km um mum nm My in Mam your aévrullalial up um wllh your Adm mlnl lmplt nu bum or dnL Mum you IMI MI prnuwru mum bu In In In In much lllh you um um vwvlod Ihnn yvur phonl mth dhronllnurd rubna Formal II vau mmrnu Caunly nun Inch In In mm Dunn to mm an um um nan mum mmrm m1 nmvnrv In ymlr munnun Him IL mun auxu ANmI Mn m1 Oc Ocuzq Emnozzmg OCm 252m nOchm 03 mmx vmmo um mum mm or rxemypm wIuvn Typ mm mpm nruund mm um knmml n1 boonuvm Tlvvhon mm npulmoa In nun Uoud hmmm MumId en mun or non IA unu 1am TIephom r1 tin pun mum lrhu mm pm DUTCINAN ljlnllol AIHIHOUI In wlnlcd Immrdl 11 I0 lull muonllly ldVIHI odueu llrmlnlnt Tu llln In provlded No lnvtlmln Should Mr or bi willlnl lo cm for n¢rvllw VII lvnl Ill Ind Ilytlltnrl In Buromba mm sl Apt 11 unaun mu EMPLOYMENT wnmsï¬ unvlcx MAN belwun lhl nu at 1533 mmud wllh cmumurn Hum Mar In or equlnl nl lo nrvlclnl um nlllnl or Im Eonlml mount volllan pamnnenl Ian you or nmnmenl Ile unee Apply ln awn hundwxmnl In Box 52 mm nmlnu whn II qunun n1 bonkkuper me 10 my Ilnlchlnwn ulqpnnnc on manual or Cunlwn Strut Fencol Annu wnnleu by Lu Iowmmp School Am nom Dut lu In commenu July MM THI dm an clan Jun 21 Nor Cnxworlh Secrnury Coll Chllrmln Mllnon yvanyNa nzijcx mmcm In my memnlcu may of prd auxmmp Ally or Hagen rum mum Win by in 1mm Ind man if In ulll am unml Qng VY In In um 01 mm In mm mm Cu could fllnll PA Mm or smun 0mm mun noorms WANnn lmmefllmly Mun bl prerllncufl In in And mval Ind unlullnn Ttlrphono PA £4151 Mendy employ men Hun AND Drummm wlnlefl bum txptnlnced ma lumem mlml plpc bum Telephon FA Him or PA um um pm Requlm Junior male clerk with minimum grade 12 cducatlon Apply FRED GRANT SQUARE IN PERSON PO Box 10 Aurora Ont BANK OF MONTREAT BARRIE TEACHERS WANIE Men with can to call on local farms to sell new products $155 perhmlr plus cornme sions Excqllunt oppormlty Phone EL mu collect Chub ham Ontarlo ran JULY AND man of mm mm or uvlnl am uch mu axnmnufl coal Imnll noun mn uy mm mllu mm Bum my hounhuld Clly 1mm In mun wnu Bax as mm um um ar ma non smud 7m Thundly mm Jun 26 and an nthr dly Toronto nu monk Hm manna chum wowm run mum nounwï¬i and help run enumn uv In 71 honl mm unnu dun ll wmnnx mum and mm to um hauII um gm mu In 21¢ny widow Lln 1m mm mm Phnnc PA um IYEKRENCID lemlll cook downtown mm Int hunked Immllllllely 00x 57 Blrfll Lxlmlner 10 HELP WANTED Permanent Employment Opportunity MINESING STATION Good Wage Rate Full Fringe Benefits ONE 2nd CLASS ONE 3rd CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER HERE IT IS FEMALE HELP MALE HELP AND Ichnoi In mm flockkeeper alum Mllltull unt mun Wm HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GIIOOM Wnlclx Clnulflml Mr lorrlnc furniture and In pliancu bargalm MrlJiAN 6min 20 um 5lrrl Ilnulm Onlnvln Fnr luIHur xmllrulnu mu gnmnn 11m lmdvr nml nrmvlnnru and lhrw omllllmu 01 Rule Mulch mull lm dnmrd In arm Wm MK lrndrn Ihnll cunnl lute nu mmrmrnl lnr mlr IO IF Wldmwr nlln In rnmply wlm ll mmlillnm nfnrnnld nr nny ol Ihrm Hm 11qu nml nll Mlm mymrnln Inmlo lllrnnn nhnll Ive lliHl Md Hm pmnIun may be ru mld nnd IM Irnrlenry nny lny purh runlv