0an 00330 lg tummy mnl mva 10 on IMII common dork AMI July In lo 11 um mom JUIII flu in may an at Mum oifiinc Xif mu crud oll II II Inmm MIMI Oll ripe LI Nd urnlnll or lho ml yur will pmhnbly dawn AYIRhHY mm the lny conllnuu 1qu mm volumi rompellnl Ilnu Memo dl lflllllrlll run than All Incam no Ihu your hut loll mum Mu ml hm pm llllnl Mun Almmflflruhg on Malan llruvlultl laid Th éommny renuru Ml urninzl or the lemonlh Lml yur dndcd March 31 I063 amounted lo 19138535 or ma per Ihm rnmnlrrd ullh MGM or 01 per nhm lur bl com npondml pulod lul In nmpnnyl llml ynr and hnnltd lo errh 1mm Sep kmbfl Id In yur Ann cm 114 Tho mm mm ncl umlnn or All mam endrd Mly ll ma unmunled lo mama ur 0111 per mm compmi vilh £1117 or 3011 per hm Inr flu mnnmndlnl por lod In your lInrnlnn Iver Nut lulled on IJMMO Clm And ammon Ilum onl ulndlnl Ill Ibo lull In Jun ll Apr 30 I963 allowv Inn nr prlnr right dchcnlura holder and ulhtr chm 01 Mini hmkup vnlue per rommnn shat uu MN May Jl cunlparcd wllh 01395 mamh tnrllar Gnulnly Tnul Co Cul Idn Hnrnlnx lhe compnny at lho rumnl hullyelr In Muhrr lhnn war no non Derry rhnlrmnn and mm drnl mmouncrd llcpastl llhl named nubnlanllnlly hum Corporllon nl CAnd The company rcparlcd ll nu worth al May 11 mm was up Iramfmmoomo Mlhfl Shoe le Sale for he first quartcr ended April 1m warm up MT mm llmflnr 1961 pcrlad and ncl In comu remain Approximately his name level an In 11751 ï¬rst quarter Anllru lmnrrlnl Md The company declared quarterly dividend 1k per slur on ltl Class stuck payable on July Is In shareholders record July Thu nrcvlous djvldcnd rule on In Clan ilock was llc quarterly Thur ls car mpandlnx increase ln the Class slock dhldcnd rule 11 Men Block Yilld Hum ll Pullmd Ind Sloth cammun Indulmu zl Mlnlnl TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE The in is the all oi Allan Him member lha church chair It is thn oiilciul in oi the Anxiican Church at Canndn The red cross oi St George is centered on white backlround In the our corners are green maple leaves symbolizing the inur ecclesiastical province oi The no In mcmnry lalu Mrs Manda Edlth Payne She Ian lunacy which was uscd In erect wrought Iron func along the front of Ihe church properly In memory of Canon Rainer rector mm 1536 to 1935 Tho ceremony wlll he pcrlor med by Rev ll Read arch deacnn of Slmcoe and reclur of Trinlly Church wardens Call Brenncmnn and Butler will carry out lhe unveiling new mony new iluzpnle Ind II on lap oi the Parish Hall oi Trinity Anglican Church Collier Sireei will ho dedicated ll noon ia mnrmwi owner or 1mm were hr Ilnllcd ceremony at Kerr budge AF and AM the Masonic Temple Owen Smut Will Dedicate Church Flagpole Compllcd by Flynn Dunlap MlIll Summln or In Inï¬ll Jun muul Illml BULLETIN BRIEFS um Ind mm on mu mm nl HMO In ht ma qulvllr and 0mm In quill hmoul Plum Ill Curpoumn Thu compn pom nu umlnu or lho nm quulur mitd Much ll INS unnuan la mm or tom lhl complnd ullh In or ten or In nunpoml Inl period complny pom rm umlnu Iar mu monUu ended April um um 37361000 or $019 90 common Ahm mm 31330900 ar 303 per rommdn mm In corrupondm period Int yur Como nlcd not ulu In Ihl Ill month ended Apr 50 um wer mord mo mllllon lnm 1m om 1M provlaua mm 17 tm mllllon for lho um period 1le hlr MumForum le company pom qr mu monUu ende um um 1W1 IM In xlu at me In Jimmy 1m The lmflrnlcd nnnnnl dlvldcnd mu L1 now 0130 Conlolldllcd Mlnlnl and Smell lnl Co cl Cl Lid Tho company dcclu In cxlrl at 20 Ihnre and ruulnr um umual dlvldcnd We Ihue holh nnynhla July 15 196 to Ahnrehnldcrl of record Jun 21 um nw campnny mid In tr In 10¢ In ulyi 1M1 And In OFFICERS ABE INSTALLED BY MASONIC LODGE Moore Cor Ltd The com nlny dctllrc qumcrly dlvl dmd or mm lhflll US lund mybl OcL 1963 lo xhnrcholdm