nnhdo dalmcd that profes almnl clubs can not sign collegu mayors until lhcy have finisth school Stung by the loss of his lop pass receiver of last year Rohdes licensed the Eashm Football League club 01 11124 umlly signing Walklns He said Commisslontr Sydney Halter of the Canndlan Football Langw has pmmiscd Invcs ligan his qhnrge 94 TIFFIN ST Any dwbls Riders might have mlertained were dispelled ch ncsdny by the comments of Walkins former coach John Rnhde OTTAWA CF There now In no doubts in the Ottawa Rough nidm camp that Ihey have landed inlay plum in and Ted Watkins he University Ike Paci Ndw Illnl sumer ls hora enjoy brand new Mm Mlnnr H50 frulnrn If Mlll and mu no miles per pnl mmnluLI money In your purkol lull slm cyllmlcr vngnv mmmlrd lllnclly ovnr rnnl nxks provith pnwrr lu burn MINI 850 En Belinsky centre the playboy pitcher whos just bmken his engagement to 3d Ms Mamie Van Dorm sums with Mrs Ricky duPont to chat with Leonid Firestone Rldul annnunccd slgning des Riders Illegally Signed College Star BHYS SIMCOE SERVICE ALSO ON DISPLAY THE AMAZING 00 INQUIRE ABOUT THE SPECIAL ON THE RILEY l5 one only $I7W00 HOLIDAY SPECIAL dont oven think this ll what ordemd It IlL BELINSKY DATES DUPONT WIDOW $I395 HUBEBT Thats good indication ml good player In Wal kins they Ounwa can sign ankins Just by saying lhey un derstood he wn inoligi they can sly anyone else Rohda dcclnrcd Ollnwn president Barry Ericn Rahdcs ch sour gagesfli We Are on chtucuy legal ground in signing Watkins Brien sald Not so said Ruhdc In state man Watkins was having somu trouble with his sludic but could have completed his schooling as physical educa ii Amnjor Waikins say ing Ihut he was not relumlng to university because scholastic difficulties Ix Winnipeg Mr nancr said one of the owners the bus Anselm Angels at last nights game between the Angels and Baltimqre Orioles Eelinsky has been dating Mrs duPonl widow of Funds duPonl PA 82317 mr whn an nuunwd the slxning said he cx peels mGins lo replace re tired Canadian and Bobby Simp son IllIll MW lfblfllb Illflllï¬fllflmfl HI fllfllfll Hm $2905 VIIIIIE IIIIIIIHIIYEII HIEE Ottawa gmch manager Rod OQuinn snid Riders had been Jppcd ankins plan not In return In sthonL He said Wat ns had been adamant In as suring Riders in lLIOphDflu call his lmcnlions Cnmplau TvIvlllnl MuIyfllnn DyH mu Mhh IvvlnmI 1m lur Unhmhhh 1mme Mm In Han Mummm Uywmhll Tunin lie said the CFL has no rule prohibiting lhe signing at play er siili eligible at United Stale universities But we imwn on any inducement that would make player give up his edu cation lo plny iooiba he would conduct lull invcsA llgnlion lnln he mailer and refuse 1n certify Walkins con me Rohdcs charges are mm since breaking up with hia mie but he says theyre just friends He says he has de cidvxi to report in Hawaii oi the Pacific Coast League to whom he was armed out month ago MIanln Indlnnapolis Mule Rock Jacksonville Cnlumbu LIME Rock 37 179 76 Jacksonville 29 41 12 Cnlumbu 386 14 mulls Wednesdly Buan Link Rock Syracuse Richmond Toroulu Rochester Syracuse Rochester Buffalo Richmond Tomnlo muonfneéén Min cereIana Grim km at Hm tag Wood mulls Wednesday Cleveland Boston New York Chicago Dcmlt Minnch Washington at Kansas City ppd raln Balllmnre 12 10 Angela Pmbnble Puchm Today New York Boulnn 102 at Chlgagq Herbert 70 Washinglnn New York Chlcngo Boston Minnesula Les Angelo Ballimnre Cleveland Kansas City Detroit Pei GBL Si hula 43 30 589 105 Aageles 42 30 583 Va San Francisco 42 32 565 Cincinnati 40 33 543 