep csentuttve Keith Mcnucr un nunccs Estimates of losses to be expected run from sllght to 50 per cent on good stands Spraylng In cnnlrol the nphld which spread the vim ts usu ally unsuccesstul he snld Crops whlch are well tnnilized with nitrogen seem tn mover better from an attack TQBACCO SHOWERS DRIVEIN THEATRE DUBING RECESS MORE TALK AétnrnuyGcneral Robert Kon talks with reporters in Hohsc Judiciary subcommittee hearing mm In Washington uturday during recess in in testimony as tendon wt nos in suppoxt at the Admin 57 mu mum um Ave uan iii THURS FRI AlIlLT Mm Plnylnq HURONIA FARM NEWS IN BRIEF uraniv OX OFFICE OPENS ll Wu Elllls PHESlEym blnrll lull llunuflï¬xv ADULT TODAY 11qu MTUIHIM vlsil In Pioneer Village In the Black Creek Conservation nrca Toronto Massey Ferguson arms at Milligcn and the Km mandala Farms Unionvlllc nul ed ar the leading Holstein Fricslan cullle The nnnualSéulh Slmcue bus lrlp like place nm Thurs uly ThnAlroglr Includes In the county In he morning lhey visited the farm Joe Cochrnne and Sons Slmud Henry Davis Utopia nnd Mur ray Warnicn The Human our look them lo the arms of Dan Cameron Hunter Russell and Lynn Russell BUS TOUR SJ lslranona civll rights bill hearing spectator Arthur Gril liULs of Washinglon stand be slde Kennedy Griflllhs as seemed with the Black Mus Iim movement AP Wire photo YOU LIVE THROUGH 3UP EME EXPERIENCE Ml COLOR CARTOON AUDREY HEPBURN HENRY FONDA MELFERRER CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY COMEEI ALIVE ON THE HOME ll ECWIVCOZOB Starling 1305 HOPE meetJAMEs 50M the most extrfaordlnary rgenteman SPY In all flctlonh 12nd HITI PARIS HOLIDAY Mrs James Henderson greatgrandmother herselt recit ed poem in tribute to Mrs Irwin Mrs Francis Kelly sung Wu 3010 belorolhb guests Jnincd In slng song Later there was music or dancing played by the Culgnn Troubadours Mrs Ed lh Entan Toronto played an cnrdion numbers and Tom Ham lllan dressed in kill did comedy routine Included among her many olh er aim and cards conxrnlul Hans were greetings from Can adas vrlmc minlslcr PM sun opposition leader John Dle unbakcr and he llehlcnanlgav crnur ql Ontario 5ng Raw In Trrhnlrnlnr COLGAN Sï¬eclal About 200 gums gal crud recently at Ihe home Mrs James Irwin here to help her celebrate her and hlrthdny Mrs Irwln wu wearing an 01 her Kim cob Sago ml roses DRIVEIN Russ Whiterlde leader the Bunion Potato Club had club members at his homo for meet ing Participating in the pro gram were Doreen McKay Mar garet McKay and Beity Murray They outlined symptoms and control measures In combat weeds insect and disease ecting potatoes The Mi Electric Club met nl Mrs James Irwilr Greeted ByPM 0n 93rd Birthday ALLISTON Speciah Alter lull In acllvlty early this month while school exam warn underway club member are back In action South Slmcna auricuntuml representative Keith Mull r35 INIAVII 4H Clubs Go Back To Work Shawl III 100 and 900 mm OUII GIANT SCI NOW SHOWING NllillTl AT Ill AND HEMMCBLOR wunMunm Mnuniï¬nd nix llnwn ordinary Mun rovonln HI hard lwcolly loxlum Pmplo whove triad Fnccllo Roynlc ManSize my its no good it mnkcu tho hnndkcrchicf nIrlfnnhinned Women Mpccinlly Invn MnnSizo Fuccllo bccmmo of its upccinl mflnvm nmI nhsnrlmncy And lhnnkfl ita gonernun Kilemm 001 squareand 3py lhickncas you can use om ngnin nnd Ruinjust like hund Thats why ManSize Facelle Rnyale saves you moneysaves Washing and ironing ton nce you try Am LW demonstration on til function ui large circuit bunkers and tile transmrming operation Hydra oiiicials des cribedlhe renlnn served by the Essa station Safety actors wera also messed Particular mph 13 was placed an poieniiai elec the Esu Transformer Mellon MUCH SOFTERI aivo to II It hnu Hm Inftnru of cnnhmem much mom gonlle to your skin FmullcHnynlniunmln lllflnrrnl way774 lllkll lhnn 2ply llunquwllh mom Beelnn Beg andrlinlry not practice judalng Jersey dairy callle the arm Jack Ma non The topic of lead and medlng he dairy cow was dlxcnsscd by Verona Lang and John McDonald Under the lead ership 01 Alex McTnuarl lrlcal hazgrd Irounrl 1h larm youll neber use ordinary tissues again nlmnx jet of mnlnl Fnrullol slrenulh In nirnm right lhrnngh nmnrknhlc llmtnunu nn unlhmrylimue Im flply Ilmuo It Now tlssue Sb big strong and absofb ent MUCH STRONGER IMIWWHMMuMMthrm G£rald mu and Wll Hermnns the Deal club member Judged Hereford heifers iuppllnd by Bill llmdcn Allan Lmle Bob Mathews and Allen Hughes uul llned practical palm In leading hue cattle Th5 Nollawasasa Dalry and Beef Club met separately El Im ngvly Ilmuo It doesnt mm mm ova when you an ynumoaehnrd lncolle mudl up under use on further lhosc unrelouchud plclurva show why no mdimuy tissue can compnro with MnnSizo FflLLIIL Roynlc korchicf Think of lhn washing and ironing it xnwn And aincn one MunSize Incclle Roynln dom Ihc jnh of new mum hnx Innln longer nml yuu sat4 numry nu ml ordinary don Cuhm was host to the dairy club member fur prncllce Judg lng lwu classes of Holstein Members lhe bee club judged near callle nnd saw Ihe leader setup used by Irving Beams THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 27 This nxclmivo new but hawkI In Ilnlf lo xivn you no Ilnndy lmxnnl Kaolin nnch libm lllrlll nml nonlly foldwl lilm Imhly IIIIImIIrrIl handkmhinf Um nun lm in Imdnmnl or lmlhv room nno In kitchen or car mm Iona rummu twqw at NEWTWN PACKI at the Memurlal Junlor High School here will be shown al the Junior Red Cross exhlbilian later this year in Bulgaria QUALIFY Foil EUROPE NEW GLASGOW NS CF jlellpralgcls lhjee student