Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1963, p. 16

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By MR5 Mn and Mn Brampton visited Main on Thursday Mr and Mrs Walsnn Ind Applclnn spent lhn wack tnd at their collage 31 anyr Hench Mrinnd Mrn am visll Id Mend in Toronto on Sunday Mlsses Paulcn Fowler Sylvia Llsk Joan Boynlml and Brand Lclls spent lho past weekend the Fowlcr Conan Namyr lunch Mr and Mrs Lease Ind Deborah and Mrs McCar lhy and Judith Ann Toronto were xuusls or Mr and Mn erxhl nu Sunday Mr Ind Mrs Albert Eulman and lamlly visllnd relatives and Mend 1n Downsvlew nn Sundly Isaac Camlhm ol Barrie and Mr and Mrs Ed Brlcsa of Bruce brldn were guests Mrs Main on Monday Mrs Elwnnd Nichnl Mrs EL Kin Cnnncll and Miss Juan Con ncll attended shnwcr fur lulu Margaret Brnll hold the ham or Mrs Jack Brett of Rose mnnl on sMurdny eveninu Mr and Mrs Mac Klnnon and family and Mrs Whilnby nt anonlo vlsilcd Shelly Dobbs during the weekend Miss Mollie lrwtn who has accepted job with the Belt Chemical Cot anonlo spent the vcckend with her mnlhcr and Iister Mrs Irwin and Alice Mrs Whilclaw of Tumult And Mrs Healon Port Credit ware guests Mrs Wiggins on Wednesday Mrs Irwin sme Wed nesday in Tnmnlo wilh her ler Mrs Dun Barr nl Wallace burn who was In lhe cily allend In cnnvcnuon the Rebekah lodge Mrs Baycmll and Miss Joan Haycron Alronn Bunch And Toronto vixilnd rnla es and friend In mm on Fr Xir arid Mn Mam Isllcd relatives ln annnlu duh Ingr he rwcckrend Mrs Ran Scnly visilcd relal lvgg In Iagqnlo 71minde2 Mr ind Mrs m1 Smllh and lamly nI Rexdnlu spent lhe weekend with Mrs Butler mi 11 nnhh of 1mm mm Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds an Thursday Mr and Mrs Elwood and Nel nnn Jahnslnne Mlss Phyle Jnhnv Mane Orval Iulchlnson visllcd Mrs Joseph Fcrrltr um family Lclrny tactMIL The nccasinn was their sum Don SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Mr and Mrs Irwin heynolfi and nmfly spent Salurday In WSW Howard Craulnrd Jnlnvd Orillin Masonic Lodge nn plnnc lrin In Pillsburu ur wrrknnd The June mcclinz of Du Hm Church Vomcn was hnld at the ham Mrs Strachan with good Mundance nl mrmhcrx and hue vlsilors rum Orlllln The prcsklcnl Mrs Slrnhnn conducted the mctllnk The secrcln Mrs Howard Crnwlnrd re the mlnutcs MN Jnhnmem mm low day in Sarnin wilh Mr nml Mr Andy Gphnm and Kevin STEELES CORNERS The sum we dnn Surlcnnl Onllin make on hrixllnn Edutnllnm warm Mlcnme 13 ex In Mr and Mn Gurdun Dran mm Imll Lnlldrcn lnrmcrly ol Harrie Mm hnw purthnml lhu Girlh ncdtnnl hnme Mu Hnrl Duhx Harald and Fm lnrrlll nml Mn Emu Dnvll nurmlcrl llm lunrrnl Her nunl Mm Hrrmnn Muc Drlnnld lnsl Thumhly In 1jnrnrun Mm rmm umnlnx hr MII Muir Inrnll And lnmlly Turnnln number hum hm ml mum Hu muu la mrpvlm rnrly hm Vulnmlny rvrnln urld III the harm Mr nnd Mu Dmm Knmhnw In flaw of Mr and Mn llIImIII MI lwwn um wrdtlinu nunlvrrmy lilrnmlll Mrnlmz Inrnl plulnz rurhro and uman Ier llunhrl whnml ll HOWE By MIKE DALES fly MES JOHNSTON VIS 1161412 0R0 STATION III Tm mum III Imlop III BEETON ull WRIGHT Aumller Mn tho the Iha bride and groom and Mrs Doug Knmhaw preaenlud them win an electric come percolMor Harold and Margaret thanked their mlnytrlends or their thoughtfulness In remembering um nnnlversary And or the pro senlallon With Mn and Mrs Wlflred Kneeshnw or the weekend were Mr and Mrs Dingmnn Suallnrd Mr and Mn Guam Jackson and family Mantrenl Mimi Noreen and Murlnl Knee shew hmnlo Miss Murlnl Knewhlw lum shortly for lour Europe Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John were Sunday guest wlth Mr and Mrs Andrew Bull Tor onlu and Mr and Mrs Robert Bell For Credit Jlmmh Ball spendln the summer with hls grlndparcnu and uncle ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL IRIOIDAIRI APPLIANC no DUNLQP 51 EAST FrostProof models No defrosting The last word in foodk eeping convenience and kitchen beauty FrostProof Refrigerator Section Separate FrostProof FoodFreezer section at top or bottom Sizes from 13 to 16 cu ft Theres one thats right for your home No matter whlch type or model you choose the same flne Frlgldalre quallty l3 yours Choose Snowcrest White or colour at no extra coatMayfalr Pink Sunny Yollow Turquoise or Aztec Copper Your cholco of right or left hand door openingno extra cost FRIGIDAIRE Only Frlgldalre ollers such wlde salecllonall sizes all prlce ranges all types