=jGovt Planning To Stockpile North Uranium 24 Thu lmcmmcnl lmd do cidcd In no pm In Um UN opernllon In Yrmcnnboul one quular he 200mm UN mlla Ilnn II CIundlmdcxplla per han hnmdnul clrcumflanrcl fludy lmn alarm on pa Alhln Improvement In Cnnldn millllry Ilandby Irmnztmcnu External MlnlsIer Mnrtln also uld In an Inlervlew lhnl the CanadaU5 mlnlsterlnl cnmmlllce on Mn defence wIII mccl befaru the end oI Ihll year Thls commlllco Im not lmld mecllnx Klncu July I060 Mr hlunln said dlllerencel In Hm Canndlan and American balance ol pl menu Illun llon nilch many he relHam Ihlps between lhc lwn mum lrlu They must he understood on bth 51d of he border Ihe Iwo nations were 10 deg wilh Each other In mason lble and tumble mnnnn CITES ACTION TAKEN Mr Mnrlln luuchcd on nearly every Isptc of Cumdlnn or Illn policy dmrlhlnz how the new xovnmmcnl had noted In Hal lcld dutlng on day dcchlan 50mg ol hll major polnll ï¬le autmmn dtlcnce pollcy rcvluwn by NATO Ind lho Camdlun Commonl delenc rummluu Ihbuld cnnblc lhI xovemmcm lo hllp dccldl the Mun Hm Clnldll dr hnca wolf United States loin cabinet com mltloo on irnde And economic Illalrs will med lhl autumn Dr Ihe llrst llmn since January 1081 The llyannll Pan Many mccllnu betweun Prime Mlnla ler Pearson and Pmldcnl Ken nedy had been downAlm Earth approach lo Ihe many serious pmblems tuning the lwo cannula LMr Fultcrer said he commit he hid be than the govern ment woul umkplla suflicicnt uranium to mullnuo production lho pxhlhgg nylpcsï¬nlll 1970 He said by then the demand Iox Im0dr Krmmly limll hlm Ila hlh May luv to II lo hm ull aunwmm iv tuLhmlu tmptlnn mm nl Mr an my in mm Duumluwn Thu mine uiiccled are Farm dAy Uranium Mines Limlied at Bancroft and Miiilken and Con laiidalnd Dcnison al Eliinl Luke Oflicinis at the Ihm mines expmscd aprmvnl 01 um nov ernmeni anion Bu Edward Nitm chairman oi Mr Pear sons committee to investigate the ecannmic future Elliot Lake said he in disappointed OTIAWA CHA new lease on Illa was given to We Ontario mlnlnx communlllu by lhu ed eral lovernmmta Innounco mull Wednesday that It will buy Ind xlackpllo unnlum or one car from two mine In Elliot Ike Ind on In Enncmlt Prlmo Minmer Pcamnu nn nouncemcnl emphasized HIM was strictly shnrblerm mum ure tn Alva Iho govemmcnl time In develop allornnla em aloymcnt for Ike two communi He said lo stockpila uranum Iny lungcr could om down uranium prlm or many years Martin Says Canada 118 To Talk On Trade And Defence 99th You No ISO OTTAWA CMThe Clnldl For Examiner Wlnl 1m relr phnun PA uzm Tho lulephonc number to call for th Bums or Edhorlll pent ll PA 66531 10mm IRISH wchoma ron xshflhn Our Telephones Onlnrlo Labor Mlnlllcr Lullo Rnwnlru flopped in Vednw day la nrrnnxa nuw unlunAcnm pang negollnllans la Iver ml by 13400 Sltclwnrkm nl lncol Sudhury Ind Pm Col bqrna plnnll SUDBURY CPlTho Unlud Sleelwnrkm of America CLC hare In preparing or walknul ll Hm lulurnnlinnnl Nlckel Com nnny Canada mum and the oily II hraclnu lull or mike 1h weflnra commlllca ll be In urnolnlcd thl view cnpll nld The lomnn barnlnlng