record Aux so Thu complny yrevlausly pnld 25c quarterly mum Wnlkerflooduhum Ind vnm company de clumd qunrlerly dlvldcnd ol mo per shnr plus an cxlrl V140 bolh pnynble July Is 196 to Ihareholdm retard June 11 1961 Th company paid similar uln In July lull yur dlvldcnd eilhbr Innull um nnnunl or quarterly and understood lhll lulure divl dcnds wlll he considcrcd Ind declared on the basil lulurc earnings NflcLDr Louis for 50 your um most pronAl ncnt iahyslcinns Beverly Mm Bruce Lam cuter 56 nulhor such nov els Gun Burgoyne Ind Bllqd J9ufnef Over an open Bible and Book Common Prayer Ire lhc crown and the dove ol Um Holy Spirit repgesenllnx lhc aavuremw Go Centerinl Ihe cm is the shield oi the Diocese oi Tur onla shepherds crook tym boiizn the episcopal auihariiy oi tho bishop key reprcsenls the apostolic augggsion Junl the Canadlan Church Cnnudl Ontario Rupcrll Llnd and Bri tish Columbia By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday evenlng Mc Fadden mm from left instal led his son McFadden fourth mm 1211 worship tul master Pm Masters at Complete Appliance Sorvlco Dcpot TONYS APPLIANCI Ind TV SERVICI gym DEATHS Barth Thu YenrAo 410 lo do Ippmllll er am In lry or blllnced hud lel molullon uld In our nplnlnn Invcnm derlvrd mm Illcl In on mulerhl would in nvtrcom by lho damu In buildln Ind hurdhlp lmv pond on Mm homo ownm And Induulrr upeclnlly lhnn hy item are com llllnn TM mollon wu olultd Comm flbmlllcd mo lonkleconded by Conn Anthony net mm prllnl mlnlllrr Ind lhn mlnlller ol ln lm Illlun me In on buldinl mamm lnr mldrnllnl Ind cammmlnl tqrgglmcuan Sam Counly Council mum hm ycalerday look Ilnp lhc lwlmllnn whlch Impose nn ll per um um lnx rm hulhmm mnlnrlull They Inllrd houcvtr lo znln upper or mallon prolext Mnhn ramm Lnko Huron Georgian my Lain Eric Norlhwesl wind um 15 knoll brcumlnl vul nble and morally loss Khan 10 knnll lhll cvcnlnl Saulqu wind en 15 Sundly Fllr wenlhtr Synoplln high pressure cell moving slnwly xoulhmlwurd rum Mlchlzm Ilvel every lndi cutlnn provldlng near per cct weekend or mm lhc pmvlnce Forecast for Onlnrlo iom Sunny wllh madmllnl lcmpcralurcs lodny and Sun dny Northweilcrly windl In In 15 today becaminu Ilnhl tonighl and southwest 15 Sunday Councillors Bap Sales Tax mw DURINB33 IMPLOVMENT nunnunnununnunnu PLEASE SEND ME FULL PARTICULARS ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL WITIIOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY IAIII DATE 10M NAME ADDRESS nnnmmmmn Oflldnl lurccaxu Issued by the Toronto public wealhrr 0L cs 500 Lakevlcw Dnlry and Barrl Comp wIII play Quaenl Park Iamurrow afternoon two oclock The lnIurmedlnlo luxua xollhnll game was postponed earllcr lhll weck BAND CONCERT The Barrle ClIy Cancer Band will zlvn eoncerl In St Vlnccnl Park Sunday afternoon mm menclng II oclock Trumpe Iers Grorge Gllrns Bab IIunIer or Gems Calms Bob Hunter Iuml In special number Trumpets Vlld BORDEN SIIOW Camp Burden Imam will bl enlemlnrd by members Ina CBC radln ilmw Coulnky Hol lday In Illa Gnrrlson Theatre Tim ceremony in Geneva Park will highlight inurday meeting oi the YMCA anionnl Coundl which will and tomorrow COUNCIL MOTION notice moilan was pro senled to County Council yesier day to rescind the resolution dealing with renovation oi the old registry building The mo tion wlli so heron the next my lion oi council BASKETBALL GAME nnnmuusmm £61m LieutenantGovernor Earl Rowe will dedlma Ihe new lend crshlp ralnlnz and mnlercnce centre ho Canadian Young Mens Chrlsllnn Assoclallon at sake Cauchlchlng at 420 hr ny tom GENEBAI 0111an lnrcqagll Issued heKerr Lodge Wm jnlned bf masters and past master In Kempenlelt And Corln lhlun Lodges In he ceremony From the Jen back row Will DEDICATES CEMRE YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED 97 66 TORONTO STREET BARRIE COMPLITI COURSES FQRWQEVNERAL OFFICE AN IN COLL 66 TORONTO MIT WEATHER FORECAST PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBEQ Sudbury Enrllon Saul Sic Mull KIYUJXIIIHI Wh Mnomnu Tlmmlm mualnlll that In Kllchcncr Mount Farm Vlnghnm Hnmlllon mmnn Killnlot Musknkn Lake Ontarln Narmch wlud 20 to 15 knob dimlnlsh In to 15 his lllcmwn um vnrhble winds generally less Hum 10 km onlth becomlnx southerly lo 15 Sunday morn lnz Fair weather Fomul Tempertum Low unlzhl blah Snmlly szgBord99un253u mini azlsf cinstable mu ha Innu am told tho Cour he IC cuscd admitted he had Ilnlun the boat Awuzl uuul The accuse we waltlng quiet ly until lnnlstll pollen arrived laLd Mr ï¬heldnn Mr Sheldon mum he had Acted nn Instruction from Mn lagers Ind taken hil own boat In the government dock at Ben Ewart Ha aund Peter Glbbolu gin In Mr Roux haul Acllna on lnlormnllnn ha re ceived over the Iclcphonr Mr Rogers said that he conlmed Sheldon herbalmuster at my Mr Raters nto stack bmker testiï¬ed that he had taken delivery June mater boat which valued at 585 He left or Tamnlo thnt night leaving tho key to the but In glavl compartment on the port skin of tha cabln CAFE IlAflBOï¬MAflER MIR YOU He wls chmgod with stealing 22foot Inboard maturbont the plrapluly of John Roger Ha an Peter Gibbon De Gran Paint was remanded Ln cus tady when he lulled raise hall of $1000 cash or $5090 pm fmrty an preliminary hear ng In Barrie Mummy Cour yggurday Mr Gibbon who did no es De Grassi Point Man Is Held 0n Charge 01 Stealing Boat iam Light Harold Miller Gar Burton Shepherd Cunningham Crook Rodgers VlllInm Linton Holman row Coalu Unu ll rawm oppnrlunlllu lrndlnl ln lull mnnnxcmrnl mpomlblhlln lhnraugh lrInlnx pmum will mmmmro ln llnrrlu urly ln July 1111 POIIHIHI nllm rxcrllml ulnry Ind apnorlunlllu lar In young lulgh Ichocl undulln lnumtmd In tcwmlinl urrer wllh Inn lulrnlnllnnnl company Illply hy letltr llvlnl lull palllrulnu lo oduullan Ind plum numlur In lnkhflcd In mmuinl your own Ilnu Grid 11 lllgh School Gndulln 0m yum In SALES MANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Till MANAUEH lï¬ NIX IIV IMMIIK ONTARIO OFFICE AND BUSINESS 75 The tour was Mormod that McLaughlin had smell AL cohul an hl hrtath He had been released from Jul enrllcr in the day nflur aervlnl um lanco dmnk Mulsmla Thaman was told the accused had been lrreslcd on Mary St on Juno 20 He was going ram doorIngmar with brlnlcd card which xlnlcdha wn deal and dumb and Iollcit lnx funds Whan Ippnhended by the val Ice Webb admitted hI part In the accldcnl Ind cooperated In an Invesllgnuan lha mun was lnygrmed Wizllnr McLaughlln no ï¬xed address was scnlcnced In 10 day In Jlll on chum of 189Ya uuvc Approximngely $100 damage was done Io Iha car struck by the umsed mm driver nob ed the licence number Webbs cur nle Court was told that Webb hnd htcn driving newly purchased car which struck hu rear oi another car line in leneciion oi nos SL Ind Park side Drive The accused turnad dqu Parksider Drive FINED 100 Richard Webb £1 Ham on was ï¬ned $100 and ml or falling to nmaln lhn scan an accident and alllnx producc written pm insun ante or paymnn at an uninsur ed mntor vehlcle lee He wan also pmhlblled from driving or aIxmonlha lry himself rumpled to put his varrlon the convernllon with Canal Mulls an ha record in the coursn his crass cumin Iflon 01 ha nmcer Mn islrato Fred Thompson ruled out order You phona Van llama cman ANDERSON Genetd lnnunnu Anne 11 DONALD REE whom Stewart McFIdden McI Fadden Panelson Mc Cullauzh Photo by Smith Iludlo BARRII PA 66085 you three clnocs an what wu ex pected be lhmday trip PARRY SOUND Ont CF Slx Cooksvllle 0nL Boy Scouts two day overdue on 35ml return