and many colours Choose the relrlgeralor the relrlgeralorlreezer or the FrostProol thats lual rlghl lor ypur home YOuII get the one you want from Frigidaire 47 DUNLOP ST WEST FRIG DAI RE €23322 CHOOSE THE MODEL THATS RIGHT FOR YOUAT YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALERS NOW mum Thu annual canmzallon sup per of Wycllfle Anglican Church was htld Wednesday unemoun on Lake Community Park Wllh Ideal wethor the chlldrcn enjoyed lemmlnu ollnwed by delicious supper on games were played srmwnnnnvr sumu lho Indie Well Angli can Church held um annual Stnwherry Earner June In the Finish Ha The school mom of St Jnhna United Church was nicely duc ornlcd when the many friends Ind relallvc held mscellam eou shnwar In honor of JnAnn HONOR ENDINGE MR5 TERRY ELMVALE 104 Choices Chrlslla Debbie 311 and Mary Farluson carried In the haskbt gm Ind Mlssc Judy and Durban Campbell Belly Trace and Pa am misled JoAnn linked her rend or the In an mudyilsyu In St Johns Unlled Church Sunday morning Rev Hl£ hum commend me servlnn HI sermon was mm Mauhew 1130 an Tho thenm was Sacred Cam would Him alaunhler Thu Sacrament of Holy Cnmmunlon Wu obscrved Mrs Lionel Plnyer has rel lurned home ancr vlslung rcln lives in Toronto and Frccllou Dr nd Mrs Luldlaw and children Torunln men he weekend with the latter at any Mrugnd Mn 5ng Tlgp n1 Misses Nancy and Palsy Camp bell anonln xpcnk he weakend wlIh thelr parents Mr Ind Mn Campbull Mr and Mrs Paul flownk Mrs Rowe were Iuesls or Mr and Mrs Ray nowa ol Mnrkham Ind 1150 vlsllod Gor don Rnwnl sun Mrs CA onarck Refrflemfion comqu Frlgldalre Appliances For All Your Frigidaire Appliances this model is the beautiful FPl14Bc63 1378 cuft Its twodoor cabinet with the true freezer section who but tom you can do your own food freezing Iidlie Absolutely no host and no delrosling Hummer or winter oven in the zen zone freezer Two RollToYau recur bnu km 150 lb zero zone lrcczer FlipQuick Ice Ejector zips out cubes in handy server Mm Tender hold nmrly 10 lbs Plus RullToYou ahelvm win wit and vegetath Hydrntaru on servers and room unlom on alumna doon Frigidaire dcmndnbility loo low 11 1ch ii Welles On Saturday momma llm WA or Ihc Pmshylrrlan Church held nah of home muds baklnz an the lawn IK Archie Tralnl all II flll IAN EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 21 lm Conzralulntlons to Ed Rebut xon and ShIrley Culhlm Mine Ilngwh yo urged gum 21 Jnhn McGlnnll woekcnd luau with his nr enlsp Mr 1nd Mn Andy Kc Glgnly Jack Hendrix Texas USA wns RnSnndIy visitor with Mn film en BELLS HISNRIC CHAIR COWES England CF Queen leloflal halhchllr wu sold an auction In Ihk Isle of way resort recently or CROSSLAND Spacious mfrigerator section for flesh foods Separate freezer at the top or storage of fmzen foods Semiautomatic defrésting FLAYH sonmo DRAMA LONDON cm nmnmn Public Mammy Gouncll say then at loo many plays with surdld and unhealthy lhemes Tho societys report calls or more wholesome entertain menl on lelovlslon and the slate Ime ireezer section also provides longterm storage of frozen foods keeps ice cream iiim Automatic defrosting in refrigerator section Sizes from 11 to 13 cu ft Single and twodoor models 24 Hour Mueller 525 Dunlap PA MN icmced Swivch All Wurk Guaranteed For In Yen WATCH RTw BILL LEBOEUF utility models refrigeratorfreezer combinations THE mnomnommonm WhmEeoEIenwchflifim travellers cheques you cant lose If you lose money you lose it for good But if you lose travellers cheques The Bank refunds the money when its notified promptly Travellers cheques are easy to cmy and you can cash them al most anywhere How do you get them At any breach of PHONE PA 60332 This Is the Big Twelve Family Silo This is model Ell131063 Frigidaire 2Door 1324 omit Ask see the coman D10 or flu amuletheight apartment models Saves space In your kitchen bo wuse Wu Just 30 wide and undo all fit under mblnels Fullwldlh recur Ith keeps £3 pounds mun food Sliding Chill Drawer wlth Men Tender for rah man Fullwidth huh and vuzctnble Hydrnlor plus SIhcll Moran door 1001b we mm mm with wrmmto door Frizianm dcpcndanHy loo anllyalw alumna Apnea In ultdelroullnl mlrllcmlor wellol Frlzldnlm dnpcndnbllfly lno Win null Andrvczclnblo Enny atomic In his door or III Hydmlorl hold ufi bmhol mfinhun nnd In mnlnlnrnl With YOUR AUTHORIZE momma AND sanwca canvas PA 82059

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