cammmco Ind the 11min cxecullvo me behlmi dosed door Wednudny to plan lhelr next mum Mr MENm and we mlnlnltr lhn union will nllrnd lhu mm lng fol or July In Tomuln Donald llernbh pmldonl ol the Sleelwarkcrl Sudbury local 6500 unld Wrdnudny nrlka dudllna my be announccd wllllln law dnyn Then has been lesscnlnl labor strifo on Ihe Gm Lnku slnco the government III made the Us butler acqualnlcd wllh he lmpllcnlinnl of Ihe IMppkll dlxpults Stoliery vicwpruideni ol Denison Mlnu said in stockpiling should imp Iho El liot Lake and Bumrun area go in uniil an increased demand 10L urgnium qxpgcied in i968 ior the UN and possible cw ordination with lhosa ni oiher countries Canadln foreign aid pro grams wen under mvluw The $3500000 cu In tho Colombo plan cnnlrlbullon lull yelr ahnuld be rcslnrcd again rall lnz the Intel la at least 0000 000 InnuAHy 5m am bclnz lukcn hr wnrd lmplcmcnlnuun of lhu de nl9n to cslgpllsh limlll ushlng one enocuvu mm Gillmien executive vicepresident of Rh Mgum Minus Umllud owner Mllll kcn said without the nnnounw men lhn mlne would havn closed July pumnz 450 men out of work Ho mid second Illa Alum mlnn Nordic would stay npun unlll 1971 under arrangements made provlously Ilrdch prggluc Mr Glllamlcra uld he reed wllh the government that bl stockpile would unseltlo lho uranlum lndnslry by causan lem of lower uraqlum pglpes Mr Pamson had promised lisiance lo Elliot Luke durinz the last election campaign Th0 community is within his homo cnnsiilunncy oi Aiunma East nhnstnne pmldem of Furday also inflated um the government Iman produc tion lama or the Induilry nuns concentrates corn anlus expect In lull in ma mx 1le yogm the mineral expedEd lo ruch WEE P9 Walkout Feared Of Steel Workers Eh mam Examinvr Th mn nvo worked wllhnul canlrncl or II monlhl nlc hm comm cxplred during Ihu Steelworkerl prolonled lllUl In In wrul blrgnlnlnn rlxh nl Ihe nlnnll mm the lnlcrnl llannl Uninn Mlnn Mill and 511191 Wurkmflnd Mnlar luuu whl nve dand Inckud nlkl are comiuny rs lulnl to check of Im on duel and lhc unlonl Injection lhn ulwmpnnyl proposed on Alan nn Mr McNth Inld In In mondaul mandala cm In Tuuc dayl Ilrlkn volu II Indlch llon nl lhn Ilrnng lummrl Ihu lmrlnlninl commfllu Ind ll dcmnndl but In may be on late and alked or an earlier dnlu EJELI OFFER The wnl nullmrlud Tuesday when mars than 8000 II 11 Sleolworkcrl over whclmlnuly rdcclcd lhu lnlul tummy align But his successor Pope Paul announced litu hls elecllan In weck that he would carry on Papa Johns wlahu or this coun cll which met in Hm VA Icnn sesslon 1mm October to Dmmhcr last year In mlew and revise Roman Catholic pol In The late ann had fixed Supt for lha cnunclls second alon but his death automatio Illy aqspcndud tho councll Todny an uuncement nlxncd by the Pnpol secrelary stale Amlcln Cardinal Clea nnn Innounccd the ncw punlm hnd Sept 29min Sundly alter Pentecostax ha reopen Inu dalm OWEN SOUND Onl GP Mayor smenl Owen Sound wul nominated Wodnel day night Llhnrnl candldalo In Iha Onlnrlu rldlng thmy North In the next pruvlncll election Th3 rldlnn was