canoe trip ram camp on the Mamctlwm Rlvcr were mated by provincial police plane Frlday No of the scouts Brim Smllh and Wllllam Calde both 16 were and mu flown home Robert Moore mulmnlar lrom Cooksvlllc wu flown In lo gulch the num laur on their n33 lummer collage valued $2300 to $1500 was ruined of the Associated Candin Tn vcllm build last night and win won by Burton own at the Wang 6011 Ind Country Club Proceed from Iha draw will an to the Barrie and D134 lrlct Association or Relmed Chlldxen ppomtmeï¬z to be the Novemer malon Thu Inspector will um work Jun made It Locate Scouts Near Parry Sound um unmuvr The motion was Imended um he also be qualiï¬ed In work winthme ï¬eqsflfnenl mu wlull Fifteen municipamlvea did not win an Inxpeclar to be appoint ed gnunlclpqmjes unuuwlylflllu Council recommended thai qualiï¬ed MK In em be ap pfllinad Ila war un er the lupu Vly Epglnqer ï¬The nlclfnllllea quulloned mm on neatlon with drnwlnu mm County or um urpom the Construction My Act and polnllnz weir awn mlpeclor ey were also divided on IEpolnlmenl an In tpï¬ by County Wasaga Man Wins Summer Cottage Nemy municipalities were am questionnaim con cerning lhn appalnlmenl 01 an inspector They were 51am on two questiom Ind answcrcd nu onn third County Council Assad XML Ion yesterday cal In or up polnlmem of may lnspeclar to work with the county roads department County To Name Safety Inspector AtNext Session fly Black Label anayoull know why its Canadas bestselling beer MQull uy MABEL BLACK LABELIU Barrio members who attend td were MacLarcn Black Walker John Howard Ron Gasslen 1m Powell Gordon Necdham Brian Underhlll Damkevala Member the new new llva are president Mac Laren Barrie vice president Jack Alderaley Hanna xecrel uylreaxurer Jack SIIverlhom Bum directors Howard me Drillh and Norm McIn lyre Owcn Sound Hun Walter Harris spoke on anemic consideration In the next five year period in an address to the Innual meclini tin Georgian Bny District Chartered Accountants Associn lion in Owen Sound on Thurr day evening In golf tournament in the Inclnoon Hon Mix Orulla was winner at the law ms prize Ind Art Powell Barrle win ner of low neL the ï¬rst xnduaflnz elm ceremn II staer Ludxe Mn Teal advise ha pupil to not to knnw your homo mum teacher and guidance counsel lara as well as the prlncipaL Ho urlod them not be nervous oflhose whoseaala purpose Is to help Ihcm Palan on how to adjust to high school warn ulven to grad uates Huronln Public School by Genrie Tenn Central Colle wte teacher THE IAiRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE Rebountants Hold Golf Toumament Dunlap EL Bnnla Tannin In link mm to M1 Dont Worry Pupils Told student who has graduak wouw wml Hum nnvxc Mr ihlp mu Haw 11mm cm Tau Pu LIIr JOHNSON Co PA 66523 OFFICIAL 10 RETIRE TORONTO cmacorn Pearson uperlmmdenl 0n tarlu elementary cduuuon for 11 years will retire at the end of August and Gordan Dnï¬ln will be pmmoled bl mucu sar In September Education lnlstex Illlnm Dnvh In Punccd Friday Mr Teal mused that by he Ing 111an to schnal and conl ducting themsequ properly the studï¬mx would not on bene but lhe chool wmnl blue il by them Expraulnu hope um the nu dents20 In all would attend Central In September he Asked hem to work hard and complete the Itudyr ed from high school with un lur malrlc would earn 1100000 more during his Illellmelhah sludcnl who doesnol have complete hlxh schnol education Mr Teal noled um mm high achoal student In compan allve terms actually being paid $100 or each school day during fiveyear term MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES For COMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE CONSULT SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 49 Dunlap St Barri