Ingrllwr with null dmrgrn nllvmliuu IF IIIHH or occulmwl lry llw Ilrlnullrr Me In mmh Howl Ivy ddmll The vendors nhnll no be quInd to produce nny nllnlrncl He deed nr uvIdcnce oI Illlo oIhcr LImn those In Ihclr pou csslon Tho purchnwr Ahnll ex nmInc Um IllIu all his own penxe nnd nny thcrlIon Ime lo xhnII be mmIn In MIIInx la the vnndorn aolchlou wIIIIIn Hmn lnyn nIIrr the nIvInK noIlcn nt nmnlnnco 1qu In dor Should no MIIIIcIrnI nh IocIIun In erllng In mndn with In lhnl Ilmr the rndm lIIIc uhnIl be held In qun Iwn nc mm bhmnld nny nnIIIrlcnI ohjrdinn In erlIn Ix made wIllen Um llmc uhltII Ihe en dor nm tumble or unwllIIng Ia mnnvc lIm wmlur nImIl be IIIMrl In mtlnd the min In whlch rnsu lIw Kirchnnr IIInII In rnIIIlrd nnIy In In rrIurn DI the ulrlmll mnnry wIIImuI In It rnsIn ur mmpcnunlon No tenderer rhnll he liberty wllhdmw or counter mnnd tender onco mndr Subject In he reserve bld llxed by he underslgncd Mns ler Ihc hlghcsl tenderer shall be the purchaser All adjustments will be made In ol the Jlsl day or July 1961 lhn dale clnslng ll nny tender ls wllh the uppmvnl of hlnslnr ucccplcdr nollce such npprovnl and ncl coplanar will be glven lo Iho successful Icmlcrcr wllhln live days nllcr lhe 91h day July 1961 by nnllce ln wrlling ad dressed by Ihe vendors or lhelr sollcllors lo Ihe auld lcndcrcr at lhn nddrcss glvcn ln hl mn dcr such nollm be given by rcglslcrcd mull rind Io be deemed elfcdlvcly glrcn when dcmsllcd In the post nluce ud drerscd rs nlarcsnld nnd ragla land The cheque nccompnnylun nny lendrr Ihnl no ncccplcd will be rclurmd lo the ltmlcrcr by rrglslcrrd lcllcr nddrlsscd lo Um tenderer llw nddmu nlvon ln hls lender wllhln day UN Dlh dpy of July 11ml mum mi mu my June CONDITIONS OF SALE The pnrllns to the ncllan wlth the cxcoptlon ol the vend ors shall be at libcrty to tender Each tender shall he accom panlml by an accepted cheque payable to thu Accountant 01 The Supreme Court at Ontnrlo or at least ï¬ve per cent of the amount at such tender as de mall and the purchaser shall pay the remalndcr ol the pur chase prlce lntn Court to tho credlt this cnuso an or hclare the 31st day of July 1963 wlth out Interest and upon payment the purchaser shall he mtltlcd to vesllng order to be nbtuln ad by the purchnscr nt hls awn expense lnslend 01 runway nnce and to be glvcn vacant pusscsslon olthc prom Such tenders have been so received wIlI be opened bya Master at the Counly cm House aforesald at ten oclock In the foreman on ma nth dny July 1963 In the presence of any Interested pnrlle or lend emu or Ihclr representatives who Defendants Pursuant to the Judgment and iinal urder or role in this cnuao and to the direction oi the un dersigned Muster sealed tenders in the arm approved by the undersigned master addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Tender or the sale of 145 Call ier Street Barrie will be ro coivnxi up to eleven oclock in the arean on tha uh dny oi July 1963 at the Counu Court House Barrie by the under signed or the purchase ot parcel subicot to reserve hid iixed tor the parcel by the Iln deralgncd in accordance with the