represmled In tho legislature by Dr MncKln non PhHUps lormer Pronu Ilve Conservative cablnot mln lslcr who died uvml wcckl Tho councll ol sums 1000 hlzhvrnnklnx Roman Catholch wnl nulomullcnlly suspended wllh lhc death of Pope John earller this month VATICAN CITY Reuters The Vulcan ecumenical council will mum Sept 29 was ob Ilclally announced today Sound Mayor Named Candidate Council Reopens In Full Hellver Wctnts ToEnd Castly Frigate Plan II aponnl mmlnl In rommmu Idovled withoul Ifll cuulon vmoul lhnl ll hur Menu by chalrmln mm In mmlllu ml hy Irwmnhuvu 1M mm mod Innu And lhe It IIffllï¬nlld Th prrlnrmm Ind cruw member Itpod unlnlurrd nhrn drowned when walrr poured lmn ho Ihlpl hold wm Hie only an man lhln 10ml mull IDIL The Home Al Kelly um um Ilmlhm bull lumi Inl to luvs or moml rn linemen Hhellpurno winn lhu ll hmku uuL lhr Mm wn not lmxhc mly known UNLOAD CM ï¬ll mu wild Smll lncludln Ilnm loo Ill mu Hm Iml urnw aim or II nnlp Ivy mm 11 Ilophnu wnllud in uhly Ind pnnlu and dull mTAWA 111 new rnmnwm xlclmu mmmmw mu Imlny In Incfllml ulllni mav Imylnl lull many by the dva III ul If Amid lnrm What do you dn or an encore uhtn your circul nhlp end In llm cnlulcmml by cnlchlnl mu nnd Alnklnfl You Iry to Inlvnu lhu boul Ind no lha how on the wavu Ilnln Inyl Eddlu Kuhn whm IMp he Ilcunu wan to lho bouvm dnckllde hero Wed neglly Thu your old convened lrrllhllrofl lu flrul volen pnrnmpplnu Nunh Mk cnught In Ilmul mm and inmm bulllul Iho blnzu In lhl Imlll Exlnnal Mhln Mmlmr puma um um mud to mun Chiefs Staff To Give Testimony Cmon In Iho wnlcrl Nun crch Jane Allpurl Toronto Juno II he Ewlmmlnl Coun Iellur ha Ontario Soclely For Cripplcd Children Bluu Circus Ship Blazes All But Zebra Escape ymmoum Ns cm Barrlo Onhrlo Clnldl Thurldly Juno 27 I963 BLUE MOUNTAIN CAMPEBS BEAT THE HEAT DUNKMNSNWN AP lmlxlenl Krmmly re lunml In lhl hamulud of MI lmh outmm lodly ml drunk In In burnrnrd with llllml Neixhhotl mm in lhclr mm but mm mm In ppm ho ml um nw puly numlulod In blrnylld between Mn In mun ml lhp llnmtod Plllcnl lmmlnl ml at Inu lheHC Why In lhl cumlnl druwn1 Minn nuernl flu mm Ilan and didnt wnnl yuu lo wnkt up And lhlnk lhu opm nnn Pm been Inlluru 11w pmlrknll lhlrd mum wldmv Mm Ann nun lulri Innfl lublu or In In Ind My lqum mm 10 Minn IllI Windy while IIlnn and nrnhmn bull wm wuhod out KM hold and mm In more why 01 AND Ilgd wllh witty Firemen Hood by wllh high powered rm whlle he an malt wm being unloaded medl Ml buck qulckly wnrn In llom can Illppnl mm Ill cable Ind lundtd an Ill end Tl tnlodldpl brcnk nh 7mm in nrlvnhs umuru elkrad by 10 cal mldrnll nxa clrrul pcrlun warn ltd to In whan by circus wurkm Mountain Clmn MBI Cqunl wood on Goalum Bay Char lex McCormnck mm In huly Iplinklinu Jana with In cool wnler whllu nabm Chlmher lnln He hack why the Kennedy Stops For Tea At His Old Homestead HERES ONE wlwn nmllulnl In Hanan no mu In 11m mm mw II don Ilurd Tm 1m vhllrd by Km md whm ha mum man In m1 Mm III ldtn um ll ll lho Kmnrdy Imm Ilml ll MI Mm IIIMd up In Kmnedy Tho bunyIrd hu hm mmd with mum mlnun pllI hu