Chicago 39 534 Milwaukee 36 36 500 Pittsburgh 33 88 465 Philadelphia 33 40 451 10 New York 29 45 392 1416 Huusiun 28 47 573 16 Nesulll Wednesday Chicago New York Philadelphia Pilisburgh llousiun Milwaukee San Francisco St Louis Las Angeles Cinclnnati Pmbahle Pitcher Today Philadelphia 011p 95 at Pittsburgh Cardweli iOnly game scheduled Games Friday Chicago at Philadelphia New York Pittsburgh St Louis ei Houston Milwaukee ai Lo ling Cincinnati at San hand Si Innis 105 Angeles San Francisco Clnclnnau Chicago Milwaukee Pittsburgh Philadelphia New York Huusiun By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nnunnnl Hague Norther Amulcan BASEBALL RECORDS plrulyufrnpmllytnllnlemlnll luvw rml Imull ml In hum ml Inrlv hum lung III HOD MOM Ilfllll dmLIypa nr ul mm um ily onJuy yum mumv mm flunn mul worm In llm ma AND ONION MDMHM MAIIDIYIIrmIIIl NM IMVH All mnnhqmownu Ill AI Storm msmvmc 1m 3mm WA May BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NOWI MI 01 7W0 llMMlHlll MINING mm III IllaID 1mm mnou and 36 38 27 42 lune Pct GEL 41 26 612 43 30 589 39 29 574 39 32 549 39 37 51 6V BAYFIELD STREET 478 391 15 Mmblc was playlng with his son Bob and Mark Finnh and Lee Hall 110 16hnndlcappcr and ï¬nished the 13 holes with 424486 because had bunch of sevens couldnt see the ï¬rst one hccause No Is uphlll Trimble rcporlcd 0n lhe lslh he said My ban hit about ten short bounced up and rolled In lhu pin nlmnst druppcd over just said Thn Thats fantastic on the ï¬llyard elghlh hole and matched he on an the lnynrd lalh He used scvcnimn on bolh holes GOLFER GETS DOUBLE ACE STAUNTON Va AP Jim Trlmhlc 59yearold cnnlrndar scored two holes inme on the same Illhole round or golf Wednesday over he Augusta Country Club course near here nimble golfer or 20 year nogchcd rhls first ace Pictured above is Run Mur phy with big smile for he photographer as he poses with the lrophy ho caplurcd for BOWLING III MOD ANY 01mm MOW MM Bully llulleud Cnnp VI Can non Vlllnv Ill llgldllu Gull lulllc nifllll nuov Olhlan Olllan Kllvlnllfl liofllfll McCllryrluy MOMI Omani Phllca RCA WMNMDI H01 llmplanl Cumpol Slmpmnrlom wnuu by Watch And mm In mi mum 1wmmrmunlmnun mun NI Ill THUR 7m mm mum nvunmm QUALIVV Slacklnn Cam Roy A511 120 Slacklnn CaliL dclcnlcd Jorge Salnlar In San Jose Calif 10 May ml to 1m Takyn Rocky Arndc H1 Philippines nulpolnled Kcllchl lshlknwu 145 Japan 101 TOKYO Reuters An ycnrold Japanese walker Kan lchl Fujila want In compels In Ihe 1964 Olymplc Gnmcs In Tokyo Fujila has nppllcd to lake part In spcclnl scclion for aged Blhlelcs which he say should bu established according lo Ihu Asahl Shlmbun Japa nese nnllnnal dnlly newspaper The Olymplc Game orgnnlzlng commltlcc dccllned comment saylng it has not received Ful llas applicallon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA llel 1n tie League of 1238 paving mg hlgh FIGHT RESULTS vgxan APPLIES CHAMP PA 6l BM Murphy hnd single pIanll score Dunlap Eur MOTORCYClES EXCLUSIVELY MON 71 flUfllflEMIOR VruHmlfluAnunlhqupllnllmummmIhnxlulmmlmunM1 IIIPIHUNUIHNEMWIIltllrï¬lflalfllltilwlulÂ¥1ll3ffl qulhly Inlulll mull uhwl Ion Immy vulh nulmum dmml lam um Swim lm mu In Imm lmm dual 1mm Illlv we Mall pl Ilummum Kl lvm CM PM mm 1on hurl Ilnup Dualomsthul mlm 1mpomlmmpmmlhxwlvnd Mummumlum um um um Rvmuyabh urn Mm UnrulyanlnaMlmhalm whmlllummumlllmded XMKHIUMI Ind MONA Willa Musrlmul 14 EU FT REFRIGERATOR WITH 100 FREEZER When You Purchase New FRIDAY JUNE 28 at pm WASAGA BEACH SPEEDWAY HARDWARE HAIR DRYER ELECTRIC 34995 PA 82431 LACABMS Fag