Conditions Sale hereun der oi the lands known an 145 Collier Street and mom nar Iicularly described as the West hall of thin Norlhcrly Sixtysix feet 66 oi Lot Number 34 an the South side Collier Street according to Registered Plan Number No for tho City oi Barrie together with rightoi way extending to Samson Street dmrihed in Registered Deed No 80067 JUDICIAL SALE OF ME Calller Skeet Barrie Ontario IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEENL WILLIAM JAMES HLAIN and CHARTERED TRUST COMP ANY Executor of the Estate of THOMAS WILSON mama and WILLIAM DUSOME by ert and CROSLEY CON STRUCHON CORPORATION LIMI party in the Mmen 0mm lEGAl NOTICES Md lAllTlifl Imnl Mmm Mm wlll not be mum IHIIP lnr nwldanu un Mn plup nly MPnlfll It Flank WoHr Ilwk JENNY OIWIIHN Tumz cruh Nu mun mnnr lnInl ml at mllk hull mu NMhlng In In mmm unlll snubd 4M 1H1 mun nwl My rlrvnlvr mm mm Inal hum Jnlmum mulnr wilh nll quan Haul Trnllrr 1mm Rum Mllk rr hill hrlmnl lump mn erv lplul Mlllrl or II rm wqu 1H rmlm Am ler nunller mllrlm hm May I0 Ilnlllrln llell ymlu old vomlnnlnl and nprn llolalcln Cow yenn old 1er lo lmlmn IluK LI llnlo Ilcln Cow your old lull flaw hm lrrnhcn Soul ll llnl mln Cow ymrl uld lull Howl brtd la lrrslwn lloLIItln Cow you old lull llnw bud lo lrnhrn Nuv llolllrln Cow yunrn 0M lull flow bred nxnln Fol ll llolnlcln Cum vnn old lmh WNkIZ llol lltln few yearn old lmh ll ucck llulslnln Tow ynnrn uld Irml when July 15 llnlxlrln Cow Bye1n 01d lmll work nml own llnlaleln uw yrnu uld Mb month nml upon Huhleln Cow yrnrn 0M Imh ll wcrkl nml open lloIlrln Czrw yrurl 9M huh v4ka and open Ilnl ulrln 11w ll yen uld lmnh urrku nml own llnlnlrln llell er can uld hml May ll Huhl Ilollr GIMDIZSllulsleln Heller ycnn old mm cal at loot llolmln Com your old lmh call at 10M lIoblcln Cow yearn old bred lo ramn by dnn of mlc Main Cow your hm lo lrcshcn July FEMALESRn Killy Pasch 11 Mr old lull flow Tcxnl Home Nlnn Cum 10 manlha old Registered Guern sey Cow yum old Dena Arm ull flow bred ngnln Feb 11 Guernsey llcllcr ll mnmh old SIRE Texnl mun mm plo Sennllon Ilcz No 1411555 your old iumonmoxd Bull cm son Hoan Admin Complete Dispersal Holslcln Cows rush and springing he crs Halslcln Bull MIklnl muipmcnl hay and grnln elev ator bonl mom lrnllcr or AHIE SCHALLY AT LOT CON 74 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP mile east Highway 11 an WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 26 AT 630 PM SHARP AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE 22 AT PM Valuable houschald umllun and meets lncludlnz several nnllquu lar MRS ll WALKA ER Church St Conkxluwnl Terms cashl TRACE Aucllanecr Elmvnln or HARRY and PARKER KELCEY At Lot Concesslon lo Innis Township mllns east of ngh wny on mllc straight west of Slroud Vlllnxe next to 400 Highway SALE of arm slack Implo mcnu pouIlry household all chs lmludlng many nnllquu Terms cash No rucrva an arm sold dos Terms Cnsh No resorva the home is sold JERRy QOUGHLIN AUCTION SALE Saturday June 22 4m aha FOR EES ROC HY 118 EDGEHILL DRIVE Harm Next 100 mghwayovcr the Anne St Bridle Sale of lull line of good house