bun mud Imm mm mm us Mr em Cup Brown Iklpprr ol lho nhlp Il ho wnuld nlumpl la hnw lhn Fleurul Irlloaltd mm In poulblm Only the ml Ind lho mull wm than In who wllrr Um th mxcl and pcrhrmu Won IMI nllmnlnl ll 0150000 Thu Fleunfl oul of Palm burl Fln Arrlvcd hen Tue day or prtmltr perform Inc hm wukl lnlo bccnuu englnn Imuble on point Ihu drilled or II day on lhu Allnnllc nelJfl men and Hvu women were leMod In menu Ind lcnul ll runclwd par wllll Mr lhl lo Illrbuard Hum by hm lkphlnll Ilawcd on ma Ill of tho hold lormnr Gull Canal lrmllhlcr lnr Hm Clnrko Slcnmnhlf Lvm nny Hm Illln bud been Ila or our yran heloru belnl bought 1m mnnlh by lhl clrcul mm cool cominri The clmp which in inneed infer by iha Iaie oi Euler Sn will be open to ho public his Sundly Bu Iloriu and icluru on ma Examiner hula ha man It ho In at the AlbumI Compn mm low nu wolumwrl allIn rur ol lnuxlxlq Albulrou Compn7 In mun may on On cum at 1th mm Immn 11w pmidml mind In New mm by hellmvlrr dmn no hit Intulrll Mml Dun Mw Imvn mum at mu vl lumlmlm munlry an and In pmum hundrl Uununuown nmr lumullumn welcomq mm moul Ind ll nurb Nuw Hm lhu pun lmn whch Fnlrlci Km max allgdyq Donal Bllln 01IAWA cwDemon In later llellyer Indicated today ht wnnu In scrap lha eightIMP amooomo naval flute pm rum lnlllaked by the Iormer government to give hlm unn clnl roam lo manoeum in legglon My wegpqnn Dy vole of III in II the covcmmml wu uphold Wal uudny In budget dcbalu Soclnl Crcdll Mll Ildrd wllh he lemll whHI ha New Democrat Iur tho mvnd llmo In hm dnyl uhnlllncd 1mm lenl He elm hinted before the Common defence committee that more hnupon aircraft will be ohlnlned to carry ll least one 6000 man Irmy brigade and the he wlll reject mo RCAFI pruponl for nequlslflnn more CFlm lowvlevel nu clear jet bombers OTTAWA cmm mlnarfly leml government punhu on with Ill lezlllullvo prolrnm In the Common loday In rldlnu an dfl Alarm Iparktd by Ina budlet Thu vol mntludu lhl II day drhnlu on llnnncv Mlnlr lcr Wnllrr Gordonl Juno butlch Today lha Cornmnm wlll mldrr lovemme Mll blhh drpnrlmml In Hnu Comervnllm Ilunn KM Vednmlny Inn with mo Hon in ll lhu dayl bull Ha nld he considerably conccmod about lho eflecllw nus lho our IF1M Aqued rnnn to be based on Franco cluse Franco does not Illow Amcrlcln nuclmr warheads on rruorvx Mn Hellyer In his ï¬rst ma jor policy lpcech since ha aumcd lhe defenca portlollo Agfllflh Igid one poln All mninr fmuremenl pro run an hen reconsidered in parilculnr my procurement romm which would land In imii iuiure policy or interfere with um exercise oi future op tion in being careiIIlly re viewed Npgn CQNSIDERMION One at Ihe pmxrnma lha Kenerll urpose flute pnr tram project Involving the expendltm Ima mm of money For this reason Ill Ewen Ind likely lulurn option ave to be curetu egnxldered helm Qtypeedln Onu of these apuons he laid wnu mmtnnodon mt antl auhmarlna hydrofoil boats 19100300 centrch was Awarded to dc Hlvlllnnd IIMM ol Cun adn Limited lag month or prylol mwnAMdmjoll Mr llellyer uld he hm de cIIIom on mum wenpom pro ech will be taken le11 