hold lumltura Including eledrlc appllanccs stove relrlgerntor TV ï¬nals and many other MU The iuiiowing merchandise will be said Mobile Michigan Crane will attachments Mobiln Coin Crane Canton Aiiinntor shear or cutting scrap meial 1955 Mercury Non tow truck nev erai boom truck wiih power winches Pickup with power Jakeoils cm aiso many other things Tender an herebycalkd to mpply FUEL OILIar KOBE Nu lorownshipol Essa or lbs 1965 heating aeuon Tehaen will be recele up to twelve oclock noon on mesdny July 219613 Lowest or any tender no nec essarily acceerd 13 AUCTION SALEE I2 TENDERS Saturday June 22 11 nmvsharp on Dunlap St West on the premise of BARRIE ALJJQ WRECKING AUCTION SALE JERRY COUGHLIN Audioncer 411cm SALE VAUVCT ION SALE Satlirï¬i 176 1230 p31 Sharp GARDNER Secretary heuurer Box 191 Anxus Ont Phone Mm Audlonm he rollawxmi qapmuocn NDEï¬ Ami Auctioneer Aucudnicr 1230 Sharp For WILLIAM REYNOLDS MM hull mrmlnn 11 lnanl mil out IAIIII 1mm BIHOULE Amtlomr Am MégllrlllwrlflmMA nml AUCTION SALE Snlunlny July 11 pm pm pm pm or llw TOWNSHIP OF INNIHFII mruom mwm NOV MLIC sumnun nime and murmnrm Fur nmlwr lulmmnmm mn Ad Sch pm Slmrp or ll SIMMONS mllon norlh on lilghwny DJ at Dulalm BALE nmlmxlmnlely head cl mddlo harm mzmrrrd um um Shdlnnd nml Vclnh pon lu Palomino nnd llnlm Ind dlu Immru pony mm llqun mum mum and slu Owner luu her MmIll JICIHIY TOUGHIJN Ill nlcrentn Connor ro called the Acllnm lho Iormer nlrminxhnm Mm pulca chic who ul lhe hclnhl ho Inclnl all Ihm ordered pollco drum and Hm hm umtd an Negro dcgnamlrnlau Kcnncdy mid ha ml con dcnl Ilm pruldrnl new clvll Hum or cuun lrlu nro tryinl lo he undenlnnd Inn The Mrlcnm wflh ona ex ccptlon hava nhown Ihcmulvu In be my underllundlnx hnvn no nulhnrlly Ihnol Dull Can nor IIul Um Illunnnn In the Soul in haund to chnnxe tho Neuron gnln In cducnflun un playmrnUnd mo vale AUCTION SALES dun now nny cnunlry In cludan Cnnndn lha doesnt have Internal problems Kcn ncdy mu rclumlnx the racial Issue The people In Cnnnda should know In US zavcnv mm making major altar In lhu clvll rlxhh Md and II hfmkcd by ha mnjarlty pm my qunansrmnma Imdmm Emu PAY JUNE 22 say the context that no IrlshCnlhollc could have be wme Erusldmt 40 yam ago nppcncd In other race nnd other graups Nexro cer tainly cauId be pruldcnl wilth lhm RerlndAnl llmc Lany Um In hi conlex Ihu froblcm my own bralhcr lace In cnmpnlxn or Hue presldoncy lha Ihlrtslenved 10rncygencm remnrked an he leaned back In his redlcnlhcr chalr behlnd hugo desk clut lercd with Hes mcmcnlue and sums Imall object lhul might have belonged ans hll cven chlldren WASHINGTON CF Bobby Kennedy my Ihat as mom Ne mu at he vote In 01 south ern mm political power will pass 1mm ha hand are nllonlsls and perhaps within lhu next our or Iva ducadcs Negro may all In he White House WILL REPRESENT CROWN OHAWA CPiLanl iIncDonnld oi Charlottetown hnl been appointed lieutenant guvrrnor oi Prince Edward il innd ciiuiivc ling it war ieamed Thursday MUST IOOPERATE OSHAWA CF Unions management and he provincial government will havn in work iogcihar In iannins voca tional retrain ng program on