law wccu Alter lhal enenl ram cl mm policy would Wu lnlon nvlew cum lully tho qunflon belon pm ceodlnz with any Iddilloml pro curement the nyenrold min llty uJ Mr Mellyer nld CFlol would nol Include populm Lion Mu Iuch Tameka would be dockyrda Ilflleldl Imullnllnns mlliury headqumm me dump and lnnxpomuan ICHIUCL Govt Is Upheld NDPs Dont Vote Hints He Will Reject Proposal For More Bombers Ne Morn Thu Par Copy16 Pm Sunny WM Isolated thunder umwm law lonlzht 60 High tomorrow 55 For campldn summary turn to pan two Local Weather In the old behan lmnr lmu when the pmhlenun Mllmwr ruled um dam rhlldwn nmmlvinl mm haunt the mm alarmed ml rmnImllovlw unmmlorllhla Ml pally Mr Ryan Imal he pm dm IIII In erh vol III nilL Ila mum1m on an Ilc m1 walk II will Inlnrmllllywmi Im lmh am Mr vim Ind chlldtm The erId the nucIear bomb usslmed wouId depend on the particular target but In most hm cases would be raIalIver lowyield very ImAIl Iracllon of Ilgurc one mezatun or 1000000 Inn of TNT thch have been used In In Common and In the press REVIEW WAIIRANIED Former Irnmpurl mlnlxlcr Leon ulcerInk Mr lunuol vlolenl dcnunclnllum 1m udcrnl Mhernln Intrcumi he Ilrlln on Conlulrrnllnn and wnnnnlcd 1m urxrnl drhuln Spcaur Mun Muumuuhlnn ruled lho molhm am at mdur ll uld Um luhjzcl can be dl ml lnlur durlng In Speak AL ruled lho mol ll uld Um dimmed ln budm drlmlc Mr flnlccr ml ollm unv Icrvnllm Avprnlrd lhc rulllll uni Mr Sprnker uml ruling on luth mnflnm cannot my palm Mr HIILN nmwnlcd MI mling hul Slwnktr wnl upheld by van 100 In 11n mmyunl um mnunrd Ml Krnmlyl Mn Ilynu Krnnrdy Ind Ihe Inuodum uniInn undu ml Aunt Concernan reinforcement for the navy brigade In Europe In wartime Mr Hellycr sald re view is warranted to dclennlne whether the commitment to lend two more brigades to Eu ropemould hp changed or whether slap rhould be taken to Increase rubskanllnlly he re Illty of tho reserve cumponcnu In todays circumstances nm In ordrr ml lho Communl mlth hold Ipcclal dcbul on nun crlllcllml Ike Imam mad hmdny by Quch L1b ml Premier Jum Main In the 1960 Common de fence mmmluee Mr llellyer newnde CC molhm that lha Bomlarc prournmbs Ha uld Canadas two Bomnrc squadron orlxlnnlly were to have been deployed in nonth New York Slate and Mlchlgnn Canada had pcriuadod the US la gnu heu puma pmldcnl and moral lender Kennedy has been lor rlhly bankmpl In adminlslnrlnx he typo tom ho shnuld hnva been Idmlnlslerlni 1mm bu very Mnlnnlnz he old luncheon in rllxe monuy or In Lumer Klnz lund inronunm look hlm lo become polillcnlly 0n the Bomarc antiaircraft mlulla Mr Hollyer sald ha weapon Is an emotive anu bomber weapon good anyï¬ring wo hnvo avnllnblu The ellecllvenes of the syk um sufficient to Jusllly Ih maintenance costs Involved My Heljyer nld vary mun bu been at up In tho dc nflmem to consider lulun palcy IL headed by Dr IL Sutherland chic ol npcrallonal research In the do lznoa mum board TORONTO CF Nam Singer Hurry Belnlonte lackcd President Kennedy Wed neldny or bi bankrupt pol Icyugn lnlen Policy Bankrupt Says Belafonte chmn lhequnns Hgllyer mm ld