mu 1m 12 month hava Inuth us anything II that we all need the Unlled Nation and um we all need It badl Bobby Kennedy Predicts Negro Will Be President In40 Years He saw the co spam drawn from all ha nonCom munlu mm wen under no Il Iualon that the resolutions would bring the UNI flnnnclal prob lems to In end The march or morn penn ancn loluuon would luvs to continue he sald Backus In the general unem lyu budgetary committee ad mitted ha did not can very HIV10h for certain league of jï¬iter Weeks Of Mdnoeuvres UN Financial Plan Revealed While would keep UN lama In In ï¬eld for another six month In lha lucaol Commu nm opposlllun tha Inn lulled tn wln enlhunlasm mm even Ila llmnlul bnckm Chief Adebo of NI crln lnlrpduclqz Qua Hve utlon 147747 BARBIE EXAMINERFRIDAY JUNE l1 1m wldcly backed plan to Ilnunca Unlled Nullnm peace mu was tabled Thundny alm Week backmze manoeuvr lug Aufrilon The mnlnllans are expected AUCIION SALE Satyrdny 115ml 20 MW NAmNs crg ElmHI HTUHHHUN mum nr HHHH TOUUHLIN Aurlhmm mm NEWS IN BRIEF Audlmlm Employmcn Jo and tho vulo wlll chnnzo tho Illuallnn or ha honor The Nam 11 Knlnlnz In pallllcnl Influence You cant win New York with oul the Negro vol believe tha Iniuiian is thornugh Integration Thu white man and the chm can iiva la znthor if there are jobs avnii nbiu In IE community and the livelihood of one in not thrcni encd by the other There will be Jobs iortilc educated The Na Kro must ho boiler educated You can desegroxntu imtei iiut the Negro cannot ilva there ii he he no mnney Education ixlhu kg to inbaund eurgingl Kennedy rejected demand Black Musllms Negro txlrum In that one or two flutes be not nslda or Negroes In order Hm they mlghl llva apnn tram helwhlle mnn rlgma proposals keycd la sharp speedup In lawenforced Negrowhim Integration wrll be approved by Congress despiln ho hum apposmnn lamb em legislators lano Premier John Robert Inld here Thursday He told Iha morn than 00 perm Pro gresslva Conservulve rllly Tho blms problem is that we may bu teaching young Peo ple to do yesterdays Job 105IAND TRIAL SIMCOE CF Harold Graves 23 ul nearby Wnlslnx hnm Conlro was ordered Thur dny lo nnnd trial on charles 01 manslaughter and crlmlnal neg Tn ra so the money UN mem born would be divided into leu developed and induxtrlnllnd catclariu The Mien deval opcd memhm would my on their regular assessment IOIIQ only ior the ilnt 5500000 0n the remainder they would my per cent oi the normal amount while the industrialized members would make up the till to voluntnry canirlhuifoxis The mth no controvenlel one answer Secretarythnd Thente requen lor euthaer to make now sales of UN emer lency bond until the and of the year In hope the remaining 050000000 or so ol the 0200 002900 lung will by Iuhecljlbcd Thu packnga lwa rololutlonl authoriz lnn Then to spend 1500000 on the UN Conic Ind Middla Ens oxcc In the lust hull of lhla yuqr Io be appmvcd early next wuek by ha nuamblya qpaclal lea alon on manual Faur ol the five were worked out under lhe chalrmamhIp Canada by representallvu at the Western Mm Allan and Latin Americaq uroupa SpocIAIIIIIAnyoncIncra ulc nIWAIlurl Spcclll Old IIAM WALKIIR ION LlMlTflDu mnuuull my Youve Spcclnlln In gum mic when yuu rhomc the luxury wlxhky Al populnr price WIIImI SpeclIl Old Good lulu gum loch and mommy have nmlr ll Canulan largnl ulllng pupilar priced whlly Nut llme make ll pulnl my Wulltr Sptclal Old EEES TUGOFWAR OTTAWA CPIGlue Gram nlro Social mun Innnclal crlllc llld many the budget and to hope lhal re BRUCE AN ADDICT LOS ANGELES AWCame dlnn Lenny Bruca was declared narcotic uddm Thursday and ordered the Supnrlor Cour lo bo can lncd xlnlo Icha hlllullon centre Bruce was convlclcd In crlmlnn court or pomsan heroin PLAN CLUB HAMILTON CmPlum an under way here to mnko the Smoknn Anonymous club lmo Cnnadmwldo nrgnnlzallan launder Georn Halley uuld Thunduy Th club was started Ina week by Mr Bailey who nva up 40year nmaklng hnhl last November on doctorn arderl HEADS CNIB TORONTO CmJudie McDonllh of Toronto wa named president he Cann dlnn Nullnnnl Institute for 0w Ellnd Thundny Vlcepmldenln named at tho CNIB annual meeting an Ohio Jusllce Cnlllion Saskatchnwun Wilfred James and snndford ï¬nald bolh ol Tomnla Mr ppnrd will be 102 next No vnmhcr gene In lho death Mn Eva Propper 65 Walalnzham Townshlp Th5 chmm were laid altar Huh on qu Pray zera praperw which Iho med flop Shu dled May 28 of In Jurlu lullered as mull ol the lam maiden Kennedy reachel for 11 tom 30be WM taker yestnrday In th wmm Haun ofllca Bobbla and hi eawld ulster Kerrie PRESIDENT MEETS 1963POSTEB CHILDREN HITS TAX MONTREAL CF Thu Mnnlrcnl Construction Annula Ilon said Thursday nlnhl mo 11 pcrccnk mica Inn on hulldlnu mnlcrlala announced WEEK nza by Flnnncn Mlnluler Waller Guran nrloualy comprnmlm ha ucanomlc luluro of our country nnlemenl mid lhn nnw tax will nurnvnla lhe nl randy miserable slate of un employment and can consldcrnbla dccrenxe In be number of new projccll lulled GETS BREATHE WELLINGTON flculm Thu exclusion of Brllnln mm the Common Market provided brcnlhlnxllmo or New chland but In no war lcucncd tho av ernmcnll cloru lo prescrvo and expand rudinz oppurlunl Hes Th1 wnl Ilmd Thursday In lha Ipmh ram lho throne rend GuvcrnnlGunernl Sir Damnr Ferguson TRAIN ISRAEL RENDSBUHG WEST Ger many Reuters Nelve ml ofllcm and luldlm are being trained the nullalr crall achool of the West Ger man Enndalwchr armed mm In Rendxburu lenlor smear the Ichnol Inld Thun ay Iallnns will improve between Quebec and Ottawa under the naw Liberal ludml mem mcnt He Inld In Commons budge debate that there wll he continuing lugolwnr bu tween Ihe federal and Quebec government over direct taxa llon pawera 1th us he now nntIannI poster children In Mus cular Dystrophy madman Slandlnl mm 12 are net ms Pauy Duke ha chll drenl punMs Mr and Mn ullv uum gammau VNI nnum alum II In In CANADIAN Hf ARJEANT CO LTD PA 82461 THE Leigh Whittaker n1 Cincin nntl Kennedy and comedian Jerry Lewis Kcnncd got lapel pln rum Babb flow era Irom Kerrie AP Wlw photo CiumhumlnlSunanllnloll ovumu yum lqulvmun lunnn Ir Ipnlllly Menu My lav communal tcnnemizll nnmï¬ 91 Hr Cnu sunm loony sumo anon run THE Lona nun HEATING OIL MOD $35 rm 5k 2353 $33k